"NEW" Religion seeking members


Registered Senior Member
Most current Religions are Bogus.

Because we make mistakes in the past, repeating them is not of sound mind.

This needs to be changed and I have considered spearheading a plan to do just that.

Change is hard for most when it comes to their faith, however if a new faith based more on reality were created it would possibly revolutionize the world and bring a great deal of people out of the dark ages.

I will then write a new BIBLE and I will call it the testament according to reality.

No it will not include a big guy in the sky and a red dude under the ground who will spank you if you are bad.

It will instruct whosoever seeks a god or creator to simply look into a mirror.

It will teach meditation instead of prayer.

It will teach Science as we understand it at today's level.

It will teach morals.

It will teach the history of other Religions and the reason for their existence.

It will state that any portion of the testament can be edited as needed for change, thus creating a dynamic faith and not some old stagnate rag.

Last but not least we shall set up holidays to celebrate the existence of the Earth and we will call it Earth Day.

We will have a celebration day for friendship of others whereby we are required to create new friendships and celebrate those newly made friendships with gifts.

We will have a national holiday to celebrate Family and to share our love for our families.

Just to name a few.

Everything will be based on the truth and reality. Now how hard could that be. :bugeye:

We will also teach that people who here voices in their heads should not be followed they should receive immediate medical attention. :D

I will call my new Religion the "Faith in Reality" church.
Would you give your life for your Faith in Reality? If not then we cannot follow.

It would be more interesting to see the people here, as a group, create a moral code and submit to it. :p
Bowser said:
Would you give your life for your Faith in Reality? If not then we cannot follow.

It would be more interesting to see the people here, as a group, create a moral code and submit to it. :p

Yes, I would devote my life to living in Reality and ask the members of my church to do the same.

I would not advocate killing others who do not agree with my teachings, if that is what you are asking.

And yes we all need a moral code to live by and to teach our children.
I would not advocate killing others who do not agree with my teachings, if that is what you are asking.

Okay, you are full of BS. But on a more serious side, is it possible for everyone to agree on the concepts of right and wrong? I think that it would be an interesting experiment to build a moral code here, using the diverse minds on this forum.

Where would we begin? Would we start by defining human nature and then move from there? It would be and endless project with many arguments.
Bowser said:
Okay, you are full of BS. But on a more serious side, is it possible for everyone to agree on the concepts of right and wrong? I think that it would be an interesting experiment to build a moral code here, using the diverse minds on this forum.

Where would we begin? Would we start by defining human nature and then move from there? It would be and endless project with many arguments.

The Church of Reality

Here we go.

Genesis: 1

Life is not about being a leader, a follower, or a servent, it is about following your own path that is tune with you the instrument, and playing a melody that is benificial to one and all, but you must make sure you finish your song before your end days.. you dont want to die with your music still in you.

Everyone is invited to have Faith in Reality. Those who attend will be considered to be living in Reality. Those who dispute us, will be considered to not be living in Reality.

Reality is not for Everyone.

In the beginning of the known Universe.

Well we do not know what happened for sure, yet the majority of Scientist and Scholars believe that there was a big bang. So we shall go with that until proven otherwise.

We must come to know one thing.

We do not know all the answers, and we will never know all the answers. And it is ok to live with this fact.

Evolution proves that we as Humans, evolved from single cell creatures.

For further study of this fact, please Join one of our Anthropology study groups.

__________________________________________________ _____________

The Book of Morals 1:

The Doo's and Don'ts.

Do not Lie
Do not Steal
Do not Cheat
Do not Murder or Harm others
Do not Condemn
Do not Hate
Do not Give Up Hope
Do not Break the Law of the Government
Do not Think Negative

__________________________________________________ _________

Do Love
Do Good
Do Help
Do Give
Do Obey the Law of the Government
Do Not worry
Do Think positive
Do Act in Moderation

These are simple to understand guidelines for behavior. If you do not fully understand what is stated here feel free to join one of our Moral study groups.

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The Book of Values: 1

What happens if we fail?

Failure is the road to success. If we never fail then we have failed to try.

To fail is Human.

__________________________________________________ ______________

The Book of Revelation: 1

What happens after we Die?

You will be Dead.

After that nobody knows. And if they say they do, they are lying.

Do not discount your Life in hope of an after death experience.

Live life to the fullest, value life as it were your only chance in existence,

Life just might be the only chance you get to experience this reality.
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Here we go.


In the beginning of the known Universe.

Well we do not know what happened for sure, yet the majority of Scientist and Scholars believe that there was a big bang. So we shall go with that until proven otherwise.

1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Kind of like the big bang theory revisited.

Evolution proves that we as Humans, evolved from single cell creatures.

11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

13 And the evening and the morning were the third day.

14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.

16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,

18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.

19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.

23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.

25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

You don't see evolution in the Bible?

The Book of Morals 1:

The Doo's and Don'ts.

Do not Lie
Do not Steal
Do not Cheat
Do not Murder or Harm others
Do not Condemn
Do not Hate
Do not Give Up Hope
Do not Break the Law of the Government
Do not Think Negative

__________________________________________________ _________

Do Love
Do Good
Do Help
Do Give
Do Obey the Law of the Government
Do Not worry
Do Think positive
Do Act in Moderation

You just quoted the Bible. It's a miracle! You must be Jesus! :D
Star man,.....

why dont you join My Church... of which i am the founder.

The Empirical Church of Humanity .
Founder : Mosheh Thezion radicalman@surfside.net
First : None of the beliefs of the church are fixed. I.E. the beliefs of the church are forever dependent on the abundant evidence from the sciences, and as such, will be ever evolving with the advancement and development of scientific knowledge. However, as founding principles on which to base our efforts, we take all theories as being the basic forms for proposals, which we as church members may consider in detail.

Second : Truth, and what a person chooses to believe in, as a whole or in part, is always a decision for the individual to make personally, and it is not the duty of the church to force or make assertive efforts to make people believe in anything other than a God.

Third : It is the duty of the church to make available all of the evidence as found by the sciences, and all the theoretical proposals developed to explain for all of it, as well as making available all forms of scripture, without bias, and over interpretation.

Fourth : There must be a standing rule against being fanatical in any way. For if an individual is incapable of calmly arguing and discussing the evidence and scripture in an open forum, where any number of opposing views maybe discussed, then eventually fights and hurt feeling will develop, and such negative behavior benefits no one.

Fifth : People who chose to join this church do so with the understanding that they need not give up on any specific faith which they may already have, as it is the effort of the church to strengthen ones faith, not change and alter it, and we do so with evidence.

Sixth : It is the serious open and daily effort of the church to pursue science and do the research, which the individual members of individuals church groups choose to pursue. All in the effort to develop our understanding, and advance our technology, for in doing so we not only increase our understanding of Gods creation, but increase our human potential as living beings… allowing us to manipulate our environment and daily lives.

Seventh : The church is fundamentally founded on one belief that should be acceptable to people of all faiths and cultures. “Where there is charity and love, God is there!”
Such that it should be the daily effort of all humanity to, by their will and effort commit acts of charity and love when ever possible, for in doing so we increase the level of good and joy and prosperity in our world, and so, it can be imagined that the level of Gods presence is directly increased, and is thus directly a function of our will to be Godly.

Eighth : The day to day operations and efforts of focused study will be divided into the 7 days of the week. Where Islam may be studied on Friday, Judaism on Saturday, and Christianity on Sunday, with Metaphysics on Monday, and Hinduism on Tuesday, Buddhism on Wednesday, and perhaps Taoism on Thursday. Of course such schedules will be up to the individual members of individual group churches. However, the study of science and efforts in research are to be incorporated 7 days a week, and 24 hours a day.

Ninth : The effort to interpret and consider the many varied scriptures will and must always be weighted and considered against the evidence, and it’s proposals. With the understanding that our interpretation of the evidence may in fact be flawed or wrong.

Tenth : The study of scriptures must always be from the oldest to the newest, as we can interpret the New Testament using the scripture of the Old Testament, but we should not use New Testament scripture to interpret the Old Testament. For as is logical, the newer scripture was inspired by the old and as the old was written long before the new, its inspiration must of come from still earlier scriptures etc. And so, when we endeavor to study scripture it is only reasonable that we approach all the abundant scripture in the same pattern in which it was written. From oldest to newest…

Eleventh : In the daily study of scriptures, it is only logical that we endeavor to take notes and make summaries, chapter by chapter, verse by verse, where by we seek to see patterns in the discussion, and can thus be sure of our proposed interpretations. It is thus the duty of those who run the church efforts to make these notes and summaries, which shall be critically considered by members who come to listen, and argue.

Twelfth : The church is divided into areas of effort. First in proportion to the available funds and man power, free housing and food for the homeless, under the conditions that such downtrodden persons turn not to a religion, but to a faith in themselves. A faith, which tells each of us that, we are capable of being so much more than we may presently be. When one human falls, humanity in brother-hood should be there to help them up again. Then a discussion hall of needed size, then a library/ laboratory for member use.

Thirteen : The laboratory efforts are to be taken in the most serious of views, as the potential for danger and accidental stupidity is possible. Therefore, only adults of sound mind shall be given access to the lab facilities, at the church leaders discretion.

Fourteen : On each of the seven days, an open forum of discussion will be held on the desired topic or form of scripture and or faith. Church leaders will lecture on notes and summaries made, yet it will and must be an open forum, to be peacefully and calmly organized by the church leaders, where by any member who wishes to speak shall and must be granted a time to speak as is needed, within a time limit to allow for arguments.

Fifteen : If the resources and manpower are available then another church area of effort will be made as an entire school, or possibly as a rehabilitation program, available to all people who would enjoy and make use of a supplementary education in science and the pursuit of serious research. Or who are in need of serious rehabilitation.

Sixteen : Individuals who might join the brotherhood area of the church, as someone in need, maybe given employment directly from the church, as commissioned salesmen of the many booklets developed. When possible as farmers and laborers in the many humanitarian efforts which the church may pursue, as a whole, or in part as individual groups and persons. However, volunteerism is one with the concepts of a brother-hood of humanity, where in, the rewards come from our accomplishments, not profits.

Seventeen : It is the effort of the church leaders to develop further works for publication, being ideally, focused analysis of the many varied scriptures in relation to the abundant evidence of the sciences.

Eighteen : No chemistry laboratory experiments are to be permitted without the strict supervision of church leaders and the advice of professional chemists, as chemistry is not something to just play around with.

Nineteen : Every church must strive to establish the most comprehensive library possible for use as reference material for its branch members, in their daily pursuit of understanding nature and Gods creation, and so science.
This library should be open to all, yet books should never be checked out.

Twenty : In order to facilitate the survival of the church, all people who would enter the doors to make use of the church and forums, should donate at least one dollar per visit. Children and the poor being of course exempt.

Twenty one : While the church does not promote a specific faith as scripture, it does with an assertive effort strive to convert atheists, for the main argument of the un-believers is regarding the evidence and how they believe that it does not support a belief in a God. And so, it is the duty of the church leaders to take the steps to calmly argue with those atheists who may be open minded enough to make an honest effort to hear our proposals.
Proposals based fundamentally in evidence, described by theory.!

Twenty two : One of the founding beliefs of the church, is that God as presented in scripture doesn’t need or demand our worship, God asks us to obey. To obey as children should obey their parent. And it is the bulk of scripture, which serves as the arguments for why individuals should obey. As should be obvious, if an individual lives a life of sin, then no amount of worship and prayer can make up for it. The only way to make up for sins is by serious acts of charity and love. Acts which may improve a souls overall quality.

Twenty three : One of the founding beliefs of the church is that it is not enough to worship God and Jesus, instead we as human beings should make it our daily effort to be Godly, to be like Jesus, and build Gods kingdom now, in our lifetime. Why wait? Calm, rational, adult thinking gives humankind a potential limited only by our imagination.

think about it.

Bowser said:

1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Kind of like the big bang theory revisited.

You don't see evolution in the Bible?

You just quoted the Bible. It's a miracle! You must be Jesus! :D

I beg your pardon.

I believe it was you who quoted the Bible. :confused:

Actually my name is John.

You are correct evolution is not in the Jewish Bible. That would be the fictional story or Creation. ;)
also creation is not so bad a theoretical concept... or pattern of formation.

but that will involve a long discussion and arguement about the abundant evidense.

which i am prepared to do.

Mosheh Thezion said:
Star man,.....

why dont you join My Church... of which i am the founder.

The Empirical Church of Humanity .

First : None of the beliefs of the church are fixed.
think about it.


MT I like what you are trying to do here. However you seem to be complicationg things a little to much.

This makes things hard to understand by the simple mind.

The whole God thing is a little outdated.

My Church of the Faith in Reality no God theory is taught because that would not be based in reality.
that is where you are wrong...

you have simply been mislead by secular atheists who tend towards and dominate the sciences...

the evidense can actually be found to suggest in many ways the application of energy from an outside sourse......

Mosheh Thezion said:
that is where you are wrong...

you have simply been mislead by secular atheists who tend towards and dominate the sciences...

the evidense can actually be found to suggest in many ways the application of energy from an outside sourse......

I'm sorry I can not buy any God stories, that people like to sell.

"If people are good only because they fear punishment from a God, and hope for reward after death, then we are a sorry lot indeed." AE
Starman, do we really need another religion complete with bible, commandments and morals? It sounds like a religion for atheists. Why does an atheist need it? An atheist has already figured things out and doesn't need a religion or book to tell him/her how to live as a decent human being. I think you know that. It sounds as if your new religion is being offered as an alternative for those who believe in Gods.

I couldn't follow any book of instructions on how to be nice to my fellow human beings. That would be an insult. Much of what you say is just plain old common sense. Amazing how atheists don't need a religion to tell them how to live. How could anyone think highly of anyone who would need your new religion for guidance? I could not help laughing at them if that was the case.

I hear where your coming from and I feel your frustration. Religion has to go and be silenced forever. I don't think it possible but I can wish for it.
Kalypso said:
Why do people try to make their own religions...

That's a damn good question.

It must be something inherent in us but if you look at Starman's attempt, and I admire his efforts, it just might be worth studying why he felt it necessary to introduce his religion along the same lines as any other. Is this how all religions start or evolve?
PsychoticEpisode said:
That's a damn good question.

It must be something inherent in us but if you look at Starman's attempt, and I admire his efforts, it just might be worth studying why he felt it necessary to introduce his religion along the same lines as any other. Is this how all religions start or evolve?
Real religions arise when a conflict in the human psyche and phsyical environment occur.

Faith to explain things science can't, to alleviate fear, etc.
Kalypso said:
Real religions arise when a conflict in the human psyche and phsyical environment occur.

Faith to explain things science can't, to alleviate fear, etc.

That's a good start. Religion must have started when someone wanted to know something unexplainable, origins, life, etc. Too bad it caught on but it was simple and easy. Science is taking some good shots at religion today and I hope it continues to chip away at it.

Atheists are becoming an ever increasing threat to modern religion and it won't be long before we see more scripture quotes in this thread.
PsychoticEpisode said:
That's a good start. Religion must have started when someone wanted to know something unexplainable, origins, life, etc. Too bad it caught on but it was simple and easy. Science is taking some good shots at religion today and I hope it continues to chip away at it.

Atheists are becoming an ever increasing threat to modern religion and it won't be long before we see more scripture quotes in this thread.

M*W: Religion started when ancient humans watched the skies, constellations, stars, planets, meteors, comets, and the elements, etc., and created stories about what they thought they saw. All religion is myth that evolved from this ancient folklore. The more scientific we become, in other words, the more we are able to explain things with science, the less we need to believe in myth. Science per se isn't chipping away at religion. What's chipping away at all this ancient folklore is that we are becoming less ignorant. I would say "more intelligent," but I don't believe people who live in this day and time and still believe in fairy tales can be considered to be "intelligent." By becoming less ignorant, we do away with false beliefs in sky gods, dying demigod saviors, and worthless books of fiction.

Atheists are in no way a "threat to modern religion!" Religion is the threat unto itself! Christianity dying worldwide is not the work of atheists. Its believers are simply becoming less ignorant.

I don't follow you when you stated, "...and it won't be long before we see more scripture quotes in this thread." Do you mean the religionists will be quoting more of their respective scripture? Or do you mean more scripture will be refuted by the atheists? I believe the latter will be the case.
Parable. Why can't you accept the wisdom and the insight there? If you truly believe you are a slab of meat, fine. If all you see is the story and nothing more, then you ARE truly ignorant. I doubt that you are so absent from your self, however. :D