No fish... no pentagrams.!!!

cluelusshusbund said:
Does God bear no responsibility... eventho he knew beforehand that millions of children woud suffer unspeakable horror after he put his creation plan into action.???

Of course He does. What you have to remember is that God is the ultimate serial killer as well as the ultimate friend.

cluelusshusbund said:
If someone coud easily stop a child from bein raped... but insted chose to just watch... thats a monster... an i just want to know why you praize/worship such a monster known to you as "God".???

The monster is the person abusing the child.

God is the creater of evil... but for God... no children woud be abused.!!!

Earlier you claimed that God is a serial killer... an you adminted that God bears responsibility for the horrors that children suffer... so why do you praize/worship this "God".???
God is the creater of evil... but for God... no children woud be abused.!!!

Earlier you claimed that God is a serial killer... an you adminted that God bears responsibility for the horrors that children suffer... so why do you praize/worship this "God".???
God is the extreme of both Good and Evil, I stand by every word I say. He is obviously not bound by our laws. I have answered this question before. Where did I admit that God shares the responseability of hurting kids?
God is the extreme of both Good and Evil, I stand by every word I say. He is obviously not bound by our laws. I have answered this question before.

I didnt ask about what laws God is bound by... however... a queston i did ask which stands unanswrd is:::
Why you praize/worship a God who just watches insted of puttin a stop to childfen bein raped.???

Where did I admit that God shares the responseability of hurting kids?

Links in post #41.!!!

Is it now you'r position that God... the creator of evil... bears no responsibility for the fact that children suffer from the evil he created.???

An whatever you now claim about Gods responsiblity concernin evil... why wont God save children from the horrors of evil that he himself created.???

Just so you wont overlook the questons i asked... i put 'em in red.!!!
So I didn't "blame" God for the question you asked... you simply want me to answer 3 questions:
I didnt ask about what laws God is bound by... however... a queston i did ask which stands unanswrd is:::
Why you praize/worship a God who just watches insted of puttin a stop to childfen bein raped.???

Because I know that God is furious and WOULD put an end to it if it wasn't for King David/Jesus.

Is it now you'r position that God... the creator of evil... bears no responsibility for the fact that children suffer from the evil he created.???
Him creating Evil doesn't make Him Evil.
An whatever you now claim about Gods responsiblity concernin evil... why wont God save children from the horrors of evil that he himself created.???
Again, Jesus died for everyone's Sin. But based on this scripture...

Mark 9:42
42 And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.

Who knows what happens to these kind of people, who knows...
Well, if a millstone was around my neck and I got thrown into the sea... I guess I'd sink, so I assume they would too.
What is the purpose of Evil.???
"Life" is bigger then you or others think. Life creates diversity, this planet has seeded ultimate warriors, ultimate scientists, ultimate philosophers... warriors like "The Predator" are bordering on evil towards other races... so the universe is a reflection of the earth, almost..
"Life" is bigger then you or others think. Life creates diversity, this planet has seeded ultimate warriors, ultimate scientists, ultimate philosophers... warriors like "The Predator" are bordering on evil towards other races... so the universe is a reflection of the earth, almost..
Not sure if you realize that the predator isn't real.:-\
No suggestons.!!!
Accordin to you'r beliefs what is you'r path to heaven.???

Tough question. Well heaven is actually obtainable on earth, I won't go deep into love to explain it. I try to construct heaven around me, but to eternal bliss with God I believe in Him with all my heart, I want to be around Him. Some people might find working with great minds finding out the truth through science on a planet somewhere might be heaven to them.

Either way, Heaven will be on earth one day, and THAT will be the ultimate for everyone.