not about atheism

Little_Birdie said:
it seems as though all the threads in the religion section are about atheistists are there any belivers of any religion that would like to compare and debate with other belivers on sci forums
OK, I have a question: Firstly, do you think there is one god or many? second, Do you think that God(s) can do anything?

Confutatis said:
God doesn't need anything, that is why people thank Him. You don't give thanks to people who do things out of necessity, do you?

For the same reason you used the word "man" in your first question.

Everywhere. The concept is called "omnipresence".

Man's (and woman's) likeness to God is spiritual, not physical. It means humans have a divine aspect. It means we have intelligence, feelings, emotions, moral values because God has those things. It doesn't mean we have genitals or nose hair because God has them.

So, where are the tough questions?

So, how do you know all of this? If you don't "know" any of it and accept it on faith, then you know nothing. Therefore you are deep in self deception. So, how do you know these things?
sniffy said:
so why bother to create it?

I have no clue as to why an omnipotent god would create man. The Christian God, on the other hand... It is in God's nature to love, for God is love. Love is not love unless it is shared.

And what has god got to do with that? Question unanswered.

I failed to read the question as you intended. (see above for the answer)

And how would that answer the question posed?

The question posed has no answer which you would consider an answer. Do the word study. "Image" is based on a shadow, and not a reflection. It is for all practical purposes the same as me asking you to describe yourself based on your shadow. The premise of your question (created in his image) does not provide enough information to answer the question posed.

Man, creator of god?

How did you make that jump? Without knowing your gender it is grammatically proper to refer to you as a "he". This has the same roots as referring to God as a "he".
Michael said:
OK, I have a question: Firstly, do you think there is one god or many? second, Do you think that God(s) can do anything?

i personally belive in one god but i have respect for those who have thought out their faith and continue to do so as it is not a conclusion to be reached but a jouney to be experienced, god through natural events, and spiritual inspiration can do anything he wants