On salvation and condemnation, and God's love

Does God love you?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • Maybe so.

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • God? Huh?

    Votes: 13 54.2%

  • Total voters
*Originally posted by tiassa
I always figure for someone who treats knowledge as subjectively as you do that to observe something in no way served as proof

So, now you have a problem with my being able to detect Banshee's presence?

*What you fail to understand is that we could assert the same of you; with no proof whatsoever, it's an accusation without value.*

Banshee's mentioned the idea herself, so what's your point?

* I mean, you've hallucinated demons*

Your goddess is not a hallucination, then?
You wrote of "her" as though it were quite real.

*lightening up on the drugs might actually fix the problem*

That's what I've been trying to get you to realize.

*If you can't use them to your benefit--even your simplest benefit--then don't use 'em.*

Well, if you realize it's true, why don't you try it?

*Originally posted by Banshee
Oh, are this the demons speaking again??

Pretty much.

*Originally posted by tiassa
He's invented his own dogma, his own tattered theology, and his own morality in an effort to convince himself that such self-centered efforts warrant salvation.

I must be on the right track, if that's what you think.
Being a satanist, you would be constrained to write the opposite of the truth, so thanks.
Nice to meet you again this evening, but I see no use in talking to you now.
So I go.
I guess the demons want an evening off, ok?
See you later.
*Originally posted by Banshee
I guess the demons want an evening off, ok?

It must be a strain trying to deceive everyone in the world in the little time they have left.

And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with you, Jesus, you Son of God? are you come hither to torment us before the time?
(Matthew 8:29, KJV).
And when is that, Tony1?

[size=large]It must be a strain trying to deceive everyone in the world in the little time they have left. [/size]
So, uh, Tony1, exactly how long is that? Surely you know, since you've declared that it's only a "little" amount of time.

Really ... if you don't know, then don't assert such stupid things.

So how long? You don't know, do you?

And you wonder why so many infidels think Christians are full of crap?

Tiassa :cool:
Re: And when is that, Tony1?

*Originally posted by tiassa
Surely you know, since you've declared that it's only a "little" amount of time.

Yes, its a "short" time, as opposed to a "long" time.

*And you wonder why so many infidels think Christians are full of crap?*

I don't wonder.
It is due to lack of understanding.
This is why Tiassa

You see Tiassa.
No normal word he can think of by himself.
The very little, short reply I did, was immediately quoted.
It is really all he can I guess.
The 'demons' laugh themselves crazy.
If I listen very hard, I can hear the 'demons' in our Female Messiah, laugh too.
Yes, I hear them...
:p :p
Quote again Tony, feel free to use the 'demons' words...
Feel free to use them...
*Originally posted by Banshee
The very little, short reply I did, was immediately quoted.

You mean, like that?

*The 'demons' laugh themselves crazy.
If I listen very hard, I can hear the 'demons' in our Female Messiah, laugh too.
Yes, I hear them...

I knew you'd get it.

They're laughing at you, though.
You're the one they own.

How is it being the butt of a cosmic joke?

It is funny for them, but sad for you.
It is your life they will take if you let them.

And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

(Revelation 12:10,11, KJV).

They were defeated by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ.
You have been mastered by a defeated enemy.
The word of your own testimony is how you can defeat them yourself.

...The word is near you, even in your mouth, and in your heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;
That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved.

(Romans 10:8,9, KJV).
It only took 15 minutes to change your mind exactly opposite.
What should I think?
On the other hand, Tony1 ...

What should I think?
On the other hand, Tony1, why bother starting to think? Just let it go like everything else. Stick with the faith bit; you've made such an effort to present it that I'd hate for you to wreck the illusion with a little bit of thinking.

If you can't find the energy to think about the more important things discussed here, why bother with this? :rolleyes:

--Tiassa :cool:
Thank you Tiassa, as always.
Tiassa can bring it better in words then I do Tony.
You make a misabuse of my, sometimes, bad english.
It doesn't matter that you do.
You understand pretty well what I mean, and that is what it is all about.

And can you really think on your own?
How does that feel?
Banshee, I don't mind bad English.
Bad thinking I mind.

And I do understand what you mean.
It's just that you don't.
You didn't pick the name of a devil for nothing.
My, my....

Tony, what happened?
No quotes, none, it is a miracle, a wonder!!!

Not such a bad 'demon' then, am I?
I made you give an answer, without quotes.
I am so proud...
Thank you Tony.
You see, you can be a nice man any way.
SAN FRANCISCO: For as long as he can remember, 7-year-old Timmy Yu has had one precious dream: From the bottom of his heart, he has hoped against hope that God would someday hear his prayer to walk again. Though many thought Timmy's heavenly plea would never be answered, his dream finally came true Monday, when the Lord personally responded to the wheelchair-bound boy's prayer with a resounding no.

"I knew that if I just prayed hard enough, God would hear me," said a joyful Timmy, sitting in the wheelchair to which he will be confined for the rest of his life. "And now my prayer has been answered. I haven't been this happy since before the accident, when I could walk and play with the other children like a normal boy."

God's response came at approximately 10 a.m., following a particularly fervent Sunday-night prayer session by little Timmy. Witnesses said God issued His miraculous answer in the form of a towering column of clouds, from which poured forth great beams of Divine light and the music of the Heavenly Host. The miraculous event took place in the Children's Special Care Ward of St. Luke's Hospital, which Timmy visits three times a week for an excruciating two-hour procedure to drain excess fluid from his damaged spinal column.

Said Angela Schlosser, a day nurse who witnessed the Divine Manifestation: "An incredible, booming voice said to Timmy, 'I am the Lord thy God, who created the rivers and the mountains, the heavens and the earth, the sun and the moon and the stars. Before Me sits My beloved child, whose faith is that of the mustard seed from which grows mighty and powerful things. My child, Timmy Yu, I say unto you thus: I have heard your prayers, and now I shall answer them. No, you cannot get out of your wheelchair. Not ever."

Paralyzed in a 1998 auto accident that claimed the lives of both his parents, Timmy has served as a shining example to his fellow churchgoers at Lord In Heaven On High Church, inspiring others with his simple, heartfelt devotion. Now that Timmy has received an answer, Christians the world over are celebrating his story as a stirring testament to the power of faith.

"The Lord has answered a little boy's plea to know if he would ever walk again, and that answer was no," said Rev. H. Newman Gunther of the San Francisco School Of Divinity. "For years, this boy had been plagued by the question of whether or not he would ever walk, and now Our Lord, in his wisdom and mercy, has forever laid to rest any lingering doubt. Young Timmy can rest assured in the immutable truth the Lord has bestowed upon him. Now and for all time, he finally knows that he will never escape the cruel prison of his chair of iron, for God hath willed it so. Praise be to God."

Asked for comment, God said: "This kind-hearted child's simple prayer hath moved Me. Never before have I seen such faith. His trusting soul, so full of innocent devotion to Me, hath offered seventy times seven prayers asking, 'God? Can I please walk again?' It was indeed right and fitting that I, in My infinite wisdom, should share with him the One True Answer to this long-repeated question put before Me."

"My will be done," God added.

Witnesses to the miracle said Timmy begged God for several minutes to change His mind and heal his shattered vertebrae, but the Lord stood firm.

"God recommended that Timmy consider praying to one of the other intercessionary agents of Divine power, like Jesus, Mary, or maybe even a top saint," said Dr. William Luttrell, Timmy's personal physician. "The Lord stressed to Timmy that it was still a long shot, but he might have better luck with one of them."

Despite his newfound notoriety as the only human ever to have a prayer directly answered by God Himself, Timmy remains humble.

"I know that God loves me, because it says so in the Bible," Timmy said. "So right now, I'm just glad God took the time to answer my prayer. If only I could walk, this would be the greatest day of my life."
Tony, you use very short sentences.
Is there something wrong?
Can I help you with something?
Are you confused?
Or just irritated?
Throw it all out Tony, it is better for you.
Throw it all out.
To be not so confused anymore.
To show you what really matters in life.
That I can help you with.

Don't freak out now.
Banshee, you have a great sense of humor!!!


Keep in mind that you use the the little "confused" icon ( :confused: ) in almost every post.

Except for this post, I've never used it.
