On salvation and condemnation, and God's love

Does God love you?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • Maybe so.

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • God? Huh?

    Votes: 13 54.2%

  • Total voters
Keep in mind that you use the the little "confused" icon ( :confused: ) in almost every post.

Except for this post, I've never used it.
You seem amused, Tony1. Never trust a man who won't admit to being confused. Perhaps that's why I find Christians are so untrustworthy? (Mind you, I'm only assessing by the standard I perceive of you, Tony1, that you are the only proper Christian in the world, since you have so many doctrinal disputes with your fellow Christians. This leads me to conclude 1 of 2 things: First, that if you truly are the only real Christian, then I owe a good deal of gratitude to a number of people whose attempts to build my faith actually propelled me outside the Judeo-Christian sphere; or else that since nobody can figure out what the faith is and means, no Christian should be trusted to properly represent the faith. Either way ... it's how you want the faith viewed: dishonest or merely confused.)

--Tiassa :cool:
The Catholic Church


Are Catholics Christians in your view? If not, please explain your reasons.

Take care
Tony, my dear friend.
You are not looking good.
See page 4 of this thread, no :confused: , no where.

By the way, I use it more because of its look.
I don't find it confused, more like, I have enough of it.
So that is why I use it, if I use it, dear Tony.
Are you happy now?
With this explanation?
Can we move on?
Thank you my friend.
You never did answer the question, Tony1

Well, Tony1, I thought I'd cruise Nostalgia Lane for a moment and look at a long-lost issue we were considering only about 10 days ago. You had written that It must be a strain trying to deceive everyone in the world in the little time they have left.

Now, aside from your obvious habit of trying to tilting illusory windmills in an attempt to cast aspersions on your fellow posters, something else stood out that I had asked you about:
So, uh, Tony1, exactly how long is that? Surely you know, since you've declared that it's only a "little" amount of time.
Your response was most disappointing. Well, let me amend that: it would have been a disappointing response if it was anyone but you, Tony1. We're used to your brand of ignorance. But your (apparently) best response was to reassert the vague point itself: Yes, its a "short" time, as opposed to a "long" time.

So, have you figured it out yet? You seem to know it's a short time instead of a long time, so you must know when it's going to happen.

Oh, or is this another one of those things you spout because you wish to at least seem clever in lieu of an actual, capable response?

Anyway, let us know when that time is going to be up and what you think is going to happen on that day.

Otherwise, it's just another rattling of Christian sabres. But it's not like we didn't know that; after all, you're such a spiteful bug that your whole purpose seems to be to prevent any real debate on these boards.

You've been here for a fair time, and in your 900 or so posts (at this writing) you've done little, if anything, other than demonstrate your lack of charm and the dangers of Christian faith. I don't think it would be a whole lot for your fellow Christians to ask that you should stand up and represent your God truly, instead of as an ego-inflationary exercise; and I don't think it would be a whole lot for the Sciforums community to ask you to have a point once in a while. Your humor, even, would be a little more charming if you didn't have to invent targets to shoot your zingers at.

So I'm asking you to substantiate with any reasonable rhetoric your claim that there is "little time" left. The first thing, to demonstrate that you know what you're talking about, is to demonstrate when that "little time" runs out. What? You don't know? So you're asserting on faith in order to not have to think about an issue?

We knew.

It's just that we hoped for better from you, Tony1.

--Tiassa :cool:
G`day Tiassa ... oh free thinker of GREAT note ...

Tony1 ...

Well? are Catholics credible in Jesus`s great plan?

Take care.
*Originally posted by tiassa
Never trust a man who won't admit to being confused

Presumably you don't trust a man who is confused, either.
Perhaps you have some trust issues that need to be worked out.

*you have so many doctrinal disputes with your fellow Christians.*

Not many
No one sane disputes that Jesus is Lord.

*Originally posted by Stretch
Are Catholics Christians in your view? If not, please explain your reasons.

Two mediators.

For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
(1 Timothy 2:5, KJV).

--- .... Therefore the Blessed Virgin is invoked in the Church under the titles of Advocate, Helper, Benefactress, and Mediatrix.---
CCC, para. 969

*Originally posted by tiassa
I don't think it would be a whole lot for the Sciforums community to ask you to have a point once in a while.

Why don't you show me how?

*So I'm asking you to substantiate with any reasonable rhetoric your claim that there is "little time" left. The first thing, to demonstrate that you know what you're talking about, is to demonstrate when that "little time" runs out.*

Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
(Revelation 12:12, KJV).

*Originally posted by Stretch
are Catholics credible in Jesus`s great plan?


Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
(1 John 4:1, KJV).
It's no use Tiassa....

Really, you can not reason with Tony, nor with Sir Loone, but he is not the subject.
You are so right Tiassa, I totally agree with you.
But look at the answer you got back. Quoted by Tiassa and so on.
That person can not think on its own. He only is very unfriendly and can't discuss because he thinks he is right.
So we can go on talk and talk and talk to him, it's no use...
He is helplessly lost in his own 'world' of biblical insanity.
You see, in the bible is also mentioned to love your fellow humans like you love yourself.
So I think Tony hates himself, for he is never kind to us, he is unfriendly, always. He most hate his own guts very much.
And all he tells us, is nothing.
He quotes and puts an unfriendly word or short sentence under it, and that is it. Always insulting.
He can have a lot of posts, but they are so much the same, you see.
Nothing new, always the same: Quote and answer unfriendly...
Well, maybe he tries to lose his frustrations here, that is another possibility.

Well Tony, throw it all out, if it helps you.
Watch the quote on this reply, it won't be good, haha.
It's no use banshee

*Originally posted by Banshee
You see, in the bible is also mentioned to love your fellow humans like you love yourself.

The Bible also mentions...

It is a part of your Faith, is it not, that there is one God? Good; yet even the demons have that faith, and tremble at the thought.
(James 2:19, TCNT).
Because it would be pointless, Tony1

Why don't you show me how?
Given that you've failed to learn from the multifarious examples put forth by myself and other posters at Sciforums, a remedial class in How to Have a Point would pretty much be wasted on you.

--Tiassa :cool:
Pointless, as in your posts?

You giving a lesson in making a point would be oxymoronic, or should I say, just moronic.
In other words, you can't?

See, Tony1, if you could back up your posts with demonstration, you might be an example of something other than the worst Christianity has to offer. Admittedly, you're not out burning witches at the stake, but neither are the Catholics at present.

But you had a chance to show everyone what Having a Point looks like to you, and in classic form, you have opted not to.

Don't be drawing lines in the dirt if you're not going to stand for them.

Tiassa :cool:
Well Tony, you see this picture of a Catholics very wrong.
Catholics are just as 'holy' as you are, NOT AT ALL...
You are a FAKE human. You are drilled by a book written by monks, thousands of years ago and then you believe everything they say in it? Hahahahahahaha......

Man, look for a good shrink, you need one, bad....

But if something is wrong and you do want to talk about it, you know how to find me...Just listen and you can hear me 'howling' like your good friend Mr. Loone told me, some little time ago.
But be careful, because I can be closer then you think...!!:)

Bye Tony, talk to you later... Or HOWL to you later, whatever you choose.
*Originally posted by Banshee
Just listen and you can hear me 'howling'

Yeah, you already told me your ruling spirit was Howling Banshee.

*But be careful, because I can be closer then you think...!! *

Scary as that sounds, I already know that demons can move around fast.
Going to the pit will be just as fast, maybe faster.

Couldn't you let some of your other demons talk for a change?

Just thought I would join this topic. About the reincarnation thing. Why would you have to learn a lesson? You get another life. This means that you wouldn't remeber anything that led you to do whatever it was that you did wrong. I personally don't believe in reincarnation.

I think God genuinly loves a greater percentage of people.

As to the question, "Why is there a hell at all?" I don't believe that there ever will be a person on this planet who can answer that question. Try as you may, but it doesn't make sence, and anyone who would believe that hell is necessary, would frighten me. This is because those who say that hell is okay are basically saying that it's okay to throw someone into a vat of fire forever. They sound to me like people who are out of touch with the emotions of other people or they are just future murderers.

Personally, I always believe that the punisment should fit the crime, and unless you burned someone forever, you should not be burned forever. Satan excluded, no one should have to burn forever.

Donald E. Sterling
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M*W: God doesn't have the capacity to "love," "hate," "Condemn," or "teach." Therefore, "God" doesn't have the ability to love, hate or teach. "God" is a non-judgmental force of pure positive enegy. God cammpt be anything more than than an act of creation.