New Muslims


Registered Senior Member
I have heard that Islam is the fastest religion in the world and even America. I was very interested about the people who embrace Islam in the West.

If you are a Westerner who embraced Islam, you are living in the West who knows a person that embraced Islam, or a Non-Muslim who lives by Muslims in the West, please explain to me your experiences.

I ask that we do not get too diverted off the topic, and also this isn't an Islam bashing thread.

Thanks for your responses.

The second-largest religion in the world after Christianity, Islam is also the fastest-growing religion. In the United States, for example, nearly 80 percent of the more than 1,200 mosques have been built in the past 12 years.

"Islam is the fastest-growing religion in America, a guide and pillar of stability for many of our people..."
HILLARY RODMAN CLINTON, Los Angeles Times, May 31, 1996, p.3

Already more than a billion-people strong, Islam is the world’s fastest-growing religion. ABCNEWS,

"Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the country." NEWSDAY, March 7, 1989, p.4

"Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the United States..." NEW YORK TIMES, Feb 21, 1989, p.1

Moslems are the world's fastest-growing group..." USA TODAY, The populationreferance bureau, Feb. 17,
1989, p.4A

"Muhummed is the most successful of all Prophets and religious personalities. " Encyclopedia Britannica

"There are more Muslims in North America then Jews Now." Dan Rathers, CBSNEWS

"Islam is the fastest growing religion in North America." TIMES MAGAZINE

"Islam continues to grow in America, and no one can doubt that!" CNN, December 15, 1995

"The religion of Islam is growing faster than any other religion in the world." MIKE WALLACE, 60

"Five to 6 million strong, Muslims in America already outnumber Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and Mormons,
and they are more numerous than Quakers, Unitarians, Seventh-day Adventists, Mennonites, Jehovah's
Witnesses, and Christian Scientists, combined. Many demographers say Islam has overtaken Judaism as the
country's second-most commonly practiced religion; others say it is in the passing lane." JOHAN BLANK,
USNEWS (7/20/98)

"In fact, religion experts say Islam is the second-largest religion in the United States... Islam has 5 million to 6
million members, followed by Judaism, with approximately 4.5 million..... And Islam is believed to be
fastest-growing religion in the country, with half its expansion coming from new immigrants and the other half
from conversions." By ELSA C. ARNETT
Knight-Ridder News Service

Islam fastest-growing religion in US: US Ambassador to Pakistan Ryan C. Crocker

However, the point is not what is the fastest religion or not. This thread is about New Muslims in the West.

Oh look, Diamondhearts is now quoting the very sources she considers xenophobic and zionist.

People in the West have the freedom to change their religion TO Islam or any other religion as they also have the freedom to change FROM Islam to any other religion. That's one of the many freedoms the West has, while the Islamic state does not.

So, we have religious freedom, you do not.

If you want other parts of the world to be of the mind of the Muslim, then we should have laws that don't allow people to change to Islam.
- In Australia Buhddism is the fastest growing religion - by conversion not birth.
- Islam is supposedly the fastest growing religion in the World, due to high birth rate.
- Athiesm is the fastest growing belief system in the world, in all of history.

2) When I was living in the USA, I used to tease a couple of Muslim gilrs I'd study with alone in the evening. :) they both got married and had to quit their studies and have children. Oh well.

2) I have about 5 good Muslims friends here in AU. That said, two are pretty much atheist and one is pure atheist (Reza).

For one Muslim friend of mine I wrote a letter of recomendation and he just got accepted into a pharmacy program.

Another guy is a student, he's a good guy, likes to drink, get laid, party, and works very hard.

Actually all but Sadek like to go out and drink. He's a more a homebody. He initiated some religious debates :) In the end he was saying God is irrational, irrational is better than rational, round squares exist.... hehe.... poor guy :D

So in short, the Muslms I know are pretty similar to anyone.
1st gen are either atheists or stong believers.
2nd gen Muslims don't beleive as much but pretend they do so as not to upset their parents.
3rd gen really don't believe much.
4th gen are typical Aussie, whcih means that if they are going to convert they will become a Buddhist but most just become egnostic.
Since Islam doesn't have much by way of spirituality or preaching peace, people are unlikely to accept it willingly.

In the past Islam grew through violence. There can not be two opinions about that.

Another major credit for the enormous Muslim population is their proliferate breeding! Muslims don't practise 'family planning' and in fact breed profusely. It is the norm for a Muslim family to have half a dozen to a dozen children in many muslim dominated areas.

Islam is also an aggressive religion with a definite mandate to dominate the world. While Islam spends time fighting others aggressively to expand, other religions spend time on spiritual and peaceful ventures. That does make them vulnerbale to be usurped by Islam.

That is not something to feel proud about. People are in fact loosing respect for Islam.
Buddha1: Everything you said could be applied to Christianity too... If not so much today, certainly not long in the past.
I live in small town America and no muslims I know of around here. The only muslims I've heard of are the one's that blew up the WTC and the one's that are shown spreading hate against other religions and it's countries, hence my cautionary views of it but also my interest. Of course, not that hate isn't spreaded against Islam either, works both ways. Well, I take that back, I do or used to have a muslim friend or two online I would talk to and one who converted from it and spoke of how violent the religion was. I was actually debating the guy and saying that those that are using it to hate are probably misinterpreting the Quran. He didn't seem to agree but I could easily see him as one of the Christian converts for whom, when born, was spanked as a kid, and converted to atheism and saying Christianity is a cruel religion. And some who are hated on by Islamists generalize and hate all, same with Christianity. I'm willing to give Islam a fair chance in convincing me it is the word of God. But the sad thing is, I've convinced myself more than other Islamists that I've debated with.

There are thousands of reverts (converts) here in the UK, all ages and backgrounds. I've heard of more women converting than men, but I think the numbers are quite equal. MashaAllah.

One new Muslim who recently reverted is the French international football coach Philippe Troussier:
BBC Sport - Philippe Troussier boasts one of the more impressive international pedigrees, having led three separate sides to the World Cup.

French Coach Troussier Affirms His Conversion to Islam
April 19, 2006 By Oumnia Guedda

The French former coach of the Moroccan football team, Philippe Troussier (now Omar) has affirmed that he has converted to Islam along with his wife Dominique (now named Amina), MAP news agency reported.

Troussier, 51, who coached South Africa and Japan at the 1998 and 2002 World Cups respectively, said that “my conversion to Islam is a way of harmonizing my faith with my host country, the Morocco that I love and which loves me as well. It is an act of love and respect.”

The French coach performed the prayer on Friday and attended a ceremony to celebrate his conversion. The ceremony took place in Rabat where the couple lives. Troussier pronounced the shahadah (Islamic declaration of belief: "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger") before two witnesses, according to the website

Philippe and Dominique Troussier are now Omar and Amina. The news was no surprise for the friends of the French coach, since he has always shown a particular interest to Islam.

Troussier told the press that he feels uneasy since the spread of the news, adding that his conversion is personal and he did not seek to reveal it. In an interview with, the coach said “the information was spread behind my back; I think that one of my friends leaked the news.”

As some sources reported that Omar and Amina Troussier have adopted two Moroccan girls, the French coach told Afrik “it is not adoption, but I have two children under my roof, I do protect and educate them. They still contact their family.”

The Moroccan French language Daily, L'Opinion, hailed Troussier's conversion, describing the event as “a magnificent and wonderful surprise.” The paper said “as Muslims we are happy to see such a strong and well recognized personality as Philippe Troussier become part of this religion of peace and tolerance. Welcome Omar and Amina to the Kingdom of the All Powerful, the Kingdom of the Truth."
Journey to Islam stories (scroll down)

More reverts' stories:

Women who have embraced Islam:

Men who have embraced Islam:

Jews who have converted to Islam:

'After Ten Years of Atheism':

More reverts:

One of the most amazing stories I've heard is of prison guards at Guantanamo Bay who converted to Islam after watching the Muslim brothers all praying together. MashaAllah.

And there have even been several cases of ex-BNP members converting to Islam in the UK.

InshaAllah there will be many more.

Testimonies of Those Who Left Islam: (about 100 personal stories)

And here is another link with 10 pages of testimonies.
"While I finally stopped believing in stories about virgin births and men turning sticks into snakes, so many others still take this seriously. It is a state of mass hysteria. "

"Now, there is no doubt in my mind that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all man-made. However, I found the Islamic message to be particularly disturbing mainly because it requires at its core suppression and persecution of all those that oppose it."

"The sooner Islam is recognized as the "world's fastest growing cult", rather than a "religion", the sooner the bloodshed will end. Good luck to you who have the courage to discard the fallacies of any organized religion and seek a better way to live in peace with others on this planet."
"What was the cause of my disbelief, you may ask? Mainly, this: the idea that inhumane people can go to heaven merely by saying "La ilaha il allah" while kind-hearted peace-loving indivuals are eternally condemned just because they believe what makes sense to them. "
(Q) said:
Oh look, Diamondhearts is now quoting the very sources she considers xenophobic and zionist.

I don't, this is why I quoted them.

The Devil Inside said:
i live in the middle of a muslim community.
they are normal people, just like anyone else...they just dress differently.

I sometimes go to a town in New York where my Catholic friend lives, and he lives in a Jewish community. I can say the same thing about Jews, they are essentially nice people and many of them can relate to people from the Middle East pretty well. Actually, when i was in the Middle East, I saw a number of Jewish stores and coffee houses, and these people looked just like any arab, they spoke in arabic accent, they watched soccer and talked about politics and criticised the government. I guess we just have to get to know each other.

Buddha1 said:
Since Islam doesn't have much by way of spirituality or preaching peace, people are unlikely to accept it willingly.

I disagree, I myself know many people who embrace Islam due to the spirituality of the Quran and the peace they find in its teachings.

usp8riot said:
I live in small town America and no muslims I know of around here. The only muslims I've heard of are the one's that blew up the WTC and the one's that are shown spreading hate against other religions and it's countries, hence my cautionary views of it but also my interest.

I recommend you visit a Mosque or meet with Muslims to ask your questions and their opinions in person. You will realize that we are not as evil as some people make us out to be. It's much better to be ignorant about a thing, then to have a false image of it. Muslims are under heat in the West, but if you ask them nicely and kindly they will respond to you the same way and everyone enjoys a nice talk. Just remember, we are human beings as well.

passerby said:

There are thousands of reverts (converts) here in the UK, all ages and backgrounds. I've heard of more women converting than men, but I think the numbers are quite equal. MashaAllah.

Thats very nice brother, thank you very much for your response. Allah swt bless you and your family many times.

passerby said:
One of the most amazing stories I've heard is of prison guards at Guantanamo Bay who converted to Islam after watching the Muslim brothers all praying together. MashaAllah.

And there have even been several cases of ex-BNP members converting to Islam in the UK.

InshaAllah there will be many more.


Wow, this is amazing. Even though Muslims are under the heat from everywhere, it is so nice to hear such good stories. Alhamdulilah.

Have you ever heard of Yvonne Ridley who was a women reporter who lived with the Taliban and embraced Islam because of them? She was giving speeches in the colleges in America a few months ago.

Salaam. Peace to all.
I posted this in another thread, but I wanted more people to see it so i'm posting this here.

It's about our beloved and most revered Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). These quotes show the beauty and mercy of Islam.

Once the Prophet (pbuh) was sleeping under a tree and his sword was hanging on the branch of a tree. His enemy came and took the sword and impertinently awakened the Prophet (pbuh) and asked him who would save him. The Prophet (pbuh) instantly replied that Allah would take care of him. He became unconscious and fell down and his sword dropped from his hand. The Prophet (pbuh) picked up the sword and asked him who could save him. Then he was astounded. He then asked the man to go as revenge he never cherished.

The Prophet (pbuh) did away with the issues that were the causes of battles during the early years of Ignorance (Jahiliyyah). He also declared to abandon the claims for compensation for murder done to his family. Loans given by his uncle were also remitted by him.

To meet cheerfully, to talk about virtues and prevent people from vices and villainy, to show the right path to those who have lost the way, to lead weak-sighted persons on the way, to remove thorns, stones, and bones from paths and to draw water from wells for others, are all deeds of virtue.

A person asked the Prophet (pbuh) how many times an attendant should be pardoned. He said that this should be allowed seventy times in a day.

Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him), the servant of the Prophet, had another recollection:

I never saw anyone who was more compassionate towards children than Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him). His son Ibrahim was in the care of a wet nurse in the hills around Madinah. He would go there, and we would go with him, and he would enter the house, pick up his son and kiss him, then come back. (Muslim)

Narrated Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him),

Allah’s Messenger kissed Al-Hasan ibn `Ali while Al-Aqra` ibn Habis At-Tamim was sitting with him . Al-Aqra` said, “I have ten children and have never kissed one of them.” The Prophet cast a look at him and said, “Whoever is not merciful to others will not be treated mercifully.” (Al-Bukhari)

The Prophet said,

“Allâh will show mercy to those who show mercy to people. Show mercy to those who are on the earth, the One Who is in the Heaven will show mercy to you.”
honestly, attacking muslims for faults you find in a scripture makes no sense.

people say "muslims this, muslims that" when they dont know any muslims.
i personally find islam to be a false faith, but do i persecute the practitioners because of it? no.

why not, you ask? because i believe that what is correct for me may not be correct for someone else, and vice versa. who knows? i might be wrong on my views of islam. what i DO know about islam is that if i am wrong, i wont be punished for it, as i live by the golden rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

before opening your mouths about a faith that you have no real knowledge of, you should read a damn book. in this case, it should be a koran.
cover to cover.

i personally find the koran to be the most poetically written "holy book" i have had the pleasure to read, and there is much that we could all learn from it's teachings.

dont let a few maniacs ruin your view of the world. it is a beautiful place, filled with many beautiful people and ideas.

just remember that when you point your accusatory finger at someone, three fingers are pointing back at you.
Buffalo Roam said:
So you murder 1,000,000 people and show mercy to # 1,000,001, and Allah lets you into Paradise?

'Whoever kills one innocent human being, its as if he killed all of humanity, and whoever saves one human being, its as if he saved all of humanity.' Quran 5:32.

I believe this speaks for itself.

Islam's most precious beauty and magnificience is engraved in the immortal teachings of the Blessed Quran. This book is for all who seek guidance.

Allah swt says in part of Hadith Qudsi, 'If my servant walks towards me, I will run towards him."

Most American "converts" to Islam are behind bars for violent crimes! I wonder why.

Definition of "fastest growing"...
My business earns $1000 @ week. The business next door earns $1,000,000 @ week.

Last year, my business increased 50%. I made $1500 @ week, or $500 more. My neighbors business only increased 10% to $1,100,000 and made $100,000 more @ week. Therefore I am more successful!​