new evidence of aliens and the great pyramid

do you believe the ancient egyptians had extraterrestrial help

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • No

    Votes: 27 71.1%
  • Not quite sure

    Votes: 6 15.8%

  • Total voters
Either way you want to believe 'alien or human' technology, it is a shame that such technology and building skills have been lost because we sure could not duplicate such a feat today with such precision, if tasked.
You genuinely believe that such a task is beyond us, today?
Either way you want to believe 'alien or human' technology, it is a shame that such technology and building skills have been lost because we sure could not duplicate such a feat today with such precision, if tasked.

Lost? Where do you get that idea from. The pyramids were large, but simple structures, the Great Pyramid being built around 2560 BC. Then we come to medieval Europe, that built such magnificent structures as Lincoln Cathedral. The Great Pyramid was the tallest structure until the 160-meter-tall spire of Lincoln Cathedral was completed c. 1300.

Seems architects learned a lot in the intervening period, how to make tall, narrow elegant towers, .... and gothic arches, and flying buttresses, and all manner of innovations. The techniques are far from lost; they were improved upon.
It would interesting to follow an undertaking of such a massive project as building an exact duplicate of the Great Pyramid of Giza today, with all of its precision and tremendous weight. I wonder how much it would cost? Anybody care to estimate?
It would interesting to follow an undertaking of such a massive project as building an exact duplicate of the Great Pyramid of Giza today, with all of its precision and tremendous weight. I wonder how much it would cost? Anybody care to estimate?

Why bother, when only a thousand years ago, we built Lincoln Cathedral, which was taller, used more architectural science, and was far more complex?

What's this fascination with a large pile of square stones?
A question that comes to mind given, typical human behaviour.

Why would the Pharohs require huge blocks of stone to be transported to build the pyramids when cutting smaller blocks would have been easier to transport and quicker also.
Why 1000 ton blocks instead of 100 kg blocks ?
A question that comes to mind given, typical human behaviour.

Why would the Pharohs require huge blocks of stone to be transported to build the pyramids when cutting smaller blocks would have been easier to transport and quicker also.
Why 1000 ton blocks instead of 100 kg blocks ?

Because 100kg block are moved too easily, and the entire concept behind a pyramid was to keep the contents secure. Tomb Raiders would just laugh at 100kg blocks, and then plunder.
Because 100kg block are moved too easily, and the entire concept behind a pyramid was to keep the contents secure. Tomb Raiders would just laugh at 100kg blocks, and then plunder.

It's also easier to chisel down a large block than try to fill a gap with smaller blocks.

One other main reason that people might neglect is of course the amount of Newton's (N) that each block deals with under the weight of the structure itself. Placing smaller blocks together might well have cause compression fractures which might give way to weak points, using larger block would alleviate weaknesses from different material densities, although it would require the stone itself to be consistent.
I just don't understand how a pharoh can rule for as little as 5 years and build a pyramid in his honor [smallest of the Giza Pyramids]... doesn't make sense no matter how big we think the pharoh ego is.
The pyramids must have been built for some other purpose other than gandiose egosim. [ remember they died young in those days]
I look at the dates of each pharoh , I look at human nature, I look at typical human behaviour and I fail to see how they were built as monuments or even religious artifacts.

Life was tough in those days, and to spend the little time you had devoted to some monolythic building to serve only their morbid egos doesn't make a whole heap of sense.

Has any one had any good ideas or thoughts about what the pyramids might have other wise been built for?

Personally I tend to think it was a cult type fashion thing. Trap starlight energy from the Orion Nebula in the hope to preserve their lives and make them live longer.

They probably slept in the things under their golden masks to star soak, then when they died they just turned them into tombs as the pyramid would have been specially built to the pharohs physical/emotional spec. [possibly]

In the occult Gold* has always felt to have profound effects, so too have the use of pyramids or trangles etc. And the stone blocks would have to be huge to attract and store those sorts of energies
Nay! they where not a tomb, they were a starlarium [ solarium ] made of granite in the shape of a pyramid. Of course it would be no co-incidence that there would have been rare cloud cover and clear skies with out too much humidity especially at night.
whats the bet?
*Alchemy, derived from the Arabic word al-kimia (الكيمياء), is both a philosophy and an ancient practice focused on the attempt to change base metals into gold, investigating the preparation of the "elixir of longevity" , and achieving ultimate wisdom, involving the improvement of the alchemist as well as the making of several substances described as possessing unusual properties.[1] The practical aspect of alchemy generated the basics of modern inorganic chemistry, namely concerning procedures, equipment and the identification and use of many current substances. Alchemy has been practiced in ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia (modern Iraq), India (modern Indian subcontinent), Persia (modern Iran), China, Japan, Korea, the classical Greco-Roman world, the medieval Islamic world, and then medieval Europe up to the 20th century, in a complex network of schools and philosophical systems spanning at least 2,500 years.


The Gold would have been most likely used to magnify and purefy the star light energy.
The pharos would have kept all their most treasured sentimental icons with them always in the chamber to enhance the emotional aspect especially Golden ones.
They probably thought how Astrology worked and how the star light effects the human chakra systems I guess and were attempting to achieve corporal immortality and not so much an afterlife.
but of course they failed...
just thoughts....
any one know of the chemical reactions regarding the mixing of vinegar and Gold? Apparently hundreds of empty vinegar jars were found scattered around the pyramids.
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It's also easier to chisel down a large block than try to fill a gap with smaller blocks.

Yeah, making big things flat is quite easy, as we can sight along the long plane, a 1mm error in a 1m block is pretty good. A 1mm error in a 10cm block is pretty bad, and quality controlling lots of smaller items to be the same difficult. The latter would require some kind of cement to fill in the minor gaps, which is an added complication, and a weak point. Big blocks don't need sticking together, gravity does that.
Yeah, making big things flat is quite easy, as we can sight along the long plane, a 1mm error in a 1m block is pretty good. A 1mm error in a 10cm block is pretty bad, and quality controlling lots of smaller items to be the same difficult. The latter would require some kind of cement to fill in the minor gaps, which is an added complication, and a weak point. Big blocks don't need sticking together, gravity does that.

What kind of cutting tools were used?
Where is the mess they must have created by their mistakes?
Where is the mess they must have created by their mistakes?

Thats one of the points we've addressed, big blocks have less problems with "Tolerance", chipping a small defect into a massive block doesn't mean the massive block can't be used, chipping a defect into a smaller block would result in waste. Large blocks were therefore less likely to have waste, if there was any waste, they would likely use it in housing.
Thats one of the points we've addressed, big blocks have less problems with "Tolerance", chipping a small defect into a massive block doesn't mean the massive block can't be used, chipping a defect into a smaller block would result in waste. Large blocks were therefore less likely to have waste, if there was any waste, they would likely use it in housing.

no one has really stated how to move a 1000ton block . and carving thoes blocks makes sence the way you state
I just don't understand how a pharoh can rule for as little as 5 years and build a pyramid in his honor [smallest of the Giza Pyramids]... doesn't make sense no matter how big we think the pharoh ego is.
The pyramids must have been built for some other purpose other than gandiose egosim. [ remember they died young in those days]
I look at the dates of each pharoh , I look at human nature, I look at typical human behaviour and I fail to see how they were built as monuments or even religious artifacts.

Life was tough in those days, and to spend the little time you had devoted to some monolythic building to serve only their morbid egos doesn't make a whole heap of sense.

Has any one had any good ideas or thoughts about what the pyramids might have other wise been built for?

Personally I tend to think it was a cult type fashion thing. Trap starlight energy from the Orion Nebula in the hope to preserve their lives and make them live longer.

They probably slept in the things under their golden masks to star soak, then when they died they just turned them into tombs as the pyramid would have been specially built to the pharohs physical/emotional spec. [possibly]

In the occult Gold* has always felt to have profound effects, so too have the use of pyramids or trangles etc. And the stone blocks would have to be huge to attract and store those sorts of energies
Nay! they where not a tomb, they were a starlarium [ solarium ] made of granite in the shape of a pyramid. Of course it would be no co-incidence that there would have been rare cloud cover and clear skies with out too much humidity especially at night.
whats the bet?
*Alchemy, derived from the Arabic word al-kimia (الكيمياء), is both a philosophy and an ancient practice focused on the attempt to change base metals into gold, investigating the preparation of the "elixir of longevity" , and achieving ultimate wisdom, involving the improvement of the alchemist as well as the making of several substances described as possessing unusual properties.[1] The practical aspect of alchemy generated the basics of modern inorganic chemistry, namely concerning procedures, equipment and the identification and use of many current substances. Alchemy has been practiced in ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia (modern Iraq), India (modern Indian subcontinent), Persia (modern Iran), China, Japan, Korea, the classical Greco-Roman world, the medieval Islamic world, and then medieval Europe up to the 20th century, in a complex network of schools and philosophical systems spanning at least 2,500 years.


The Gold would have been most likely used to magnify and purefy the star light energy.
The pharos would have kept all their most treasured sentimental icons with them always in the chamber to enhance the emotional aspect especially Golden ones.
They probably thought how Astrology worked and how the star light effects the human chakra systems I guess and were attempting to achieve corporal immortality and not so much an afterlife.
but of course they failed...
just thoughts....
any one know of the chemical reactions regarding the mixing of vinegar and Gold? Apparently hundreds of empty vinegar jars were found scattered around the pyramids.

i agree trying to wrap my head around the real reason they were built
You mean to tell me that the ancient Egyptians quarried these massive stone blocks out of the ground using bronze or brass chisels by hand and made no big mistakes?
no one has really stated how to move a 1000ton block . and carving thoes blocks makes sence the way you state

One way to lift a block up a pyramid while it was being built would be to generate a flat sloped gradient for where the block was to be lifted.

Then placing a pulley system or some point to loop the rope over (I actually think a wooden beam structure with bronze plating that can be turned by two men at either end of the beam which pivots are cradled in special stones that can be disassembled and moved every time a new level has been placed), it would be possible to have wooden crates that slide back down the slope.

The crates can then be filled with sand, so eventually the weight in the crates is greater than the block. Obviously the crates would require to be of the same and more than likely greater volume than the stone.

Moving sand up and down would be far easier than the blocks alone.
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One way to lift a block up a pyramid while it was being built would be to generate a flat sloped gradient for where the block was to be lifted.

Then placing a pulley system or some point to loop the rope over (I actually think a wooden beam structure with bronze plating that can be turned by two men at either end of the beam which pivots are cradled in special stones that can be disassembled and moved every time a new level has been placed), it would be possible to have wooden crates that slide back down the slope.

The crates can then be filled with sand, so eventually the weight in the crates is greater than the block. Obviously the crates would require to be of the same and more than likely greater volume than the stone.

Moving sand up and down would be far easier than the blocks alone.

that works for some applications and weight but were talking about a block that weighs about 1million lbs this would probably not work for a block of such size
It all reaks of occult facination.

The use of symbolics in the form of hyroglyphs [ not unlike the wicca use of the pentagon.] No formal detailed writing that provides intellectual information beyond generalities.
The heavy use of gold and denisity of ganite Crystals in the form of huge blocks. Apparently the crown of the pyramids were capped with Gold as well.
Obviously they were not too concerned with theft at the time. And after they were dead who cared any ways. The Gold would have been "isometrically" "tuned" with alchemy, into the pharohs psych. involved and useless to any one else.
The pyramid shape also is a natural crystal amplifier/culminator that focusses all the flat planes input to a single point at the central chamber. [equalateral pyramid with square base]

[in 3 dimensional space a 4 sided triangular pyramid is the minimum 3 dimensional flat sided object to plug a dimensional hole - that is not a sphere] - imagine 3 dim. gate way to another universe in 3 dimensional space.

So my guess is that the Pharohs purpose built the pyramids as a futile attempt to sustain their lives, as they were dying big time...hence their facination with morbidity.

So much effort would require a pretty immediate need and survival instinct would provide that need over religious egoism or grandios monument building for a rule that only lasted 5 years for exmple.

They appeared to believe in zero point energy [ aka Freemasons, Theosophical societies/ occult groups etc etc ]
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