New Unseen Ufo videos online for researchers

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Honestly, Ufotheater, get off of the crack. It's really not helping you. No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be such a dick, after all, you did criticize everbody in the entire human race for living their life as one giant hoax. I DON'T live my life as a hoax, and I'm certainly not a part of the "blind masses". You criticize my species (which very well may be yours, although I have reason to believe otherwise) and that really pisses me off.Your argument and the way you present it is doing you no good, only making the mental institutions more aware. And how come your alien friends haven't picked you up yet? You seem so disgusted with Mankind, just call them on their cell phones that are apparently embedded in their head. I'm sure they'll answer, all they do all day is watch all of the little humans run around in their pathetic little lives. Tell me one thing, how many different races of your far out friends are there? And why hasn't anyone seen the same type of "ship" more than once? Every tape has a different thing, be it a gaint cigarette lighter or an orange thing shitting "ships". One thing I'd like to say, space is big. You already know that. There's a lot of stuff out there, not to mention planets. I know that we aren't the only planet. But how life orginated HERE still hasn't been fully explained. There is the possibility of having the right atmospheric conditions to make life come out of nowhere, but those chances are so hugely astronomical, it's amazing that Earth was picked for it to happen on. What you need is a good chair to sit in and think about the hole that your digging yourself in to. :)
It depends on the person's perception of hoax.Ufo theatre's perception of hoax is going way over the limit,he uses his beliefs as if they were home truths,the guy needs help,maybe he needs a simple dosage like getting a new hobby for instance,instead of wasting your life on the unknown,try something thats worthwhile and very well known.
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Sorry, UFotheater, but the movies don't really seem all that good of proof. Like that line through the UFO in that one video. If it was a VCR problem the line would be across the UFO, not behind it. Unless of course the UFO was super-imposed over the VCR error, making it a phony.

Also, all UFO's in these "videos" are the most unstable things i've ever seen. If they are so advanced why can't they hover in a stable manner? Our Helicotpers don't bob and weave like that, and our helicopters are apparently CRAP compared to the things that THEY can build. And if it's the cameramans fault, then how come it's always the TERRIBLE camera users that catch these things on film? How come a talented camera crew never gets this?

Here are two more examples of bad UFO photos.... the person who took these two photos claimed that the two objects in the first appeared to "chase" each other, the smaller taking the follow-on position.

In the second, the larger object appeared to hover.

These are obviously fake and probably a balloon.

Dallas UFO 1.jpg

Dallas UFO 2.jpg

Another example of crappy photography, that we are expected to believe is something more than a balloon on a tether.
people who say all UFOs videos are fake, are just plain idiots..people who agree with me...they do get on ur nerves...but as long as there people who know and are with you, you are not alone...and i noticed there has been an increased of UFO shows..on discovery, history, etc..on TV .. so i guess those networks also don't
Originally posted by AlexKN1
people who say all UFOs videos are fake, are just plain idiots..

The contention isn't that "all... are fake" but rather this: many "UFO" videos are, indeed, hoaxes; the ones that are not do not conclusively prove anything beyond other plausible hypotheses such as weather phenomena, civilian/military aircraft, meteors, camera equipment anomalies, reflections, etc.

In short, the contention is that unless the video is clear enough to see something compelling (little gray/gree/blue dudes waving out of the window, for instance), other hypotheses deserve more consideration since they involve well documented phenomena.

Originally posted by AlexKN1
and i noticed there has been an increased of UFO shows..on discovery, history, etc..on TV .. so i guess those networks also don't

Money. That's the primary driving force... the same driving force that puts John Edwards on television talking to dead people. The same driving force that puts other fictional shows like Smallville, X-Files, and the Greatest American Hero on. Ratings=$

Just to be fair, let me announce that I'm an Anthropology student and I have had a fascination lately with belief systems. What I notice is that when believers are faced with logical skeptism and critical thinkers who ask relevant questions of the issue, the believers resort to ad hominem attacks. That is to say, they attack the person rather than the issue. Your use of "idiots" is an example.
Originally posted by SkinWalker
Just to be fair, let me announce that I'm an Anthropology student and I have had a fascination lately with belief systems. What I notice is that when believers are faced with logical skeptism and critical thinkers who ask relevant questions of the issue, the believers resort to ad hominem attacks. That is to say, they attack the person rather than the issue. Your use of "idiots" is an example.

That's an interesting observation....I've never really thought about it until now, but that's very often correct...most often when I argue with people in real life and start winning they resort to personal attacks............And whenever I debated in Forensics club in high school I didn't care about winning and if they were better than me I resorted to personal attacks........I lost points but it made me feel better about myself :p
I am just gonna say everytime who attacks me, i'll just say do some extensive research before talking me. I don't want to hear. I have done my research, now its your turn.
Originally posted by AlexKN1
I don't want to hear. I have done my research, now its your turn.

Cite references to your research, please. Stay tuned, and I'll cite a few for you as well. :p
"UFO" videos

I believe that there have been many "UFOs" caught on tape and there have been an equal amount of fakes. I believe this only because I have recorded some myself. (real ones that is) I also believe this because about 20 years ago my father saw one that "appeared to be about 70 feet wide and about 100 feet away." And my dad is not into "UFOs" .. but he cannot denie what he saw with his own eyes. I have seen and not to mention heard them quite a bit myself. I dont tell you guys this information because I want praise or any other dumb reason.. I tell you this because it is the truth.
(I put UFOs in quotations because I believe there are alot of "UFOs" that are natural phenomena.. then there are the ones that cannot be mistaken for anything but a flying disc.. or flying saucer.. or whatever you want to call them.. so when I put it in quotations Im refering to flying discs)

I think the moving red fireball video i shot the other day pretty much slaps the woo outta all you skeptics mouths.

:) :) :)

Debunk that
Most Probable Explanation

In my invitation to "debunk" Ufotheatre's latest creation/observation, I'd like to first caution that for anyone about to download the video, be ready for a 35 mb d/l.

Now, to the debunking. I won't waste time with the obvious pre- and post- hoaxing possibilities. With unvalidated video evidence, this is always the possibility, and, in this case, could easily have been done.

So, assuming that it is not a hoax (not that I've ruled it out), and assuming that it is not an 'alien craft' (since probabilities are against it, though, again, I don't rule it out), that leaves a natural phenomena or god.

We can safely rule out a diety, since there is little evidence to support that he/she/they is interested in hoaxing "ufo" videos.

That leaves natural phenomena.

I immediately recognized this as characteristic of an atypical, but not uncommon, characteristic of the pyractomena borealis, more commonly known as the firefly or lightening bug.

P. borealis uses bioluminescence to warn other animals that they taste bad, though some theories believe that it is also to attract a mate. "These bioluminescent signals can take the form of anything from a continuous glow, to discrete single flashes, to"flash-trains" composed of multi-pulsed flashes," according to Lloyd 1966 and Williams 1917.

Having been an avid outdoorsman most of my life, I have personally witnessed effects very similar to the one depicted in low light and twilight conditions. They can be considered strange and counter-intuitive to even the experienced outdoorsman, particularly if one is unfamiliar with P. borealis.

At first, when watching the video, you get the sense that there is a red-tinted light, at least as far away as the stand of trees near the horizon (which are junipers and mesquite from the look, and do not stand very tall as trees in other parts of the country). However, I think it is equally, if not more, likely that the object, which is probably a P. borealis, is much closer. It's most likely flight path is relatively shorter than Ufotheatre would like to believe and consists mostly of vertical movement with exception of the short horizontal trip from right to left. Whatever it's flight path, it's important to note that it cannot be discerned, but only assumed, since comparative objects for ranging are not forthcoming and the video itself is of such poor quality.

References at the bottom, but here's my challenge: cite any reference which suggests that this sort of phenomena is indicative of 'alien craft' or other ufo lore.

Lloyd, J.E. 1991. Lampyridae (Cantharoidea). pp.427-428 in F.W. Stehr, ed. Immature Insects. vol.2. Kendall-Hunt Publ. Co., Dubuque, IA.

Williams, F.X. 1917. Notes on the life-history of some North American Lampyridae. Journal New York Entomology Society, 25:11-13.

yea... these softball sized lightning bugs also swim in the water..... LOL..

i see the level of resort you have to go to here to debunk..

that was flat out pathetic... :)
Re: haha

Originally posted by Ufotheatre
yea... these softball sized lightning bugs also swim in the water..... LOL..

i see the level of resort you have to go to here to debunk..

that was flat out pathetic... :)

I see no proof that these were "softball sized." When dealing with luminous objects, size and distance become difficult to discern.
"The panel noted that the human eye is a very poor device for measuring absolute luminosities: the state of dark adaptation of the eye affects the amount of light reaching the retina, and different parts of the retina respond differently to light."

Peter A. Sturrock et al. (1998). Physical evidence related to UFO reports. J. Scientific Exploration, 12, 2, 179.

I do, however, see evidence of someone who is very willing to believe just about anything that fits his (her?) belief system, without regard to physical evidence or alternative hypotheses.

All kidding aside, I suggest counseling.
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aww poor guy, so misled so goober.

He believes everything can be explained.. even softball sized fireflies exist in his world.

Sorry, but to me your just a skeptic

Atleast i have something besides words to prove my beliefs... you just cry and whine and *try* to debunk even when your own words prove you have nothing better to do.

I have a feeling your a nerdy guy with glasses... real fat... just like the rest of the amercian population.

Try going outside... you might lose some weight and see a ufo.


One of the things that fascinates me the most about those who take on fetishes with the paranormal is the fact that they, who consider themselves so "open-minded," nearly always resort to ad hominem, or personal, attacks when they are faced with scrutiny.

That's the difference between pseudoscience (pseudo meaning 'fake') and science. Scientists and those who employ scientific method welcome scrutiny. It is good to have colleages poke at every possible explanation before going to the public with your 'findings.'

UFOTheatre is a pseudoscientist. He talks about his "evidence," which consists of poorly made video and still images. Some appear to be blatantly hoaxed, others appear to have alternative explanations, some have not enough data to make a conclusion. None seem to show with any confidence that there is an 'alien craft' at work.

I mean no harm to UFOTheatre.... I actually wish to be helpful. I take no offense at your insults, since I realize that many UFO fantasies arise from a compensation of the burdensome stress of self-esteem and control or lack thereof (Newman & Baumeister, 1996). However, I also know that the work of genuine scientists in the field with projects like SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), SETV (Search for Extraterrestrial Visitation), SETA (... for ET Artifacts), and EMBLA (Electromagnetic Behavior of Luminous Anomalies) have all concluded that there are no conclusions. They've found, to date, nothing conclusive to indicate that there are alien craft visiting our planet (Teodorani, 2002).

The very nature of UFOTheatre's insults indicate a deficiency in self-esteem and personal control of his daily environment. I say indicate, not prove. I could, and hope to, be wrong. But ad hominem attacks are very telling.

Newman L, Baumeister R, 1996. Toward an explanation of the UFO phenomenon: hypnotic elaboration, extraterrestial sadomasochism, and spurious memories. Psychological Inquiry, Vol 7, number 2, pp 99-126.

Teodorani, M., 2002. The physical study of atmospheric luminous anomalies and the SETV hypothesis. CNR - Instituto di Radioastronomia / Radiotelescopia di Medicina. Found at
Much of UFO phenomena are hoaxes, fakes, etc..

But indeed some are quite real..

But the question is not that people see strange things in the sky, because Its proven people see it all the time... there are hundreds of sightings in the world each year..

The problem is that many ufologists say that their ETs.... well, there is no evidence regarding that..

UFOs are real... but they are still a big "?"
Unindentified Flying Object... Their still pretty much that thing,
nothing still proves its ETs or God sent Angels or anything like that..

althought I believe its good to research those things, but with good skepticism of course
Why not believe?

Apparentely, it's hard to imagine for peoples, even to suppose that there's life outside of earth.

They need proof, so there sending spacecraft to nearby planets, Mars, Venus. But until the day they have this 'discovery' made, people don't seem to agree with an hypothesis either.

The Hypothesis of life outside earth, that reasambles our intelligence,... but : there's a problem with hypothesis: it's still an hypothesis, it's no proof, even if it's verry plausible and even if there's a watertight story behind it.

So people will always keep discussing, that's the only fact there is to it.
Just in the way that peoples will always discuss a 'believed' g_d that 'should' exist.

That one too yeah! No-one can affirm it with undeniable proof.

So believe what you will, nobody is stopping you from doing just that.

Believe is a verry personal thing.
Maby 'you' where 'chosen' to vieuw an UFO, praise yourself 'lucky'.
But don't try to convince others of your beliefs or soon enough, you will find yourself in conflict with everyone in your surroundings in the same way that muslims, Jews, and even 'Fine' Christian peoples are figthing eachother for 'their' beliefs.

Live long and happy, may you have many more expreriences.
Thank you

Re: Why not believe?

Originally posted by Fukushi
Apparentely, it's hard to imagine for peoples, even to suppose that there's life outside of earth.

It's not hard to imagine. In fact, the probability is that they do exist. I easily imagine hundreds, maybe thousands or even more worlds where life exists at an intelligent level. The billions of billions of galaxies, with billions of billions of stars, many with planets of their own, would suggest that, mathematically speaking, there should be more intelligent life than ours.

What I do have a hard time believing is that alien craft are visiting our little bubble of existance using "nanotechnology" and
" when our creators return all goverments will fall and the ones in control will attempt to kill everyone with those weapons because they will no longer be leaders in power.. We as humans will once again be free and there will be no other humans with power over the masses and other peoples lives. "
-- UFOTheatre on page 1.

Originally posted by Fukushi
Believe is a verry personal thing.

This is all very true, but a problem with our society, as I see it, is that 'belief systems' are overriding critical thought and management of cognitive processes in general.
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