One for atheists: If you had to choose...

Sound quite exciting. Our druid powers surely will bring down this hypothetical government QuestionEverything has created.

In real life I don't think such establishments can be overthrown (unless that fits their agenda). I suppose I could be content with just living out my life as a druid the best I could.
In real life I don't think such establishments can be overthrown (unless that fits their agenda). I suppose I could be content with just living out my life as a druid the best I could.

I believe there was one man who said that there should be revolt against the government every 20 years, like a huge one. I don't remember who said that, in fact I know that I am butchering his words to death, it was either Benjamin Franklin or Jefferson, I think.

My point comes to this, if we were to become a huge druid cult then we might be able to overthrow your hypothetical government.

I also find this to be a nice change! Neo-druids at their best.
I believe there was one man who said that there should be revolt against the government every 20 years, like a huge one. I don't remember who said that, in fact I know that I am butchering his words to death, it was either Benjamin Franklin or Jefferson, I think.

My point comes to this, if we were to become a huge druid cult then we might be able to overthrow your hypothetical government.

I believe it was Ben, but either way both these men were totally pro-establishment individuals. They believed in revolution as a form of corporate restructuring. Such "revolutions" have only served to build an illusion of revolution while keeping the establishment firmly in control. The American Civil War was also corporate restructuring.

If you don't believe me just do some research on the "Organic District of Columbia Act of 1871". That is when the corporation called "UNITED STATES" (note the all caps) was formed. This Roman Admiralty Law based corporation is a private foreign owned entity with jurisdiction out of D.C.. The owners of said corporation are none other than the British royals.

So you see in the end, all opposition is a controlled opposition.

Of course many will disagree with me on this, but I doubt seriously they've actually looked into it.
I believe it was Ben, but either way both these men were totally pro-establishment individuals. They believed in revolution as a form of corporate restructuring. Such "revolutions" have only served to build an illusion of revolution while keeping the establishment firmly in control. The American Civil War was also corporate restructuring.

If you don't believe me just do some research on the "Organic District of Columbia Act of 1871". That is when the corporation called "UNITED STATES" (note the all caps) was formed. This Roman Admiralty Law based corporation is a private foreign owned entity with jurisdiction out of D.C.. The owners of said corporation are none other than the British royals.

So you see in the end, all opposition is a controlled opposition.

Of course many will disagree with me on this, but I doubt seriously they've actually looked into it.

I shall look into the Organic District of Columbia Act of 1871, and see what i got going for myself, thanks.
And I know right now that we are speaking off topic but, from my readings is it under my understandings that we are paying for the taxes of the stockholders, ie, we are the beneficiaries of the trustees?