new evidence of aliens and the great pyramid

do you believe the ancient egyptians had extraterrestrial help

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • No

    Votes: 27 71.1%
  • Not quite sure

    Votes: 6 15.8%

  • Total voters
yeah that is correct. and is what we beleive, but can we proove this ?

Well, yes. The Egyptians loved documenting their history, so wrote a lot of this stuff down.

I have been there as well only as a trip but i felt the pyamids and i agree 100 percent there in no way smooth after thousands of years of erosion.

Erosion inside the Great Pyramid? Please explain that one to me.

Experiences can be deceiving.

True, but that doesn't mean we should abandon them in favour of fantasy.
Scientists call these theories bunk, but cannot provide any better explanation for how primitive humans fit 200-ton stones together or planned the intricate process without the ability to read or write.

Idiot. The Egyptians wrote hieroglyphs.

I am not saying aliens did, but i am in no way ready to say they didn't neither.

Idiot. Because you cannot understand how the ancients moved heavy stones. somehow gives alien visitation more credibility? Go to Aswan, see how the stones were quarried, it becomes OBVIOUS it was a labour intensive manual job performed with basic tools. OBVIOUS.

But at this moment in time i could make a better argument that they did help us just due to the fact, that we can still today not with out a doubt prove how we built them and that we did not have help.

Odd how Egyptologists, who have actually studied the Pyramids, aren't scratching their heads and coming to the conclusion that Aliens helped, don't you think? Or is it that when you actually have some facts at your disposal, these stupid notions needn't be invoked?

And any true scientist has to all ways be open to new therories, of how something was acheived if they can not prove how them selves. Which is why i choose not quite sure.

You aren't a true scientist, you're an idiot. An equally stupid theory to aliens helping could be that some race of giant bird ate stones at Aswan, flew to Saqqara, regurgitated them, and built them into a pyramid shaped nest. When the birds died out, humans took over the structures. Equally unsupported as your alien theory, do you believe mine as much?
"OBVIOUS" is sometimes obstacle in understanding something.. I watched one tv show and they said that biggest pyramide in Egypt was building about 22 years.. And then they calculated that according to number of stone rocks in pyramid they had to put one stone on it's current place every 9 seconds to finish pyramide in 22 years.. Interesting, isn't it?
"OBVIOUS" is sometimes obstacle in understanding something.. I watched one tv show and they said that biggest pyramide in Egypt was building about 22 years.. And then they calculated that according to number of stone rocks in pyramid they had to put one stone on it's current place every 9 seconds to finish pyramide in 22 years.. Interesting, isn't it?
Then someone can't count.
At 9 seconds per block for 22 years (allowing an 8-hour day - which is probably an underestimate) and a 360-day working year (the unions insisted on Christmas and Easter holidays) would come to 25,344,000. Yet (according to Wiki) even the Great Pyramid contains only
an estimated 2.3 million limestone blocks
Interesting how TV doesn't get things right, isn't it?
Actually.. it was Ancient Aliens tv show (episode 1 or 2 don't remember actually) so you can check.. I will believe more to some tv show and scientist than wiki facts asuming that everyone can edit articles there..
Actually.. it was Ancient Aliens tv show
Ancient Aliens? So the show assumed from the start that it was aliens. Hardly scientific.

so you can check..
How could I check?

I will believe more to some tv show and scientist than wiki facts asuming that everyone can edit articles there..
And you assume that a TV show (a TV show for crying out loud! "Science" for those with a 5 second attention span and their own "let's keep the ratings" agenda) is reliable? :eek:
Which scientists were on the show?
Real scientists/ archaeologists or cranks?

How about:
Number of Blocks: more than 2.5 million
It is estimated to comprise some 2.4 million stone blocks
Their critical path analysis study reveals estimates that the number of blocks used in construction was between 2-2.8 million (an average of 2.4 million)

That's the wonder of the internet: you don't have to take some talking head's word for it. (Depending on your intelligence level, of course...)
No matter they assume at the beginning, they are investigating and proposing possibilities..

about the show.. there are many poeple talking in it, among then and archeaologist. If you think it can be interesting to you, watch it.. For me it was very interesting..

thanks for links..
No matter they assume at the beginning, they are investigating and proposing possibilities..

No, they are proposing utter bullshit.

about the show.. there are many poeple talking in it, among then and archeaologist.

The only thing archaeologists are going to say of that show, is that it's bullshit.

If you think it can be interesting to you, watch it.. For me it was very interesting..

I guess bullshit interests you. It doesn't interest us.

I wonder if the bullshit show you have been watching is a re-run, or re-hash of this;
I am not sure if that's all bullshit as you say.. I am not interested in crap things, just in new opinions trying to solve or explain mysteries of the world.. among them pyramides and is't purpose..
...its just simply put not possible to polish granite that smooth to that percise of a surface flatness with the technology of that time
This statement is de facto false, since they were in fact polished to that level of precision with technology available during their time. Obviously. Unless you are advocating the idea that the entire pyramids were transported through time somehow...

Also, I thought there were many theories expounding beyond the old "slaves with ropes" method. I have heard of ideas having the blocks crudely cut and then "mortared" in place, blocks lifted with hydraulics, etc.

On the other hand, I would love to find convincing evidence of alien intervention. But it would have to be extremely convincing. You know, the old "extraordinary assertions require extraordinary proof" thing. So far, I have seen nothing that requires any such intervention.

For example, any stone of equal or greater hardness can be used to form and shape any similar stone. Therefore, they had the material necessary to create the blocks. As to transport, didn't someone do a simulation whereby they built a boat of bundled reeds and transported a stone block of several tons? Remember, there very well could have been water lapping right at the edge of the pyramids back then. For that matter, people may have dug canals to facilitate the movement of these stone blocks. Did you happen to see the documentary showing this "reed" boat moving a huge stone block? If not I will try to find a link...

Once they got the block from the quarry to the building site, all they had to do was push one block against another after covering it with chalk or similar substance - wherever the marks were left, that is where you needed to chisel down, until the blocks were essentially "perfectly" flat and integrated.

Remember, they had 50,000 plus indentured servants (or paid laborers, whichever) to help...

Why would you prefer a different explanation? I think the ancient Egyptians were d*mn clever for what they did, why try to make them share credit with aliens?
No matter they assume at the beginning, they are investigating and proposing possibilities..
Not if they have made the assumption from the start.
There is no evidence whatsoever that aliens exist, let alone that we have been visited by them.
If you mean this show then it's hardly science. Erich von Daniken has already been shown to be a liar, a fraud and incompetent.

If you think it can be interesting to you, watch it..
One more time: how?
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That is documentary but I thought about tv show with the same name.. It's not just about E.v Daniken, there are more stories (not just pyramides) and many of people discussing them..

I know, there is no evidence but that doesn't mean that there are not somewhere but it's another topic..
That is documentary but I thought about tv show with the same name.. It's not just about E.v Daniken
I didn't say it was about von Daniken.
If he's involved at all then the programme isn't about science.
I am not sure if that's all bullshit as you say..

Alien participation in the building of the pyramids, is bullshit. Go to Egypt, and see the granite quarry at Aswan. The stone blocks were painstakingly chiselled out, not cut with frikking lasers.
Hundreds if not thousands of Sumerian clay tablets speak of the ones from heaven to earth came. Speaking of the Anunnaki.
"Speaking of Anunnaki"

Where are these Anunnaki now! Quite the wise and advanced race: thousands of years ago they travel millions, maybe billions of miles to an out-of-the way planet, lay some techno stuff on the dumb inhabitants and split. They come back from time-to-time, to check-up on us I guess, or just to joy-ride around, dissect cows and kidnap and probe people.
All this particularly one-side program presents is circumstantial evidence that is up to interpretation and conjecture.
Apart from the motive of these so-called ancient aliens, what are their means and opportunity to even get here? And, having gone to all that time and trouble, why not just hang around -- Columbus did.
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That is because a lot of people watch it....and deep down, most people hope they are true - like religion....