New here, and would like to talk about some events i've experienced...


Firstly, at a very young age, i'm guessing 4-5 something odd happened to me, something unexplainable. I woke up fully dressed staring at a mirror without any memory or recall of how i got there. Even though i was of such early age i asked my parents if they knew who had dressed me and got me out of bed, they loughed, and i guess didn't think much of it.

At roughly 9 years of age, me a friend and his sister were playing behind my house looking at the stars, trying to find UFOs and just pretty much being kids. I was right behind my friend facing towards different direction when he told me to look up at the tree... what we saw was something very odd, something that i cant explain in full detail. It seemed we saw some extremely bright lights in abstract shape, but the lines which formed this object seemed straight. It could not have been: 'falty lights, reflection, thunder' because it was night time, and i remember it was so dark we hesitated going there alone. It was one of those experiences i will never forget, and one of those i will never let a sceptic try to prove wrong. (Forgot to mention, this was not a sighting in the sky, this was about 3-4metres away from us)

Odd things happen to me all the time, such as Street Lights going off whilst i walk under them, such as always seeing the number 11:11 everywere, specificaly on digital clocks.

P.S: I've read through heaps of forums and posts, some say that there is a group of people called the SLIders, which have subconcious powers that enable them to switch of street lights, and that it could be as a resort of being abducted. And yes, oddly enough, this is plausable in my case...

Odd things happen to me all the time, such as Street Lights going off whilst i walk under them, such as always seeing the number 11:11 everywere, specificaly on digital clocks.

So what? Streetlights have sensors, some go on and off all the time because they are faulty or some source of light hits the sensor. How many times a day do you see those numbers? I suspect twice?
Well, yeh, ok... they have sensors... but wouldn't it be odd if you looked at a specific street light, lets say not the one closest to you... and a result of that it went off?
You suspect i see the numbers 11:11 twice a day? well if it happens on digital clocks, that is the maximum amount of times it can happen, and im only mentioning it because it happens in odd circumstances. It has nothing to do with time in general, becuase i see the numbers constantly even if the time is hours wrong. Lets say im sending a message on my phone, i look up at the computer i notice 11:11... and yes some can argue its all coincidental, but it has come to the stage were i consider it as normal.
wouldn't it be odd if you looked at a specific street light, lets say not the one closest to you... and a result of that it went off?

I have and it did, so what?

It has nothing to do with time in general, becuase i see the numbers constantly even if the time is hours wrong.

Get your eyes checked. Or maybe your VCR's clock is stuck.
Q, man you're hella annoying. You disagree with everything and dont even consider posibilities out of the norm. Quit being such a skeptic, and atleast comment on something meaninful i wrote, not just about those damn street lights and numbers...
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People make claims about all sorts of "abnormal" or "supernatural" abilities, but whenever these claims are tested, they turn out to be bunk.

Send me a plane ticket to your city and I'll gladly test your claims. Until then, they're just claims. And, as such, its more likely that you're full of it than not since there's never been a proven case of such abilities etc.
'Quit being such a skeptic...

... and give in to your fantasy?
I have heard of these "Sliders" however what you should understand is that the filiment within a bulb generates an electromagnetic field, If subjected to an alternating electromagnetic field perhaps even high levels of Negative Polarisation (A person gaining such polarisation from being Earthed) will likely cause the filliment to break.
(you won't have such an affect on bulbs that just use gases rather than filliments)

In fact they are probably likely to get static shocks off of their car door handles, jumpers and see certain strange things happen around them. I just suggest that you don't go out of your way to chase Lightening storms.

You'd probably also find that your Skins resistance to Electricity is different from the "average" resistance that people have.
Serb87 said:
Firstly, at a very young age, i'm guessing 4-5 something odd happened to me, something unexplainable. I woke up fully dressed staring at a mirror without any memory or recall of how i got there. Even though i was of such early age i asked my parents if they knew who had dressed me and got me out of bed, they loughed, and i guess didn't think much of it.

When I was camping with my friend at an age of about 7, he stood up in the middle of the night mumbling a load of crap, walked over to a neerby house and pissed on the wall, then walked back, eyes closed, and fell asleep. Another time he woke up and walked into the tv on his bedroom table, the TV colapsedo nhim and he woke up. But hey Im sure aliens did that to. People sleepwalk its nothing to be freaked out by, especially at a young age.

At roughly 9 years of age, me a friend and his sister were playing behind my house looking at the stars, trying to find UFOs and just pretty much being kids. I was right behind my friend facing towards different direction when he told me to look up at the tree... what we saw was something very odd, something that i cant explain in full detail. It seemed we saw some extremely bright lights in abstract shape, but the lines which formed this object seemed straight. It could not have been: 'falty lights, reflection, thunder' because it was night time, and i remember it was so dark we hesitated going there alone. It was one of those experiences i will never forget, and one of those i will never let a sceptic try to prove wrong. (Forgot to mention, this was not a sighting in the sky, this was about 3-4metres away from us)

Sounds like bullshit to me, trust me aliens would bother with a bunch of hillbillies, drunks, drug abusers or children for that matter, they flew presumably billions of miles ot get here if they exist. they wouldnt bother wasting their time.
Odd things happen to me all the time, such as Street Lights going off whilst i walk under them, such as always seeing the number 11:11 everywere, specificaly on digital clocks.

P.S: I've read through heaps of forums and posts, some say that there is a group of people called the SLIders, which have subconcious powers that enable them to switch of street lights, and that it could be as a resort of being abducted. And yes, oddly enough, this is plausable in my case...

more bullshit. i suggest you join a church and nurture your easy to impress mind.
Heh, seriously what freaking reason would i have to try and lie to some scifi geeks who i've never seen or give a shit about, i'm just talking about some real life experiences, and trying to see if anyone else had something similar happen to them.
Why would i search the subject on the internet if all i have is lies?
As for you Odin'Izm, i'm not trying to bullshit you or anyone, and none of what i wrote is bullshit, i dont claim to have supernatural powers you moron, all i said was, the boundaries of coincidence have been tested.
Seriously, have more of an open mind and quit bitching about everything that cant be scientificaly proved you pathetic moron.
Odin'Izm said:
When I was camping with my friend at an age of about 7, he stood up in the middle of the night mumbling a load of crap, walked over to a neerby house and pissed on the wall, then walked back, eyes closed, and fell asleep. Another time he woke up and walked into the tv on his bedroom table, the TV colapsedo nhim and he woke up. But hey Im sure aliens did that to. People sleepwalk its nothing to be freaked out by, especially at a young age.

Yeh, but i woke up fully dressed, in another room, comed hair, i looked as if i were ready to go out to a friends birthday party... thats the only reason i didn't think it was sleep walking. And also i have no past knowledge or history of sleep walking, and im sure this wasn't a one off.
Serb87 said:
Heh, seriously what freaking reason would i have to try and lie to some scifi geeks who i've never seen or give a shit about,

Its called self-aggrandizing behavior, delusion, and who-knows-how-many-other psychological motivations drive the human mind to believe.

Besides, why would anyone wish to give credibilty to the word of a newb that would enter our forum and begin with calling other members "pathetic moron?" Welcome to my ignore list.

Odd things happen to me all the time, such as Street Lights going off whilst i walk under them, such as always seeing the number 11:11 everywere, specificaly on digital clocks.

Regarding the 11:11 thing - once you notice something like that accidentally a couple of times, you start looking for it. And once you start looking for something like numbers, you'll start seeing them everywhere. Think of how many numbers you are exposed to every day. Some of them are going to be 11.

Regarding street lights: there are a LOT of street lights, and bulbs go out all the time, often flashing on and off for some period before they die completely. But don't take my word for it! I'd like you to try something for me.

Next time a street light goes out just as you walk under it, don't keep walking. Stop, and wait for a while, and watch the light. See if it comes back on after a short time. Probably, you'll see it flash on and off at fairly regular intervals, which have nothing to do with you. If in doubt, watch the light from a distance, as other people walk past it.

Don't assume that lights go off because of you. Check to see whether it is really true!
SkinWalker said:
Its called self-aggrandizing behavior, delusion, and who-knows-how-many-other psychological motivations drive the human mind to believe.

Besides, why would anyone wish to give credibilty to the word of a newb that would enter our forum and begin with calling other members "pathetic moron?" Welcome to my ignore list.

Firstly, the only reason i resorted to such language is because he was shitting on everything i was saying. I didn't make any claims all i commented on was some things that had happened to me over the years, and still happen. As for credibility... theres nothing anyone can do or say to make other people believe them, but hell they can atleast try if they're right. I'm not here for people to call me a lier, if thats all you have to say dont say it... i'm just looking for a scientific explanation.

(Scientific Explanations)
Ok, Street Lights going off: Falty lights(which always happen around me via coincidence, even though it happens numerous times weekly).
Sightings of 11:11: Yes i'm constantly thinking and looking for these numbers everywere(even though it only happens out of coincidental glances, usualy once or twice a day).
Waking up fully dressed standing next to a mirror was just a sleep walk(even though theres no history to it)
Light next to the tree was just a hallucination three kids happened to see, or thunder which didn't come from the clouds(definetly nothing odd)

Well, yes... i guess you guys have proven to me that everything is scientifically explainable... even if its not the case, thanks dipshits.
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(Q) Get your eyes checked. Or maybe your VCR's clock is stuck.[/QUOTE said:
Nothing is wrong with my eyes, and nothing is wrong with my DVD's clock, or my digital clocks, computers... or other people's... i think this time you're the one who is wrong.
I just wonder, if you kept seeing 11:11's on digital clocks... on a daily basis if you would raise a brow... i'm sure you would... or knowing only so much of you, you'd probably suicide in denial just to prove it wrong.
Much to the delight of alot of you here, i'm getting the fu*k out of this forum. I've noticed an annoying pattern in everything you "science critics" do... and in most cases you're probably right. You do it so much to the extent were you're not even reading other people's posts you're just quoting parts of their text and writing bullshit under it... Odin'Izm, (Q) are those people and should live outside the box from time to time. I mean wouldn't it be exctiting for once something is not scientificaly proven? and its true!? na... not for you guys...

Im not leaving because i got challenged or proven wrong, i'm leaving because there was no attempt at a non-insulting understanding or criticism at anything i had to say. It was all petty smartass remarks that made no attempt at an understanding... i'm sure theres normal people amongst you, or others that have had similar experiences, if so just send me an email and we could further discuss.
Many people in the past have become upset at certain "Sock Puppets" or particular forum entities. It's known they can be very abusive and abrupt, which in turn usually causes the person who started the thread to feel abused by all. Well it's not so, all I can suggest is you use the "IGNORE List" within your forum preferences for those particular people. You would then no longer see their comments, and no longer feel compelled to respond to that Ad Hom's.

If you leave just remember that the forums you join to discuss in the future are more than likely to have the same types of people (if not the exact same ones) so it's something you would/will have to deal with. (Just hope their forums have ignore lists too)
Thanks for the info, and na, i dont want to ignore them, for my personal well being i need to know what is being said by everyone... its ok, i will remember not to join any other forums in the future regarding unexplainable events, as there is more skeptics than people who have actualy experienced something.
Being a skeptic is good, dont get me wrong, but it sucks when someone is being skeptical towards you and theres no way to prove them wrong.
And what an amazing difference the IGNORE LIST makes. Much better.
