Noahs Ark Found

what? you want to know if i still have a boyfriend? how is that relevant?

You have a short memory, I questioned previously if your mental condition and your imaginary God friend were because you were incapable of having an adult relationship. Marriage seems a little premature, and I wonder if this is just anoher expression of our self delusion.

and we don't send or receive messages to and from god on our cell phones.

Comprehension clearly is not your forte, is it? I was questioning why you'd bother using cellphones at all, when you could use God as an inermediary for communication!

you know...pot/kettle to you phlog. :confused:

You are confused, it was Enmos I believe made the Pot/Kettle remark, not I. Get a grip.
I used to have voices in my head aswell but now I take the pills and they have gone away...LOL
"Still, none of this deters the true believer from maintaining that the story of Noah's ark is the God's truth. Nor does it deter those who think the ark has been found. For example, in 1977 a pseudo-documentary called "In Search of Noah's ark" was played on numerous television stations. CBS showed a special in 1993 entitled "The Incredible Discovery of Noah's Ark." The first is a work of fiction claiming to be a documentary. The second was masterminded by George Jammal, who has admitted that the story was a hoax. Jammal said he wanted to expose religious frauds. His hoax was seen by about 20 million people, most of whom probably still do not know that Jammal did not want them to take it seriously.

During his show, Jammal produced what he called "sacred wood" from the ark, which he later admitted was wood taken from railroad tracks in Long Beach, California, which he had hardened by cooking in an oven. He also prepared other fake wood by simmering a piece of California pine on his kitchen stove in a mix of wine, iodine, sweet-and-sour, and teriyaki sauces. He also admitted that he had never been to Turkey. The program was produced by Sun International Pictures, based in Salt Lake City and which is responsible for several pseudo-documentaries on Nostradamus, the Bermuda Triangle, the Shroud of Turin, and UFOs."

Also here is a link that delves into just how big and what would be involved to make the story even a possibility, which it is not.

"There were no insurmountable problems, however, according to Dr. Max D. Younce, who says by his calculations from Genesis 6:15 that the ark was 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet deep. He says this is equivalent to "522 standard stock cars or 8 freight trains of 65 cars each." By some divine calculation he figures that all the insect species and the worms could fit in 21 box cars"

"Would the weight of all those animals keep a boat of these dimensions from floating? I don't know but it doesn't matter because even if the boat should sink it wouldn't because God wouldn't let it. The story would make no sense if such a boat would sink under the weight of its cargo. In any case, as one Biblical scholar has pointed out: animals are mostly water and water floats in water. So, how could there be a problem"
Didn't Leonard Nimoy have a whole series of "In search of" programs, back in the 70's?
By the way this 'ark' was not found where the bible said it would be- If i remember correctly- its been a long time since I read this.

Peace be unto you ;)


LOL, I also like the part where he says that it doesn't matter if it would float or sink because God wouldn't let it sink.

Comedy, pure comedy.

It would be really funny if not for all the people who actually believe it.
Let's list all of the scientific problems with the Flood story from the Bible:

1. Where did the water come from, and where did it go?

2. The ark wasn't large enough to hold 2 of every kind of animal.

3. 2 of every kind of animal is not enough to reproduce a viable population.

4. There is not geological evidence all over the globe from that time period indicating a great flood.

5. What happened to all the fish? Saltwater and freshwater would have mixed, how would either saltwater or freshwater fish survived the change in salinity? With 1000's of meters of water on top of their feeding grounds, how would they eat?

6. What about all of the plants?

I'm sure there are others.
Let's list all of the scientific problems with the Flood story from the Bible:

1. Where did the water come from, and where did it go?

2. The ark wasn't large enough to hold 2 of every kind of animal.

3. 2 of every kind of animal is not enough to reproduce a viable population.

4. There is not geological evidence all over the globe from that time period indicating a great flood.

5. What happened to all the fish? Saltwater and freshwater would have mixed, how would either saltwater or freshwater fish survived the change in salinity? With 1000's of meters of water on top of their feeding grounds, how would they eat?

6. What about all of the plants?

I'm sure there are others.

To me a big one would have been the ark itself.

Didn't someone think to keep it as evidence, maintain it and perserve it and least until it could have been adequately documented.

It would not be something that you would easily mis-place or lose.
no one will ever find it because itsnot there.. probably never exsisted in the first place.. the size that the boat would have to be would be atleast 4x bigger than the largest boat we have now.. the i beams would need to be made out of redwood and in the streach of the imigination it did exsist it would be long decayed
I presume most of you have heard this alternative, much more believable theory...

The possibility has been raised that the "global" flood was simply a localized, although possibly sizable flood. This was then gradually exaggerated to the point of "covering the whole world".

If archeological evidence was found to support this, then I might consider the possibility of some sort of large boat being constructed similar to the ark.

The nice thing about this hypothetical is that it covers most of the objections raised by MacGyver, for example.

Old legends often have some grain of truth in them, but it's totally impossible for the entire biblical story to be literally correct.

Maybe a "downsized" version is better than no Ark, or maybe not. I don't really know how the religious fundies would reconcile the facts of the matter if an actual Ark was found. Probably just use their usual trick of labeling the whole thing a "metaphor", as has been done in the past for other Biblical stories...
I have heard about a super-flood that probably gave rise to the Noah story. Something about an inland sea that was created by glacial meltwater being held back by some natural damn. When the damn gave way, the entire contents of the sea were released, covering a massive area. I'll have to look that up again.
I presume most of you have heard this alternative, much more believable theory...

The possibility has been raised that the "global" flood was simply a localized, although possibly sizable flood. This was then gradually exaggerated to the point of "covering the whole world".

If archeological evidence was found to support this, then I might consider the possibility of some sort of large boat being constructed similar to the ark.

The nice thing about this hypothetical is that it covers most of the objections raised by MacGyver, for example.

Old legends often have some grain of truth in them, but it's totally impossible for the entire biblical story to be literally correct.

Maybe a "downsized" version is better than no Ark, or maybe not. I don't really know how the religious fundies would reconcile the facts of the matter if an actual Ark was found. Probably just use their usual trick of labeling the whole thing a "metaphor", as has been done in the past for other Biblical stories...

Understood, but that is not what they are suggesting.

So, if the exagerrated this to such a degree, where else was the truth stretched ?
what is the story of noahs ark?

Well..what I was taught as a kid...Way back when...god got pissed at man for being corrupt. So he decided to destroy all life on the planet in the biggest known "do over" in history. Apparently, Noah was the only decent chap on the planet, so god instructed him to build a boat. God makes 2 pairs of every kind of "unclean" animal, and 7 pairs of clean animals to make their way to the ark, where the are all loaded up, and god shuts the door. After that, it rains for 40 days and 40 nights, flooding the entire world with water deep enough to cover mountains. After few months, the water starts to recede, and the ark comes to rest on the top of Mt. Ararat. Eventually, Noah sends out a dove, which returns with a fresh olive branch. This lets Noah know that the water has fully receded, so they open up the doors, and release all of the animals. And from Noah and his family, and the animals on the ark, all life on the planet rebuilt itself.