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Yes, no one would risk walking along an American street with no sidewalk, even to go 300 meters! (unless you are poor) Germans also eat the largest meal at lunchtime, Americans at night.

I thought of something else, which is a kind of vicious cycle. We have an obsession with cars, "driven" by low fuel prices coupled with intense advertising, and the vast distances in this country. Then the suburbs, designed around the car, create an environment that's anti-social, anti-exercise, and anti-aesthetic, so we fill the void in our lives with TV, food, and various products. This is just great for corporations, who like nothing better than to fill the artificial voids that they create.
Latvians have an ancient folk saying:
Breakfast to yourself,
Lunch to your friend,
Supper to your enemy.

i.e., with the meaning, that it's bad for your health to eat late at night/evening/before sleep.
Germans also eat the largest meal at lunchtime, Americans at night.

Germans are not skinny, overall. Many are quite fat.

it's bad for your health to eat late at night/evening/before sleep.

It is bad to lay down right after eating. Otherwise, it's fine and makes no real difference. Few people go exercising after supper anyways.
@plexus, maybe many are fat, but when compared to the U.S. few are obese.

Also, the point in eating less at dinner is that less will deposit during the night when there is no activity in your body and therefore less energy is burned.

And Spidergoat, i find the lack of sidewalks and general pedestrian help on American streets absolutely terrible. Just think how (rightfully concerned) parents may not let their children play on the street because it may be unsafe, and therefore they are stuck in the house staring mindlessly at a TV screen playing video games. They will then carry this on to their next generation and so on and so on. Sedantariness is tolerated to much in America...
I think its mostly due to the fast food trend, and people being lazy. no one excersizes these days... and most people, that I know, skip breakfast, and pig out the rest for the day. I dont really believe that the majority of obese people have the 'fat gene', though some probably do.
J.B said:
Why is it that hispanics and African Americans are by far the most obese people in America?

because your sectarian society denies them access to healthy food because they cannot afford it
No, vslayer is right. In their neighborhoods, McDonalds and the like comes out cheaper than healthy cooking.
But it's not that. I have a friend weighing 115 lbs and eating only from chinese food places.
I think it's just values. Some groups value plumpness better than skinniness. And it's easy to go from plump to fat.
vslayer said:
because your sectarian society denies them access to healthy food because they cannot afford it
I new somehow it was "whiteys" fault.

I did'nt think that fruits, vegetables and grains were so expensive.

I wonder why it is that these groups of people would abandon their way of life, unless it was for a better way of life.
And why is it that these groups of people are not running from this "sectarian socity" that "denies them access to healthy food"? Instead their running too this "sectarian socity "that" denies them access to healthy food".

Sounds like a lack of intelligence? maybe?
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What I heard was the rats got fat because they got addicted to food. The fat rats had monosodium glutamate in their food and the normal rats just had normal food. Is this true?
Once a person see's that their gaining weight I would think any person who has anykind of intelligence or selfpride would do something about it.
Instead I think their are certein members of our socity that just don't care due to their lack of intelligence.

Should we blame the food, or the people who abuse the food?
spidergoat said:
Putting aside your obvious racism, JB, there is a good reason why certain cultures are more likely to be fat. If your ancestors suffered from frequent famines or drought, or both, then they evolved to store fat in the plentiful times to use in the lean times. This is especially true for Native Americans and Africans.

In the calorie rich environment of Industrialized nations, such a predisposition would make you obese.

There are several factors to this, genetic predisposition for fatness, cheap high calorie food, and an environment that is full of labor saving devices most importantly the automobile (and to a lesser extent mass transit systems).

So, genetic predisposition could possibly be controlled by some sort of gene therapy, but that still leaves two other factors.
Do hispanics and blacks know this about themselves?

Or, do we need to teach them about this too?
J.B said:
Ain't that the truth, America provides the best possible food advailible to mankind and because a few groups of unintelligent and LAZY people abuse our abundance, America is to blame.

<img src="http://www.fadzter.com/smilies/cwm.gif">

I suppose it's not surprising that you’re as blindly patriotic as you are racist. Unbridled nationalism and bigotry often go together. As an Australian having lived in the US for a while, I say without hesitation that your meat, fruit and vegetables suck in comparison to our produce. Ours is both superior in quality and cheaper as well.

Go figure....<P>
cotton said:
What I heard was the rats got fat because they got addicted to food. The fat rats had monosodium glutamate in their food and the normal rats just had normal food. Is this true?

sounds about right.,
in super size me the guy got mc donalds cravings..
pringles have something addictive in them "once you pop you cant stop" is their slogon and its true true true.
apendrapew said:

Maybe you should research the link between intelligence and obesity and start a thread about your findings. I'm sure there is a link, but how deep the correlation is would be interesting to know.

Good suggestion!

Do you think stupid people get obese?

Or obese people get stupid?

Check it out:
"It is unclear, however, whether obesity caused the lower scores or vice versa. Previous studies have suggested that people with a low IQ are less likely to eat healthily".

Blacks by far have the lowest IQ's and have by far the highest obesity rates, so this quote from this study is cleary correct.
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J.B said:
Your excuses for other people's actions only makes the problem worse.
So do yours. You say they are dumb and lazy, so there's nothing to be done about it.

avatar said:
That's not so. Not always anyways. I know a few dirt poor fantastic poets and philosophers. Most that I know are from the IX century though.
I know, it was a generalization. Many artists and poets are poor, but most poor people aren't poets and artists.
spidergoat said:
So do yours. You say they are dumb and lazy, so there's nothing to be done about it.
There is alot that can be done, but untill people like yourself are honest about the situation we cannot even get started.
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