No Birth Control for You!


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
I have no problem with them not selling what they don't ant to sell. But I'm glad the one store is in deep trouble for not transferring the woman's prescription.
Seriously, I would have thought ALL pharmacies here in the US didn't have to sell what they didn't want to.

New Va. pharmacy won’t sell any contraceptives

CHANTILLY, Va. - A new drug store at a Virginia strip mall is putting its faith in an unconventional business plan: No candy. No sodas. And no birth control.

Divine Mercy Care Pharmacy is among at least seven pharmacies across the nation that are refusing as a matter of faith to sell contraceptives of any kind, even if a person has a prescription. States across the country have been wrestling with the issue of pharmacists who refuse on religious grounds to dispense birth control or morning-after pills, and some have enacted laws requiring drug stores to fill the prescriptions.

In Virginia, though, pharmacists can turn away any prescription for any reason.

“I am grateful to be able to practice,” pharmacy manager Robert Semler said, “where my conscience will never be violated and my faith does not have to be checked at the door each morning.”

Semler ran a similar pharmacy before opening the new store, which is not far from Dulles International Airport. The store only sells items that are health-related, including vitamins, skin care products and over-the-counter medications.

On Tuesday, the pharmacy celebrated a blessing from Arlington Bishop Paul S. Loverde. While Divine Mercy Care is not affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church, it is guided by church teachings on sexuality, which forbid any form of artificial contraception, including morning-after pills, condoms and birth control pills, a common prescription used by millions of women in the U.S.

“This pharmacy is a vibrant example of our Holy Father’s charge to all of us to wear our faith in the public square,” said Loverde, who sprinkled holy water on the shelves stocked with painkillers and acne treatments. “It will allow families to shop in an environment where their faith is not compromised.”

The drug store is the seventh in the country to be certified as not prescribing birth control by Pharmacists for Life International. The anti-abortion group estimates that perhaps hundreds of other pharmacies have similar policies, though they have not been certified.

Earlier this year in Wisconsin, a state appeals court upheld sanctions against a pharmacist who refused to dispense birth control pills to a woman and wouldn’t transfer her prescription elsewhere. Elsewhere, at least seven states require pharmacies or pharmacists to fill contraceptive prescriptions, according to the National Women’s Law Center. Four states explicitly give pharmacists the right to turn away any prescriptions, the group said.

The Virginia store’s policy has drawn scorn from some abortion rights groups, who have already called for a boycott and collected more than 1,000 signatures protesting the pharmacy.

“If this emboldens other pharmacies in other parts of the state, it could really affect low-income and rural women in terms of access,” said Tarina Keene, executive director of the Virginia chapter of the National Abortion Rights Action League.

Robert Laird, executive director of Divine Mercy Care, believes many of the estimated 50,000 Catholics within a few miles of the store will support its mission and make up for the roughly 10 percent of business that contraceptives represent in a typical pharmacy.

Whether Catholics will be drawn to the pharmacy is uncertain. According to a Gallup poll published last year for an extensive study of U.S. Catholicism called American Catholics Today, 75 percent of U.S. Catholics said you can still be a good Catholic even if you don’t obey church teachings on birth control.

Catherine Muskett said she plans to shop at the drug store even though she lives more than 20 miles away.

“Obviously it’s good to support pro-life causes. Every little bit counts,” said Muskett, one of about 75 people who crowded into the tiny shop for Tuesday’s ceremony.
I didn't know pharmacies could do that, best to stick with the secular one's I guess places like Wal-mart, Longs, Rite-Aid...etc. Birth control has more than one use though. Their unchecked consciences could be causing women pain. But it can't be the only drug store, right?
There is only 1 drug store in the town I grew up in. I wonder if you could get a prescription through the hospital. I get some meds through mail order.
I heard the Scientologists are opening Pharmaceutics that don't sell any anti-depression or anti-psychotic medicines. Sceincauticals
What pharmacist thinks the meds don't work? The Catholics aren't selling birth control because they do work
rediculas, these stores should have there licences pulled.

Your either a medical practitioner or your not, if you are you follow the pts wishes in there care NOT your own idiology.
same difference, they have a duty of care to there "customers", can i just point out that if a pharmist doesnt explain the possable side effects and check for contridictor meds or other signs of an incorect perscription they can be charged. Higher duty of care than your local Big W wouldnt you say?
Uh-Huh. And what does that have to do with deciding what they will and won't sell in their pharmacy?
i was just pointing out that a pharmasy isnt concidered to be "just a shop"

You hit the nail on the head, what if there is only one pharmacy in a country town, should they decide for the whole town wether they are alowed birth control? how about wether they can have acney seeing as the pill is proscribed as a front line treatment for that in women

what about rape victoms, should they decide if they can have the morning after pill?
what about HIV meds? should they decide that?
what about anti depressents?

NO, they shouldnt to any of these
That Pharmacy is in deep shit if she wanted to take them to court. If I were her I would seek an attorney ASAP.
A pharmacist should not be second guessing a Dr.s perscription based on what Liberace says, er I mean the pope.
What about women that are prescribed birth control as a way to control their cycle? There are many uses for the Pill other than birth control. Just goes to show how ignorant most religious folks are.
This is the kind of stupidity among christians that suggest the stereotypes are true. That's like opening a Jehovah's Witness Hospital-they never need blood at least! It's one thing to live what you believe, it's another to try and inflict it on other people.

GAH! and it's in my own damned state! <disgust/nausea>
What is somewhat maddening, is there is an equally extreme group marching against these cracked nuts. I'm pro-choice and all, but the people this is talking about are the same shitty kitties that tried to give my 7 year old daughters pamphlets about,"Myths about Abortion" outside Wal-mart a few months ago. Haven't considered striking a woman too many times, but that was one where I gave it careful consideration. My babies did me proud, both threw the pamphlets on the ground in front of the lady, Marie sez to her,"Why don't you go do something useful like pick up some trash", pointing at the pamphlet she threw on the ground. Probably saved that woman's life, because I was mad and demedicated-bad combination.
This is the kind of stupidity among christians that suggest the stereotypes are true. That's like opening a Jehovah's Witness Hospital-they never need blood at least! It's one thing to live what you believe, it's another to try and inflict it on other people.

GAH! and it's in my own damned state! <disgust/nausea>

And that's where the problem begins, Hammy. It would be one thing if every Christian was like you--I'd allow even a step further in their ardent following of the religion--but they aren't. So many of them think they have a right to enforce their own rules on society. Society isn't religious for the most part. Not this one, anyway. That's why there is a looming atheist movement, and I dig it; not because I think all atheists should get together and build an achurch (get it?) but because it's time atheists spoke up and said enough.
They SHOULD be made to sell what they don't want to sell if that is birth control.

They don't like it, they shouldn't work there.
Birth control can cause abortions, but the chance of that happening is extremely small and it happens before a woman even knows she's pregnant. It doesn't kill the zygote or anything it just keeps the lining really thin so the zygote has nothing to attach on to. But that's rare because if you are on birth control chances are you never ovulated to begin with.
People could always stop fucking unless they want to have kids.
Birth control can cause abortions, but the chance of that happening is extremely small and it happens before a woman even knows she's pregnant. It doesn't kill the zygote or anything it just keeps the lining really thin so the zygote has nothing to attach on to. But that's rare because if you are on birth control chances are you never ovulated to begin with.

I don't think that's the issue, is it? I thought it was simply that Christians don't believe in contraception.