Norsefire-some questions

mesopotamia was the cradle of civilization, but man first showed up in africa, wouldn't that make their claim on "ownership" of the world higher than yours?
Why does a claim of ownership on the holy land mean a claim of ownership on the rest of the world? Perhaps it would be better if all semites were contained to the holy land by the rest of the world?
Semites are the purest and the epitomy of Humanity, therefore the world belongs to us.

There we have it -
The very epitome of racism.

Norsefire believes he and his ilk are BETTER HUMANS than everyone else.

What next eh Norsefire?
Gas ovens for all the non-semites?
Your final solution?

Oh! yes, its always been a problem with Jews supposing that as the Chosen People of God that they they felt entitled to enslave all whom they refrained from slaughtering, taking the Land as though it was their own.

But we only need a small reminder to remember that the Promise of God to Abraham went to ALL Semetic People, including the Arabs, Syrians, Lebanese, etc.

Christians being exposed only to the Jewish Bible have only the viewpoint of some rather focussed Jewish Propaganda, that only one son, Jacob, from the 3rd generation after Abraham was in any way important, and that all of the other heirs to Abraham were in some way cut off from the Promise of Abraham.

And Jacab was not even a First Son. The Jews pretend that a careless remark over breakfast by two pre-teen children forever altered the History of the World, and abrogated any right the Oldest Child had toward his Inheritance. Not that Jacob ever exerted any Legal Right to his inheritance (he had claimed that his Oldest Brother had forfeited Right to it for an extra portion of dinner when he was 8 years old and starving from coming back from a long play-hunt). When the Father, Issac, was on his deathbed, Jacob disguised himself... committing legal fraud... to receive the Blessing.

Of course the other Families of Abraham could reasonably object to the Jewish view that they alone enjoy the Blessing of Abraham, even since their own literature reveals every fraud and irregularity (so amoral is the Jewish Mentality that they apparently see no shame in cheating and stealing, but take pride in the cleverness of it all... like the Hollywood Producers of the movie "The Sting", on the chance that anybody in Hollywood might be Jewish, glossing over the matter of glorifying theives, being so caught up in their fascination for successful deception). They themselves expose Jacob as a thief and a fraud but are so morally naive that they exclaim in surprise, "But what's wrong with that?" Oh, perhaps it was a hint toward Christian Theology that would one day dispense with Right and Wrong altogether and declare a huge Moral Free For All with the doctrine of Universal Forgiveness of Sins. Religion would become the mechanism for sweeping away all moral inhabition, providing Barbarians with the means of destroying Civilization at its very roots.

The Koran and other Islamic Traditions certainly present the view that Abraham never considered his other Children as somehow second rate to a race of Pawnbrokers and Porno Traders -- EXACTLY the children of their crooked father Jacob. I am no Islamic Scholar, but my impression from all the attention being paid to Islam these days is that the Muslims have quite a significant amount of Moral Inhabition, and toward a great number of things. It all leaves me supposing that Jacob's clever tricks at cheating would not provoke much applause within the Greater Semetic Community.

Oh, what exactly is the Jewish Explanation for God sending an Angel to kick Jacob's ass. Is that meant to tell us how much God holds Jacob in his favor? But that would be rather anti-intuitive, wouldn't it? Without giving it too much thought I would rather suppose that God sending somebody to kick his ass is inconsistent with any Lasting Blessing. I would see it as a Message that says "Go away and don't come back". Morally, they haven't.
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Semites have a claim of ownership of the Holy Land and therefore, the world.
On what basis and to which god is that land Holy, and on what basis is it owned by semites?

But we only need a small reminder to remember that the Promise of God to Abraham went to ALL Semetic People, including the Arabs, Syrians, Lebanese, etc.
So you agree with Norsefire (who claimed to be an ex-Muslim agnostic Syrian-American Arab, last I checked)?

a race of Pawnbrokers and Porno Traders
Have you always been this racist, or is Norsefire rubbing off on you?
Norsefire, we all know that the Arians are the most evolved race and thus, far superior to you ape like semites!
Actually, ANY race could greatly benefit by just 3 generations of applied attention.

In the old Cultures they thought that 3 generations of children from carefully considered marriages was enough to qualify for Nobility. That surprises us, but honestly, most people were born out of rape and accident... what we today call 'Love Matches'.

But yes, even the ethnic groups most mistakenly perceived as being stupid, if bread for Intelligence, would nearly all be Einsteins after just 3 generations. The same goes for ethnic groups with physical strength challenges, or just plane old problems with ugliness -- some cultures that had arranged marriages for too darn long simply on the criteria of Family Wealth... Wew! What noticeably ugly people! God! Money isn't everything! But, yes, there to, selected for Beauty, even the ugliest ethnic groups could be pumping out some really exotic beauties in only 3 generations.

So, as ignorant as one wishes to be on the score of Superiority or Inferiority, there is really nothing very substantial in the Argument, since it is only a matter of temporary condition, and not anything pointing to some irreparable characteristics.

Heck, if they could breed a nice Siamese Cat, than anything is possible.

Norsefire, we all know that the Arians are the most evolved race and thus, far superior to you ape like semites!
Actually, it was a flawed argument that the Arians were a Superior Race. Their argument was that because Arian Barbarians were able to conquer the Civilizations of all other People's that they, the Arians, were superior. This would apply only if the Arians had been instrumental; however, the Arians were only able to 'conquer' these Civilization after they had gone far into their Decline. Arians had never beaten anybody at their Peak. And if one were to compare other Successful Barbarian Groups... well, the Mongols had the Arians running home crying for their Mommies.

One does not call a Vulture superior because it can eat dead animals after they had fallen over dead. In a way this is what the Arians had done. They did not confront any Civilization that was still really viable and alive, but only came like Vultures to swoop in on the Kill -- problems inherent in Civilization itself... Concentration of Wealth, Decline of Religion. Nothing the Arians actually did.

Just a bunch of boneheads wearing Helmets with horns.

Besides, they have had Germany to themselves now for over 60 years without any of those nasty old Non-Teutonic Influences... and really, the World has not been given so much to be amazed about.

The Chinese have come so much farer with so much less to start with. One would suppose THEY might have an argument for Superiority. As they should -- THEY have a history of being Civilized.

The Arians never have pretended to be anything else but Barbarians. Even their behavior under Hitler pretended to be nothing else besides Rape and Pillage.

Norsefire, we all know that the Arians are the most evolved race and thus, far superior to you ape like semites!
I know know, I was totally not serious at all. I'm just trying to get a rise out of norsefire! :D