Not Acknowledging the Theory of Evolution

How many generations did it take?

And how many pounds does the St. Bernard have over the dogs it "speciated" from?

Domestic Cat Weight: 5.5–16 pounds
Tiger weight: 440 lb and 700 lb

Normal Dogs: 50-130 Lbs.
St. Bernard: 150-220

Hmmmmmm, I see a bit of a difference here.
Let's see here, we know Lions existed during Daniel's time and we can assume domestic cats existed then also. The flood happened 4,000 B.C according to you, and cat's have an average lifespan of about 12 years.

So you are saying that an 8 pound domestic cat speciated from a 700 pound tiger in 333 generations.


33 generations through eugenics (as opposed to out in the wild) could produce a house cat from a tiger. One could probably get stuntlings and docile ones simply from inbreeding increasing the rate of deletrious (in a natural setting) mutations.

Right now today, dog breeds of all varieties are being bred.

33 generations through eugenics (as opposed to out in the wild) could produce a house cat from a tiger. One could probably get stuntlings and docile ones simply from inbreeding increasing the rate of deletrious (in a natural setting) mutations.

Right now today, dog breeds of all varieties are being bred.

You might be able to produce something that resembles it superficially, but you couldn't get something without substantial genetic defects, as are common with domestic purebred (highly inbred) dogs.
33 generations through eugenics (as opposed to out in the wild) could produce a house cat from a tiger. One could probably get stuntlings and docile ones simply from inbreeding increasing the rate of deletrious (in a natural setting) mutations.

You are telling me that you can get a house cat from two original tigers in 33 generations???

Prince_James, that is impossible. Please stop making things up, or provide a source to back up your claims.

Watch this:

There is a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow.

Notice how the above statement is not a fact. I can state anything I want, but it doesn't mean it is fact.

For example: It has been proven that interbreeding tigers can only produce tigers of equal or near equal size.

Right now today, dog breeds of all varieties are being bred.

LOL. When you breed a golden retriever with a coyote, does a huge 700 pound super dog result, no matter how many generations of breeding are done?
So now you would espouse that 2 lions went on the ark, bonked and gave birth to pussy cats? Meoow.

LOL. No, no, no. The facts I gave prove that both animals existed far before the time of the supposed flood, and creation according to the Bible for that matter.

I said, "I take that back," for effect.

Therefore, IAC's theory is wrong.
You might be able to produce something that resembles it superficially, but you couldn't get something without substantial genetic defects, as are common with domestic purebred (highly inbred) dogs.

Exactly. Tell me IAC, have you ever seen a 700 pound dog? LOL.

Dogs can breed and interbreed until the cows come home and over thousands of years will never produce a 700 pound dog, except through Darwinian Evolution.

Similarly, tigers can breed and interbreed for thousands of years and never produce a house cat, except through Darwinian Evolution.
The camel, for lack of a better term, syngameon which was on the Ark looked like a combination of the llama, alpaca, and camel, then when the offspring moved off in isolated breeding groups in disparate ecologic zones, the animals with characteristics best suited for a given zone had greater survivability, and so those characteristics predominated, this happened in a few generations.
Right. So now tell me Ice, what is the "advantage" of being a 10-15 lb. weakling (house cat) over a 700 pound hunting machine (tiger)?