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Many artists and poets are poor, but most poor people aren't poets and artists.
I agree. I wanted to make things clear that it's a generalization.
There is alot that can be done, but untill people like yourself are honest about the situation we cannot even get started.
I think it's a problem of each of those individual persons. Others are not responsible for them and don't have to solve their problems.
How am I not being honest? There is a real connection between poverty and obesity. That's not the whole story, I admit, since middle class people are fat, too. I think I already mentioned how our lack of city planning contributes to obesity, and our love of the automobile. I would also add the lack of regulation in the food industry, the prevelant use of high-fructose corn syrup in everything, over processed grains, white bread, etc.
spidergoat said:
How am I not being honest? There is a real connection between poverty and obesity. That's not the whole story, I admit, since middle class people are fat, too. I think I already mentioned how our lack of city planning contributes to obesity, and our love of the automobile. I would also add the lack of regulation in the food industry, the prevelant use of high-fructose corn syrup in everything, over processed grains, white bread, etc.
Let's see how you are not being honest.

You say that there is a "REAL" connection between poverty and obesity.

Is there a REAL connection between poverty, obesity and intelligences?

Blaming the automobile, city planning, and the food industry and everything else other then then the person who is fat is how your NOT being honest.
I'm trying to ascertain root causes. Sure, the superficial cause of obesity is stuffing your face, and sitting on your ass, but as with any accident investigation, knowing the root cause or causes is key to preventing something from happening again. If personal responsibility is what you would like to stress as a solution, then the approach is public service messages which, although helpful, must compete with overwhelming advertisement to the contrary. But, are there changes that could be made that would withstand the assault of the free market? So many problems in our society can be traced to poverty, and the poverty itself can be traced to legislation that favors corporate interests to the detriment of the public. There is nothing you can do to stop someone from eating unhealthy food if they want to, but the things we can change are more fundamental. Obesity is only a side effect of a sick society.
This is the root of the problem that you do not want to face:

"It is unclear, however, whether obesity caused the lower scores or vice versa. Previous studies have suggested that people with a low IQ are less likely to eat healthily".

Blacks by far have the lowest IQ's and have by far the highest obesity rates, so this quote from this study is cleary correct.

You see Spidey,
There is a certein percent of our socity that is always looking for the lazy way to live, you knowz by lieing, cheating, stealing, havin baby's and not caring for them, don't be needin school, sellin drugs, car jackin. I mean shit, most of these people like that there fat, they even write songs about it(I like big butts).
Now don't get me wrong I ain't hatin, I understand that these actions are natural behaviour for these people, unforunately this element of socity is having a negitive affect on the other socity's.

This is what should be addressed.
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"unforunately this element of socity is having a negitive affect on the other socity's."

You and GWB would get along great!
If people would have a good reason for avoiding obesitiy, they would.

"What is wrong with being obese?"

The question seems absurd -- yet all the answers one would give can be discarded by the obese.

-- "Cardio-vascular diseases, bone damage ... ." -- "Who knows whether what science tells us is true?!"
-- "It limits your activities." -- "Who is to tell me what my activities should be?!"
-- "It makes you clumsy and unattractive." -- "This is just a myth. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!"

... and so on.

So. What reason against obesity would even the obese accept as valid, and also act on it?
spidergoat said:
Why? What do you care? And how would you propose to address this?
Why what?

I care because I live on this planet.

I propose we address this by telling the truth and the facts about this issue.

Look, we have many different type of cars made in the world some better then others. But do we hide the facts and information about the safety, health or reliability of these cars? Should we worry more about the feelings of the people who make the less safe cars or the people who will buy them? Should we makes laws so that people HAVE to buy a certein amount of these unsafe cares.

Or should tell the facts about these unsafe cars so people can make the best choices for themselves?

How are you going to even begin to fix a problem if you can't even talk about it?
How many times have you called me a racist, instead of just answering a question of mine?

What do you think is more probable?

As people become more obese and poor they have a greater chance of becoming less intelligent?


People who are less intelligent have a greater chance of being obese and poor?
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But, if you think blacks are especially volnerable to obesity because they are, as a race, stupid, then what do you propose should be done about it?

Do you care because it affects your insurance rates?
spidergoat said:
But, if you think blacks are especially volnerable to obesity because they are, as a race, stupid, then what do you propose should be done about it?

Do you care because it affects your insurance rates?
There is not much you can do the change nature.

People blame the problems of blacks on everything and anything other then the truth.
But, if you think blacks are especially volnerable to obesity because they are, as a race, stupid, then what do you propose should be done about it?
J.B said:
There is not much you can do the change nature.

People blame the problems of blacks on everything and anything other then the truth.
That's what I was trying to get at. If you can't change their nature, then there's nothing to be done about them. But, I assume we could still focus our efforts at the non-blacks, since there might be some hope for them still.

Damn, you sure are lame.

Maybe the fat whites are just somehow under the influence of blacks, maybe they listened to too much rap music and developed a taste for fried chicken.
Well thats not totally true, look at all the amazing things blacks do today that without the influnce of "whites" that they would never had accomplished on there own.
Are you saying that you agree that on the average blacks are less intelligent then other groups of humans?

Do you think say, blacks and Asians have the same intelligence on average?

It is interesting how Asians have the lowest obesity rates and blacks have the highest.

I guess what your trying to say is that if blacks are influencing whites in anyway it is always a positive influence?

Maybe you could name one or two positive influences that blacks have had on other socitys?
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No, not always positive, since white oppresion left them with much hatred, which is bad for everyone, but not an innate character flaw.

Instances of positive influences of black people in other societies:
Martin Luther King inspired others to struggle non-violently against oppression.
Nelson Mandela helped to free South African blacks from aparthied.

An African American from Detroit, Dr. Ralph J. Bunche was the first black man to receive the distinguished prize for his work as a United Nations mediator; his efforts led to the 1949 Arab-Israeli armistice agreement.

Eight other remarkable Blacks have received a Nobel: Albert John Luthuli, 1960 Peace Prize; Martin Luther King Jr., 1964 Peace Prize; Sir William Arthur Lewis, 1979 Economics Prize; Bishop Desmond Tutu, 1984 Peace Prize; Wole Soyinka, 1986 Literature Prize; Derek Walcott, 1992 Literature Prize; Toni Morrison, 1993 Literature Prize; Nelson Mandela, 1993 Peace Prize and Wangari Maathai.
And, they invented Blues, Jazz, Rap, and Hip Hop.

Then there was George Washington Carver, biochemist, and many other African Americans in science:

But, I don't need to justify the accomplishments of any particular race, that is stupid, we are all human, and equally capable of exceeding in any field of interest.
I think you are right, probably the bigest influnce blacks have had on whites is to feel sorry for others, and to ignore the violence, laziness and ignorance in hope of somehow achieving peace.

If you think somehow "rap" and or "hip hop" have been a positive influence on the youth of America, well then your part of the problem.
I'm not saying there aren't physical differences between people, Eskimos are probably better suited for cold climates, but there are white runners also, Steve Prefontaine for one. The Kenyans have several factors in their favor, high altitude, and a custom of running to school, since many have no bus service.
I've known plenty of violence, ignorance and laziness on the part of white people, it's a human problem, not a black problem.
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