Norsefire-some questions

I was hoping to point out to him the similarities between his thinking and... oh.. say... the third reich? how long before such thinking leads to-"The non-semitic question" and an eventual,"Final solution"?
It doesn't really matter. He lives in the U.S. so he is powerless to act upon his emotional bias of superiority.
He's a wannabe Syrian citizen and a Muslim pretending to be Christian.

I am a Syrian, pure blooded, and I'm a Christian

Crunchy Cat is a Chinese man pretending to be a Jew who is pretending to be a Rastfari

Hey, now isn't generalization and coming to random conclusions fun!
I am a Syrian, pure blooded, and I'm a Christian

There is no such thing as pure blooded anything. Are you a Syrian citizen or a U.S. citizen? If you're not a Syrian citizen then I am correct and you are not.

Crunchy Cat is a Chinese man pretending to be a Jew who is pretending to be a Rastfari

Hey, now isn't generalization and coming to random conclusions fun!

Except I have been correct. My original conclusion a month back was that you were a theist pretending to be agnostic. Then you declared your theism. Now my conclusion is that you are a Muslim pretending to be Christian. This is because your values are most assuredly Muslim. It's only a matter of time....
Norsefire-what's the map in your avatar? Is that supposed to be the "holy land"? It looks like the Babylonian empire to me.
There is no such thing as pure blooded anything. Are you a Syrian citizen or a U.S. citizen? If you're not a Syrian citizen then I am correct and you are not.
I can be a citizen of Norway, but that doesn't make me Norwegian.

I'm pure blooded Syrian. Not mixed. Pure.

Except I have been correct. My original conclusion a month back was that you were a theist pretending to be agnostic. Then you declared your theism. Now my conclusion is that you are a Muslim pretending to be Christian. This is because your values are most assuredly Muslim. It's only a matter of time....
Your original conclusion was wrong, because I was an agnostic being an agnostic, then becoming a theist. Also what are "Muslim" values? I'm secular.
Norsefire-what's the map in your avatar? Is that supposed to be the "holy land"? It looks like the Babylonian empire to me.

Greater Syria
I can be a citizen of Norway, but that doesn't make me Norwegian.

But it would make you a Norway citizen... and that was my point to begin with.

I'm pure blooded Syrian. Not mixed. Pure.

Hate to tell you this, but even if your Syrian ancestors never did the horizontal mombo with those outside the geography, they ultimately came from Africa (like all humans) and have all those genes. We wont even talk about homo sapiens mixing it up with cro-magnon between the sheets.

Your original conclusion was wrong, because I was an agnostic being an agnostic, then becoming a theist.

Then how did I (and many others) know you would turn to theism? Lucky guess? Don't think so.

Also what are "Muslim" values? I'm secular.

Seeking to oppress, dominate the world, feeling entitled, feeling superior... you get the point. Are you really secular? Are you completely for the separation of religion and everything else?
I'm pure blooded Syrian. Not mixed. Pure.

You might want to review Syrian history before bleating.

Your original conclusion was wrong, because I was an agnostic being an agnostic, then becoming a theist. Also what are "Muslim" values? I'm secular.

Those might be the values that not long ago you were bleating, wanting Jews heads on lances, wanting all homosexuals to die and wanting to join Hezbollah.

You know, those values. Should I provide the links to the appropriate threads once again to refresh your memory. Seems like only a day or two has passed since you've forgotten. :rolleyes:
But it would make you a Norway citizen... and that was my point to begin with.
That's irrelevant. My loyalty wouldn't be to Norway.

Then how did I (and many others) know you would turn to theism? Lucky guess? Don't think so.
Perhaps because I was a theist before an agnostic...?:confused:

Besides, "turning" to anything is irrelevant. I was a genuine agnostic but I was pro-religion. I thought I made that quite clear.

Seeking to oppress, dominate the world, feeling entitled, feeling superior... you get the point. Are you really secular? Are you completely for the separation of religion and everything else?
Those are Muslim values?

I can be secular and atheist and still seek to opress, dominate the world, feel entitled, and feel superior.


Those might be the values that not long ago you were bleating, wanting Jews heads on lances, wanting all homosexuals to die and wanting to join Hezbollah.

You know, those values. Should I provide the links to the appropriate threads once again to refresh your memory. Seems like only a day or two has passed since you've forgotten.
The values I used to have and the values I have are different things. Perhaps you can't understand that opinions can change.
The values I used to have and the values I have are different things. Perhaps you can't understand that opinions can change.

Then, you're under the delusion you have everyone fooled? Or, are you knowingly going to continue lying and damn the torpedoes? :)
That's irrelevant. My loyalty wouldn't be to Norway.

Just like your loyalty isn't to the U.S.; hence, you're a wannabe Syrian citizen. It must be terrible not living in the country you're loyal to. You should move.

Perhaps because I was a theist before an agnostic...?:confused:

Faulty logic. I was originally a theist; yet, nobody has ever predicted that I would turn to theism. The reason you were correctly predicted as turning to theism is because you never really left it. You gave yourself a label of "agnostic", but your questions and thoughts were all theistical. Basically most everyone knew except you ;).

Besides, "turning" to anything is irrelevant. I was a genuine agnostic but I was pro-religion. I thought I made that quite clear.

You were always pro-religion. You were only agnostic in your own mind.

Those are Muslim values?

Some of them, and they are the ones that match yours strongly.

I can be secular and atheist and still seek to opress, dominate the world, feel entitled, and feel superior.

Do you know of any presently existing groups matching those constraints? I think theism has the niche on that.
Just like your loyalty isn't to the U.S.; hence, you're a wannabe Syrian citizen. It must be terrible not living in the country you're loyal to. You should move.
No, I'm a pure blooded Syrian.

Faulty logic. I was originally a theist; yet, nobody has ever predicted that I would turn to theism. The reason you were correctly predicted as turning to theism is because you never really left it. You gave yourself a label of "agnostic", but your questions and thoughts were all theistical. Basically most everyone knew except you
Not faulty logic. I was originally a theist, then I stopped believing in God; however, I still preferred that religion remain in society for various cultural reasons. Eventually, I became convinced that God existed again.

You were always pro-religion. You were only agnostic in your own mind.
See above

Some of them, and they are the ones that match yours strongly
More like, Human values

Do you know of any presently existing groups matching those constraints? I think theism has the niche on that.
Seeking to opress and dominate are qualities that can exist regardless of one's religious beliefs; the Soviet Union, forever, was officially atheist. Now, I am not saying that they did what they did in the name of atheism, however they still posessed those qualities and were not religious.
No, I'm a pure blooded Syrian.

Uh dude... you're NOT a Syrian CITIZEN regardless of what is or isn't in your veins. You just want to be one.

Not faulty logic. I was originally a theist, then I stopped believing in God; however, I still preferred that religion remain in society for various cultural reasons. Eventually, I became convinced that God existed again.

It's faulty logic because it puts your prior theism and / or desire for religious cultural retention as the reason for your acceptance of an omnipotent sapient life form.

See above

I think you're the only one who believes it.

More like, Human values

All values that have existed for humans are human values; however, not all humans value the same things. What you value is associated with backwards dark ages thinking... exactly where Muslim values stand.

Seeking to opress and dominate are qualities that can exist regardless of one's religious beliefs; the Soviet Union, forever, was officially atheist. Now, I am not saying that they did what they did in the name of atheism, however they still posessed those qualities and were not religious.

The Soviet Union was a socialist dictatorship and isn't a presently-existing entity anymore. I asked for presently existing groups. You are correct in that they didn't do anything bad in the name of atheism. That has never happened in the known history of mankind.
Uh dude... you're NOT a Syrian CITIZEN regardless of what is or isn't in your veins. You just want to be one.
Yes I am, I hold a Syrian passport and was born in Syria.

It's faulty logic because it puts your prior theism and / or desire for religious cultural retention as the reason for your acceptance of an omnipotent sapient life form.
That isn't the reason I began to believe in God again. It's just the reason I was pro-religion

All values that have existed for humans are human values; however, not all humans value the same things. What you value is associated with backwards dark ages thinking... exactly where Muslim values stand.
What is "backwards dark ages thinking"; progress is purely technological. "Social" progress is subjective.

The Soviet Union was a socialist dictatorship and isn't a presently-existing entity anymore. I asked for presently existing groups. You are correct in that they didn't do anything bad in the name of atheism. That has never happened in the known history of mankind.

Ok, so my point was proven. Seeking to opress and dominate is a quality anyone can have regardless of religious belief or lack of it.