New Unseen Ufo videos online for researchers

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duendy said:
whati feel the 'scpetics' ted to do here i wit a wave of te hand dismiss anything that is not in their pre-supposed worldview
That sounds like what the believers do to every mundane explanation.
shaman_ said:
That sounds like what the believers do to every mundane explanation.

lets call the game 'sceptics (''= 'pseudo') and the believers/gullibles, ok

IS there an Xcluded middle?
duendy said:
lets call the game 'sceptics (''= 'pseudo') and the believers/gullibles, ok

IS there an Xcluded middle?

Believers = gullibles? hmm... ok, what you're saying is, someone is stupid to believe what they've seen with their own two eyes? even if without a reasonable doubt it appears to be something completely odd and out of this world? Offcourse, if it is indeed human technology, yes, they are gullibles. But i'd rather be a believer then to deny incredibly bright, unearthly objects, appearing next to me. I'd rather be called gullibe then having the nerve to call it an optical illusion/hallucination/bullshit.

Ok, i'll get into more detail with my dad's experiences. He claims he saw(a few times, in different occasions) a bright white object, about the same size as a star doing impressive manuvours. He claims they moved in a zigzaging style across vast amounts of skies, appearing to teleport from one point to the other. Now, considering my dad was a hardcore sceptic, he wouldn’t be caught dead agreeing to any such phenomenon. He’s my dad, and just like any other person who has loyal, educated, normal parents, you would not expect them to lie about such things, nor do they have a reason to. He doesn’t go to the pub and tell his friends about how he sees alien ships, or obsess about it, to my knowledge, he only told a hand full of people.

His own words: “I know there is a possibility that it could be man-made, but technology like this has never been seen before, or at least by ‘normal people’(suggesting people who don’t work for organisations manufacturing these technologies, if there is)”
This suggests he’s not insane/gullible.
Hey Serb05, i didn't mean hownyou read what i 'believer' i wasn't referring to people, like your dad, who have had experience. what i meant by believer is for example people who blindly believe. in religion this'd be blind UFOolgy it's be a belief in 'what 'it' is', and blocking out otherviews, yeah? i keep trying to be in an 'i dont knpw' mode..........
I completely respect your dad's experiece and his insight as to what it may be....i REALLYgell wit it.

from what i hav read. the few people who believe it may be man-made phenomena seem to be a bit iffy abot ET explanations, and vice versa. peole who cling to an ET explanation shun talk about man-made phenomena. so again we get two oppsoing camps....what we NEED then is to become aware of te excluded middle, which can blcok open investigation
I'm terminating this thread, it's old, someone brought it back from the dead and people can't help but try to wind each other up... so simplist method of dealing with it, close the thread. (It should of been pensioned off years ago)
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