new evidence of aliens and the great pyramid

do you believe the ancient egyptians had extraterrestrial help

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • No

    Votes: 27 71.1%
  • Not quite sure

    Votes: 6 15.8%

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Valued Senior Member
just say it last night on TV i know there is alot of non believes out there and skeptics/debunkers i want to hear your input on the matter with this new evidence. I just dont think "it was done with primitive tools" holds up anymore.
1. You just saw what last n ight on TV?
2. What is the new evidence?
3. I mean throw us a bone man! Which TV channel, in which country, showing a program called what exactly?

Who is claiming it was done with primitive tools? I'm not. Egyptologists are not. Do you think rollers are primitive? Do you understand the the amount of research and testing that would have gone into choosing the right size of roller? The care that would be taken in quality control to ensure the robustness of each roller met requirements? The project management techniques to ensure the right rollers on hand, for the appropriate workmen, when particular blocks were ready to move!

Please tell me where the primitive is?
It is on history there is 5 new 2 hour episodes, first of which was on last night... come to find out that master stoneworkers today that looked at puma punku in hilands of bolivia said no amount of money could make him try to reproduce that using todays tools because he didnt want to waste the rest of his life on something he most likely wouldnt beable to replicate.. in the great prymid there is a granite? chest.. the sides of which are the flatness of .000100 i cant find th exact but its within 1/10th the thickness of a human hair.. that flatness is used on goverment inspection tables and NO primitave tool could have cut anything close to that flat.. there is SOO much..

If you havent looked up puma punku definatly do. they are cut so precise you today could cut yourself on the edges.. the found an ancient drill.. and the "cuts" in this ancient drill are scored spiral pattern these ridges are 2mm apart thruout the whole thing. another thing is impossible to replicate with old tools and without some of the more advance tools is hard to replicate..

another thing is the sakara bird.. todays engineers 1 aerospace. scaled it up to exact measurments put it in a wind tunnel and it flew. the list goes on and on. im sure ill have debunkers say "oh its eazy to do they had master stoneworkers" i tell you debunkers what.. u get the best stoneworker or even the best 1000 stoneworkers i bet my life they couldnot get a granet slab to within thoes specs using nothing more than the primitive tools they keep going back to..

if you havent seen them yet youtube "ancient aliens" there was a series on a year or 2 ago. this is just an extension of that
1. You just saw what last n ight on TV?
2. What is the new evidence?
3. I mean throw us a bone man! Which TV channel, in which country, showing a program called what exactly?

Who is claiming it was done with primitive tools? I'm not. Egyptologists are not. Do you think rollers are primitive? Do you understand the the amount of research and testing that would have gone into choosing the right size of roller? The care that would be taken in quality control to ensure the robustness of each roller met requirements? The project management techniques to ensure the right rollers on hand, for the appropriate workmen, when particular blocks were ready to move!

Please tell me where the primitive is?

lots of people will say prymids were built with slaves and tons of pully systems. Cptbork is probably one.. the biggest stones were moved 10 miles each weighed 1000 tons the biggest one thats still at the quary is 1200tons to life 1 of thoes today we would need 21 of our superheavyduty lifters on wheels to move
I went to the quarry in Aswan, Egypt, where they quarried material for building, notably granite.

You should go, and see how they quarried these stones, and it becomes obvious it was labour intensive job, performed with basic tools. The 'unfinished obelisk' being a perfect demonstration.

As to your claims about the perfection of the sides of the sarcophagus in the Great Pyramid? No. Sorry, but I've seen it, it's not that smooth, they lied to you.

the biggest stones were moved 10 miles each

Hmm, I make Aswan to Saqqara about 440 miles as the crow flies. Now, having been on a Nile cruise, I know the Nile isn't a straight line.

If they told you that quarried stones had only been moved ten miles, again, they lied to you.
It is on history there is 5 new 2 hour episodes
That explains it. The History Channel has been into pimping nonsense for quite some time now. Real history apparently doesn't garner nearly as many viewers as does made-up history. *Insight* I suddenly understand why National Inquirer now looks so boring when I glance at it at the checkout counter. All the good creative writers went over to the History Channel.
I went to the quarry in Aswan, Egypt, where they quarried material for building, notably granite.

You should go, and see how they quarried these stones, and it becomes obvious it was labour intensive job, performed with basic tools. The 'unfinished obelisk' being a perfect demonstration.

As to your claims about the perfection of the sides of the sarcophagus in the Great Pyramid? No. Sorry, but I've seen it, it's not that smooth, they lied to you.

Hmm, I make Aswan to Saqqara about 440 miles as the crow flies. Now, having been on a Nile cruise, I know the Nile isn't a straight line.

If they told you that quarried stones had only been moved ten miles, again, they lied to you.

2 different areas the 3 1000ton blocks arnt in the great prymids.
again talking about a chest inside them not the outsides prymids wherent made out of granite like the chest was so.. talking about 2 different things but good day
That explains it. The History Channel has been into pimping nonsense for quite some time now. Real history apparently doesn't garner nearly as many viewers as does made-up history. *Insight* I suddenly understand why National Inquirer now looks so boring when I glance at it at the checkout counter. All the good creative writers went over to the History Channel.

so does every news channel so that means nothing they say should be taken seriously.. you still havent commented on 1 thing i have said you jus tstated historychannel nonsense.. so tell me great DH how can the egyptians make a granite chest with that percision with primitave tools? im all ears.. or the stonework in puma punku.. ill wait for your response.
2 different areas the 3 1000ton blocks arnt in the great prymids.
again talking about a chest inside them not the outsides prymids wherent made out of granite like the chest was so.. talking about 2 different things but good day
Please learn to read (and write, while you are at it). Phlog was talking about the granite sarcophagus in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid - exactly the same item you were talking about. I too have seen it - several times, as it happens. I echo Phlog's remarks about its smoothness.

The pyramids are a tremendous construction. They are the equivalent of the US moon program in terms of pushing technology to the limit and inventing new management techniques. But there is no reason, apart from a desire for self delusion, to doubt that they were built by the ancient Egyptians using mundane methods.
I don't know why you think so little of your species to do something beyond our comprehension. we can't do grand things anymore because there is no motivation to work together anymore, yea, a lot of the motivation was slavery and death but it did make a creative and imaginative force that probably wont ever be duplicated.
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I don't know why you think so little of your species to do something beyond our comprehension. we can't do grand things anymore because there is no motivation to work together anymore, yea, a lot of the motivation was slavery and death but it did make a creative and imaginative force that probably wont ever be duplicated.

Just to note: the workers for the pyramids were paid. Not slaves.

ETA: Also, you're right. All the monuments built since, the amazing architecture, complex engineering and design- ALL of it, simply does not match a bunch of stones stacked on top of eachother to make a four sided pyramid. Ah, the good ol' days. We were so imaginative back then...
2 different areas the 3 1000ton blocks arnt in the great prymids.

Neither was I. I was talking about granite quarried at Aswan, being transported over 440 miles to Saqqara. You seem to think moving granite 10 miles impressive.

again talking about a chest inside them not the outsides prymids wherent made out of granite like the chest was so.. talking about 2 different things but good day

Me too, I have been inside the Great Pyramid, and see the sarcophagus for myself, and it wasn't that smooth. Do you understand, that I have actually seen the item? Myself, for real. Touched it. Peered inside it. It isn't as smooth as that TV program claims. They lied to you, and you bought it.

Go to Egypt, and discover the rest of their lies and deceptions for yourself, and stop embarrassing yourself here.
Neither was I. I was talking about granite quarried at Aswan, being transported over 440 miles to Saqqara. You seem to think moving granite 10 miles impressive.

Me too, I have been inside the Great Pyramid, and see the sarcophagus for myself, and it wasn't that smooth. Do you understand, that I have actually seen the item? Myself, for real. Touched it. Peered inside it. It isn't as smooth as that TV program claims. They lied to you, and you bought it.

Go to Egypt, and discover the rest of their lies and deceptions for yourself, and stop embarrassing yourself here.

enlighten us then pleas using nothing but tools avaliable at the time move a 2,000,000lb block 10 miles ya thats ez even today its ez using 25 of our superheavy duty lifts..

ok so that one is debunked altho id like to see it myself and how would i have any other reason not to believe thast how smooth it was having never been there? and how do you know it wasnt that smooth unless you had your own tools?

but explain to me puma punku?
I don't know why you think so little of your species to do something beyond our comprehension. we can't do grand things anymore because there is no motivation to work together anymore, yea, a lot of the motivation was slavery and death but it did make a creative and imaginative force that probably wont ever be duplicated.

i dont think little of my species its just simply put not possible to polish granite that smooth to that percise of a surface flatness with the technology of that time
or if its so easily done to move 2million pound blocks 10 miles how about we get a shitload of people together and move one? the 1200ton block is still there so how bout we move it? afterall according to alot of people it was easily doable so put the money where the mouth is lets move it
enlighten us then pleas using nothing but tools avaliable at the time move a 2,000,000lb block 10 miles ya thats ez even today its ez using 25 of our superheavy duty lifts..

Lots of people, using ropes, and rollers, and taking a lot of time to do it. Pharoahs commissioned these great works decades in advance, see. Lots of people, multiplied by lots of time= great works. Simple.

ok so that one is debunked altho id like to see it myself and how would i have any other reason not to believe thast how smooth it was having never been there? and how do you know it wasnt that smooth unless you had your own tools?

Well, you could have asked those of us that have been there if we agreed with the statements made by the TV program, rather than telling us something we knew wasn't true.

On tools, you don't need tools to discern how smooth it was, you just needed to run your fingers over it.

but explain to me puma punku?

I've never been, and I prefer to speak from experience.
Lots of people, using ropes, and rollers, and taking a lot of time to do it. Pharoahs commissioned these great works decades in advance, see. Lots of people, multiplied by lots of time= great works. Simple.

yeah that is correct. and is what we beleive, but can we proove this ?

Well, you could have asked those of us that have been there if we agreed with the statements made by the TV program, rather than telling us something we knew wasn't true.

On tools, you don't need tools to discern how smooth it was, you just needed to run your fingers over it.

I have been there as well only as a trip but i felt the pyamids and i agree 100 percent there in no way smooth after thousands of years of erosion.

Hell Most modern buildings wouldn't last 100 years with out maintenence let alone thousands.

I've never been, and I prefer to speak from experience.

Experiences can be deceiving.
Scientists call these theories bunk, but cannot provide any better explanation for how primitive humans fit 200-ton stones together or planned the intricate process without the ability to read or write.

I am not saying aliens did, but i am in no way ready to say they didn't neither.

But at this moment in time i could make a better argument that they did help us just due to the fact, that we can still today not with out a doubt prove how we built them and that we did not have help.

And any true scientist has to all ways be open to new therories, of how something was acheived if they can not prove how them selves. Which is why i choose not quite sure.
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