On the Radar: The rise of atheism

I've got the FBI on speed dial. Are you supporting Al-Quaida?

My views on your intelligence get dimmer.;)

And if you have the FBI on speed dial, you're probably a neocon pretending to be an atheist.:D

be sure to read this to the FBI:

June 6, 2006: FBI Spokesman Says ‘No Hard Evidence’ Connects Bin Laden to 9/11
Edit event

When asked why Osama bin Laden’s wanted poster only mentions his alleged involvement in the East African embassy bombings, but not 9/11, Rex Tomb of the FBI’s public affairs unit says, “The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Osama bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting bin Laden to 9/11.” [Milli Gazette, 6/11/2006] The Washington Post will later pick up this story and say that bin Laden’s alleged involvement in the 9/11 operation is not mentioned on the poster because he has not been indicted for it (see August 28, 2006).
You're just a bullshit agitator. You obviously have got nothing better to do, what with over 23,000 posts on sciforums.

Religion is crap. As an adult I've made my decision. Plenty of reasons too.
I guess you found convincing evidence of bin Laden's involvement in 9/11; better use that speed dial. Help the FBI. They couldn't find any. :rolleyes:

PS coochie cookie coo
He's the leader of Al-Quaida. Together with his previous terrorist acts that's all they need.

Like I said, support the troops! vive L'America!!! Truth Justice and the American Way of BS call them and let them know of your epiphany

"How al Qaeda was linked to 9/11 by an atheist" by the Free Bullshit Inc.
Known members of al Qaeda? From the FBI report, yes?


I'm sure that the FBI was created to lie and obfuscate SAM. Just so that you could be right. I'm sure that Osama Bin Laden wouldn't...lie...SAM...he's a member of the Muslim faith!

I note that all your interviews are conducted by your own countrymen and neighbours, who I'm sure aren't succeptable to the same bias as the Americans! Of course not SAM, they're Muslim...they could never behave in such a manner. :eek:
Nah, you first.

Sam, you must be taking banter and 'snappy comeback' lessons from Derek Zoolander.

Hey, he started it with his holier than thou attitude; I just put it to the test. <---very bad habit of mine

Guess the Harmonic subset was a small part of the whole set.:eek:

And whats the point of putting people on ignore? Where's the fun in that?