Not Acknowledging the Theory of Evolution

Sometimes I feel like we are arguing with the same people who thought the earth was flat and at the center of the universe. No matter what you tell them, nothing can change their mind.

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Most christians I encounter perceive jesus as the medium for approaching god - kind of ties in with the description of him as the son of god I guess

Most Christians I encounter percieve Jesus as the most powerful authority in heaven and on earth besides God.
yes - hence god is number 1 and jesus is number 2
They view him as the Number One Avatar, not the number 25+. Are they wrong to believe this?
avatar means one who descends - so just like if you descend in an elevator, when you step out, you are the same person - similarly when there is talk of the avatars of godhead, they are actually god (with complete potencies, opulences etc) and not representatives or separated expansions of god.

Most Christians I encounter believe that animals don't have souls/spirits.
its very difficult to get christians to give a uniform description of what the soul actually is full stop, yet alone determine where it does and does not exist

Most Christians I encounter believe earth is the only planet with life, and that once Jesus (not Rama, not Krishna) returns to earth and reigns over everyone, that will mark the end of the material universe. They don't believe God will continue the existence of the material universe.
I guess we will have to wait and see then
Most Christians I encounter believe God actually created the earth and Mankind with a plan and a goal, not just accidently like in Hinduism.
I wasn't aware that god created the world by accident according to hinduism

They think this is all actually leading up to something. They don't believe that the material universe will continue on and on and on forever with no purpose and no plan.
what is the inextricable connection between something continuing on for eternity and something continuing on bereft of plan or function?

They believe there is a finite number of human souls, and that X amount of them is going to live in the kingdom of God with Jesus for eternity when he returns, and X amount of them will go to the Lake of Fire to burn alive for eternity.
if god is unlimited, why do you place limitations on him?

Most Christians I encounter believe your concept of reincarnation is pure Grade A bullshit. They believe you get one chance to get your shit together. Not infinity.
Most christians are not familiar with the history of their tradition, particularly the pre-constantine era (have you heard of Origen?)

So, LG, please enlighten me. Are all these Christians incorrect in these beliefs?

John 14.2