Noahs Ark Found

From the National Center for Science Education

The Impossible Voyage of Noah's Ark

Our continuing skepticism is in the tradition of philosopher David Hume, who wrote that "the knavery and folly of men are such common phenomena that I should rather believe the most extraordinary events to arise from their concurrence than admit of so signal a violation of the laws of nature." The story of the great flood and the voyage of the ark, as expounded by modern creationists, contains so many incredible "violations of the laws of nature" that it cannot possibly be accepted by any thinking person.

This subject is beating a dead horse

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not much different than 'all humans come from africa'. i know that is impossible and no evidence exists but watch the uproar.
As Rand said, the story in the bible is probably based on a real event, just an elaboration. To a pre-history human, the "entire world" was a much smaller place.
Mrs. Noah probably left the bath tap running and told a fib to get herself off the hook.
"It wasn't me, Noah! God did it, honest!"
As Rand said, the story in the bible is probably based on a real event, just an elaboration. To a pre-history human, the "entire world" was a much smaller place.

Yes, a great elaboration

From Wikipedia,
deluge myth or flood myth is a mythical story of a great flood sent by a deity or deities to destroy civilization as an act of divine retribution. It is a widespread theme among many cultures, though it is perhaps best known in modern times through the biblical account of Noah's Ark, the Hindu Puranic story of Manu, through Deucalion in Greek mythology or Utnapishtim in the Epic of Gilgamesh.
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How did they get the animals from Australia?

According to the bible, god "brought" the animals to the ark, so we can just assume "divine teleportation" on this point.

What about the insects? can ask Enmos...insects play a major role in life. Apparently, pubic lice made it aboard the ark. but what about bees?
Just how much space does two of every animal in the world take up exactly? Especially if you don't believe in macro-evolution. I mean just what animals do we have to cover here?
Let's list all of the scientific problems with the Flood story from the Bible:

1. Where did the water come from, and where did it go?

2. The ark wasn't large enough to hold 2 of every kind of animal.

3. 2 of every kind of animal is not enough to reproduce a viable population.

4. There is not geological evidence all over the globe from that time period indicating a great flood.

5. What happened to all the fish? Saltwater and freshwater would have mixed, how would either saltwater or freshwater fish survived the change in salinity? With 1000's of meters of water on top of their feeding grounds, how would they eat?

6. What about all of the plants?

I'm sure there are others.
Anyone that believes the ark-story literally is a gibbering idiot.

1) There is no way in hell Noah could have build a ship that could house two of every animal.
2) There is no way Noah could have gotten a hold of every species of animal (think polar bears etc).
3) Even if he could have done the above he would have needed an entire fleet of arks filled with live plants, prey animals, etc just to support the animals on Ark 1.
4) Some animals don't do well in captivity.
5) If he achieved point 3) then he took more than two of every animal.

I think that the ark-story could have been based on a real story, but then Noah most likely was just a farmer that built a relatively small boat to save his family and a couple of his livestock.
There is some evidence that a flood took place in that general area and time though. However, I am of the opinion that the story is to be taken symbolically.
According to the bible, god "brought" the animals to the ark, so we can just assume "divine teleportation" on this point.

What about the insects? can ask Enmos...insects play a major role in life. Apparently, pubic lice made it aboard the ark. but what about bees?

There are more than a million species currently described and they estimate that the total number lies somewhere between 6 and 10 million species, although some estimates even extend to 30 million.
enmos, let me ask you a question.

could this flood have been more of a localized flood? how would he come into contact with a polar bear?

does it say the flood covered the whole of the earth?

i never read this story.
enmos, let me ask you a question.

could this flood have been more of a localized flood? how would he come into contact with a polar bear?

does it say the flood covered the whole of the earth?

i never read this story.

From enmos' post

They rose greatly on the earth, and all the high mountains under the entire heavens were covered. 20 The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than twenty feet.

I would say that is a fair guestimate that they believed the entire earh was covered. Just incase you could not read from the link posted. And BTW there is no way this story could have even been remotly close to real. So with that said this story is some what of and extended truth is it not correct to assume the rest of the Bible is a stretch as well. And what about the reproductive abilties of a 600 year old man they did not discover Viagra until recent years.