One for atheists: If you had to choose...


Assume nothing!
Registered Senior Member
A new anti-atheistic fascist government has taken over your country.
This government has written a new law saying, "You must convert to any religion of your choice or be executed."
Which religion would you choose?

(It must be theistic.)
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I would pick one of the atheistic religions, like Taoism. Or maybe Rastafarianism (good fringe benefits and great music).
I would take over and imprison the government. Why wait for a genocide?
Good point. I would have to do the same. I could say I picked a religion, but how would they know if I really believed it?
I would worship the mushroom God. All hail Psilocybe Cubensis!

Well actually, many gods could be classified as "mushroom gods". I think the Hindu gods are based partially on the Psilocybe variety (hence the blue skin).

The "burning bush" was based on amanita muscaria.
Those are false, there is only one true Mushroom God, and Terence McKenna is it's prophet.
I would modify sams approach. I'd pick the one with the most adherents (for greater anonymity) and then secretly plot the overthrow of the government.

Wouldn't anyone under such restrictions of human freedoms feel the same?
A new anti-atheistic fascist government has taken over your country.
This government has written a new law saying, "You must convert to any religion of your choice or be executed."
Which religion would you choose?

(It must be theistic.)

Neo-druidism then, I'll take my chances with them, they seem insane enough for me. :D
I would modify sams approach. I'd pick the one with the most adherents (for greater anonymity) and then secretly plot the overthrow of the government.

Wouldn't anyone under such restrictions of human freedoms feel the same?

Yeah but you would most likely be infiltrated before you got the chance.