Not Acknowledging the Theory of Evolution

I gave you the definition. No need to repeat your argument like you are Deleted and don't understand english.

Syngameons are clusters that comprise several morphospecies, i.e., "the sum total of species or semispecies linked by frequent or occasional hybridization in nature".

Mol Biol Evol. 2001 18(7):1315-29.

How much of 'in nature' don't you understand?
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Basically IAC argues that a domestic cat could turn into a lion in a matter of 4,000 years.

This is clearly impossible, as the lion is far different than the domestic cat.
And "species" of elephants can interbreed, and dogs (coyotes, wolves, dingos), and cattle (buffalo, herefords, yaks, oxen), and cats (lions, tigers, leopards), and the list goes on, so species has no meaning, right?
Bred from what?

What two animals bred to create the chiuaua or the St. Bernard?
IAC, were St. Bernards bred artificially or just from nature?

Also, how different are St. Bernards from the dogs they were created from?

As different as a cat from a lion?
