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They have created a new breed of rats that are 4x as heavy as normal. That is because they are fat.


They claim there might be more than one gene behind obesity. Then they remark that obesity is a big problem in the US.

Now, am I stupid or am I just missing something. I would say that from statistics it is obvious that the current fat wave spreading like cancer in the US is caused by behavioral changes initiated by the fast food culture that is thriving there.

How will researching a genetic disorder ever help this? Americans need a change in dietary habits.

What is your opinion in this matter?
I think it's because americans would prefer that their fatness is a genetical "disorder" so they would have an excuse of being fat and tell everyone that it's not their fault.
I read an article on bbc yesterday that said that child obesity is also a problem in Britain and France. The article was about food offered in schools. It also said that junk food is growing in popularity all over Europe. So you're used to this being an American problem, but it soon won't be.

I have to say it's more than merely junk food. I ate junk food on daily basis some while back and didn't add a pound. I don't know how much junk food needs to be eaten in order for a human body to blow up into a balloon like that. I think it's more because of the different diets. People mess up their metabolism so much in America because of the various diets and obsessions. Practically once a month or so you'd hear on the news that some necessary product is bad for you.
I would think that it is possible that having certain genes that produce certain proteins that could better break down and store organic compounds would affect weight gain. Therefore, if two people with different genes eat the same amount of food, they will process that food differently (only slightly, but different nonetheless). Thus to a certain degree genetics could very logically control weight gain.
That is a human failing, Avatar, and does not apply only to Americans nor only to westerners.

Culpability or responsibility is a thing which very few are prepared to accept, and even of they do they will claim "it was because". Reasons and excuses are always offered in the hope of gain, whether that gain be acceptance, forgiveness, or understanding.

That same spirit of understanding is responsible for many failings being pandered to, thus leading to their propagation. Understanding and forgiveness are human responses which have rather a lot to answer for.

"Warts and all" is nothing more than a copout. One who utters such a statement hinders their own potential, and cowers from understanding the self.
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some people do have a genetic disorder which cause obesity (saw a program about people with a disorder which makes them think they are arvenous all the time,pretty horrible) but most people who are fat just need to go for a fucking walk.i hate seeing people getting their stomachs stapled etc and when you see the food they eat and the amount of exercise they do its obvious that they just need to stop eating crap and GO FOR A FUCKING WALK.
And let's not forget:

How will researching a genetic disorder ever help this?

"Researching this genetic disorder" means "something is being done about it" -- and this is all that really matters, this "something is being done about it" and "tax money is being used for good purposes".

Plus, this way, many people have work! Esp. the direct user of scientific discoveries, the pharmaceutical industry, has no interest to ultimately cure a disease or cure a disorder -- this would mean the end of business for it. It is in its interest that research goes on and on, however ineffective it may be.

Americans need a change in dietary habits.

The thunder! Think of the loss of business! Think of how many workplaces would be lost due to that!
It would economically unprofitable to change consumer habits in the sense of downscaling them in any way.
spuriousmonkey said:
Now, am I stupid or am I just missing something. I would say that from statistics it is obvious that the current fat wave spreading like cancer in the US is caused by behavioral changes initiated by the fast food culture that is thriving there.

How will researching a genetic disorder ever help this? Americans need a change in dietary habits.

As has been indicated above, there’s obesity and then there’s obesity. In other words, not all cases have the same cause(s). There are genetic disorders that result in obesity.

But even in cases where too many super-sized Big Mac value meals are to blame rather than a genetic disorder, a population’s susceptibility to obesity (like all things) is likely to be a combination of nature and nurture. Clearly some people stack on fat more easily than other people with the same caloric intake. It is likely there is an underlying genetic basis to peoples’ susceptibility to “Big Mac” obesity, and for such an important health issue it is vital we research those determinants. Of course, this doesn’t detract from the need for people to practice common sense when it comes to diet and lifestyle. Cutting fatty foods and performing regular exercise is good advice for everyone, regardless of any genetic susceptibilities.<P>
@water, taking things from the economic point of view is always very interesting, but it is doesnt seem to be taken seriously. Take a look at the cigarette market (i compare Obesity to cigarettes because obesity is predicted to overtake smoking as the leading cause of preventable death). Had the goverments of all countries simply left smoking alone, imagine the size of the market now. Imagine all those jobs that would have been there. If obesity is continuously increasing as a cause of death, something will probably be undetaken against it. If the entire fast food industry would simply shift in a more healthy direction, many problems could be averted. I realise this is unrealistic and most importantly unprofitable, but there just dont seem many ways out...
spuriousmonkey said:
They have created a new breed of rats that are 4x as heavy as normal. That is because they are fat.


They claim there might be more than one gene behind obesity. Then they remark that obesity is a big problem in the US.

Now, am I stupid or am I just missing something. I would say that from statistics it is obvious that the current fat wave spreading like cancer in the US is caused by behavioral changes initiated by the fast food culture that is thriving there.

How will researching a genetic disorder ever help this? Americans need a change in dietary habits.

What is your opinion in this matter?

I would put the question to the rductive gene specialist animal torturing scientists:
"Were therer ANY obese people in nazi concentration camps?" apart from fat nazis of course
spuriousmonkey said:
They have created a new breed of rats that are 4x as heavy as normal. That is because they are fat.

How much did they feed them? Ain't that the very first question one should ask? And these guys are "scientists"? ...LOL!

Baron Max
Well, they fed them the same as "normal" rats.

However, identification of obesity genes are not new, they are known for around 10 years or so. Of course diet plays a significant role, but it is not easy as that.
In humans for instance certain genetic defects are known which leads to deregulated hunger. That is, they are constantly hungry. Of course a diet helps them to avoid obesity up to a certain point, imagine being hungry all the time. It is for sure a very undersirable state, being obese or not.

Understanding how food intake and catabolism is regulated might help to treat these disorders for instance.
Why is it that hispanics and African Americans are by far the most obese people in America?
There is a comforting perspective regarding obesity epidemic we are having. What it is showing us is that natural selection is indeed a factor, despite our culture, which protects the weak.

These idiots, these weaklings, despite knowledge of the risks of obesity, continue to gorge themselves with fistfuls of cake and cheese curls. These people (idiots) for the large part, will not pass on their genes.

I was reading a while ago, while doing research for a project on obesity, about a poll on the undergraduates of the University of Chicago. The results of the poll indicated that any given undergrad would rather marry a cocaine addict or an embezzler than an obese person. I never realized how repulsive fat people were.

In this light, compulsive eating genes are not favorable in this environment, and thus will not be tolerated.

This obesity epidemic will be a shortlived one.
Why is it that hispanics and African Americans are by far the most obese people in America?

Really. I never noticed that. Always has been my conception for it to be the other way around. Although I have seen quite a few Carl Winslows.
apendrapew said:
Really. I never noticed that. Always has been my conception for it to be the other way around. Although I have seen quite a few Carl Winslows.

African American, Hispanic American and Native American children and adolescents have particularly high obesity prevalence.
Overweight (85th percentile) and obesity (95th percentile) prevalence for children and adolescents is presented by racial group in Table 3.

Among female youth, the highest overweight and obesity prevalence is found in black (non-Hispanic) girls (ages 6 to 11), 37.6 percent and 22.2 percent respectively, and black (non-Hispanic) adolescent females (ages 12 to 19), 45.5 percent and 26.6 percent respectively.
Among male youth, the highest overweight and obesity prevalence is found in Mexican American boys (ages 6 to 11), 43 percent and 27.3 percent respectively, and Mexican American adolescent males (ages 12 to 19), 44.2 percent and 27.5 percent respectively.
Overweight prevalence for Native American children and adolescents (ages 5 to 17) was reported in a 1999 study as 39 percent for males and 38 percent for females in the Aberdeen area Indian Health Service.
Asian American adolescents (ages 13 to 18) were reported to have an overweight prevalence of 20.6 percent in the 1996 National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health.
Asian-American and Hispanic-American adolescents born in the U.S. to immigrant parents are more than twice as likely to be overweight as foreign born adolescents who move to the U.S.
Putting aside your obvious racism, JB, there is a good reason why certain cultures are more likely to be fat. If your ancestors suffered from frequent famines or drought, or both, then they evolved to store fat in the plentiful times to use in the lean times. This is especially true for Native Americans and Africans.

In the calorie rich environment of Industrialized nations, such a predisposition would make you obese.

There are several factors to this, genetic predisposition for fatness, cheap high calorie food, and an environment that is full of labor saving devices most importantly the automobile (and to a lesser extent mass transit systems).

So, genetic predisposition could possibly be controlled by some sort of gene therapy, but that still leaves two other factors.

Humans naturally want fatty foods, there is an obvious evolutionary advantage to eating them. This is hard, but not impossible to control. Certainly fatty foods could be made less fat, and still tasty. No one wants to eat bland food, but more could be done to increase knowledge of nutrition.

The environment is less easy to change, sure, you can get out and walk, but it is also natural to avoid burning calories if you don't have to. The whole infrastructure of the United States is such that very little is in walking distance, and if it is, it might be dangerous, because of all the cars, and there's nothing to see, it's unpleasant. Dependance on the automobile is the number one reason for obesity in the United States. My friends in Germany aren't fat, and they have never even heard of low-fat milk. They eat very rich food over there, huge 1/2 inch slices of cheese with butter, and ham. But, they also walk more to get around, and gas is around $5.00 a gallon. Another American friend eats American food- white bread, margarine, doughnuts, and pork, but he's skinny because he does martial arts every day, and doesn't have a car. My mom is skinny because she eats health food, no meat, and hardly any fat, and she drives everywhere.

Basically, Americans are victims of our own prosperity, coupled with bad planning for suburbs which are all designed for the car. The American landscape is rapidly becoming something no one wants to look at very long, much less take a casual stroll through, better to stay inside with your home theater system.

Just increase the price of gas to $5.00 or more. People will drive less, stores will locate closer to residences, the sense of community will increase, and new suburbs will be designed to include nice, safe, and practical avenues for walking and biking to stores and workplaces.
You bring up very true points Spidergoat. I am currently living in germany and while the food is very rich in some cases (german food naturally includes a lot of pork and fatty meats) the people who eat it are no where near in size to those in America, of course this is simply a street observation but statistics show it to be accurate. I believe that the way american culture has evolved induces a state of sedentariness that does not exist and will most likely never exist in europe. I believe also in many parts of europe that a tradition has developed to eat mainly at home, i realize this is done in america as well, but i think to a lesser extent, considering the fast pace of the peoples lives there which (contrary to my point) also exists in europe. I personally would attribute Obesity to lack of excercise, i once witness an american drive 300 meters to the the store, i was astounded...
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