not about atheism

Little_Birdie said:
you belive in jesues. yay!! do you belive he is true god and true man? what are the particulars of your faith? what mysteries do you contemplate?

I believe in Jesus the Word of God who was with God in the beginning and was God. I believe The Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us, I believe that He has given us through His words the right way. I believe He was executed because He gave the truth. I believe He came back to life after 3 days in a tomb, I believe He was taken into heaven in His body. I believe He will return in like manner. I believe He will rule the earth for 1000 years.

From your posts i can tell you are a catholic, You believe in purgatory. As such i do not consider myself to be a brother in faith to you. I was born into a catholic family and was brought up in the catholic religion. Upon reading the bible i was convicted of the falseness of the catholic church and left it to follow My Messiah Jesus.

If you wish to discuss this more deeply please feel free to engage me here or via the Private Message system provided on this site. Irrespective of your decision, i do hope you derive benefit in discussing your beliefs with others.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
From your posts i can tell you are a catholic, You believe in purgatory. As such i do not consider myself to be a brother in faith to you.

Now,now, don't you two believe the same rhetoric? So what that there may be some minor differences, the bottom line is that you two nitwits believe the same shit, but in different flavors. :rolleyes:

Both of ya, believe Jesus was some kind of messiah, both of ya, believe in heaven and hell, and both of ya believe in sin, right? So far? So do tell what are those minor differences, that you wouldn't call "little" birdie (brother in faith?)

BTW there are apx, 33K different sects of christianity, with this mentality of yours "brother in faith" there has been many freaking wars, killings, hangings, only because two different idiots couldn't see eye 2 eye on the same bull shit rhetoric! :(

So do point out what them minor differences are, that little birdie wouldn't be your brother in faith.

dear sir when momie and dadie want to have an intellengent disscussion about relgion itself as opposed to its existance i would find it polite and therefore out of your relm to keep out
Does any one know what the poster above said? I'm guessing English must not be his/her first language (or second, apparently).

It looks as if he/she is trying to tell someone else to leave the thread -as if that means anything coming from a newb.
i was just asking for there to be a moratorium on anything but itellegent comments


You need to take this out with Adstar. not me, I'm merely asking why he chose to say "that you are not BROTHERS IN FAITH that to me, if I was a believer of such rhetoric would be understood as a cut down. He implies that he is better than you, and that you don't belong to his type. If you weren't such an idiot, perhaps you might of understood that implication! :p


BTW I was doing you a favor. Dumbass.
he imples we are not the same, that there are differences in our belifs and that is why i started this thread in the first place to explore belifs not battle atheist which is what the rest of this forum seems to be sure i see all as my brothers in christ even you, what he was saying was that we differ to an exent were our belifs do not mesh as nicely as they could
he imples we are not the same, that there are differences in our belifs and that is why i started this thread in the first place to explore belifs not battle atheist which is what the rest of this forum seems to be sure i see all as my brothers in christ even you, what he was saying was that we differ to an exent were our belifs do not mesh as nicely as they could

And becuase of these little differences, there have been killings, wars, crusades, inquisitions, and still today, they bash one another because some believe different. :bugeye: Thus what he emplied "BROTHERS IN FAITH" it's basically telling ya, that he don't adhire to your points of view, confrontations have started for these kinds of differences. One of you believe is better, then the other, one of ya, believe to be the one and true religion, and all others going to hell. Or one of you, feel compeled to force the other to believe as they do.

i belive as i have stated in past posts as long as one is seeking truth and servin good then one is on the right path, i belive no man is greater than anyother as we all are created in the image and likeness of god. as for the crusades and the witch hunts they are products of man, men who calims to be of god but really only serving their own purposes
It so intellectually dishonest for a religious nutter to claim that the bad things that occur when religion afflicts society are "products of man" and the good things are pure.

This is why science should scrutinize the shit out of religion. Ask the tough questions and subject it to inquiry that is complete and objective. If religion is all its cracked up to be, then religionists have nothing to fear as it will survive the day.
Godless said:
Now,now, don't you two believe the same rhetoric? So what that there may be some minor differences, the bottom line is that you two nitwits believe the same shit, but in different flavors. :rolleyes:

Both of ya, believe Jesus was some kind of messiah, both of ya, believe in heaven and hell, and both of ya believe in sin, right? So far? So do tell what are those minor differences, that you wouldn't call "little" birdie (brother in faith?)

BTW there are apx, 33K different sects of christianity, with this mentality of yours "brother in faith" there has been many freaking wars, killings, hangings, only because two different idiots couldn't see eye 2 eye on the same bull shit rhetoric! :(

So do point out what them minor differences are, that little birdie wouldn't be your brother in faith.


I already have send little birdie more detail on the differences via PM ;) There is no absolute necessity to discuss them in this thread.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
SkinWalker said:
Does any one know what the poster above said? I'm guessing English must not be his/her first language (or second, apparently).

It looks as if he/she is trying to tell someone else to leave the thread -as if that means anything coming from a newb.

She was not telling him to leave the thread. She was saying that to atheists a discussion between to believers in God about their beliefs holds no real interest. The only discussion that an atheist should be concerned with is one involving an atheist and a believer in God on issues relating to the existence or otherwise of God.

Inter faith discussions are not what atheists have come here for.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Godless said:
And becuase of these little differences, there have been killings, wars, crusades, inquisitions, and still today, they bash one another because some believe different. :bugeye: Thus what he emplied "BROTHERS IN FAITH" it's basically telling ya, that he don't adhire to your points of view, confrontations have started for these kinds of differences. One of you believe is better, then the other, one of ya, believe to be the one and true religion, and all others going to hell. Or one of you, feel compeled to force the other to believe as they do.


Godless you are full of fear aren’t you? You build mountains out of molehills and just let your mind run wild. Soon you will have me running after little birdie with a machete. :D LOL

I assure you i will not be tying little birdie up and hacking her head off on the Internet for the entertainment of my Brothers in Faith. So settle down young man your starting to sound like a psycho case.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
SkinWalker said:
It so intellectually dishonest for a religious nutter to claim that the bad things that occur when religion afflicts society are "products of man" and the good things are pure.

This is why science should scrutinize the shit out of religion. Ask the tough questions and subject it to inquiry that is complete and objective. If religion is all its cracked up to be, then religionists have nothing to fear as it will survive the day.

I will survive the Day of the Lord, those who scrutinize might not.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Oh well, it's his call..

Surviving the day of your god or any of the billion other god's is entirely irrelevant when it comes down to it. We do what is in our nature to do, whether the gods care or not.
we do what we choose to do our future is our own and we will have to stand up to our desions someday when that is no man knows
I disagree.

Your 'choices' are decided by your nature, from the very simplest things such as preferring lamb over beef to the most complex of decisions which is only taken because of your nature.

Not to mention the constant external influences - your life and 'choices' would undoubtedbly be vastly different if you were given that £100k a year job as opposed to the £10k a year job.

You just think you're choosing.
Little_Birdie said:
it seems as though all the threads in the religion section are about atheistists are there any belivers of any religion that would like to compare and debate with other belivers on sci forums
OK, I have a question: Firstly, do you think there is one god or many? second, Do you think that God(s) can do anything?

SkinWalker said:
This is why science should scrutinize the shit out of religion. Ask the tough questions and subject it to inquiry that is complete and objective. If religion is all its cracked up to be, then religionists have nothing to fear as it will survive the day.

Give an example of "science scrutinizing the shit of religion".
