Noah's Ark -- Fact or Forgery?

c7ityi_ said:
magnetic energy within matter, so what causes that energy?

Magnetic energy within matter? :bugeye:

If you dig deeper you will see that it is possible to explain everything with natural processes.
spuriousmonkey said:
Magnetic energy within matter? :bugeye:

yes, the electromagnetic force creates what you feel as resistance in matter.

If you dig deeper you will see that it is possible to explain everything with natural processes.

yet you can't even explain magnetism.
spuriousmonkey said:
yet you can't show god.

i have already showed it before, but i'll show it to you: god is the only existence which we recognize as the self. now you have 'seen' god, because you know you exist. the self is nowhere, yet somewhere (everywhere)

old words lose their meaning and they are replaced by new words which the new people understand.

Yet there are theories on the nature of magnetism.

they never explain the cause because they don't explain the thing which they say causes it. they go in circles. to them, effects are causes and causes are effects. they don't 'see' the present creation where nothing is recognizable -- the 'nothing' where everything comes from.

you see... everything that is visible is an effect. hence, the cause cannot be visible.
c7ityi_ said:
i have already showed it before, but i'll show it to you: god is the only existence which we recognize as the self. now you have 'seen' god, because you know you exist. the self is nowhere, yet somewhere (everywhere)

old words lose their meaning and they are replaced by new words which the new people understand.

That is just a bunch of bullshit.
Noah's Ark -- Fact or Forgery?

Fact!. But not as told in Genesis.

The nomad Hebrews stold this old tale from The Epic of Gilgamesh written hundreds of years before these desert nomads, ever learned to read or write, anyhow, they deceivedly conjured up this story as their own, but a flood did take place many hundreds of years ago, and this animal trader was cought in a flood and rode the tide of the flood with his family. The flood is believed to be locally to Asia, like the Tsunami that hit not long ago. I searched for the damn story in the history channel, that's where I saw this interpretation of the Noah story, though I couldn't find it. However did find the similarity of Gilgamesh and this story. here

But really Woody, do you think that that thing they found in Mt. Ararat could possibly hold every creature in the world, it's food, it's excrement, which accumulated enclosed for 40 days and nights? the stinch must of been beyond awfull, lol..

Other similar stories of Noah's Ark here

This is why I conclude that something to this nature must of happened, however not at all like it's told in the BuyBull!!. ;)

Wood takes millions of years to fossilize, and requires an oxygen-free environment, otherwise, it just rots.
Mythbuster said:
How many oceans must you explore before you conclude Mermaids do not exist?

Do mermaids exist if I paint one, do they exist if I artificially create one? But if universe and time are infinite, what limits are there?

spuriousmonkey said:
That is just a bunch of bullshit.

the universe exists because people don't accept the truth. if particles would accept the truth, the negative and positive forces, fear and love, would unite, so all particles they would stop moving and existing. this is impossible, our own fear resists it.

love exists because we fear, fear exists because of infinity. we fear the truth but still we seek and find more and more about that infinity.
c7ityi_ said:
the universe exists because people don't accept the truth. if particles would accept the truth, the negative and positive forces, fear and love, would unite, so all particles they would stop moving and existing. this is impossible, our own fear resists it.

love exists because we fear, fear exists because of infinity. we fear the truth but still we seek and find more and more about that infinity.

That is just more bullshit.
KennyJC said:
That is like saying "How does the cyborg in Terminator 2 change shape?"... BECAUSE ITS FICTION.

How about this image coming from the Quick-Bird satellite? (this is the first time it has been shared with the public):


This is like Noah's ark candidate #3?

Somebody is really sinking big money into this project. KennyKC perhaps you should be their financial advisor since you are so confident you have the answer. Help them save millions.

Here's the Current News Story

a direct quote:

"I'm calling this my satellite archeology project," Taylor said. It's an effort that has now included use of QuickBird, GeoEye's Ikonos spacecraft, Canada's Radarsat 1, as well as declassified aerial and satellite images taken by the various U.S. intelligence agencies.


Declassified Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Keyhole-9 satellite image of a panoramic shot of Mt. Ararat, taken on Dec. 20, 1973. The "anomaly" is circled in red by researcher Porcher Taylor. Several years ago, the CIA declassified over 55,000 satellite images of various places around the world, including this image. Credit: CIA/Porcher Taylor

OK so here's what the CIA has been "hiding." Wasn't it Skin Walker that said I was having schizophrenic delusions about CIA information on Mt. Ararat? Well maybe not! :D
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Images with red shapes tend to make shapes where there are no such.
Here, I took out the red line and considerably increased the image size:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Free Image Hosting at" /></a>
(notice the change in altitude)

So.., how do you suggest this apparent cliff formation to be a ship?
With the same credibility you could say that clouds that look a bit like air-ships are alien spacecraft.
I'm willing to consider the possibility that this image represents some man-made object. It's worth futher investigation.
I think it is that whale from the bible stranded on top of the mountain because he got stranded there when the global flood retreated.
How about this image coming from the Quick-Bird satellite? (this is the first time it has been shared with the public):

To be truthful Woody, I have not read your post beyond this. Perhaps if this thread is idle for the next day or so I will come back and say something further...

But the reason I have not read your post is because we have already establised that Noah's Ark is impossible.

I feel insulted that I have to debate such a childish fantasy, because we as a species have acheived so much. But you and much of humanity treat these ancient stories as fact. When backed into a corner you simply say it's magic. That totally ends the debate there Woody. Therefor the argument is at an end - You have lost.
Wait a minute, the Noah's ark story could still be partially true. Now Woody has presented some serious evidence in the form of a photo of a strange formation near the mountain of legend. This evidence deserves consideration, I think that is in keeping with the scientific method. Most legends have their origin in a kernal of truth.

If it turns out that the mountain formation is just rock, then Woody needs to find other evidence. Since it is not in our power to do the actual investigation, I guess all we can do is wait.
spidergoat said:
Wait a minute, the Noah's ark story could still be partially true. Now Woody has presented some serious evidence in the form of a photo of a strange formation near the mountain of legend. This evidence deserves consideration, I think that is in keeping with the scientific method. Most legends have their origin in a kernal of truth

Yes and the face on Mars was made by aliens waiting for us to solve the puzzle before they engage with us...

A man-made ship of that size can surely not look so natural. A ship of that size and no artifacts found except 3 shapes that sort of look like bolts? This is even ignoring the fact that the version of Noah's Ark in the Bible is clearly impossible... Unless you believe in magic to support your idiotic beliefs.
That's a different location. I don't buy the first "ship" tourist attraction one bit. The second location was mentioned on CNN today.