New Book - The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

Enmos, that is my signature line. It also helps people like Stateofmind who comment saying this thread is 20 some pages and quite daunting to keep up with the conversation.
You can put it in your profile.

I would like a way to list all my posts in this thread from my very first posting but I cant continually edit it.
Start a blog.

If I could I might consider not posting my signature with every posting.
You can, trust me.

Posting my link has also helped others who are new to the conversation since I’ve already had several personal emails sent to me asking questions.
Put it in your profile.

It is not merely to sell my book as I’ve also explained here, that it is not about the money its about spreading the Good Word. It has helped others to understand the conversation and not be bombarded by other ill-mannered people who defame the conversation.
While you are making a buck out of it..

Your comments to me seem like one more tool in squelching and hushing my conversations here. It may even be a tool in which to rid of the religious nature of my postings as you may remember was relegated by Dyw from the Religion forum to the pseudo thread followed by many innuendo racial comments.
Stryder, a super mod around here and incidentally the designated mod for this subforum, asked you to stop posting it. It amounts to advertising, which is strictly forbidden at SciForums. If you don't like it, you can always find another forum that does allow it.

If my signature was such a concern why wasn’t it originally addressed when I first posted it?
That is irrelevant, but probably because Stryder hasn't been on that much lately.
Plus, people were too busy countering nonsense.
Anyway, it's asked now.
913 = 400+10+300+1+200+2
203 = 1+200+2
86 = 40+10+5+30+1
401 = 400+1
395 = 40+10+40+300+5
407 = 400+1+6
296 = 90+200+1+5
Total 913+203+86+401+395+407+296 = 2701

Then we have 28 letters (all together) x the value of each letter which is 28 x 2 x 200 x 1 x 300 x 10 x 400 x 2 x 200 x 1 x 1 x 30 x 5 x 10 x 40 x 1 x 400 x 5 x 300 x 40 x 10 x 40 x 5 x 1 x 400 x 5 x 1 x 200 x 90 gives us 28 x 2.388
No it doesn't, it gives us 28x1.990656x10[sup]34[/sup]
And I got the same answer twice, so i'm confident I haven't made an error.

Now with 7 words x the value of the words which is 7 x 913 x 203 x 86 x 401 x 395 x 407 x 296 gives us 7 x 3.0415
Again, no it doesn't, it gives us 7x2129074680489230320

Now 28 x 2.3887872 divided by 7 x 3.0415 = 3.142
Hey, you got one right, but only because you used the wrong numbers to begin with.
$$\frac{28\times1.990656\times10^{34}}{7\times2129074680489230320}$$=37399458426560711.804692077059675 so your numerology doesn't work (incidentally, isn't numerology considered a form of witchcraft and frowned upon by most abrahamic religions?).
“ Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
913 = 400+10+300+1+200+2
203 = 1+200+2
86 = 40+10+5+30+1
401 = 400+1
395 = 40+10+40+300+5
407 = 400+1+6
296 = 90+200+1+5
Total 913+203+86+401+395+407+296 = 2701

Then we have 28 letters (all together) x the value of each letter which is 28 x 2 x 200 x 1 x 300 x 10 x 400 x 2 x 200 x 1 x 1 x 30 x 5 x 10 x 40 x 1 x 400 x 5 x 300 x 40 x 10 x 40 x 5 x 1 x 400 x 5 x 1 x 200 x 90 gives us 28 x 2.388 ”

No it doesn't, it gives us 28x1.990656x1034
And I got the same answer twice, so i'm confident I haven't made an error.

“ Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
Now with 7 words x the value of the words which is 7 x 913 x 203 x 86 x 401 x 395 x 407 x 296 gives us 7 x 3.0415 ”

Again, no it doesn't, it gives us 7x2129074680489230320

“ Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
Now 28 x 2.3887872 divided by 7 x 3.0415 = 3.142 ”

Hey, you got one right, but only because you used the wrong numbers to begin with.
=37399458426560711.804692077059675 so your numerology doesn't work (incidentally, isn't numerology considered a form of witchcraft and frowned upon by most abrahamic religions?).

Trippy, maybe I didn’t explain it good enough and you couldn’t follow my numbers correctly.

Maybe this will help:

Oh and thank you Enmos I had added my weblink to my profile. :)

Author Anita Meyer
incidentally, isn't numerology considered a form of witchcraft and frowned upon by most abrahamic religions?).

Yes it could be Trippy, if its used in the wrong way. You know there is also something called anti-Pi.

Author Anita Meyer.
Try this one Trippy,


And yes there is something that can be construed as anti Pi. When dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 54 degrees you get 6.66, furthermore, the other side of a 54 degree angle in a right angle is 36 degrees, and 36 divided by 54 is also .666.

Author Anita Meyer
Try this one Trippy,


And yes there is something that can be construed as anti Pi. When dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 54 degrees you get 6.66, furthermore, the other side of a 54 degree angle in a right angle is 36 degrees, and 36 divided by 54 is also .666.

Author Anita Meyer

Unfortunately for you, your 'Star of Stars' is quite arbitrary.
Here's my Star of Stars, and it's not made up with 2701 elements:

Clearly my star of stars is more valid than your star of stars because my star of stars has an element of fractal symmetry to it - the big star is made up of the same number of elements as the smaller stars that make it up.

Clearly my star of stars is more perfect than your star of stars.
So that's what, strike 4 now?
Your imperfect tetrahedra are made up of my perfect spheres at all levels.
Your imperfect spirals are made up of my perfect spheres.
Your math is imperfect.
Your star of stars is imperfect.

I propose that my symbology, which is simply a more perfect form of your symbology, supports the existence of Bacchus, The Flying Spaghetti Monster, and the Invisible Pink Unicorn, which exist in a combined form which the greeks and egyptians knew as Hermes Trismegistus, and the christians know as the Holy Trinity.

This is supported by scientific evidence - the existence of Masculine, Feminine and Hemaphroditic/Asexual forms in Nature reflect the Masculine nature of Bacchus, the feminine form of the Invisible Pink Unicorn, and the Amorphous/asexual/hemaphroditic form of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Clearly references in Abrahamic religion to god being unkowable are direct references to these as well, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is of an unknown and unknowable form, our primitve minds can only conceive of a limited manifestation of it, the invisible pink unicorn is invisible, and as for Bacchus, the accepted way of communing with him involves inebriation, so not even his highest priests can remember what his form is, or if they've even communed with him.

Given that your imperfect symbology is derived from my perfect symbology, and your imperfect symbology is also derived from the bible, I conclude that Abraham was a priest of Bacchus whos mind was addled by the power of the three when he commited heresey and left their teachings.
Last edited:
And yes there is something that can be construed as anti Pi. When dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 54 degrees you get 6.66, furthermore, the other side of a 54 degree angle in a right angle is 36 degrees, and 36 divided by 54 is also .666.
So let's get this straight.
You're claiming that 6.66 is the, what, antithesis?, negation? of 3.14159265358979323846 (etc)?
And that 0.666 is the same?
I like how Anita's evidence is just numerology, not anything concrete. It's all the more ironic that I have seem muslims saying exactly the same about the Quran, how there's a bunch of mathematical results and thus only Allah could have written something so perfect.

So both the Torah and the Quran are so perfect they could only be written by God? Shame they are not consistent with one another and can't both be right. Thus numerology on any holy book is pointless since it can be done on any of them with similar results.
I like how Anita's evidence is just numerology, not anything concrete. It's all the more ironic that I have seem muslims saying exactly the same about the Quran, how there's a bunch of mathematical results and thus only Allah could have written something so perfect.

So both the Torah and the Quran are so perfect they could only be written by God? Shame they are not consistent with one another and can't both be right. Thus numerology on any holy book is pointless since it can be done on any of them with similar results.

I think my theory has a firmer grounding - all worship the holy menage-a-trois.
I claim the fact that angles in a triangle add up to 180.0000000000000000....00001* degrees as proof that I'm god!

* Yes I know what you were taught in school, but nobody has yet made a protractor accurate enough to measure the angles sufficiently well yet. I'll be proved right.
You'll see!
You'll all see!
One day...
I claim the fact that angles in a triangle add up to 180.0000000000000000....00001* degrees as proof that I'm god!

* Yes I know what you were taught in school, but nobody has yet made a protractor accurate enough to measure the angles sufficiently well yet. I'll be proved right.
You'll see!
You'll all see!
One day...

Watch your step - Bacchus and the Flying Spaghetti Monster are lining you up for some 'special treatment' - fear what he can do with his noodly appendages...
Unfortunately for you, your 'Star of Stars' is quite arbitrary.
Here's my Star of Stars, and it's not made up with 2701 elements:

Clearly my star of stars is more valid than your star of stars because my star of stars has an element of fractal symmetry to it - the big star is made up of the same number of elements as the smaller stars that make it up.

Clearly my star of stars is more perfect than your star of stars.
So that's what, strike 4 now?
Your imperfect tetrahedra are made up of my perfect spheres at all levels.
Your imperfect spirals are made up of my perfect spheres.
Your math is imperfect.
Your star of stars is imperfect.

I propose that my symbology, which is simply a more perfect form of your symbology, supports the existence of Bacchus, The Flying Spaghetti Monster, and the Invisible Pink Unicorn, which exist in a combined form which the greeks and egyptians knew as Hermes Trismegistus, and the christians know as the Holy Trinity.

This is supported by scientific evidence - the existence of Masculine, Feminine and Hemaphroditic/Asexual forms in Nature reflect the Masculine nature of Bacchus, the feminine form of the Invisible Pink Unicorn, and the Amorphous/asexual/hemaphroditic form of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Clearly references in Abrahamic religion to god being unkowable are direct references to these as well, the Flying Spaghetti Monster is of an unknown and unknowable form, our primitve minds can only conceive of a limited manifestation of it, the invisible pink unicorn is invisible, and as for Bacchus, the accepted way of communing with him involves inebriation, so not even his highest priests can remember what his form is, or if they've even communed with him.

Given that your imperfect symbology is derived from my perfect symbology, and your imperfect symbology is also derived from the bible, I conclude that Abraham was a priest of Bacchus whos mind was addled by the power of the three when he commited heresey and left their teachings.

Trippy, what I find hilarious is that without you even knowing it, you posted something of biblical significance. :) Yeah without even knowing it that star that you posted (incidentally from the same website as the star I posted) has a biblical significance. However if you had delved into it and actually read it you might have clued yourself into knowing that the star you had represented displays one of the structural numbers of the Bible.

Thank you for showing that! I guess the difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits. ;)

Here is a website that explains it even better:

Author Anita Meyer
Trippy, what I find hilarious is that without you even knowing it, you posted something of biblical significance. :) Yeah without even knowing it that star that you posted (incidentally from the same website as the star I posted) has a biblical significance. However if you had delved into it and actually read it you might have clued yourself into knowing that the star you had represented displays one of the structural numbers of the Bible.

Thank you for showing that! I guess the difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits. ;)

Here is a website that explains it even better:

Author Anita Meyer

WTF are you on about?

None of those are my shape.

You really are a nutbag.
The real question here is what do you mean by "the sum of all the words in Genesis 1:1."? Quite obviously, there are a lot less than 2000 words in a single verse of genesis.
“ Originally Posted by Anita Meyer
Try this one Trippy,


And yes there is something that can be construed as anti Pi. When dividing the 360 degrees of a circle by 54 degrees you get 6.66, furthermore, the other side of a 54 degree angle in a right angle is 36 degrees, and 36 divided by 54 is also .666.

Author Anita Meyer ”

Originally Posted by Trippy

Unfortunately for you, your 'Star of Stars' is quite arbitrary.
Here's my Star of Stars, and it's not made up with 2701 elements:


Clearly my star of stars is more valid than your star of stars because my star of stars has an element of fractal symmetry to it - the big star is made up of the same number of elements as the smaller stars that make it up.

Clearly my star of stars is more perfect than your star of stars.
So that's what, strike 4 now?
Your imperfect tetrahedra are made up of my perfect spheres at all levels.
Your imperfect spirals are made up of my perfect spheres.
Your math is imperfect.
Your star of stars is imperfect.

You certainly called it YOUR STAR!

You threw a rock at the ground and missed. :)

Oh and BTW nothing I said was “imperfect” as you call it. It all correlates, just as your perfect star does. Again, thank you for illuminating this!

Author Anita Meyer
You certainly called it YOUR STAR!
So why is your star the size it is? Does this particular construction of the star date back thousands of years or is it something you have done?

If jews have been drawing the star in exactly the way you have for thousands of years then you might have a point saying to Trippy "But that's your star" but if the star in the picture is something you made then you still haven't explained why your star is more valid than his star.
Hello Prometheus,

The real question here is what do you mean by "the sum of all the words in Genesis 1:1."? Quite obviously, there are a lot less than 2000 words in a single verse of genesis.

The sum of all the words in Genesis 1:1 are calculated by using Gamatria (which is the value of each Hebrew letter added up). Each Hebrew letter has a numerical equivalent. What we are finding today is that there are codes encrypted within the “Hebrew” Bible.

The method of Gamatria is not new. The Romans, Greeks and Freemasons knew about the Hebrew gamatria values and even derived their own mathematics from it. The word Gamatria later evolved into the Greek word “geometry” whereas the concept and system is the same as the Greek isopsephy meaning “equal count“ by adding up the number values of the letters in a word.

Author Anita Meyer