On atheists and freedom of belief

Should theists have the freedom of belief?

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uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
How many atheists here think theists should have the freedom of belief?

If yes, how do you define freedom of belief?

If no, what do you propose should be done about it?
Certainly. Anyone can maintain any crazy belief they want. The only time measures should be taken is when those beliefs cause harm to themselves/others or when they try to inflict an entire society with those beliefs.
How could you possibly stop somebody believing something? Thought police?
Certainly. Anyone can maintain any crazy belief they want. The only time measures should be taken is when those beliefs cause harm to themselves/others or when they try to inflict an entire society with those beliefs.

What he said.
How could you possibly stop somebody believing something? Thought police?

what do we do here in sci, james?
debunk shit, right? offer alternatives? show the tards the error of their ways?
whats your paradigm? fanatical conviction or rational thought and nary an inch betwixt em?

i'll be damned!
Certainly. Anyone can maintain any crazy belief they want. The only time measures should be taken is when those beliefs cause harm to themselves/others or when they try to inflict an entire society with those beliefs.

what the fuck does compulsory school attendance mean to you?
aint that when we beat fairies, santaclaus and god outta the cheeky wee monkeys?
deep deep down in the psyche of the theist, is an closely guarded acknowledgment of ignorance.

the tards merely indulge in hypocritical and deceitful prattle
they lie
off with their heads!
How many atheists here think theists should have the freedom of belief?

Believe what you want. Keep it at home.

Don't extend your beliefs into the position in which you start making demands on society, like not paying taxes, forcing your beliefs into law, into politics, into government, into morals and ethics, etc. etc. etc.

In other words, keep your beliefs to yourself.

And first and foremost, don't indoctrinate your children as that is abuse. Teach them, instead.
what the fuck does compulsory school attendance mean to you?
aint that when we beat fairies, santaclaus and god outta the cheeky wee monkeys?

Admittedly I haven't gone over the curriculum in quite a while but I don't personally remember anyone getting fairies, santa clauses or gods beaten out of them. My daughter has never believed in any of them but her 12 year old cousin, (who goes to school), still believes in some of them.

Maybe schools are different where you are?
why would you take that shit in a literal sense?
the underpinnings of any curriculum are anchored by logic and the application of the scientific method

one cannot maintain goblins and trolls if lessons are absorbed
mainstream education is about introducing concepts that are logically coherent
is it not?

How many atheists here think theists should have the freedom of belief?
This seems also to imply that you think atheists would want to deny people the freedom to believe something. I find the question itself very revealing about you specifically, or perhaps the distorted indoctrination you have received regarding atheism.

That the question is actually posed is really quite bizarre.

If yes, how do you define freedom of belief?
Perhaps that should have been defined before the question was put.

Exactly how would one attempt to deny freedom to believing something?

The best that could be achieved perhaps would be to prohibit people from expressing their beliefs in public, but I don’t see any practical way to prevent anyone from believing whatever they wish.

If no, what do you propose should be done about it?
Brain surgery, perhaps?
Certainly. Anyone can maintain any crazy belief they want. The only time measures should be taken is when those beliefs cause harm to themselves/others or when they try to inflict an entire society with those beliefs.

I agree with this.
why would you take that shit in a literal sense?

You were all serious sounding. :shrug:

one cannot maintain goblins and trolls if lessons are absorbed
mainstream education is about introducing concepts that are logically coherent
is it not?

Education is there, (hopefully), to teach you what is. That does not stop or prevent people from believing in that which isn't:

Gallup showed that one third of Americans believe in astrology, upto one half believe in UFO's, over half believe in ESP, upto one half believe in ghosts, faith healing, communication with the dead and lucky numbers and there's a guy that lives in a caravan by Loch Ness having spent several decades looking for the monster therein.

The thing is, do any of us even remotely care about all this cuckoo land crap and those that believe in it? Nope. You know, every day of the week the newspapers print people's horoscopes, there's that idiot on TV with that Most Haunted, there's people "knocking on wood", hanging up horseshoes and all kinds of nonsense but it doesn't bother anyone in the slightest. Yes, it's dumb - but it's harmless.

Religion? Not so I'm afraid. It is shoved upon our children as matter of fact, there are people waving books in your face on the streetcorner, knocking on your door trying to sell you their brand of nonsense, they shove their beliefs into government, into science, into the workplace and into your home - hence my earlier statement.
in that case, i think we have to differentiate b/w degrees of belief
i hold that the gallup poll is not indicative of strongly held beliefs
furthermore i hold that beliefs are premises that cannot be substantiated to a plausible degree ie: likelihood or probability

Gallup showed that one third of Americans believe in astrology, upto one half believe in UFO's, over half believe in ESP, upto one half believe in ghosts, faith healing, communication with the dead and lucky numbers and there's a guy that lives in a caravan by Loch Ness having spent several decades looking for the monster therein..

the examples cited are not equivalent. they have their individual probability equations.
the premise of each can be verified to a greater or lesser extent and that should be the defining factor as to whether the belief is justified or not

THE SANTA CLAUS GAMBIT: This trick consists of lumping moderate claims or propositions together with extreme ones. If you suggest, for example, that Sasquatch can't be completely ruled out from the available evidence,the skeptic will then facetiously suggest that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny can't be "completely" ruled out either.

a pox on gallup
Yes, it's dumb - but it's harmless.

there are those whose job is to steer civs in benificial and productive ways.
we call em legislators and they have thinktanks that inform them of stuff.

humans from that vantage point are a resource. a commodity if you will.
a valuable one at that

lemme cut to the chase
rather than speaking in frikkin tongues, i'd prefer it if you build us a rocketship

so sorry
off to the frikkin gulag you go
we shall rewire your circuits
in that case, i think we have to differentiate b/w degrees of belief
i hold that the gallup poll is not indicative of strongly held beliefs

What possible difference does that make? I'm saying that any belief, (regardless to how strongly or weakly they believe it), is fine until it is shoved upon everyone else. Believe whatever crapola you want to - that is fine, (doesn't matter how strong). Leave the rest of us out of it.

My gallup statements were with relevance to the fact that the education system is not there to teach people not to believe what isn't - indeed people believe what isn't, (strongly and weakly), all the time regardless to having received an education. I'm sure you have several and you'll find most people you know will.

Your last two posts seemed to be meaningless waffling - as such I shall not respond to them.

why would you take that shit in a literal sense?
the underpinnings of any curriculum are anchored by logic and the application of the scientific method

one cannot maintain goblins and trolls if lessons are absorbed
mainstream education is about introducing concepts that are logically coherent
is it not?
Ya liv in a dreemwirld ya madman.
dem bells are the core curriculum. Stand up, move, sit down.
Logic - me hav dem best public (US) educasion round
logic was few and far between.

Lists of assertions to be memorized.
Calculation tasks.
begin at step one.

It is a measure of the indoctrination of schooling that you think they taught you logic. You must have stumbled on it elsewhere. Perhaps bully evasion or some other hands on skill building gave you the feel for it.
.....until it is shoved upon everyone else. Believe whatever crapola you want to - that is fine, (doesn't matter how strong).

perhaps i do you a disservice by making untoward presumptions as to what forms the scenarios you envisage manifests itself

so please clarify ....how is it shoved upon everyone? what course of action do you then embark upon as a reaction to the imposition? if any that is