New Wikileaks Dump is Unconscionable

Bravo to you Aussies, the spirit of truth seems healthier there than in the USA. I keep running into interesting resources concerning whistleblowing from Australia:

Whistleblowing is the exposure, made in the public interest, by people within or from outside an organization, of significant information on corruption and wrongdoing, and that would not otherwise be available.
Whistleblowing Ethics

The Whistleblower's Handbook

Assange on whistleblowing (YouTube video)

Of course there are many dedicated advocates and activists in the USA too:
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I am boycotting Ebay/Papal until they reverse their policy.

I try not to do business with businesses that support criminality. Large scale criminality needs corrupt governments. Corrupt governments need secrecy. The world's governments are corrupt. To fight this corruption we need leakers, leaks and a fearless place to leak to. Therefore by by thwarting Wikileaks I find Ebay guilty of engaging in an international conspiracy to support large scale global crime. Therefore I am boycotting Ebay.

What was it that Amazon was doing with Ebay? I guess I am boycotting Amazon as well but I don't understand what Amazon did that helped Wikileaks that they are now stopping.

I also need to find a way to make a contribution to Wikileaks to encourage them to not be intimidated and to keep up the fight to make democracy come closer to reaching it's potential as a force for good in the world.
I also need to find a way to make a contribution to Wikileaks to encourage them to not be intimidated and to keep up the fight to make democracy come closer to reaching it's potential as a force for good in the world.

1. Julian Assange Defence Fund

Please donate directly to the Julian Assange and other WikiLeaks Staff Defence Fund. These funds will be used exclusively for defence costs

To donate please do an electronic bank transfer (EFT) to:

Account number: 91-765019-6
IBAN:CH55 0900 0000 9176 5019 6
Account name:Assange Julian Paul, Geneve
Address::Swiss Post
Engehaldenstrasse, 37
Bern, Switzerland

2. Online Transfer via Credit Card

Using our friendly credit card processing partner Datacell Switzerland.

3. Bank Transfer - Option 1: via Sunshine Press Productions ehf:

Skulagötu 19, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland
Landsbanki Islands Account number 0111-26-611010
ACCOUNT/IBAN:IS97 0111 2661 1010 6110 1002 80

4. Bank Transfer - Option 2: via the not-for-profit Wau Holland Stiftung Foundation:

This support is tax deductible in Germany
Bank Account: 2772812-04
IBAN: DE46 5204 0021 0277 2812 04
Bank: Commerzbank Kassel
German BLZ: 52040021
Subject: WIKILEAKS / WHS Projekt 04

5. Via Postal Mail

You can post a donation via good old fashion postal mail to:

(or any suitable name likely to avoid interception in your country)
BOX 4080
Australia Post Office - University of Melbourne Branch
Victoria 3052
What was it that Amazon was doing with Ebay?

To Customer Service [US/Canada phone 800-201-7575] and Jeff Bezos (,

I’m disgusted by Amazon’s cowardice and servility in abruptly terminating its hosting of the Wikileaks website, in the face of threats from Senator Joe Lieberman and other Congressional right-wingers. I want no further association with any company that encourages legislative and executive officials to aspire to China’s control of information and deterrence of whistle-blowing.

For the last several years, I’ve been spending over $100 a month on new and used books from Amazon. That’s over. I have contacted Customer Service to ask Amazon to terminate immediately my membership in Amazon Prime and my Amazon credit card and account, to delete my contact and credit information from their files and to send me no more notices.

I understand that many other regular customers feel as I do and are responding the same way. Good: the broader and more immediate the boycott, the better. I hope that these others encourage their contact lists to do likewise and to let Amazon know exactly why they’re shifting their business. I’ve asked friends today to suggest alternatives. I’ve removed all links to Amazon from my site, and I’ll be exploring service from Powell’s Books, IndieBound, Biblio and others.

So far Amazon has spared itself the further embarrassment of trying to explain its action openly. This would be a good time for Amazon insiders who know and perhaps can document the political pressures that were brought to bear—and the details of the hasty kowtowing by their bosses—to leak that information. They can send it to Wikileaks (now on servers outside the US), to mainstream journalists or bloggers, or perhaps to a site like, which has now appropriately ended its book-purchasing association with Amazon and called a boycott.

If you’d like to read further analysis of your cowardice, I suggest you see this excellent article by Glenn Greenwald.

Yours (no longer),

Daniel Ellsberg

That's the spirit. Thank you (again) Daniel Ellsberg.

When I recall how differently Daniel Ellsberg's leaks were received in 1971, I can't help but wonder if a large factor in the striking difference today involves intellectual decline in the USA. When I talk about matters pertaining to Wikileaks with my countrymen, I often have the impression that what passes for higher education and journalism in our country has precipitously failed us: Among most people I converse with in person in the USA, it seems like the opportunities for intelligent conversation about democracy, whistle-blowing, and current events in general have become increasingly rare.

That sort of frustration often leaves me seeking conversation online. Whether there is any salvation here is an open question.
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Ellsberg doesn't seem to think so as he has come out to support Assange and sees many similarities between his situation and what is going now save the different political climate. Go back and look at the links I posted where Ellsberg has gone on to praise Wikileaks and support Assange.

Ellsberg is a washed up loser, and has been for some years (he's a self-aggrandizing kind of John Dean-like character). I don't care what he thinks. Neither should you. And comparing his leaks and the enormity of the Vietnam War to Iraq and Afghanistan is just stupid. Comparing his leaks and the enormity of Vietnam to State Department cables that have nothing to do with the wars is even dumber.

As for Woodward, he was a journalist. Nothing he printed was classified and he wasn't attempting to undermine American policy.
Again I ask would you say the same for Ellsberg's Pentagon Papers that were top secret during the Vietnam war? Should the Washington Post have caved to government pressure and refuse to publish the information concerning Nixon? If they chose to publish them anyway should they have been barred from printing? Should the Nixon tapes been protected in the interest of 'national security' which his administration had put forth at the time?

you forget the fact that the Government is actively seeking this particular source as announced by Clinton recently. She has ordered an 'aggressive' search.
Amazon dropped wikileaks because Congress started investigating a supposed connection between the two organizations. Police state tactics are alive and well.
Amazon? Thats a shopping site?

Police tactics alive and well - ah, the eternal shout of the anarchist and socialist. It is because of that state, which is imaginary, that you can speak your mind in public, here.

I am for whistle blowing, but against people using positions of trust to reveal indiscriminate information which belongs to the people who pay their wages.

Almost none of what has been revealed so far indicates corruption.
More the sort of back-biting we all indulge in. Tittle Tattle.

Personally I am a bit surprised by how closely the US public position echoes what they say in private.
I thought they were far more Machiavellian than that.

If the site is going to reveal information which is useful to terrorists, then this is against the law in Britain, and America too I should think. (Is it?)

You are always a very fair minded poster nirakar.
I'm surprised your opinions on this are so one sided.

Could you not see circumstances where information posted could be immoral or illegal? Can you see limits to freedom of information as an ideal, and where would you place those limits?
Nobody has been harmed by these leaks, as they were only diplomatic opinion not policy but its the principle involved. Someone in a position of trust has betrayed that trust, and should, accordingly, be dealt with.

I work in Security - one of my briefs is the confidentiality of the client - instant dismiss for infringement - that is exactly the same as in the leaks.
Someone in a position of trust has betrayed that trust, and should, accordingly, be dealt with.

Are we talking about the elected representatives who promised to uphold the consitution, the diplomats who lied and sent Americans to die in pointless wars or an Australian hacker dedicated to bringing the truth to the people?
Are we talking about the elected representatives who promised to uphold the consitution, the diplomats who lied and sent Americans to die in pointless wars or an Australian hacker dedicated to bringing the truth to the people?

Oh, please...
As you are anti semetic you are talking double standards. If it was indeed an australian hacker 'dedicated to bringing the truth' to the people - whose truth are we talking about here. If I posted all your details on an israeli site, what am I guilty of? Exactly the same surely, breach of confidence.

This australian is only interested in one thing - self glorification amongst the warped society he thrives in.

You have survived 69k+ posts so you live in here, and the staff are incredibly tolerant, mein fuhrer.
Amazon? Thats a shopping site?

Police tactics alive and well - ah, the eternal shout of the anarchist and socialist. It is because of that state, which is imaginary, that you can speak your mind in public, here.

Uh, you are woefully uninformed if that is what you believe.
And thank the heavens for those news agencies who are defying the bar on information. But what is dangerous here is that there is an international government effort to enforce a global ban on information. They make China in regards to Google look like child's play. What is dangerous is that there is a global effort on the part of government elitist to control information on a scale that since now is unprecedented. I say fight it tooth and nail.

If this particular case isn't fought now then we as a general public, a global public will find ourselves without an outlet of expression, especially for those brave dissidents and patriots who hold their government accountable.

I don't really think people understand how dangerous this really is and how it can shut down the grass roots mechanisms for democratic protest and dissent.

This move will forever change the ramifications and protections for whistelblowers, journalists and publications in general.

I did not get much of a chance to listen to the news this evening as they were discussing the threats made against Assange and the threats of arrest. Our Attorney-General commented that Mr Assange, as an Australian citizen, was free to access consular assistance ASAP to help with the threat of arrest and stated he could come home - possibly for protection as mention was made of his rights as an Australian citizen and Government protection. This was said after condemning him for releasing the information.. My children were playing rocket wars at the time and I could barely hear what was said on the TV, so I may be incorrect.

I suspect the pressure on the Australian Government to act against him is strong and threats of arrest or cancellation of his passport has been met with a negative response in the community and from the opposition - who all state correctly that you cannot cancel his passport when you don't even know if he has broken any laws.
As you are anti semetic you are talking double standards. If it was indeed an australian hacker 'dedicated to bringing the truth' to the people - whose truth are we talking about here. If I posted all your details on an israeli site, what am I guilty of? Exactly the same surely, breach of confidence.

This australian is only interested in one thing - self glorification amongst the warped society he thrives in.

You have survived 69k+ posts so you live in here, and the staff are incredibly tolerant, mein fuhrer.

So we are talking about the Australian hacker then. Talk about missing the forest for the trees.
Ellsberg is a washed up loser, and has been for some years (he's a self-aggrandizing kind of John Dean-like character). I don't care what he thinks. Neither should you. And comparing his leaks and the enormity of the Vietnam War to Iraq and Afghanistan is just stupid. Comparing his leaks and the enormity of Vietnam to State Department cables that have nothing to do with the wars is even dumber.

As for Woodward, he was a journalist. Nothing he printed was classified and he wasn't attempting to undermine American policy.

Please don't tell me what I should care about or whom I should listen to. The 'washed up' assessment of Ellsberg is yours alone. Though I'm sure Hannity, Limbaugh and Pailin would join you in that mantra.

You think the Vietnam war enormous compared to Iraq and Afghanistan? Since we are 10 years down the road and haven't fulfilled our goals or seem to find a way to remove troops off the ground I find that assessment completely stupid.

Woodward was dependent on whistleblowers and a paper willing to run the story which at the beginning they were very hesitant to do. If they had classified written proof do you think they would have run with the story?

The cables are a range from information that we find pertinent and those that are simply embarrassing. So if the wikileak cables, which have not been fully released, lacks enormity then why is there a global effort to silence the organization and charge Assange with espionage? I won't go into the power twits that have called for his assassination.

Sorry Counterzero but I am not aligned with you on this subject at all.
you forget the fact that the Government is actively seeking this particular source as announced by Clinton recently. She has ordered an 'aggressive' search.

Of course they are looking for the source. I wouldn't expect them to do otherwise, neither does Wikileaks nor the source of the information.
Good points Lucy, I'd like to add that in the contemporary marketplace of ideas, the Pentagon Papers would probably slide right down the memory hole. It takes sustained bombardment of thought-provoking evidence today, to stimulate critical and rational thinking among increasing and increasingly-distracted populations of under-informed and under-educated consumers of junk infotainment.
Amazon dropped wikileaks because Congress started investigating a supposed connection between the two organizations. Police state tactics are alive and well.

No Amazon dropped Wikileaks after being pressured by Senator Lieberman:

Amazon has stopped hosting the Wikileaks website, according to U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman, a Connecticut Independent.

The U.S. Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee contacted Amazon "for an explanation" on Tuesday after it learned that Amazon was hosting the site, Lieberman said.

"This morning Amazon informed my staff that it has ceased to host the Wikileaks website. I wish that Amazon had taken this action earlier based on Wikileaks' previous publication of classified material," Lieberman said in a statement on Wednesday. "Wikileaks' illegal, outrageous, and reckless acts have compromised our national security and put lives at risk around the world."

He said that no "responsible company" should host the material. He also said that he intends to ask Amazon about the extent of its relationship with Wikileaks and about what it will do in the future to make sure that its services are not used to distribute stolen or classified information.

Same with Paypal