On salvation and condemnation, and God's love

Does God love you?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • Maybe so.

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • God? Huh?

    Votes: 13 54.2%

  • Total voters
Thank you for taking so much time for me.
Should I be impressed now, hahaha, you make me laugh.

Go fishing Tony, I can't think of something else so soon, hahaha.

Bye, bye;)

I sure talk to you later, hahaha, when I'm done laughing.
*Originally posted by Banshee
I sure talk to you later, hahaha, when I'm done laughing.

Are you sure you know who is laughing?

If you don't take a closer look at things, you may find out that you won't be laughing when this happens to you...

En de dood en de hel werden geworpen in den poel des vuurs; dit is de tweede dood.
En zo iemand niet gevonden werd geschreven in het boek des levens, die werd geworpen in den poel des vuurs.

(Openbaring 20:14-15).

And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

(Revelation 20:14,15, KJV).
Peace to you

Peace to you Tony.
Peace to you.
May you find the real way, how to be in this life, I sure talk to you again.

I wish you peace, because it is a sure thing you haven't found that!!!

Bible or no bible......
Re: Peace to you

*Originally posted by Banshee
Peace to you Tony.
Peace to you.

Well, thanks.
Same to you.

*I wish you peace, because it is a sure thing you haven't found that!!!*

You are right in a way.
I didn't find peace; peace found me.

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
(John 14:27, KJV).

Vrede laat Ik u, Mijn vrede geef Ik u; niet gelijkerwijs de wereld hem geeft, geef Ik hem u. Uw hart worde niet ontroerd en zij niet versaagd.
(Johannes 14:27, Staatsvertaling).
Don't you worry.
It will come to you......once.
I hope, for your sake.

Until then, peace on you Tony.
*Originally posted by Banshee
Don't you worry.
It will come to you......once.
I hope, for your sake.

I can't help thinking that you are faking great wisdom here.
Your wisdom appears to be very difficult to put into words.
It appears to be very hard to grasp.
It is almost as though it were some kind of arcane, hidden wisdom, like occult wisdom, the wisdom of darkness and not light.

Thus says the LORD, your redeemer, and he that formed you from the womb, I am the LORD that makes all things; that stretches forth the heavens alone; that spreads abroad the earth by myself;
That frustrates the tokens of the liars, and makes diviners mad; that turns wise men backward, and makes their knowledge foolish;

(Isaiah 44:24,25, KJV).

Alzo zegt de HEERE, uw Verlosser, en Die u geformeerd heeft van den buik af: Ik ben de HEERE, Die alles doet, Die den hemel uitbreidt, Ik alleen, en Die de aarde uitspant door Mijzelven;
Die de tekenen der leugendichters vernietigt, en de waarzeggers dol maakt; Die de wijzen achterwaarts doet keren, en Die hun wetenschap verdwaast;

(Jesaja 44:24,25, Staatsvertaling).
On behalf of Banshee

I can't help thinking that you are faking great wisdom here.
Neither fake nor great; 'tis wisdom like all human wisdom. Of course, we're aware that you can't help distrusting it, and in your distrust, inflating it so that your distrust seems all the more vital.
Your wisdom appears to be very difficult to put into words.
At least it's wisdom, of a sense. Most higher concepts are higher concepts because they defy simple language. It's one of the things that always puzzles me when people dismiss an idea because someone is "making it too complicated". Wisdom seems simple on its surface, but must be prepared to engage the myriad complexities of human diversity; this as opposed to attempting to suppress that human diversity.
It is almost as though it were some kind of arcane, hidden wisdom, like occult wisdom, the wisdom of darkness and not light.
Are you trying to set up something to knock down? That darkness is your own distrust. Get over yourself.
I didn't find peace; peace found me.
How are you sure that a shadowy demon didn't find you and call it peace?

Tiassa :cool:
Hahaha, that is really a great one.

Yes Tony, tell us, how do you know it was no shadowy demon??

Tiassa, thanks for the good laugh, I like you, really.
You say it right.
Thank you for putting it in good english and the great answer you gave......incredible

Re: On behalf of Banshee

*Originally posted by tiassa
'tis wisdom like all human wisdom.


*Most higher concepts are higher concepts because they defy simple language.*

Same is true of lower concepts, also.

*It's one of the things that always puzzles me when people dismiss an idea because someone is "making it too complicated".*

Rube Goldberg became famous for seeing the same point.

*How are you sure that a shadowy demon didn't find you and call it peace?*

Peace that demons promise is never delivered.
Oh Tony, you really make my day.
You are everywhere I come today.
Shall we have a nice chat then, Tony?
I wouldn't if you were the only living soul in this Life!!
Goodbye, again.
*Originally posted by Banshee
I wouldn't if you were the only living soul in this Life!!
Goodbye, again.

Yeah, demons don't like carrying on conversations with me.
They usually end up realizing their true end which is in the lake of fire.

Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
(Matthew 25:41, KJV).

This is the real reason demons get uncomfortable around Christians; we remind you of your final end, which isn't the "Cosmos" since you are in that now.

But now that I've mentioned the "Cosmos," why don't we look at what English word is translated from that Greek word?

2889 kosmos {kos'-mos}
probably from the base of 2865; TDNT - 3:868,459; n m
AV - world 186

It is translated "world" 186 times in the KJ Bible.

So, what is the big deal?

The field is the world (2889 "Cosmos"); the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one;
The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.
As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.
The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;
And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

(Matthew 13:38-42, KJV).

So, your demons are correct when they tell you they go into the "Cosmos."
They are simply forgetting to tell you that they do that when you die, or when they are cast out.
Read it again.
It is exactly what I speak of.

It is a real pity that you refuse to 'see
Óf course it means world in Greek or whatever language.
It is a world, don't you see???
It is our home-world Tony.
Yours as well.
But no heaven.
It is a world Tony.
In another Dimension.
Here on Earth we live in the Cosmos.
For the Cosmos is in all.
So in us too.
Everywhere you look you see the Cosmos.
We are children of the Cosmos.
We go back to our home-dimension after laying off our Earth-bound body.
I explain and explain and explain again til you know what it is I am talking about.
Will you please OPEN YOUR EYES?????
Cosmos means World.
We are on Earth.
Earth is a planet.
A world.
So there are many worlds.
Thank you.
And goodbye again.
*Originally posted by Banshee
It is our home-world Tony.

Of course it is.
That is why it will be destroyed by fire.

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
(2 Peter 3:10, KJV).

*Yours as well.*

For God has rescued us from the tyranny of Darkness, and has removed us into the Kingdom of his Son, who is the embodiment of his love,
(Colossians 1:12, TCNT).

*I explain and explain and explain again til you know what it is I am talking about.*

I already know what you are talking about.
I used to believe that nonsense at one time.

*Will you please OPEN YOUR EYES?????*

I can see and hear you just fine.
That's how I know you're here.
That's a dangerous standard, Tony1

I can see and hear you just fine.
That's how I know you're here.
One can apply this proof to God and still come off affirmatively in favor of God's existence, but it requires a presumptuous vision of the world that, at your most complimentary, you would find a way to call Catholic.

It disagrees with earlier proofs of God that rely on our inability to see or touch God.

But still, as you're so fond of pointing out, there are yet other reasons to distrust the standard you've declared:

1) How do you know that a demon isn't compelling you to hear and see what you perceive?
2) There always exists the possibility that you're on drugs, which would explain a lot, including what harm drugs can do to an intellect, and you generally seem to avoid the issue with poor attempts at sarcasm, so ... hmmm ....

After all, scientific knowledge, which you largely decry, is based on what is observable, much like your offered proof.

Tiassa :cool:
*Originally posted by tiassa
1) How do you know that a demon isn't compelling you to hear and see what you perceive?

Well, duh.
I was writing it to the demon possessing poor Banshee.
The poor girl is possessed by a demon and she thinks she's possessed of great wisdom.

*2) There always exists the possibility that you're on drugs, which would explain a lot, including what harm drugs can do to an intellect, and you generally seem to avoid the issue with poor attempts at sarcasm, so ... hmmm ....*

I'm not trying to upstage you, tiassa.
I'm trying to keep things at a level you can comprehend.

*much like your offered proof.*

What proof are you talking about?
Once you will know.
When you pass over to the next Dimension.
Umm ... this one, Tony1?

What proof are you talking about?
The one where you wrote:
I can see and hear you just fine.
That's how I know you're here.
I always figure for someone who treats knowledge as subjectively as you do that to observe something in no way served as proof.
The poor girl is possessed by a demon and she thinks she's possessed of great wisdom.

What you fail to understand is that we could assert the same of you; with no proof whatsoever, it's an accusation without value. That lack of value is a point I've been trying to make about your posts for some time, but you do seem rather dense on the issue.
I'm trying to keep things at a level you can comprehend.
Well, for you, that means using less drugs: you're rarely making sense. I mean, you've hallucinated demons, and you're afraid of Catholics; you can't seem to connect A to B until you've found a way to avoid the central issue of the connection; and you're constantly dodging subjects by describing what you aren't, as opposed to what you are. Stop operating from fear, man ... and if that means sobering up for a while, then do so.

Drugs, when they work for you have the effect of broadening and augmenting your perspective. When drugs are hurting you, Tony1, is when they're doing what they do to you: narrow perspective and restrict possibility. Your spiritualism seems quite hollow, Tony1 ... it's either your method of broadcast or your spiritual method itself. In either case, lightening up on the drugs might actually fix the problem; at the very least it should give you a chance to examine the problem.

If you can't use them to your benefit--even your simplest benefit--then don't use 'em.

--Tiassa :cool:
See what I mean Tiassa?
Tony can not think.
He is not capable of thinking himself.
And the arrogance he has.
Man Tony, Break Free...
Let Yourself Go..
:p :p :p
Oh, are this the demons speaking again??
I didn't realize.
Bye Tony, try to think.
Talk to you later.
Not really ....

Not really, when you stop to think about it. It sounds like a clear-cut case of a sacrificed intellect. How Catholic of him, eh?

It seems a logical obligation of faith; one need no written doctrine aside from the Bible. We've seen Tony1 compartmentalize the Bible, and when one places such constraints on the Bible, the value of its precepts is reduced. As Tony1 demonstrates through his posts, there is no expected worldly benefit to Christian conduct; rather, it seems a method of begging God's favor and encouraging smugness among the faithful over a presumptuous standard. What seems most important to him is that he believes in Jesus Christ and that he is "saved". What this means as a living function and what his obligations to human beings are seem to be of little importance, since after all, he is "saved" and that's the point of believing in Jesus. He's invented his own dogma, his own tattered theology, and his own morality in an effort to convince himself that such self-centered efforts warrant salvation. And why not? It seems to be the point of his faith ....

It's unfortunate, but it's his right. After all, I believe in freedom of religion, and Tony1 is free to call his religion whatever he wants.

Tiassa :cool:
Ok, ok, I agree on that.
Tony is allowed to be his own religious self.
But must he always be so unfriendly???
By my means that jezus of him was a nice, friendly man.
Well, if Tony is made after his likeness, what the hell is friendly then???
Wait, I know.
He is made after gods likeness, jezus father.
So, this god was so unfriendly.
Ok, I wanted to understand it right.