New Book - The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

If you prefer to use your 22/7 as Pi that is fine also, since there are exactly 22 Hebrew letters in the Hebrew alphabet and there are 7 words in the first paragraph of Genesis 1:1

Doesn't this strike you as desperately random?

I mean, why not say that there are 22 words in the sentence that you're reading now, to take a random example? And there are 7 words in the sentence before that one. So 22/7 = 3.14, which kind of looks vaguely like pi. Hey, maybe I'm a prophet!

And wait! Look! There are also 7 wonders of the world. And 7 dwarves with Snow White. Maybe 7 is a magic number!

And 22 is close to three times 7, so the mystical triangle and the magic 7 combine to give us (almost) 22. Add one because I'm feeling lucky and I saw a lamppost one day, and we have 22. Amazing!

But wait! 22 also looks like 2 ducks swimming after each other, so ducks must be the mystical animal. I saw 7 ducks swimming in a pond other other day, and I also ate some pie. Everything's connected. It's amazing, isn't it Anita?
Well apparently I’m not the only one claiming Pi in Genesis 1:1. There are others that use a slightly different approach:


Answer me a question Trippy, can you do division? Divide a loaf by a knife - what’s the answer to that? :)

14 orders of magnitude is not a 'small percentage'.
Neither is the fact that you come out with completely the wrong numbers if you do it properly.

It is still Pi 3.14 no matter by what value it is underestimated by! Remember as I said Hebrew is a “conceptual language” meaning to be understood by many “conversant” people. Just because a number says 60,000 does not mean that number cannot also be seen, represented or denominated as 600, 60 or 6. The same would follow for 480,000,000 (480,000, 480, 48)… 400 (40, 4)… 24,000,000 (2,400, 240, 24)… 2.3887872 (2,388,787,200).

It also doesn’t matter how many orders of magnitude there are either! The first 3 digits that come up are 3.14. Conceptually that’s all that matters!

Any intelligent being would set something up for the masses to understand and not just people with idiosyncrasies like you. This is what determines an intelligent being - a G-d that can talk to the layman as well as the scholarly - the poor as well as the rich - this is what makes it “conceptual” - this is what makes Him G-d!

Sad to say Trippy although you may not recognize your bondage, you live under a tyranny of numbers. Proof is an idol before whom the pure mathematician tortures himself. ~Arthur Stanley Eddington.

G-d does not care about our mathematical difficulties; He integrates empirically. ~Albert

Author Anita Meyer
That value of pi is not underestimated by 0.001214%, it's overestimated by a factor of 10^17! Dropping that factor is being nothing other than dishonest, which by your value system means you're going to hell right?
“ Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
If you prefer to use your 22/7 as Pi that is fine also, since there are exactly 22 Hebrew letters in the Hebrew alphabet and there are 7 words in the first paragraph of Genesis 1:1 ”

Doesn't this strike you as desperately random?

I mean, why not say that there are 22 words in the sentence that you're reading now, to take a random example? And there are 7 words in the sentence before that one. So 22/7 = 3.14, which kind of looks vaguely like pi. Hey, maybe I'm a prophet!

And wait! Look! There are also 7 wonders of the world. And 7 dwarves with Snow White. Maybe 7 is a magic number!

And 22 is close to three times 7, so the mystical triangle and the magic 7 combine to give us (almost) 22. Add one because I'm feeling lucky and I saw a lamppost one day, and we have 22. Amazing!

But wait! 22 also looks like 2 ducks swimming after each other, so ducks must be the mystical animal. I saw 7 ducks swimming in a pond other other day, and I also ate some pie. Everything's connected. It's amazing, isn't it Anita

James, coincidence (or synchronicity) is the word we use when we can't see the levers and pulleys. However it remains an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see.

Author Anita Meyer
James, coincidence (or synchronicity) is the word we use when we can't see the levers and pulleys. However it remains an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see.
The marvelling over unexpected juxtapositions is at once the mark and the diversion of banal minds, and most of them do not require very remarkable happenings to constitute coincidences.
Philip Ward - The Dictionary of Common Fallacies Oleander Press
James, coincidence (or synchronicity) is the word we use when we can't see the levers and pulleys. However it remains an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see.
No, coincidence is sometimes the word we use when we don't see the underlying mechanics. Coincidences aren't always a sign of something deeper.

In my old high school they had the following written on a post in a science lab :

"Once is an accident, two is a coincidence, three times requires scientific investigation"

You aren't certain to find something with that investigation but you might.

Besides, your argument once again breaks down when you consider probability. If you get a computer to print out a trillion A4 pages of random text it is extremely likely that somewhere, in all that text, will be a word in the English language. And French and Spanish and German and Latin and almost any other language. Does this mean the computer has within it some 'intelligence' which speaks those languages or that it must have been preprogrammed with them? No. Instead its an inevitability of probability. If something isn't impossible then tautologically it must occur given enough chances. If you examine a large enough set of data you'll find you can extract almost anything you like.

You are seeing patterns which you think are special and claiming they are. This is flawed on two levels. Firstly you are cherry picking, ignoring all results which don't follow any nice pattern and secondly you're claiming they are out of the ordinary when you haven't looked at anything else.

You can even test to see if your 'patterns' are seen in random data. You write a computer program to provide you with data equivalent to words and sentences. If picks a random integer N between 2 and 20, weighted to be more likely in the 5~15 range and then provides you with that many random numbers $$M_{i}[/ex] between 1 and 10, again weighted to be peaked around 5 or 6. This is equivalent to a sentence made up of the N lots of words which have $$M_{i}$$ letters in them. You can then compute the quantities you have been looking at. It wouldn't shock me in the slightest if you can get the same 'approximation' of pi from only a few hundred sentences.$$
Well apparently I’m not the only one claiming Pi in Genesis 1:1. There are others that use a slightly different approach:

An unverifiable source.
Well done.

Answer me a question Trippy, can you do division? Divide a loaf by a knife - what’s the answer to that? :)
Do you know how to operate a calculator?

If I did the maths that I do on a daily basis, the way you do your maths, I'd be fired.

It is still Pi 3.14 no matter by what value it is underestimated by! Remember as I said Hebrew is a “conceptual language” meaning to be understood by many “conversant” people. Just because a number says 60,000 does not mean that number cannot also be seen, represented or denominated as 600, 60 or 6. The same would follow for 480,000,000 (480,000, 480, 48)… 400 (40, 4)… 24,000,000 (2,400, 240, 24)… 2.3887872 (2,388,787,200).
Then Hebrew is useless, because a Hebrew shepherd using hebrew to keep track of how many sheep he had would have no way of telling if he had 6 or 60.

More to the point, if what you way is true, then why bother including concepts like '100' if they're unimportant.

It also doesn’t matter how many orders of magnitude there are either! The first 3 digits that come up are 3.14. Conceptually that’s all that matters!

Any intelligent being would set something up for the masses to understand and not just people with idiosyncrasies like you. This is what determines an intelligent being - a G-d that can talk to the layman as well as the scholarly - the poor as well as the rich - this is what makes it “conceptual” - this is what makes Him G-d!

Sad to say Trippy although you may not recognize your bondage, you live under a tyranny of numbers. Proof is an idol before whom the pure mathematician tortures himself. ~Arthur Stanley Eddington.

G-d does not care about our mathematical difficulties; He integrates empirically. ~Albert

Author Anita Meyer
Now I just want to barf.
Trippy, you got a whole lot more to learn about G-d!

Then Hebrew is useless, because a Hebrew shepherd using hebrew to keep track of how many sheep he had would have no way of telling if he had 6 or 60.

More to the point, if what you way is true, then why bother including concepts like '100' if they're unimportant

If you dont want to give me credit in what I am saying, then you might want to possibly give credit to Albert Einstein. He quoted: G-d does not care about our mathematical difficulties; He integrates empirically. ~Albert

Albert Einstein was a Jew and little does the commoner know that Einstein was very up on Gamatria, number numerology and Torah codes. In fact (it is known in secret circles) that he derived the famous theory of relativity EMC2 straight from the Bible.

Do feeble minds want to know? I hate to break your bubbles!

MC2 & H2O when deciphered in Hebrew spell out Sun & Water. Einstein’s famous E=MC2 can also technically be written out as E=C.M.C, spelling out Shin(C) - Mem(M) - Shin (C) meaning SUN in Hebrew. This formula expresses the amount of energy released when matter is converted to energy, it is how the sun produces energy by converting hydrogen atom to light-energy, and it is the only example of MC2 in nature. The letter C represents 300,000 km/s the constant speed of light in Einstein formula. The Hebrew letter SHIN, the C in Einstein’s formula, represents light/spirituality/the word, is a cognate for SUN and has the numerical value of 300. The Hebrew word for sun, SheMeSh, C.M.C in Einstein’s formula and the Torah are spelled the same and are numerically identical, C300.M1.C300=MC2.

The letter M stands for matter and corresponds to the first letter of the Hebrew for Hydrogen, MAYMAN. Substituting the English H, for Hydrogen, for the Hebrew M for Mayman we get Water, M.Y.M, in Hebrew or H.O.H or H2O in the universal, scientific language. The Hebrew Yod in M.Y.M represents Yehovah in Hebrew with a numerical value of 26, which matches Oxygen’s two orbits of 2 and 6 electrons.

You guys can drivel on blindly all you want, but quite frankly there is an element that you are not understanding or grasping here. That notion tells us that the laws of nature are but the mathematical thoughts of G-d.

There was a young man from Trinity,
Who solved the square root of infinity.
While counting the digits,
He was seized by the fidgets,
Dropped science, and took up divinity. :)

Author Anita Meyer
Trippy, you got a whole lot more to learn about G-d!

If you dont want to give me credit in what I am saying, then you might want to possibly give credit to Albert Einstein. He quoted: G-d does not care about our mathematical difficulties; He integrates empirically. ~Albert

Albert Einstein was a Jew and little does the commoner know that Einstein was very up on Gamatria, number numerology and Torah codes. In fact (it is known in secret circles) that he derived the famous theory of relativity EMC2 straight from the Bible.

Do feeble minds want to know? I hate to break your bubbles!

MC2 & H2O when deciphered in Hebrew spell out Sun & Water. Einstein’s famous E=MC2 can also technically be written out as E=C.M.C, spelling out Shin(C) - Mem(M) - Shin (C) meaning SUN in Hebrew. This formula expresses the amount of energy released when matter is converted to energy, it is how the sun produces energy by converting hydrogen atom to light-energy, and it is the only example of MC2 in nature. The letter C represents 300,000 km/s the constant speed of light in Einstein formula. The Hebrew letter SHIN, the C in Einstein’s formula, represents light/spirituality/the word, is a cognate for SUN and has the numerical value of 300. The Hebrew word for sun, SheMeSh, C.M.C in Einstein’s formula and the Torah are spelled the same and are numerically identical, C300.M1.C300=MC2.

The letter M stands for matter and corresponds to the first letter of the Hebrew for Hydrogen, MAYMAN. Substituting the English H, for Hydrogen, for the Hebrew M for Mayman we get Water, M.Y.M, in Hebrew or H.O.H or H2O in the universal, scientific language. The Hebrew Yod in M.Y.M represents Yehovah in Hebrew with a numerical value of 26, which matches Oxygen’s two orbits of 2 and 6 electrons.

You guys can drivel on blindly all you want, but quite frankly there is an element that you are not understanding or grasping here. That notion tells us that the laws of nature are but the mathematical thoughts of G-d.

There was a young man from Trinity,
Who solved the square root of infinity.
While counting the digits,
He was seized by the fidgets,
Dropped science, and took up divinity. :)

Author Anita Meyer
Utter Bollocks.

Your math is wrong, and no amount of mysterious handwaving mumbojumbo is going to change that.

If Hebrew doesn't distinguish between 60 sheep, 6 sheep and 600 sheep, it's useless as an accounting system.

So either Hebrew is useless for keeping track of stuff, or, your maths is broken, which is it?
Albert Einstein was a Jew and little does the commoner know that Einstein was very up on Gamatria, number numerology and Torah codes.
Or is this something else you've made up?

In fact (it is known in secret circles) that he derived the famous theory of relativity EMC2 straight from the Bible.
Bullshit, you mean it's claimed that he did. "In secret circles"? Yeah right, another one of these things that are so secret it's on every crank website available.

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Fraudulent Author Anita Meyer
Utter Bollocks.

Your math is wrong, and no amount of mysterious handwaving mumbojumbo is going to change that.

If Hebrew doesn't distinguish between 60 sheep, 6 sheep and 600 sheep, it's useless as an accounting system.

So either Hebrew is useless for keeping track of stuff, or, your maths is broken, which is it?

MY MATH IS NOT WRONG! As I've explained it is conceptual.

You ask what proof do I have that Einstein got his theory of relativity (EMC2) from the Bible?

Einstein was raised Jewish and studied Qabalah. He also promulgated with another Jewish writer and philosopher named Baruch Spinoza who also studied Qabalah. This is where Einstein began to get some of his ideas.

Albert Einstein said this about atheists: In view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited human understanding, am able to recognize, there are yet people who say there is no G-d. But what really makes me angry is that they quote me for the support of such views.

When asked by an astounded atheist, if he were in fact deeply religious, Einstein replied: Yes, you can call it that. Try and penetrate with our limited means the secrets of nature and you will find that, behind all the discernible concatenations, there remains something subtle, intangible and inexplicable. Veneration for this force beyond anything that we can comprehend is my religion. To that extent I am, in point of fact, religious.

Lest you think that the study of numbers has little to do with G-d, consider the following. Some of the greatest men of science saw numbers in G-d’s Universe. Einstein is no doubt the most acclaimed, but another one of the world's great scientists was Isaac Newton who revived the area of study in Gamatria and Qabalah, and had a amazing method of unveiling hidden truth in the Bible from numbers. He believed that the Bible had a hidden numeric code, and he spent the latter part of his life trying to determine the identity of some of these codes. Isaac Newton was perhaps the most recognized among scientists for his faith. In terms of science, he essentially "created modern physics"! His system described the behavior of the entire cosmos. His theories were mathematical, making specific predictions to be confirmed by experiments in the real world. He made fundamental contributions to every major area of science and mathematics, including optics, physics, and astronomy and actually invented the mathematic discipline known as calculus. But these weren’t the numbers that were his greatest passion. As I said... Newton was also an ardent Bible scholar who was very fluent in the ancient languages. He studied and translated the book of Daniel from the original Hebrew and his interpretations are the foundation of a book entitled, (Newton’s Prophecies of Daniel). He spent years trying to identify the name of the antichrist from the scripture "666, the number of his name" in the book of Revelation.

Newton was not alone among the intellectuals. There were others… Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo were all deeply religious Christians who in many ways saw their scientific work as a religious undertaking. Along with these men (as I’ve said) also included Albert Einstein! In fact Einstein once said: I want to know G-d’s thoughts. He also said: The highest principles for our aspirations and judgments are given to us in the Jewish-Christian religious tradition.

Author Anita Meyer.
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MY MATH IS NOT WRONG! As I've explained it is conceptual.
Yes, it is wrong.

The numbers don't work out, therefore, it's wrong.
You're dropping factors of 10 arbitrarily, therefore, it's wrong.

Being conceptual has nothing to do with it.
It's right, or it's wrong.
You ask what proof do I have that Einstein got his theory of relativity (EMC2) from the Bible?
Quoting your own ridiculous unsupported fantasies is NOT proof. :rolleyes:

Einstein was raised Jewish and studied Qabalah. He also promulgated with another Jewish writer and philosopher named Baruch Spinoza who also studied Qabalah.
Promulgated what?
I do wish you'd learn English.

This is where Einstein began to get some of his ideas.
Except that link does not support your assertion that Einstein got his ideas or inspiration from the Qabalah.

Albert Einstein said this about atheists: In view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited human understanding, am able to recognize, there are yet people who say there is no G-d. But what really makes me angry is that they quote me for the support of such views.
And he also said:
"To assume the existence of an unperceivable being... does not facilitate understanding the orderliness we find in the perceivable world."
"My position concerning God is that of an agnostic. I am convinced that a vivid consciousness of the primary importance of moral principles for the betterment and ennoblement of life does not need the idea of a law-giver, especially a law-giver who works on the basis of reward and punishment."
From your own link.
Or even:
Most sources indicate that he clearly did not believe in a personal God, and that when he talked about God he was speaking in a more Spinozan sense, and was not speaking of a strictly Judeo-Christian Biblical conception of God.

Lest you think that the study of numbers has little to do with G-d, consider the following. Some of the greatest men of science saw numbers in G-d’s Universe.
Doesn't follow.

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Fraudulent Author Anita Meyer.
Trippy, it sure looks like it says 3.14! :)

Except that link does not support your assertion that Einstein got his ideas or inspiration from the Qabalah.

Dyw, yes it does! It clearly says in the opening paragraph of that website:

Albert Einstein was born into a Jewish family and had a lifelong respect for his Jewish heritage. Around the time Einstein was eleven years old he went through an intense religious phase, during which time he followed Jewish religious precepts in detail, including abstaining from eating pork. During this time he composed several songs in honor of God. But during most of his life Einstein was not a practicing Jew.

Dyw, just because one is not a practicing Jew does not mean one gave up the religion. It simply means that he did not practice the holidays or keep kosher laws.

March 31, 1885: Einstein enrolls in the second grade of a Catholic elementary school called the Petersschule. He receives Jewish religious instruction at home.

Dyw, I guess I’ve just learned how to infuriate a bigot, when he is forced to drag out his dark convictions! :bugeye:

Author Anita Meyer
Yes it does! It clearly says in the opening paragraph of that website:
Exactly: where, in that quote (or indeed, where in the entire article), does it mention Qabalah, or the "fact" that his inspiration came from it?
Again, none of your quotes supports your contention.
You are reading things that simply aren't stated.
More evidence of your wilful delusion.

Dyw, I guess I’ve just learned how to infuriate a bigot, when he is forced to drag out his dark convictions! :bugeye:
As usual you're spouting drivel.

This post has been a reply to:
Fraudulent Author Anita Meyer.
Albert Einstein was a Jew and little does the commoner know that Einstein was very up on Gamatria, number numerology and Torah codes. In fact (it is known in secret circles) that he derived the famous theory of relativity EMC2 straight from the Bible.
This is simply a flat out lie and shows you're ignorant of history and have no problem simply making stuff up.

If Einstein derived E=mc^2 from the Torah then no one would have taken any notice of his work because in science you are required to justify your claims, to show how you got to your conclusion. Obviously you don't know this since you follow numerology but Einstein provided detailed derivations of the equations he used, as a simple Google will tell you.

In the 1890s and early 1900s much work had been done on the symmetries of Maxwell's equations, which t5ranform under what we now call Lorentz transformations. Fitzgerald had done work on length contractions, Poincare had developed a group of transformations we now call the Poincare group. Einstein, as you can read in his paper, used these to work out the energy content of an object from its mass. He didn't pluck it out of the Torah using numerology.

You are trying to justify the nonsense you've obviously invested a lot of time in by lying about the work of people which you don't understand. Unfortunately for you some of us actually study Einstein's work and are very familiar with it. The fact you're willing to simply make up claims which are contradicted by evidence demonstrates how weak your work is. If it could stand on its own you wouldn't need to lie about such things. Congratulations, you've wasted a significant chunk of your life. You must be so proud.

Albert Einstein was a Jew and little does the commoner know that Einstein was very up on Gamatria, number numerology and Torah codes. In fact (it is known in secret circles) that he derived the famous theory of relativity EMC2 straight from the Bible.

What utter nonsense. His derivation is set out in probably the most famous published paper in Physics. It is available online. Look it up - its title is "On the electrodynamics of moving bodies". You can google it.

Guess how many times it mentions the bible, Anita. That's right - not once.

Oh, but it's secretly based on the bible, isn't it?

Where do you get this stuff? If it wasn't just so damn wrong it would be hilarious. And you cite it as if you actually believe it. I hope you didn't include any of this in your book. How embarrassing that would be for you.

MC2 & H2O when deciphered in Hebrew spell out Sun & Water. Einstein’s famous E=MC2 can also technically be written out as E=C.M.C, spelling out Shin(C) - Mem(M) - Shin (C) meaning SUN in Hebrew.

Here we go again. Doesn't this explanation strike you as desperately, hopelessly clutching at straws in the wind, Anita? I mean, don't any alarm bells go off with you when you see such nonsense? Or is it that you're smarter than you're pretending and you're in it just to make money from sales of your book?

Do you know why Einstein used the symbol "m" in $$E=mc^2$$? Do you have the faintest idea of the scientific meaning of that formula and the symbols it contains? Do you know why Einstein used "c"? Do you know what "E" represents? Why did Einstein publish this in English and not in Hebrew, Anita? Why not German, for that matter? You really need to investigate these things to see your Hebrew magic letters nonsense for what it is. Of course, for most people your explanation can be dismissed on the basis of simple common sense. Maybe you're just counting on the gullible being sucked in and shelling our money to you for you "magical" insights. Shame on you, Anita, if you really know better and are trying to fleece people of their money! Or, if you honestly believe this crap, you need to get yourself a real education, and soon.

The letter M stands for matter...

Bzzt. Try again, Anita.

Substituting the English H, for Hydrogen, for the Hebrew M for Mayman we get Water, M.Y.M, in Hebrew or H.O.H or H2O in the universal, scientific language. The Hebrew Yod in M.Y.M represents Yehovah in Hebrew with a numerical value of 26, which matches Oxygen’s two orbits of 2 and 6 electrons.

Hey Anita. Doesn't this strike you as desperately, mind-numbingly silly? You start with an English formula. You "translate" to Hebrew. Then you assign random values to the Hebrew. Then you arbitrarily add those values together. Then you search around for something, anything that vaguely "matches" the result you got through your arbitrary process. I mean, 26 also "matches" the number of weeks in half a year, and 2 is the magical duck number as I explained above, and 6 is the mental age somebody would need to have to be sucked in by the supposed "connection" of 26 to Oxygen.