New Muslims

usp8riot said:
Let's just say I'm a couple states away. But I've been to florida. Beautiful beaches and great weather if you're like most people. Unfortunately, I'm not. Too hot for me.

But yes, nothing wrong with music or poetry by default, just as there is conversation, but there is a fine emotional balance that shouldn't be crossed.

An I agree also, even being too strict on the rules of God can be wrong or sinful in my definition. Would any of us want our son/daughter so worried about obeying our rules they couldn't have fun and afraid of the punishment that they're afraid to do anything?

Heavymetal: Maybe DH disagrees with me on this, I'm sure but I don't see the prophets as perfect. We all make mistakes. But nonetheless, should we believe anything you say? If you make mistakes, but yet tell someone else what right or wrong is, should they be expected to believe you? If you have a child, should they obey you since you have done things wrong? Does it make it any more or less truthful if you say, murdering is wrong if you have told a lie in the past? Isn't that what you're expecting of Muhammed, for anyone not to believe him if he did make mistakes? And have some water with those words, they will go down much easier. Pardon me if I put a little comedy in there, no offense.

No problem usp8riot , we all make mistakes nobody is perfect - so you are right !!!

The only problem is that muslims claim that Muhammed WAS PERFECT AND NEVER DID ANYTHING WRONG !!!!

And worse - they fabricate wrong facts to promote the faith of islam !!!

What do you think about that ???

And just one question usp8riot - do you believe Muhammed was perfect in every way !!!

Do you know what the muslims has claimed beeing the truth about Jesus through time !!!!!
All human beings make mistakes, but the mistakes that the Prophet Muhammad (s) were ordained by Allah swt to show that he was not godly, but merely a human like ourselves. The Prophet Muhammad (s) however did not commit a sin, this is one of the reasons why he was chosen to be the last messenger of humankind.

Say: "I am only a human being like yourselves. It is revealed to me that your god is One God. So let him who hopes to meet his Lord act rightly and not associate anyone in the worship of his Lord." (Surat al-Kahf: 110)

One time the Prophet Muhammad (s) was arguing with the cheifs of Makkah, and a blind man came to him with a question. The Prophet (s) was so absorbed in the argument, he didn't hear the man. Allah swt mentioned this in the Quran and told the prophet (s) to correct his mistake. The Prophet (s) then immediately went to see the blind man and apologized. After this, the blind man began to have tears in his eyes. This is because, he felt he never needed an apology, the Prophet (s) was the greatest man, how many times he listened to people no one cared for and answered them, but he only ignored him once, yet he came to apologize right away.

Another story, there was a woman who used to have muscle spasms in her body and mental disease. She bore this disease with great patience and steadfastness. The people asked the Prophet Muhammad (s) about her, he said, she is one of the woman of Paradise.

As can be seen, the Prophet Muhammad (s) was a great man who did not commit sin, yet like everyone else could make mistakes. The example of the Holy Prophet (s) can be clearly demonstrated by the quotes.

"Don't entertain the people with your wealth, but entertain them with smiling face and good conduct."

" He always spoke words that would cause people to love another and come together. He would never frighten or chase them away. He attached great importance to the leaders of all tribes, and was hospitable towards them"

"The Prophet (saas) did not withdraw his hand from another till the latter withdrew his own hand."

Abu Huraira (ra) apparently fainted one day, and the Prophet (saas) lifted him to his feet, took him home, and gave him some milk to drink when he realized he was hungry.

"One cannot be a good believer until he ceases to tell lies, even in jest, and to dispute, even if he is in the right."

"A believer loves for others what he loves for himself."

When the people saw the first fruit (of the season) they brought it to Allah's Apostle (saas). When he received it he said: "O Allah, bless us in our fruits; and bless us in our city; and bless us in our sa's (a measurement unit) and bless us in our mudd (a measurement unit). He would then call to him the youngest child and give him those fruits."

heavymetal said:
No problem usp8riot , we all make mistakes nobody is perfect - so you are right !!!

The only problem is that muslims claim that Muhammed WAS PERFECT AND NEVER DID ANYTHING WRONG !!!!

And worse - they fabricate wrong facts to promote the faith of islam !!!

What do you think about that ???

And just one question usp8riot - do you believe Muhammed was perfect in every way !!!

Do you know what the muslims has claimed beeing the truth about Jesus through time !!!!!

Like I said, to be human and perfect not only a physical impossibility but a moral one. No We all sin...will sin...have sinned. Even the prophets. Never read a holy text yet that had a perfect prophet. I am staking my soul on that and also my friendship with God. Perfect as in doing no wrong or mistakes, that is. Not perfect as in God messed up and didn't create us on how He intended us, no, not at all, we are what He intended but none are without sin, in that definition of perfect.
usp8riot said:
none are without sin, in that definition of perfect.
another one who does'nt understand the meaning of perfect, your as bad as diamond, go off and study up on what perfect actually means, please.
I don't know anyone who's ever converted to islam, but I know three women who left it. They got a bit disillusioned. Part of it was from talking about some of the ongoing issues of islam - they honestly had no idea what the other world religions were really all about. I'm happy to say that I helped in that; they're far happier people now, or were when I last saw them.

Can't say what their families feel about it; nothing good, I expect but there's nothing they can legally do to hurt them in this country, so it's moot.

people should not be allowed to leave their religion, i for one believe that the convert case should have ended in the death penalty
Are you being serious?

That's insanity. Why in the hell should people not be allowed to leave their religion? Or is it that you're misogynist or something?

idlepratt said:
people should not be allowed to leave their religion, i for one believe that the convert case should have ended in the death penalty

Oh good another muslim nutter calling for executions, Diamond should be thrilled :rolleyes:
idlecontrol: so you're agreeing that apostates should be killed?

Again: are you insane? Why?

Sorry Diamond I had managed to obey your wishes and not post in this thread so far but I have my ethical boundaries you know.
idlecontrol said:
people should not be allowed to leave their religion, i for one believe that the convert case should have ended in the death penalty

All Muslims should therefore be put to death since they converted from atheism to Islam.
I wonder if the people who become Muslim know that it is a one way conversion. Apostates from Islam are killed. The following is from a well respected collection of words attributed to Muhammed, called the Hadith.
Apostle has said:
Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 52, Number 260:
Narrated Ikrima:
Ali burnt some people alive (former muslims)., Prophet had said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.' "
Ishaq:550 ". The reason that Allah's Messenger ordered Andullash Bin Sad slain was because he had become a Muslim and used to write down Qur'an Revelation. Then he apostatized (rejected islam) after becoming suspicious of some verses which prophet changed after his suggestions.

Ishaq:551 The Messenger ordered Miqyas' assassination because he became a renegade by rejecting Islam."

Bukhari, 5-59-632 Once Muadh paid a visit to Abu Musa and saw a chained man. Muadh asked, "What is this?" Abu Musa said, "(He was) a Jew who embraced Islam and has now turned apostate." Muadh said, "I will surely chop off his neck!"

Bukhari Volume 9, Book 83, Number 17:
Narrated 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said, "The blood of a Muslim cannot be shed except in three cases: In Qisas for murder, a married person who commits illegal sexual intercourse and the one who reverts from Islam (apostate) and leaves the Muslims."