New Unseen Ufo videos online for researchers

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Sometimes its hard for science to admit it..

But the possibilities that have been calculated, and scientificaly speaking the probabilities of finding life outside our planet is..

And what about inteligent life?
We did found already one inteligent life form... Us!
And in the universe there are no exceptions on it, so It must indeed be formed elsewere, regarding how low the probability is..
So its like 99,999...%

So It may be or may not be that our universe is Full of life and civilizations, but there is plenty of space and chance for another civilization as advanced as us to exists in the universe..
about bacterial life... well thats almost an undoubtable "fact", even if we didnt found it yet in our solar system..

And im only refering to the probability of just Another besides ours... wich is pretty high
Originally posted by Ertai
Sometimes its hard for science to admit it..

But the possibilities that have been calculated, and scientificaly speaking the probabilities of finding life outside our planet is..

And what about inteligent life?
We did found already one inteligent life form... Us!
And in the universe there are no exceptions on it, so It must indeed be formed elsewere, regarding how low the probability is..
So its like 99,999...%

So It may be or may not be that our universe is Full of life and civilizations, but there is plenty of space and chance for another civilization as advanced as us to exists in the universe..
about bacterial life... well thats almost an undoubtable "fact", even if we didnt found it yet in our solar system..

And im only refering to the probability of just Another besides ours... wich is pretty high

And thank you for pulling percentages out of your butt, Congratulations, they must have been up there for awhile, glad to se eyou got them out. Science has often been there to dispute the idea that there is intelligent life, saying that the percentage is rather low, and the percentage of intelligent life actually being able to travel thousands of light years is perposterous. I believe it was galileo who said "I have no doubt there is life other than us , however the idea of them being able to travel such a huge expanse is very unlikely"
the idea of them being able to travel such a huge expanse is

a good argument for my thesis on the behaviour of peoples inside an hypothetical multiversum, where time trivel has been invented.
A form of time travel to the future is possible, if you accept
time dialation as explained in Relativity. Time slows FOR THE
TRAVELER when traveling at relativistic speeds, more and
more so as he gets closer to the speed of light. A hundred
light years could be traveled in less than a month OF THE
TRAVELER'S time frame if speeds NEAR light speed could be
attained. When he returned home, over two hundred years
would have passed but he would be only a couple of months
older. Time travel to the past may be impossible, though. At
least, this is my understanding of time dialation, let me stress,
Originally posted by JoojooSpaceape
And thank you for pulling percentages out of your butt, Congratulations, they must have been up there for awhile, glad to se eyou got them out. Science has often been there to dispute the idea that there is intelligent life, saying that the percentage is rather low, and the percentage of intelligent life actually being able to travel thousands of light years is perposterous. I believe it was galileo who said "I have no doubt there is life other than us , however the idea of them being able to travel such a huge expanse is very unlikely"


Prove that there are ET aliens?
Prove that if ET aliens exist that they cannot travel long distances?

You cannot prove or disprove, there is no argument, its all opinion and huge speculation. The only reason people believe in ET aliens because there are a lot more unexplainable than explainable.

I say, most of you guys carry alot of half truths. (in my opinion) I believe there has NEVER been any "alien" intelligent life on the planet earth.

Some "UFOS" are just that, unidentified flying objects.... then there are the "real flying saucers." The reason SETI hasn't found any conclusion for the discs to be alien is because they aren't. And they are man-made and man-flown. Nikola Tesla is the inventor.

The reason "no one" has them is a large explanation, that most people would disreguard for the fact that they don't believe in any of those "incredible conspiracies."

I dont think the saucers are sent of a diety and I dont think they are natural phenomena, because nature just doesn't make flying machines... and I dont believe they are alien. I believe they are man-made...just give it some thought.

P.S. email and ask him how you can buy one of his awsome books..or just ask him how flying discs are man-made. DO THIS! his books present some very interesting theories
Re: my footage is real

Originally posted by jeffwilles
First off I think it is a waste of my time defending my footage
to people that dont know what ufos look like on video and
how video cams work.

about the ufo your talking about, It was not a hoax.
I have never hoaxed a video.
I have been videotaping ufos in the sky from 1995 tell now.
There are many ufos in the sky all you have to do is look.
I have video taped about a 100 UFOs

and that is only the good ones. This ufo was about 30 feet long
and about 1 mile away. and yes I bet you could fit 2 or 3 aliens inside.

As someone who saw this, I can for sure say that I think
this was and is a alien ufo. and not some black usa gov. thing.
allso, I have seen these same ufos on tape shot by many people.

I have been videotaping ufos for years watching the skys for 1000s of hours allways trying to top my last footage.

and when I do, I get lots of people telling me that they seen the same thing at one time in their life. This is real, many people
know it. You dont need to fake it, just go out and film it.

you guys should do your homework on how video cams work
and what ufos look like on video. This ufo I shot has been around
for a long time.

Jeff Willes

I have never hoaxed a video blah blah blah, alfl my videos are really videos of flying tin foil hats and silver buttons! NEVER HAVE I FAKED THE HATS OR BUTTONS NEVER
Wheter or not the Video's are genuin/real or not, there's no way I'm going to pay to vieuw a few blimps in the sky, UFO or not.

And that's just the way the world works.

If you would have something to show me for free, I would look at it; but like in quantum-mechanics: just looking at it, changes reality.
Has anyone thought that the ufos might be from a creature that evolved on earth just like us only in the distant past and has either just returned recentlly or has always been hear.

May be hidden under the ocean or under the earth where humans haven't explored yet?
Originally posted by dinokg
Has anyone thought that the ufos might be from a creature that evolved on earth just like us only in the distant past and has either just returned recentlly or has always been hear.

May be hidden under the ocean or under the earth where humans haven't explored yet?

I heard a lot about that, i heard some been here , only till recently they left, but this is not proven, just some people talk about these things, its still interesting to listen to them, like the theory that Planet X used to be part of this solar system, untill something colided and threw it out. And these aliens from Planet X, put us here on purpose, and these Planet X people look a lot like us.
More wild conjectures based on.... nothing. They can't even be called hypotheses, much less theories.

In order for all these conjectures to make it as a valid point in science, they have to satisfy three criteria. First you have to show it's a real phenomenon. Second, you have to have a candidate mechanism that explains what it might be. And third it has to have broad implications.

That the source of UFO's would be from an Earth creature of another time would have VAST implications, indeed. Unfortunately, the first and second criteria are left in the cold.

One might as well suggest that they're being driven by leprechans that are flying about the planet making rainbows and skipping through fields of clover on their way to pots of gold.
There are some very strange ancient things found in the ground.

One I remenber hearing about is strange metal speres from a billion or so years ago.

But its more likely that some of these things are from time travelers or other sources when they get to old.

But who knows there could be some things that did reach our level of intelegence even in the far distant past when we think there was just primative life forms.
More wild conjectures based on.... nothing. They can't even be called hypotheses, much less theories.

Like the theory of evolution! What a god damn coincidence, eh?
Originally posted by norad
More wild conjectures based on.... nothing. They can't even be called hypotheses, much less theories.

Like the theory of evolution! What a god damn coincidence, eh?

There is more about evoloution that is testable than the idea that Earth's former residents are back and driving spaceships that is predominately observed by people without critical thinking or lacking in skeptical reasoning skills.

Evolution is certainly more testable than any of the creation mythologies that exist... but this certainly is not the proper venue to debate such things.
This is true, SkinWalker. I was trying to show the correlation between the two. By the way, like the name-SkinWalker. That is GREAT!
Why wasnt einstein considered a leader? if he was infact so smart?
This particular issue actually has a real answer.

Einstein was considered a leader. He was offered the first presidency of Israel. Like the smart man he was, he turned it down.

But on the general theme, I got a slap in the face once from a video game, of all things. There's a scene in Deus Ex in which your character interacts with a Hong Kong bartender who happens to be black and named Isaac. But you argue political philosophy with him, and of the general idea of democracy, Isaac reminds that if you organize a government around the lowest qualities in people, those qualities will be reflected in the leaders.

In 2002, Oregon's governor Kitzhaber, a rather controversial figure it seems, opted to not run for re-election. One of the major newspapers in the state, in endorsing one or another of the candidates aiming to replace him, called the candidate "one of us," meaning the common folk, and went on to say that Kitzhaber was too intellectual to be governor, that his perspective was too removed and withdrawn for him to effectively reflect the wishes of the people.

By that reasoning, the people don't want smart leaders. And we might say what we want about the 2000 election, but the fact remains that Americans in all states had the opportunity to select other candidates than George W. Bush and Al Gore to square off for the title. Those two were the best we could come up with, and most wouldn't take Nader seriously. George Bush is a "fighter pilot"? Ralph Nader has actually saved Americans' lives. (Note: I didn't vote for Nader in 2000. I'm not entirely sure why he unsettles me like he does.)

Age of Aquarius aside, though, I agree largely about the blind leading the blind. But the blind leading the blind proves nothing except that some blind folks are a bit more bold than others.

And, just for the record, the CNN footage of the WTC Ufo ... no. I mean, technically, it is an object, I'm not sure what it is, and it is in the air, but ... no.

Still though ... thanks. I'm always happy to see footage I haven't come across before.
SkinWalker probably blocked me, and most probably still hates me, but hell, the guys pretty damn smart. SkinWalker pointed out the dumbest mistake 'the maker' of the video footage made, that dolt(the maker). Even if it was the VHS, what are the odds it would be directly over the UFO? Not even mentioning it was behind it.

My dad's seen strange UFOs before that appear to teleport from one position to the other. He has seen these in a few occasions, if i recall correctly he said 3-4times(long periods apart). I've been fascinated by these stories, and believe him 100% as he is, a very highly educated man who loves criticising 'pseudoscience'(as you guys like to call it) or should i say, he did. Still, he never disclaimed the possibility that it could be some scientifically proven phenomenon, although he says its unlikely.

Now, you don’t see me saying, "Aliens made us, they will come and free us from this idiotic society, and we will all become happy tree-hugging assholes." Put more thought into what you write. I truly believe, that you believe you're right. Firstly because you react the same to me when someone undermines something I’m certain off(in an idiotic and in contributing method) by calling them names. You should seriously reconsider some of the possibilities, i mean SkinWalker only picked one out and found out it was a load of shit(hoax) c'mon now... you don't sound entirely stupid.
the difference between me and the so-called sceptics here is this : i would love for your dad to really explain what he saw....not only the ctual sight, but how he felt...really go into detail, both analytially, intellectually, emotionally--the whole schebangel.....of course it'd be good to also see any documented evidence, but if not then to really realy REALLY LISTEN

whati feel the 'scpetics' ted to do here i wit a wave of te hand dismiss anything that is not in their pre-supposed worldview
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