Noah's Ark -- Fact or Forgery?

Now it is time to apply this myth to the rest of the Bible. - The alarming fact is that this one myth alone proves that the whole Bible is nothing more than a compilation of myths and fictional stories framed around a central genealogy. - This is true because the whole Bible is completely and totally interlinked and interconnected from one book to the next. - For instance, the book of Genesis is entirely dependent on the credibility of the story of Noah's Ark to have any credibility of its own. - The book of Exodus is entirely dependent on the credibility of Genesis to have any credibility of its own. The book of Leviticus also is entirely dependent on the credibility of Genesis to have any credibility of its own. - So on and so forth, all the way through to the last book of Revelation. :rolleyes:
Woody said:
As said before, the majority of the water is proposed to come from the fountains of the deep. Less than 5% of the earth's water is at its surface. Were you aware of that? Perhaps you are too busy laughing to care about this fact.

If that much water was to come up from the ground Noah would not have been able to even build a boat, he'd have sunk into the quicksand surface
- The aforementioned facts do indeed prove that the story of Noah's Ark, written word for word in the Bible's book of Genesis, is only a myth. - Therefore, the Bible's God, Jehovah, along with the Quran's God, Allah, are both the very same mythical God of Noah. - These facts also prove that Jesus Christ is only the mythical son of the biblical God of Noah, thereby disproving Christianity as being the best religion in the world. - All of this proves that the big three world religions - Judaism, Islam, and Christianity - are all based on ancient myths and ancient oral traditions that are written inside of an old religious book, which will never be able to change the minds of unbelievers who are only seeing greedy clerics and televangelists taking money from gullible hard-working believers in order to stay in business.- The biblical Noah along with the biblical God are only fictional characters.
It doesn't matter if the story is true or not. The moral of the story is that if people in general act badly, God will punish them and spare the animals and a few good people to start the human race over again. 2000 years ago, this was an effective method of maintaining social order.
- But, religious scholars inform me that no mere mortal, such as myself, could ever disprove the existence of their God nor could I ever disprove the Bible as being the true Word of their God. - Well, excuse me, but the only way that these indignant religious fanatics can be correct is if they totally disregard every single sentence that is written about Noah within these chapters of the Bible: -
- Genesis 5, Genesis 6, Genesis 7, Genesis 8, Genesis 9, 1 Chronicles 1, Isaiah 54, Ezekiel 14, Matthew 24, Luke 3, Luke 17, Hebrews 11, 1 Peter 3, and 2 Peter 2, but also alluded to here: 2 Peter 3:5-8.
- When anyone connects all of those chapters of the Bible together, then the only possible conclusion is that those so-called religious scholars are the ones who are wrong. - It's too bad that most of them don't have the clear consciences to admit that their holy book, which is the only physical evidence that gives their religion any credibility, whatsoever, contains mostly fictional nonsense that only describes a fictional God, the biblical God of Noah can only be a fictional character. - If a God really did exist then that God would be the most visible character the world had ever seen and every single person would learn everything that they ever desired to know from being taught directly by God with no ignorant person getting in God's way who would only be able to teach a limited personal opinion about God. ;)
So what I have seen here is that there is that geological feature which disproves the story of Noah's arc. After all, the story was obviously someones speculation about what that natural geological feature might have once been in relation to a flood myth that he heard told of in the story of Gilgamesh.
Besides, for all you know we are already members of the Family of God who are already living in some sort of Heaven and this is simply its lowest level, which most enlightened ones refer to as being the physical dimension.
Is it total nonsense for me to make such statements about God? - No, if it is anything it is proof of one thing. - Either it is proof that a physical world of atoms and molecules is doing the impossible: - Starting with nothing but simple lifeforms and then having only "one" of its species out of the millions of different species within it acquiring extraordinary intelligence on its own that not even one of the other species could ever acquire. - Or else it is proof that there really is something "greater than us" out there, which is in a higher dimension of existence that is past the range of physical reality and that hasn't made itself known to the public for the "whole" world to see.