No fish... no pentagrams.!!!

What the people of Africa have got is faith in God which is the greatest attribute a human can have. They will inherit the earth.

For sure... an y0u have faith in God... so what determines how many reincarnations it will take before you'r good enuff for heaven.???
For sure... an y0u have faith in God... so what determines how many reincarnations it will take before you'r good enuff for heaven.???
Let's be clear. I am not showing off... out of all my attributes I count it easily as my most important.

It's not about how many you need, you have the power to decide to become human again. Are you talking about dimensions?
SO, this is your reply?? You said heaven on earth is going to happen, and everyone will be ultimate. Please explain.
What should I have said? Poetry... The earth will be ruled by one King with a set of kings under him. God will precede on Earth in His temple. World peace, then peace = love.
Their credit rating.

Tightwads who avoid payin tithes by not bein a part of organized religion--callin therselfs "spiritual"... will have a big surprize on judgment day :eek:

An dont blame God... sombodys gotta pay for all those streets of gold.!!!
Is this spiritual gold or real gold?

I thought heaven was here on Earth.
I was wondering what clueless was on about, I missed your question, apologies.

I believe it will be literal, even if spray paint is used!

I had a vision of this mate, that is all the proof I need. The light of God provides a brilliant light running throughout the Temple City.