One for atheists: If you had to choose...

Then I'd be executed.

I've got a better idea. We could become Christian ministers (we know more about Christianity than the Christians do anyway) and make a pile of tax free cash manipulation the little sheep! We'd be laughing all the way to the bank, and we'd look like some of the most theistic people in the country! Hell we could even take our pick of hot women from the congregation! It's flawless I tell you!

Yes that's it, that's what I would do! :mufc:
I mean a choice in religions. They would just sort the atheists from the theists and kill the atheists, then burn all the secular books.
I mean a choice in religions. They would just sort the atheists from the theists and kill the atheists, then burn all the secular books.

They would torture you first, just like the Inquisition! They would make you take back your commitment to atheism before they burned you alive. This is how they work.
This hypothetical leadership is a universalistic theist regime.

Like Dubya they believe that all theistic routes lead to heaven, just not atheism.

This is not a stretch from the current reality. The only requirement to be a Freemason is to believe in a supreme being. In other words, NO ATHEISTS ALLOWED!

That should tell you something about the establishment's contempt and fear of atheism.
Yeah but you would most likely be infiltrated before you got the chance.

Druids don't have weapons or much of anything therefore they are left alone by other religions for they think they are to wierd. :D