New Muslims

islam is just as irrational as any other religion, it's about time you woke up and smelt the rosies.

Wrong. So what is your religion Mustaf? Do do as you wish? As you feel is right? What? To do as you believe moral in your eyes. Congrats then, we have the same religion. Or rules, whatever you want to call it.
I am a new convert to Islam. I converted because as a Christian or Scientologist, I was never allowed to have more than one wife. But now I am allowed to have four!!!

And not only that, the Quran gives me permission to fuck goats (but only if I sell the goat in another town!!) I am thinking of bringing my used goats from New York to New Jersey to sell them. Interested anyone?

Allah whoakbar,
It is a lie spread by the Jews.

May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits!!!!!

Allah whoakbar,
usp8riot said:
Wrong. So what is your religion Mustaf?
no not wrong, absolutely right, can you show any evidence your is rational?.
usp8riot said:
Do do as you wish? As you feel is right? What? To do as you believe moral in your eyes.
no, I do what is right for humanity, and that means not killing, not for or on behalf of your god.
usp8riot said:
Congrats then, we have the same religion. Or rules, whatever you want to call it.
I have no religion, I'm atheist.
I do what is right for humanity

As I said then, congrats, we have the same ideals/religion/rules, whatever you want to call it. A religion is just a standard of rules to uphold. If your definition of religion is different and you have none, why be on the religion board? Not every religion is irrational.

We should all try not to be generalists and categorize everyone and everything. I've been guilty also. So you had a bad experience with Islam, sorry to hear it. That is why I have questioning of it. And people have had bad experiences with Christianity and Christians. Those that bring others away from God for sure don't serve God. A true religion of God brings people to God and hates no one. God doesn't hate any of His children. A little tip, view everyone as your son or daughter just as God does, and you will do more good in His eyes. If these were your sons and daughters telling your other sons/daughters they aren't of the family anymore, would you not be upset? To be a son or daughter of God is for God to judge, not others. They disbanded you in God's name and by God, they will be judged accordingly.

The times have come where even God's children will drive away others in God's name and spread hate. God is disapproving of it. Woe to the man that commits a heinous act in God's name, he tells others what God approves and disapproves. It is a serious responsibility and only a man who knows full well the consequences of doing this and that He is sure what God wants of Him, should He do this. And in any emotional state, His thoughts will be tainted from God so one must be careful to speak only when one is at peace. Not while angry, or happy. Angry speech forbodes too much discipline while happy speech forbodes too much forgiveness. It is the middleground where peace is found and a man is wise to only speak when he is at peace.

Such is the way of religious factions now. They are desperate to get their word out and speak in too much desperation and too much tolerance at times in the case of Christianity and too much intolerance at times in the case of Islam. I usually intend on replying in short but I feel God telling me things while I reply sometimes that should be heard. God hasn't let you go, He still feels you are His child. It is His children that were chased away by His other children that say they are working in His name that I have come to round up. His children that have pushed others out of the door have caused wrecklessness and strife and will rightfully answer to God soon. I am a brother chasing other brothers and sisters that were wrongfully pushed out of God's household. It is not for anyone to say that they are hated by God.

I, put my soul on the line to say that you are still a child of God. We have to do away will all this hate, and especially the hate done in God's name. If a child of yours was to hate your daughter or son, would you not be that much more offended if the child said they were hating your daughter or son in your name? This also, God feels, must be done away with.
usp8riot said:
As I said then, congrats, we have the same ideals/religion/rules,
no my morals are vastly superior
usp8riot said:
whatever you want to call it. A religion is just a standard of rules to uphold.
yours is a different definition that any dictionary, however atheism cannot be called a religion. I have my own sense of right, I dont need a sky daddy to cower to in order to do whats right.
usp8riot said:
If your definition of religion is different and you have none, why be on the religion board?
I'm not, I'm on a science forum.
usp8riot said:
Not every religion is irrational.
care to name one.
usp8riot said:
We should all try not to be generalists and categorize everyone and everything. I've been guilty also. So you had a bad experience with Islam, sorry to hear it.
no, I came to my senses, they dont like that.
usp8riot said:
That is why I have questioning of it. And people have had bad experiences with Christianity and Christians. Those that bring others away from God for sure don't serve God. A true religion of God brings people to God and hates no one. then why do they kill.
usp8riot said:
God doesn't hate any of His children.
unless there jewish, islamic, hindus, etc etc.
usp8riot said:
A little tip, view everyone as your son or daughter
I do.
usp8riot said:
just as God does,
care to show where, have you read your bible.
usp8riot said:
and you will do more good in His eyes.
if I started believing in fantasies, I'd need to see the shrink.

Wow did you go into preach mode.

You are from the US correct? Do you know any Muslims personally? My view as those who personally know Muslims tend to have a better and more realistic view of us.

ignore the quranreader, he is a non-Muslim pretending to be Muslim, he even spells Allahu Akbar wrongly, no Muslim would be that ignorant. I have sent a message to the moderator to ban this member.

DiamondHearts said:
The second-largest religion in the world after Christianity, Islam is also the fastest-growing religion. In the United States, for example, nearly 80 percent of the more than 1,200 mosques have been built in the past 12 years.

"Islam is the fastest-growing religion in America, a guide and pillar of stability for many of our people..."
HILLARY RODMAN CLINTON, Los Angeles Times, May 31, 1996, p.3

Already more than a billion-people strong, Islam is the world’s fastest-growing religion. ABCNEWS,

"Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the country." NEWSDAY, March 7, 1989, p.4

"Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the United States..." NEW YORK TIMES, Feb 21, 1989, p.1

Moslems are the world's fastest-growing group..." USA TODAY, The populationreferance bureau, Feb. 17,
1989, p.4A

"Muhummed is the most successful of all Prophets and religious personalities. " Encyclopedia Britannica

"There are more Muslims in North America then Jews Now." Dan Rathers, CBSNEWS

"Islam is the fastest growing religion in North America." TIMES MAGAZINE

"Islam continues to grow in America, and no one can doubt that!" CNN, December 15, 1995

"The religion of Islam is growing faster than any other religion in the world." MIKE WALLACE, 60

"Five to 6 million strong, Muslims in America already outnumber Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and Mormons,
and they are more numerous than Quakers, Unitarians, Seventh-day Adventists, Mennonites, Jehovah's
Witnesses, and Christian Scientists, combined. Many demographers say Islam has overtaken Judaism as the
country's second-most commonly practiced religion; others say it is in the passing lane." JOHAN BLANK,
USNEWS (7/20/98)

"In fact, religion experts say Islam is the second-largest religion in the United States... Islam has 5 million to 6
million members, followed by Judaism, with approximately 4.5 million..... And Islam is believed to be
fastest-growing religion in the country, with half its expansion coming from new immigrants and the other half
from conversions." By ELSA C. ARNETT
Knight-Ridder News Service

Islam fastest-growing religion in US: US Ambassador to Pakistan Ryan C. Crocker

However, the point is not what is the fastest religion or not. This thread is about New Muslims in the West.


The fastest growing faith in USA is atheism - MUCH faster than islam.

Actually it makes sense , first many gods , then one god , then no gods ....
DiamondHearts said:
It is wrong to deny that Muslims have not contributed to anything to the world, please I suggest you read on both the primary scholars of Algebra and Chemistry (Al Khwarizmi, Ibn Sina, Jabir ibn Hayan, Al Farghani) Muslim scientists who have laid the foundation for the Western renaissance and scientific achievement. In the era of Islamic golden age, Muslim scientists were the most intelligent and knwoeldgeable scientists in the world. Even today, many of the primary medicial professors in many fields are Muslims, among them the top Brain surgeon in the world (Irani) who practices in New York.


I am sorry to inform people here , but DiamondHearts deliberately tells lies here , trying to convert people into islam - PLEASE LOOK AT THIS THREAD:
read what Lord Insane writes on this page - almost every information from DiamondHearts is untrue !!!!
Wise decision DH. Yes, I could tell he was mocking Islam. Yes, I am from the US. No, I don't know any muslims nor do I feel any hate towards them. I feel a misunderstanding of their religion at times just as I do Christians. But yes, I realize, in general, they are just like anyone else. There are many kind Muslims in this world, I am sure. We were all made to have atleast some goodness in us just as equally according to race, sex, and religion alike. Even though I have debated with you more intensely a couple times when I shouldn't have, I respect your time and energy to type out your replies and your sincerity to your religion. That wasn't very good of me according to Christianity or Islam to get so passionately involved in a debate in which I might wind up offending someone. But as of lately, in life and on the forum I've tried to not be so impulsive and emotional. As I said before, emotion brings about impulse which can bring you further away from God, ie, destroy rationality. That is one reason I understand some of the Islamic laws on music. Music can bring about too much emotion if we aren't careful. So can poetry. It can take words and twist them into meaning by coming across as beautiful, just as some of the atheists do. Poetry can be in music which can glamorize sins but yet try to make it beautiful and appealing to decieve. It can be a wolf in sheeps clothing. I understand a lot of Islam that other westerners may not, considering what little I've read of it. I haven't read much more of the bible either but I believe it to be the word of God also. Although I don't feel either one of them right for the times in which we live now. That's why I feel it in me that a new prophet will come soon. The excess hate and excess love in the world today can't go on much longer. Excess love, you say? Yes, excess love of oneself, selfishness, love perverted and twisted into sexual deviancy. It does wrong in the name of love. There I go into 'preach mode' as you call it, Mustaf. I can't help it. But I'm hoping sharing my thoughts helps others.

"care to show where, have you read your bible."

I can't recall specifically since I haven't read it much. But we are His creation, and He is described as our Father in heaven. He is the birther/creator of us, therefore, Father of us and all.
DiamondHearts said:

ignore the quranreader, he is a non-Muslim pretending to be Muslim, he even spells Allahu Akbar wrongly,


yeah that was funny.

here are the Weddings i have been to including ceremonies, party etc.:

Catholic\Protestant\Christian etc. -about 100
Jewish- about 70
Muslim- 2
Presian Jewish- 1 or 2 cant remember.
Hindu- about 20-30 - Sanskrit - Vedic. 4 to 8 hour ceremony.
heavymetal said:
I am sorry to inform people here , but DiamondHearts deliberately tells lies here , trying to convert people into islam - PLEASE LOOK AT THIS THREAD:
read what Lord Insane writes on this page - almost every information from DiamondHearts is untrue !!!!

My God , DH , you really are a sick bastard aren´t you !!!!

Did you think , that you could get away with this fraud ??????
How can anyone believe in you or other muslims quoting biased muslim websites ???

I remember the dark empire of communist Russia trying to rearrange history , so that it was consistent with the communist doctrines !!!!
Now Muslims are trying the same thing to glorify islam !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
usp8riot said:
Wise decision DH. Yes, I could tell he was mocking Islam. Yes, I am from the US. No, I don't know any muslims nor do I feel any hate towards them. I feel a misunderstanding of their religion at times just as I do Christians. But yes, I realize, in general, they are just like anyone else. There are many kind Muslims in this world, I am sure. We were all made to have atleast some goodness in us just as equally according to race, sex, and religion alike. Even though I have debated with you more intensely a couple times when I shouldn't have, I respect your time and energy to type out your replies and your sincerity to your religion. That wasn't very good of me according to Christianity or Islam to get so passionately involved in a debate in which I might wind up offending someone. But as of lately, in life and on the forum I've tried to not be so impulsive and emotional. As I said before, emotion brings about impulse which can bring you further away from God, ie, destroy rationality.

Glad to hear this. I encourage you to make some Muslim friends. By the way, which state are you from usp8riot. I am currently studying in florida. There are beautfiul beaches and nice land here, I like the weather its never too hot or too cold, perfect for me. Nothing feels better than sitting on a florida beach alone with an umbrella, looking at the ocean. :D

usp8riot said:
That is one reason I understand some of the Islamic laws on music. Music can bring about too much emotion if we aren't careful.

There are a variety of different opinions regarding the playing of music, but the most common opinion is that it is not haram (forbidden) to play only string insturments but makrooh (unliked). We have much Islamic music that people in the Middle East and South Asia listen to called Naat, Qawali, Ghazaal, etc.

usp8riot said:
So can poetry. It can take words and twist them into meaning by coming across as beautiful, just as some of the atheists do. Poetry can be in music which can glamorize sins but yet try to make it beautiful and appealing to decieve. It can be a wolf in sheeps clothing.

Poetry, along with music is forbidden for Muslims mainly regarding the lyrics and what the music implied. Many western music regarding gloryfing sex and violent is forbidden for Muslims.

Poetry is very popular in the Muslim world, and the region has been known to have the richest history in literary poetry for thousands of years, this is one of the defining things of our civilization.

usp8riot said:
I understand a lot of Islam that other westerners may not, considering what little I've read of it. I haven't read much more of the bible either but I believe it to be the word of God also. Although I don't feel either one of them right for the times in which we live now. That's why I feel it in me that a new prophet will come soon. The excess hate and excess love in the world today can't go on much longer. Excess love, you say? Yes, excess love of oneself, selfishness, love perverted and twisted into sexual deviancy. It does wrong in the name of love. There I go into 'preach mode' as you call it, Mustaf. I can't help it. But I'm hoping sharing my thoughts helps others.

"care to show where, have you read your bible."

I can't recall specifically since I haven't read it much. But we are His creation, and He is described as our Father in heaven. He is the birther/creator of us, therefore, Father of us and all.

Excess of anything has detrimental affects on human beings. Islam is known in the Quran as the middle religion because the main teachings of Islam state belief in mercy and fear of Allah swt should both be in moderation, neither should exceed the other. The worldly life and seeking afterlife should laso be in moderation, as the Prophet (s) practiced his life.

I am hopeful that you and many othes have learned more about our culture and religion.

Mustaf, it is not the your disbelief which offends us, it is your lack of respect of those who choose to belive which is offensive. Please have some respect for others like usp8riot and myself.

DiamondHearts said:
Glad to hear this. I encourage you to make some Muslim friends.

The worldly life and seeking afterlife should laso be in moderation, as the Prophet (s) practiced his life.


The prophet Muhammed was a passionate addict of sex , he forced one of his followers to divorce his wife so that he could marry her himself - also he married a 6 years old girl and had sex with her when she was 9.

Muhammed liked to attack and kill people in peacefull trade caravans from Mekka , while he lived in Medina .....

Yes , you definitely should get a lot of muslim friends and follow Muhammed in the future .........
By the way, which state are you from usp8riot

Let's just say I'm a couple states away. But I've been to florida. Beautiful beaches and great weather if you're like most people. Unfortunately, I'm not. Too hot for me.

But yes, nothing wrong with music or poetry by default, just as there is conversation, but there is a fine emotional balance that shouldn't be crossed.

An I agree also, even being too strict on the rules of God can be wrong or sinful in my definition. Would any of us want our son/daughter so worried about obeying our rules they couldn't have fun and afraid of the punishment that they're afraid to do anything?

Heavymetal: Maybe DH disagrees with me on this, I'm sure but I don't see the prophets as perfect. We all make mistakes. But nonetheless, should we believe anything you say? If you make mistakes, but yet tell someone else what right or wrong is, should they be expected to believe you? If you have a child, should they obey you since you have done things wrong? Does it make it any more or less truthful if you say, murdering is wrong if you have told a lie in the past? Isn't that what you're expecting of Muhammed, for anyone not to believe him if he did make mistakes? And have some water with those words, they will go down much easier. Pardon me if I put a little comedy in there, no offense.
philosopher´s stone said:
My God , DH , you really are a sick bastard aren´t you !!!!

Did you think , that you could get away with this fraud ??????
How can anyone believe in you or other muslims quoting biased muslim websites ???

I remember the dark empire of communist Russia trying to rearrange history , so that it was consistent with the communist doctrines !!!!
Now Muslims are trying the same thing to glorify islam !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

guys lighten up DH is particularly shrewd, i tried to change the tone with my wedding post but it was deliberately ignored. deliberately ignored!!! even when i point to my walth of knowledge on the subject.