New Unseen Ufo videos online for researchers

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We have new ufo videos online.. including never before seen footages of the phoenix lights during the day and clusters of ufos flying in the clouds and other really nice ufo videos that have never been seen before.

Come check it out and see some cool new ufos.
LOL! The videos I looked at there actually prove that UFOs are not aliens with advanced technology.....

There's no way they made it across the galaxy driving like crap! :p

Seriously, the "ufo" in one clip shakes and wobbles (as if on a string) and, like many other faked videos, has a building or structure to help hide assisting mechanisms....

With all the video cameras and digital cameras in existance these days, you'd think we could at least get a clear shot of one of these things if they are abundant as the fakers would like us to believe.

please let me know which video you think is faked so i can check it out closer..

its obviously not one of our videos because we have no building in any.

I do extensive research into every video before i post it on my website and i really think if there was any hoaxes i would have spotted it way before it made it to my website.

Re: please

Originally posted by Ufotheatre
its obviously not one of our videos because we have no building in any.

I'm referring to this one:

The one, I should add, that came from Jeff Willes, who appears to be affiliated with Ultramedia in Phoenix, AZ (a company who's slogan is "when words are not enough."

One has to ask, why don't UFOs fly past news crews as they just "happen to walk outside" with their cameras?
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OK well..

I dont think jeff hoaxed the video considering i have the full vhs tape of it and it is very clearly HIGH HIGH up in the sky.

There is 1 point where he is nowhere near a building looking over a brick wall and the object is VERY high in the sky... i would say up close to the clouds area.

I will have to get better mpeg up on the website soon so that you dont think its hoaxed.

ITs very clearly way up in the sky or else he wouldnt be able to zoom into the object at all.

Do you know much about videocameras and zoom?

Im not a professional optics expert but i can see that when someone uses a ZOOM on a camera that the object but be atleast as far away as the zoom on the camera in order to switch to digital zoom which is apparent in jeffs VHS.

That means that the object was atleast 20 optical away from the camera and with the digital zooming i would say about 2 miles atleast OR more.

Not any less because its impossible to zoom into an object that is any closer than the optical rating of the camera in use at the time without the object becoming seriously overfocused and blurred so bad that its impossible to determine what it would be... and jeffs video is just the opposite.. his video is clearly focused and right on the object at several points in the VHS.

(Jeff uses a sony handycam with a x20 optical zoom and 360 digital zoom).

Thanks! i will be happy to answer any additional questions you might have.. and ufos DO fly in front of new crews because i have seen then on the news several times.

I usually do my homework into the ufo video before releasing it and if it has signs of a hoax and or looks fake or hoaxed in any way it will not be released on my website.

Im not perfect but i know when something is real and when it is hoaxed and jeffs video is clearly genuine.

I will put up a new mpeg soon that shows the brick wall and his optical and digital zooming into the high flying ufo object.

I will concede that it is, as yet, "unidentified," though I would bet my money on an explanation that doesn't involve the general conjectures of the "UFO community."

Still... my guess is still a hoax. Bower's and Chorley's crop circles give good indication as to what personal entertainment value people can get from a good hoax. April Fools' day is my favorite day of the year sometimes ;)

Then you have the Big Foot video hoax... the Loch Ness Monster hoax (which turned out to be the old guy's laborador retriever, I think)...... etc. etc.
I understand..

I have known jeff willes for years and i have not ever had any evidence that he has been involved with any type of ufo hoax.

He did infact videotape the phoenix lights during the day also back in 1997.
my footage is real

First off I think it is a waste of my time defending my footage
to people that dont know what ufos look like on video and
how video cams work.

about the ufo your talking about, It was not a hoax.
I have never hoaxed a video.
I have been videotaping ufos in the sky from 1995 tell now.
There are many ufos in the sky all you have to do is look.
I have video taped about a 100 UFOs

and that is only the good ones. This ufo was about 30 feet long
and about 1 mile away. and yes I bet you could fit 2 or 3 aliens inside.

As someone who saw this, I can for sure say that I think
this was and is a alien ufo. and not some black usa gov. thing.
allso, I have seen these same ufos on tape shot by many people.

I have been videotaping ufos for years watching the skys for 1000s of hours allways trying to top my last footage.

and when I do, I get lots of people telling me that they seen the same thing at one time in their life. This is real, many people
know it. You dont need to fake it, just go out and film it.

you guys should do your homework on how video cams work
and what ufos look like on video. This ufo I shot has been around
for a long time.

Jeff Willes
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Stange.... it seems skepticals always flock to where the ufo people hang out.. i have never seen ufo people flock to a skeptical resource because its useless.

Skeptics cant prove anything... They can only debunk.

Oer 20 billion suns and only 1 of them harbours humans.

I dont know if i believe that.

I think the ufos come from one of the planets near our planet not intergalactic travelers... There are more humans out there.. we are not as rare as we think we are.

We are simply a colony of space travellers who wander to the next habitable spot when bad things happen with the sun and planets.

Problem is that people who know the truth use it to control the rest of the species by feeding them lies about their origins.

what does editing have to do with anything?
Re: my footage is real

Originally posted by jeffwilles
There are many ufos in the sky all you have to do is look.

I've been looking up at the sky for over thirty years now.... often with a camera or binoculars within easy reach... I've not seen anything that could be explained. I've seen things that, if I were not a critical thinker, I could have said, "wow.... spaceship!" But careful examination and consideration of other possibilities usually presents a different, more likely hypothesis.

Originally posted by jeffwilles
This ufo was about 30 feet long
and about 1 mile away. and yes I bet you could fit 2 or 3 aliens inside.

And I say it was more likely 1 foot long and 30 feet away. If there were any "aliens" onboard, they spoke Spanish and were very small.

Originally posted by jeffwilles
As someone who saw this, I can for sure say that I think
this was and is a alien ufo.

How can you say that? What other evidence do you have? What indications that were left out of your video suggest that there was an intelligence from outside our solar system? Was there a marking? A communication? Anything other than an unknown (to most of us) object wobbling erratically in the sky just beyond that building?

Originally posted by jeffwilles
I get lots of people telling me that they seen the same thing at one time is their life. This is real, many people
know it. You dont need to fake it, just go out and film it.

People believe in a lot of nonsense... UFOs as alien encounters is but one. The possibility exists that it happens, but there is no evidence to support it. Unvalidated digital video isn't enough. Anecdotal account isn't enough. Hard, physical evidence is needed. Why do the "aliens" always communicate with those in a society that we are least likely to listen to? Why not speak to the United Nations Security Council? Why not broadcast across the airwaves to millions of televisions?

Originally posted by jeffwilles
you guys should do your homework on how video cams work
and what ufos look like on video. This ufo I shot has been around
for a long time.

The time stamp on the video said May 2003. The focal length of your camera could put that object anywhere from just beyond that house to many miles away, depending upon it's size.

So you just admitted you have never seen a ufo.

Well i have.. and it was using nanotechnology that allowed it to carry an entire fleet of ships inside of it.

The fleet of ships were orange in color and glowed bright and they all had energy fields around them.

11 of these ships came out of an object that was the same shape and size as the 11 ships that came out of it.

Im sorry you havent had the experence yet but keep your eyes out.. i have a feeling that the bible you all read speaks of the day when they all return and it is in almost every language.. its just misunderstood as to its originals in sumeria.

The ufos dont really have aliens as we call them inside... most ufos are controlled by remote with small robots that were created to do the work that we have to do when flying planes and other things.

Multiple people have seen these robots coming out and sometimes they take people and do testing on them... that is not that strange they are just checking to see if we have messed up our genetic code because they put us here for a reason and a purpose.. a simple colony to sustain life.

We are now an out of control colony that must be stopped from killing ourselves because the people in control of weapons capable of killing other humans are dumb and dont understand that they are not really in control.

They are just leading blind masses of humans.. when our creators return all goverments will fall and the ones in control will attempt to kill everyone with those weapons because they will no longer be leaders in power.. We as humans will once again be free and there will be no other humans with power over the masses and other peoples lives.

Its really bad that so many people have to die just because our acting human leaders dont understand the language of the universe is a language of peace and that they dont need to be in control to be happy.

The universe started a chaotic flash of energy controlled from the outside and molded into a spendid array of spirals and circles that are proof that chaos is controlled by peace and understanding from the OUTSIDE... Not from the inside.

Our true saviors are those who are from the stars and the ones who know the universal law of understanding and peace.

Trust me... the people in power dont want you to know that our creators are returning.. they established religous icons and made false history and taught it as truth to make you all believe that they are infact in complete control of earth and its destiny.

Sorry poor skeptic... but thats the REAL hoax that you have fallen for.... humans are not gods or leaders they just act.

Just humans in a human colony thats what you are.. and your creator is about to return to stop the insanity.

The age of aquarius reigns the great flood just as it was before... check your astrological calender if you want to know what time i really is.

Dont quote me... quote your bible that tells of the day of the lord as it really is nothing magical about it.. its truth and the lord is not 1 but many and their power is that of total technological supremacy over our entire race for all eternity.

and yes i edited this post... sorry its not authentic anymore.
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Re: skeptics

Originally posted by Ufotheatre
when our creators return all goverments will fall and the ones in control will attempt to kill everyone with those weapons because they will no longer be leaders in power.. We as humans will once again be free and there will be no other humans with power over the masses and other peoples lives.

The little green say they know that when they "come" to take away power, politicians are going to kill everyone. I don't know what their grand master plan is, but the first part is pretty screwy.
sorry, they are not green.

they are just an older race of humans... they have somehow inbedded computers into their minds and become 1 with the machine.. once they made that breakthrough in technology that allowed them access to more technology.. to us primitive thinkers it seems impossible but it was done before we as a race of humans were around to multiply.

Also.. its not politicians who are in control.. this is part of the illusion created by the ones in control to make you think humans make global decisions.

You have been lied to and you believe what the Tv tells you.

ITs all about control of the populations of this entire colony... and yes there is 1 specific group in control of all goverments... these are the ones who know the truth about astrological time and the reality of the *lord* as your bible speaks of.

Dont worry its coming in your lifetime and you will see all the things that have been pulled over your eyes to shun you from the truth and keep you in control.

You think my post is nutty? i think you primitive humans who think blind leading the blind is going to create a world of truth and beauty.

Sorry.. the blind lead the blind off a cliff because the ones acting as leaders are just other primitive humans acting smarter when infact they are most likely to be dumber.

Why dont we have any supposed super smart scientist in control of of america?

Why wasnt einstein considered a leader? if he was infact so smart?

Are leaders supposed to be smart?? or are they just supposed to be able to attack without remorse of innocent lives.

I think the current state of the world answers that question and all others.
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