Noahs Ark Found

i'm not bitter because MW allowed herself to be indoctrinated into some religious belief system; she is. if she had known me back then, i would have told her better. but then again, i'm sure that she was just as codependent and tunnel-visioned back then as she is now. :shrug:

i can't help but feel compelled to cyber-slap her most of the time...with all of her codependent anti-jesus propaganda. i just wish people would let go of their agendas a bit around here you know?

and granted, it shouldn't be my agenda, but nothing would make me happier than to see MW with a mind of her own.

She obviously has one...;)
what would i do without your daily dose of judgement?

Dunno, but here's the thing. You are insane. Get help.

Still got the boyfriend that talks to God too? Must save a fortune on cellular bills, being able to get God to pass on messages and shit.
Dunno, but here's the thing. You are insane. Get help.

Still got the boyfriend that talks to God too? Must save a fortune on cellular bills, being able to get God to pass on messages and shit.

thank you for your concern. :p
Why is that, could you explain?

just because lots of people want to believe what they want to believe regardless of anything else. i mean, are you arbitrarily doubting me, or have you researched her posts over the last decade?
just because lots of people want to believe what they want to believe regardless of anything else. i mean, are you arbitrarily doubting me, or have you researched her posts over the last decade?

I am doubting you based on the fact that any rational human being knows that another human being is capable of abstract thought to some degree. Unless she is actually a machine that goes about forums spouting rhetoric, I doubt very much that she has not uttered a single thought that has originated form her own mind. Furthermore, just because someone agrees with someone else does not mean they are a robot. I think your feelings just get hurt by MW and so you have some kind of agenda against her....could it be because your views are diametrically opposed, I wonder.:scratchin:
just because lots of people want to believe what they want to believe regardless of anything else.

Well, yes you do believe regardless of anything else. That's fine, but when it encroaches on society, it can be dangerous. For example we wouldn't want to place someone like you in a position of any power where your insanity might kill someone or destroy something.
i'm not bitter because MW allowed herself to be indoctrinated into some religious belief system; she is. if she had known me back then, i would have told her better. but then again, i'm sure that she was just as codependent and tunnel-visioned back then as she is now. :shrug:

i can't help but feel compelled to cyber-slap her most of the time...with all of her codependent anti-jesus propaganda. i just wish people would let go of their agendas a bit around here you know?

and granted, it shouldn't be my agenda, but nothing would make me happier than to see MW with a mind of her own and some peace.
M*W: Obviously, you don't know me, but you think you do. Just like you think the noises in your head are proof of a god. Trust me, Lori, I am no longer indoctinated into religious belief. There was a time I was, but it became increasingly clear that it was just a major source of mind control. You didn't know me then, and you don't know me now. Being co-dependent and tunnel-visioned is what is wrong with religious people (like you).

Talking about "agendas," Lori, look at all you have written here that shows you don't have a mind of your own. How can you even think that you don't have an agenda? Again, you don't have the foggiest idea of what's on my mind or how much or little at peace I am just because you don't agree with me. Please don't agree with me. That would be embarassing.
I am doubting you based on the fact that any rational human being knows that another human being is capable of abstract thought to some degree. Unless she is actually a machine that goes about forums spouting rhetoric, I doubt very much that she has not uttered a single thought that has originated form her own mind. Furthermore, just because someone agrees with someone else does not mean they are a robot. I think your feelings just get hurt by MW and so you have some kind of agenda against her....could it be because your views are diametrically opposed, I wonder.:scratchin:

to be honest, i think i've probably hurt MW's feelings much more than she's hurt mine. which isn't very nice of me. and is contradictory to what i'd like for have some confidence in autonomy and independence. freedom to be who she is and to experience her own life, and have her own thoughts, without having to have constant validation and corroboration from someone else. it's like she HAS to be indoctrinated into something. now it's not the catholic church; it's the other end of the spectrum, but it's still like she's hell bent on being indoctrinated into something. it's just not healthy.
freedom to be who she is and to experience her own life, and have her own thoughts, without having to have constant validation and corroboration from someone else.

You mean like how you seek constant validation and corroboration with god? Interesting.........;)
There was a question in there, or are you too insane to realise that?

what? you want to know if i still have a boyfriend? how is that relevant?

but yeah...we're getting married next month.

and we don't send or receive messages to and from god on our cell phones.

you know...pot/kettle to you phlog. :confused:
M*W: Obviously, you don't know me, but you think you do. Just like you think the noises in your head are proof of a god. Trust me, Lori, I am no longer indoctinated into religious belief. There was a time I was, but it became increasingly clear that it was just a major source of mind control. You didn't know me then, and you don't know me now. Being co-dependent and tunnel-visioned is what is wrong with religious people (like you).

Talking about "agendas," Lori, look at all you have written here that shows you don't have a mind of your own. How can you even think that you don't have an agenda? Again, you don't have the foggiest idea of what's on my mind or how much or little at peace I am just because you don't agree with me. Please don't agree with me. That would be embarassing.

i'm just going by what i've seen you post out here MW.
to be honest, i think i've probably hurt MW's feelings much more than she's hurt mine. which isn't very nice of me. and is contradictory to what i'd like for have some confidence in autonomy and independence. freedom to be who she is and to experience her own life, and have her own thoughts, without having to have constant validation and corroboration from someone else. it's like she HAS to be indoctrinated into something. now it's not the catholic church; it's the other end of the spectrum, but it's still like she's hell bent on being indoctrinated into something. it's just not healthy.
M*W: Lori, you should put me on ignore, since I bother you so much. You haven't hurt my feelings. You are not capable of that. I don't give you the power to affect me in that way. Don't be too concerned about about what I believe or don't believe, whether I'm at peace or not, whether I have an original thought or not. We don't have that kind of relationship. This is a website for sharing information... for learning. Obviously, it has not influenced you at all. You believe what you want, and I'll believe what I want. Yours is based on faith. Mine is based on truth. Never the two shall agree.
i'm just going by what i've seen you post out here MW.
M*W: No, Lori, you are going by what you perceive in my posts. There's a difference about what is real and what is perceived. In the greater scheme of things, what one perceives is not important. The question I have for you is, why do you feel so threatened by my posts? Do I annoy the voices in your head?