not about atheism

If man was created in God's image does he look like David Beckham or Brad Pitt or Will Smith or Muhammed Ali? What does he look like?
sniffy said:
If God is omnipotent and all knowing what need he of man?

God doesn't need anything, that is why people thank Him. You don't give thanks to people who do things out of necessity, do you?

Why is god always referred to as 'He'?

For the same reason you used the word "man" in your first question.

If god exists where is he exactly?

Everywhere. The concept is called "omnipresence".

If man was created in God's image does he look like David Beckham or Brad Pitt or Will Smith or Muhammed Ali? What does he look like?

Man's (and woman's) likeness to God is spiritual, not physical. It means humans have a divine aspect. It means we have intelligence, feelings, emotions, moral values because God has those things. It doesn't mean we have genitals or nose hair because God has them.

So, where are the tough questions?
sniffy said:
If man was created in God's image does he look like David Beckham or Brad Pitt or Will Smith or Muhammed Ali? What does he look like?

M*W: Come on, man! God looks like Angelina Jolie!
sniffy said:
If God is omnipotent and all knowing what need he of man?
he created out of love like any true artist exept he is on a higher level than any artist so he can create the most beutiful thing of all life
sniffy said:
Why is god always referred to as 'He'?
he is involed in the process of creation much like a male is involed with the creation of offspring, he stated the process but unlike man he knew exctly what he was doning and how to do it to what outcome

sniffy said:
If god exists where is he exactly?
everywhere at everytime transending time and space
sniffy said:
If man was created in God's image does he look like David Beckham or Brad Pitt or Will Smith or Muhammed Ali? What does he look like?
god looks like a smile, a kind word, that person who sits with the outcast, the person who will share their lunch with you when you've forgotten it, he looks like the person who holds you when you are crying and laughs with you when you are laughing, the person who is always there for you even if he has his own problems he sets them aside for you , god looks like the selfless love
Interesting that, two posts up, you write about your imagination (none of it has any other source that can be tested) of what "god" is, but just above this one, you criticize someone else for exercising her own.

Not very intellectually honest now is it? But then, if intellectualism were at work, you wouldn't be talking about your imagination as if it were verifiable fact, eh?
he created out of love like any true artist exept he is on a higher level than any artist so he can create the most beutiful thing of all life

You're not gonna say humankind is the "most beautiful thing of all life" are you?

he is involed in the process of creation much like a male is involed with the creation of offspring

He bonked a woman and left her to it?
So said:
So where are the answers?
If god is omnipotent what need he of man?
In other words why are we here - for amusment purposes?
Why is god always referred to as he? You haven't answered the question.

If man was created in god's image what does god look like? Still unanswered. :eek:
If I may posit one answer to all these questions for you to consider?
That god was created by men (as opposed to humans) to help maintain a favourable social hierarchy and attempt to justify his own existence and somewhat questionable actions
sniffy said:
If god is omnipotent what need he of man?

An omnipotent god doesn't need man.

In other words why are we here - for amusment purposes?

We exist to live.

Why is god always referred to as he? You haven't answered the question.

Historical usage derived from stereotyping authority figures.

If man was created in god's image what does god look like? Still unanswered. :eek:

I suggest you conduct a word study of the Hebrew word translated as image. Your question assumes that "image" must be visual. Though "image" could be visual, it does not need to be. Visually your question is the same as me asking you to describe what you look like based only on your shadow. What can be described, will not answer the question of what you look like.
Raphael said:
I suggest you conduct a word study of the Hebrew word translated as image. Your question assumes that "image" must be visual. Though "image" could be visual, it does not need to be. Visually your question is the same as me asking you to describe what you look like based only on your shadow. What can be described, will not answer the question of what you look like.

And how would that answer the question posed?