Norsefire-some questions

Yes I am, I hold a Syrian passport and was born in Syria.

Why the heck are you living in the U.S. then? You love and are loyal to Syria, and have just claimed citizenship ala passport.

That isn't the reason I began to believe in God again. It's just the reason I was pro-religion

Which is utterly irrelevant. The topic had nothing to do with your being or not being pro-religion. The topic was how I and others knew you would turn to theism (from your claimed agnosticism). It seems that everyone but you knew your agnosticism was a facade.

What is "backwards dark ages thinking"; progress is purely technological. "Social" progress is subjective.

It's thinking that promotes individual and societal entropy. Social progress is consequently only subjective if the ideal is subjective. As more objective scientific knowledge arises on human needs and behavior then that knowledge can be used to objectify the ideal.

Ok, so my point was proven. Seeking to opress and dominate is a quality anyone can have regardless of religious belief or lack of it.

But why such a point would hold any relevance to the topic was never established. The relevant component was that the only present-day groups (not individuals) that hold those values are theistical and your values align well to one of those groups in particular.
Why the heck are you living in the U.S. then? You love and are loyal to Syria, and have just claimed citizenship ala passport.
I don't dislike the US.

Which is utterly irrelevant. The topic had nothing to do with your being or not being pro-religion. The topic was how I and others knew you would turn to theism (from your claimed agnosticism). It seems that everyone but you knew your agnosticism was a facade.
Anybody can turn to theism or atheism. If anything, if you had to predict me turning to atheism or theism, you'd probably predict theism. It doesn't mean I wasn't an agnostic, however, because I did believe and still believe that God is ultimately unknowable.

It's thinking that promotes individual and societal entropy. Social progress is consequently only subjective if the ideal is subjective. As more objective scientific knowledge arises on human needs and behavior then that knowledge can be used to objectify the ideal.
Purely subjective, nonetheless. Progress is technological; a society can be the most advanced, technologically and economically, and still be very morally rigid and intolerant.

But why such a point would hold any relevance to the topic was never established. The relevant component was that the only present-day groups (not individuals) that hold those values are theistical and your values align well to one of those groups in particular.

That isn't the point. Anyone can seek such qualities without being religious. There are right wing atheists.
I don't dislike the US.

I don't dislike hondas, but given the choice between a honda and my favorite car, can you guess which one I would choose to drive?

Anybody can turn to theism or atheism. If anything, if you had to predict me turning to atheism or theism, you'd probably predict theism. It doesn't mean I wasn't an agnostic, however, because I did believe and still believe that God is ultimately unknowable.

Why didn't a single member predict you turning to atheism or remaining purely agnostic? Take a look at some of your questions during your "agnostic" period.

Purely subjective, nonetheless. Progress is technological; a society can be the most advanced, technologically and economically, and still be very morally rigid and intolerant.

Nature is anything but subjective. If human behavior is understood objectively and society is adapted to that objective knowledge then any prior subjective ideals go the way of the dodo.

On a sidenote, have you ever considered why rigidity and intolerance are so often considered bad? The number one rule of nature is survival of the most adaptable. Rigity and intolerance are the antithesis of adaptability.

That isn't the point. Anyone can seek such qualities without being religious. There are right wing atheists.

True as it may be, it's still irrelevant to the topic.
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Why didn't a single member predict you turning to atheism or remaining purely agnostic? Take a look at some of your questions during your "agnostic" period.
I doubt most members "predicted" anything. Besides, I still am an agnostic. An agnostic theist.

Nature is anything but subjective. If human behavior is understood objectively and society is adapted to that objective knowledge then any prior subjective ideals go the way of the dodo.
Society isn't nature, and nature doesn't dictate social laws. It's natural for monkeys to fling their poo, but we don't do that. Therefore, there is no such thing as "social progress", becuase what is progress to some may be immoral to others. It's subjective. There are no "backwards barbarians", only different cultures.

On a sidenote, have you ever considered why rigidity and intolerance are so often considered bad? The number one rule of nature is survival of the most adaptable. Rigity and intolerance are the antithesis of adaptability.
Technological adaptility to survive in the environment. Our moral and social laws have little effect on whether or not we survive in our environment.

True as it may be, it's still irrelevant to the topic.

As I said.
I don't dislike hondas, but given the choice between a honda and my favorite car, can you guess which one I would choice to drive?

Why didn't a single member predict you turning to atheism or remaining purely agnostic? Take a look at some of your questions during your "agnostic" period.

Nature is anything but subjective. If human behavior is understood objectively and society is adapted to that objective knowledge then any prior subjective ideals go the way of the dodo.

On a sidenote, have you ever considered why rigidity and intolerance are so often considered bad? The number one rule of nature is survival of the most adaptable. Rigity and intolerance are the antithesis of adaptability.

True as it may be, it's still irrelevant to the topic.

Ridin in a Cadillac
I doubt most members "predicted" anything.

Nobody said that most members did. But many members did nonetheless. Do I really need to dig up the threads of people noting that you were not fooling anyone with your agnosticism?

Eventually, I became convinced that God existed again.

Besides, I still am an agnostic. An agnostic theist.

Agnosticism has historically been applied to the existence of 'God'.

Society isn't nature, and nature doesn't dictate social laws.

True and society is caused by nature and nature dictates natural laws.

It's natural for monkeys to fling their poo, but we don't do that. Therefore, there is no such thing as "social progress",...

Hahahahah, that is one of the worst arguments of all time!

It's natural for monkeys to fling their poo, but we don't do that.


Therefore, there is no such thing as "social progress", becuase what is progress to some may be immoral to others. It's subjective. There are no "backwards barbarians", only different cultures.

If a human subjectively considers objective human behavior immoral then that's his subjective problem. Social progress is only subjective if the ideal is subjective. If the ideal is objective and people don't like it then that's a problem with those people's subjectivity. Have you noticed that Western culture tends to promote that strange ideal called "human rights". It is rooted in objective human psychology.

Technological adaptility to survive in the environment. Our moral and social laws have little effect on whether or not we survive in our environment.

Are you joking? Moral and social laws impact education, what can be researched, and what actions can be taken in response to environmental change. Those ALL impact our survival.

As I said.

And it doesn't change the fact that your values are Muslim aligned.
hahaha. I'm not great at conversational hebrew, I am really pretty bad at it in fact.

No worries, I so rarely use Hebrew anwyay... it was just one of those fun languages I learned in school. Maybe some day I'll also do a Japanese stint.