New Book - The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

You wouldn't get a 'thesis' (ie doctorate) if you hadn't got work out into the community and passed peer review. In some disciplines this doesn't require journal publication but in science its very rare to get a PhD without a published paper. Anita is claiming there's something in the numbers and letters but I bet she wouldn't pass peer review in either history or mathematics.

Obviously I commented "Thesis" because I believe Anita termed her work as a "Thesis" in one of her many posts. Personally I would suggest that a proper PhD thesis would require an "Impartial Investigation" method rather than a set view point. As afterall the basis of philosophy is an overall view is but one perspective, and if that view is of a problem there is therefore many other angles to look at.

To bias from one angle does not a PhD make, to argue from the perspective of angles you don't necessarily agree with can enlighten a person to whether their initial perspective is accurate or whether their arguement is weak.

Lastly of course to generate an unbiased conclusion that attempt to take all angles (if not as many as humanly possible to understand) and create a concensus suggestion, potential a footnote of a persons own reasoning but overall to leave the conclusion open to the actual reader is what to my knowledge makes a Doctor(PhD) a doctor and not a Quack.

Hopefully we'll be in agreement on this, unless of course you want to go with the PhD nemesis position and disagree but that would just prove my point :).

Firstly, I’m talking about fossilized prehistoric bones. Evolutionists seem to be under the impression that dinosaurs (or other creatures they call transitional) lived millions of years before man. However, little do many people know that there is NO REAL WAY we could date those bones simply by looking or measuring them, not even using carbon 14 dating or radioisotope testing. You cannot tell how old the bone is, but what you CAN tell is how old the rock was that you dug the bone out of, but you cannot accurately measure the date and age of that rock either apart from the catalog fossils that are in it. This is because living creatures that have become petrified rock contain no carbon. So how do they date these bones? They date these bones by what’s called a “geologic time table” of the earths “ASSUMED” history, which is based upon approximately 100 years of leading professionals with the “evolutionist understanding” that living things have evolved for billions of years. In effect when they find dinosaur bones, they identify that those bones must be at least million of years before humans were here with the indoctrination in mind that it took a long stretch of time for reptiles to evolve into mammals, than primates, and than into humans. So their whole format of dating things depends on their whole premise of evolutionism.

Secondly, now when you cite frozen DNA specimens. Otzi the iceman found frozen in ice in 2008 was the first “successfully” sequenced ancient DNA which was properly dated at 3300 BC. Therefore Otzi is only 3300 years old. (I got this info from the website that you cited).

Now regarding Neanderthals from the El Sidron cave it was discovered that they have the same gene as present day people. It was additionally discovered that Neanderthals had a unique variant of the gene for pale skin and red hair, two of the Neanderthals were found to have type O blood. It was also discovered that Neanderthals share a gene called FOXP2, which is associated with language ability and means that Neanderthals probably spoke their own languages. Therefore Neanderthals were human!

I’ve also noticed that in the website that you supplied they were specifically clear on specifying that CONTAMINATION remains a major problem when working on ancient human material.

Unlike modern genetic analyses, ancient DNA studies are characterised by low quality DNA. This places limits on what analyses can achieve. Furthermore, due to degradation of the DNA molecules, a process which correlates loosely with factors such as time, temperature and presence of free water, upper limits exist beyond which no DNA is deemed likely to survive. Current estimates suggest that in optimal environments, i.e environments which are very cold, such as permafrost or ice, an upper limit of max 1 Million years exists.

Yes but did you read what it said afterwards? It said: As such, early studies that reported recovery of much older DNA, for example, from Cretaceous dinosaur remains, have been proven to be wrong, with results stemming from sample or extract contamination, as opposed to authentic.

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
Anita: I'm going to go out on a limb here, and assume you have little understanding of fossilization, the process that preserves the structure of skeletal remains.

You can tell how long a piece of bone has been buried, for instance. This is a well-known technique in police forensic investigations.

There are ways to tell if a skeleton is recent or centuries old, for instance. This is only possible if the bone is preserved, and this depends on where it's buried, or if it's buried, how much its exposed to weathering, etc. Digging up a fossilized but complete skeleton which is millions of years old is very serendipitous, it means a rather fortunate sequence of events has occurred, and all the things that could have meant the fossil not being preserved which is a LOT of things, didn't occur

As to dinosaur DNA, the consensus seems to be that DNA can't last that long. So what? How does this disprove the dinosaur fossil, or the process that fossilized it?
quoting from a fiction book doesnt make it fact anita... and you speak of facts "After all He did design you and the world around you and there are many evidences for this" the problem here is there is 0 evidences reply in a qhote to this and name these evidences as such
1. evidence
2. evidence
3. evidence ect ect..

well heres #3 you have sucessfully avoided 2 lets try again.. i will quote myself for you agian anita because i have a feeling im gonna be doin this awhile

In estimating the time of death, bones do not decay as skin and soft tissue do, but they are subject to weathering and scatter (which is called taphonomy). Animal scattering of bones can destroy the context of the scene and gnaw marks destroy actual bone. If a body is buried, insects cannot get at it, but micro-organisms can. The acidity of soil will also have an effect on bone.

Condition of bone depends on the type of burial or exposure along with temperature as well as weather conditions. Early into the decay process, a fair amount of skin and soft tissue remain.

When a body is left on the surface, insect activity will begin immediately and within 2 weeks the body will be partially skeletalized, completely skeletalized within 8 months. If buried, it will take between 1 and 2 years to become completely skeletalized and in arid areas may become mummified.

Bone rot takes many years, and acidity in the soil speeds it up. The scattering of the bones is also important in estimating time of death/burial/age of bones. The number and types of bones available at the scene indicates the amount of time the body has been in that spot, (i.e. smaller bones get lost first).

This is the first processes:

3 weeks - articulated bones
5 weeks - some scatter, some articulated
4 months - disarticulated, within 10' circle
7 to 8 months - most bones w/in 10' circle and all w/in 20'
1 year - small bones missing, complete disarticulation
2 to 4 years - some bones broken, scatterd 40', some large bones missing
12+ years - bone rot, partial burial*
15 to 20 years - no surface evidence (partial burial from leaves, storms, erosion from shallow burial).

Additionally when it comes to petrification… petrified bone may not really take that long to petrify (turn into rock) since the chemical components used to artificially petrify wood can also be found in natural conditions such as around volcanoes and sedimentary rock and its possible for natural petrification to occur rapidly by these processes, which is nothing more than silicon and aluminum compounds.

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
lol love it anita ur ignoring me again.. ill give you till the end of the day too respond before I requote myself for the 4th time not sure how i can make it any easier
Sifreak21, I'm not ignoring you... I had explained this previously before on the forum.

Yes G-d did create the world around us and we can see this evidence in the natural world by its mathematical units of growth (that I had explained in an earlier post).

If you want evidence for G-d in the natural world all one has to do is look for the mathematical numbers that appear in all of the natural world. We see these mathematical pattern in things like crystals, plants, animals, humans, and all living things. We can even see this mathematical pattern in the life cycle of an atom and its particles (which spiral). For instance we have units of growth that appear in nature such as the Fibonacci sequence that goes like this: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,… (add the last two numbers together to get the next number 233. We also have the Golden Section numbers which are 0.61803 and 1.61803. The Golden String is 1011010110110101101... A sequence of 0’s and 1’s that is closely related to the Fibonacci numbers and the Golden Section. We also have Pi (3.14) and Phi which is also closely related. Now Pi and Phi works around the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Mean Spiral. These units of measure are different mathematical units of growth, but they are in cahoots and conspire with each other. They are in a state of relationship and association with each other. One can see these sequences in nature that instructs all living things when deciding how many units to grow next such as in a trees branches and a plants leaves. This series (of adding some quantity) can be seen everywhere in nature. This series is what has come to be called by several names, the numbers of the Fibonacci sequence also (regarded in conjunction with Phi/Pi), increase at a rate equal to oscillating around the Golden Mean Spiral.

Now when we link this mathematical unit of growth to that of the Hebrew letters we can clearly see that there is Divine Design. Not only in nature, but in the word of G-d (the Bible). The word tells us that G-d created all things.

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
how do the numbers or the fibonacci sequence have anything to do with an almightypower created everything?.. so god said hmm to let these creations figure out i made everything by a sequence of numbers and 3.14 your not serious are you
Now Pi and Phi works around the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Mean Spiral.

regarded in conjunction with Phi/Pi
Phi and Pi are different, unrelated numbers.
If you're going to continue to display your ignorance you could at least try to rephrase earlier posts instead of repeating them more or less verbatim.
Now Pi and Phi works around the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Mean Spiral. These units of measure are different mathematical units of growth, but they are in cahoots and conspire with each other. They are in a state of relationship and association with each other. One can see these sequences in nature that instructs all living things when deciding how many units to grow next such as in a trees branches and a plants leaves.
We have already established that you haven't a clue about mathematics or science so you trying to make claims about the mathematical structure of physics or mathematics itself is just silly. You haven't studied it yet you think you spot something which no one else has.

Furthermore you are just talking is vague, vapid sentences. 'In cahoots', 'conspire', 'relationship and association'? How many ways can you say the same thing without actually giving any information about what you mean? Yes, pi and phi come up a lot in particular physical systems but then so do plenty of other numbers. You pick two out of (literally) infinitely many and declare them special. You'll find things like $$\Zeta(3/2)$$ and $$\ln 2$$ come up more in nature than phi and certainly e comes up more than phi. I can't remember the last time I saw phi come up in an expression I've been looking at and I've been doing physics for most of a decade.

Either be precise in what you mean or just admit you are being deliberately vague to avoid admitting you can't actually justify your claims. Pi and phi coming up a lot isn't 'conspiring' if you can pick any 2 small numbers and point to systems where they arise. Have you found an equation which links phi and pi which no one else has? Because that's about the only way you can say they 'associate' and even then its not something you don't see for loads of other pairs of numbers.

Do you really believe you're 'burnt out' on science? By the looks of it you haven't actually studied it at all. If you're 'burnt out' and this thread a reflection of your knowledge and ability you burn out damn quick. I'm certain people like myself and Trippy (and probably others but he and I are both scientists by profession) have put in more science study/work time than you have in the time you spent doing this book.
Sifreak21, I'm not ignoring you... I had explained this previously before on the forum.

Yes G-d did create the world around us and we can see this evidence in the natural world by its mathematical units of growth (that I had explained in an earlier post).

If you want evidence for G-d in the natural world all one has to do is look for the mathematical numbers that appear in all of the natural world. We see these mathematical pattern in things like crystals, plants, animals, humans, and all living things. We can even see this mathematical pattern in the life cycle of an atom and its particles (which spiral). For instance we have units of growth that appear in nature such as the Fibonacci sequence that goes like this: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,… (add the last two numbers together to get the next number 233. We also have the Golden Section numbers which are 0.61803 and 1.61803. The Golden String is 1011010110110101101... A sequence of 0’s and 1’s that is closely related to the Fibonacci numbers and the Golden Section. We also have Pi (3.14) and Phi which is also closely related. Now Pi and Phi works around the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Mean Spiral. These units of measure are different mathematical units of growth, but they are in cahoots and conspire with each other. They are in a state of relationship and association with each other. One can see these sequences in nature that instructs all living things when deciding how many units to grow next such as in a trees branches and a plants leaves. This series (of adding some quantity) can be seen everywhere in nature. This series is what has come to be called by several names, the numbers of the Fibonacci sequence also (regarded in conjunction with Phi/Pi), increase at a rate equal to oscillating around the Golden Mean Spiral.

Now when we link this mathematical unit of growth to that of the Hebrew letters we can clearly see that there is Divine Design. Not only in nature, but in the word of G-d (the Bible). The word tells us that G-d created all things.

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

all i say ask is that you state these evidences.. you cant, so how can you make a statement of proof when you cant provide any evidence... a numerical code isnt proof god created everything why you use G-d i will never know
Well maybe you guys can understand this, or maybe you cant? If you are as truly good as you say you are in understanding math than you should at least be able to calculate this and apply it.

Pi can be derived from the very first verse of the Hebrew Bible (Genesis 1:1) when the number value of the words are added up. This is called Gematria where each Hebrew letter and word has a numerical value. For instance the first word in the Hebrew Bible is the word Barashith (which means in the beginning). Its numerical value is 913, then the second word has a numerical value of 203 and so on as I‘ve specified below…

These are the Gematria values of each of the 7 Hebrew “words” is Genesis 1:1 (In the Beginning G-d created the Heavens and the Earth). I did not post the Hebrew words, because its most likely you wouldnt understand them. But these are their numerical Gematria values:

913 = 400+10+300+1+200+2
203 = 1+200+2
86 = 40+10+5+30+1
401 = 400+1
395 = 40+10+40+300+5
407 = 400+1+6
296 = 90+200+1+5
Total 913+203+86+401+395+407+296 = 2701

Then we have 28 letters (all together) x the value of each letter which is 28 x 2 x 200 x 1 x 300 x 10 x 400 x 2 x 200 x 1 x 1 x 30 x 5 x 10 x 40 x 1 x 400 x 5 x 300 x 40 x 10 x 40 x 5 x 1 x 400 x 5 x 1 x 200 x 90 gives us 28 x 2.388

Now with 7 words x the value of the words which is 7 x 913 x 203 x 86 x 401 x 395 x 407 x 296 gives us 7 x 3.0415

Now 28 x 2.3887872 divided by 7 x 3.0415 = 3.142

What this is revealing is Intelligent Design (encrypted by G-d) since this value is seen in the natural world and is also linked to G-d’s word (In the beginning G-d created the Heavens and the Earth).

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
Well maybe you guys can understand this, or maybe you cant? If you are as truly good as you say you are in understanding math than you should at least be able to calculate this and apply it.

Pi can be derived from the very first verse of the Hebrew Bible (Genesis 1:1) when the number value of the words are added up. This is called Gematria where each Hebrew letter and word has a numerical value. For instance the first word in the Hebrew Bible is the word Barashith (which means in the beginning). Its numerical value is 913, then the second word has a numerical value of 203 and so on as I‘ve specified below…

These are the Gematria values of each of the 7 “word” is Genesis 1:1:

913 = 400+10+300+1+200+2
203 = 1+200+2
86 = 40+10+5+30+1
401 = 400+1
395 = 40+10+40+300+5
407 = 400+1+6
296 = 90+200+1+5
Total 913+203+86+401+395+407+296 = 2701

Then we have 28 letters (all together) x the value of each letter which is 28 x 2 x 200 x 1 x 300 x 10 x 400 x 2 x 200 x 1 x 1 x 30 x 5 x 10 x 40 x 1 x 400 x 5 x 300 x 40 x 10 x 40 x 5 x 1 x 400 x 5 x 1 x 200 x 90 gives us 28 x 2.388

Now with 7 words x the value of the words which is 7 x 913 x 203 x 86 x 401 x 395 x 407 x 296 gives us 7 x 3.0415

Now 28 x 2.3887872 divided by 7 x 3.0415 = 3.142

What this is revealing is Intelligent Design (encrypted by G-d) since this value is seen in the natural world and is also linked to G-d’s word (In the beginning G-d created the Heavens and the Earth).

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

ok there is math in the bible.. theres also math in a math book. thers also math in a science book..

again anita ill ask what hard evidence do you have that god created everything.. saying a math equation is evidence is outragous, in my opinion your just trolling you dont have any proof of it none whatsoever.. you cant quote your book. as it hasnt been peer reviewd neither has the bible so thoes to citations can be thrown out.. i can show you that a chicken has a long tail in a pre embryonic stage of development yet when its a grown chicken it has a very short almost none exsistant tail.. what proofs.evidence can you provide.. in my eyes you have came up with nothing but nonsence so far
Alphanumeric, I’ve noticed that you are also another selective reader. Only taking out of my posts what you want and leaving the other explanation out. This is why you cannot bridge the gap to understand things. Perhaps it is because you DO NOT WANT TO UNDERSTAND because it might imply G-d and go against everything that you have been taught.

I said: This series is what has come to be called by several names, the numbers of the Fibonacci sequence also (regarded in conjunction with Phi/Pi), increase at a rate equal to oscillating around the Golden Mean Spiral.

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
Alphanumeric, I’ve noticed that you are also another selective reader. Only taking out of my posts what you want and leaving the other explanation out. This is why you cannot bridge the gap to understand things. Perhaps it is because you DO NOT WANT TO UNDERSTAND because it might imply G-d and go against everything that you have been taught.

I said: This series is what has come to be called by several names, the numbers of the Fibonacci sequence also (regarded in conjunction with Phi/Pi), increase at a rate equal to oscillating around the Golden Mean Spiral.

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

holy mother of god.. i know y ou didnt just say that... your pointing out someone being a selective reader. do me a favor go buy a nice mirror look into it.. your now looking at the queen of selective readers.. hypocrit much?
Alphanumeric, I’ve noticed that you are also another selective reader. Only taking out of my posts what you want and leaving the other explanation out. This is why you cannot bridge the gap to understand things. Perhaps it is because you DO NOT WANT TO UNDERSTAND because it might imply G-d and go against everything that you have been taught.

I said: This series is what has come to be called by several names, the numbers of the Fibonacci sequence also (regarded in conjunction with Phi/Pi), increase at a rate equal to oscillating around the Golden Mean Spiral.

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

Anita, I thought you were asked kindly to stop posting your URL and email address at the end of each of your posts. By a super mod I might add.
I suggest you comply.
sifreak21, Isn’t math a language that is also used to describe things?

ok there is math in the bible.. theres also math in a math book. thers also math in a science book..

again anita ill ask what hard evidence do you have that god created everything.. saying a math equation is evidence is outragous, in my opinion your just trolling you dont have any proof of it none whatsoever.. you cant quote your book. as it hasnt been peer reviewd neither has the bible so thoes to citations can be thrown out.. i can show you that a chicken has a long tail in a pre embryonic stage of development yet when its a grown chicken it has a very short almost none exsistant tail.. what proofs.evidence can you provide.. in my eyes you have came up with nothing but nonsence so far

Sure one can find math in a math book, but it is hard to find patterns, or configurations of organization that come together to mean something MEANINGFUL and of greater significance when it is applied to the next level of understanding that is best explained by the hallmark of an intelligent cause. It than becomes a compelling indicator or evidence of intelligence having played a role in the origin of life.

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
sifreak21, Isn’t math a language that is also used to describe things?

Sure one can find math in a math book, but it is hard to find patterns, or configurations of organization that come together to mean something MEANINGFUL and of greater significance when it is applied to the next level of understanding that is best explained by the hallmark of an intelligent cause. It than becomes a compelling indicator or evidence of intelligence having played a role in the origin of life.

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

you can find math patters out of anything if you look hard enough.. and no i personally dont use math to describe myself let me give it a shot.. umm i would describe myself as 36734 ya thats it ..... it can be monkeys are intelegent they dont know math... killer whales are intelligent also.. the only roll math played in origin of life is one cell split into 2, 2 cells split into 4 ect
Anita, I thought you were asked kindly to stop posting your URL and email address at the end of each of your posts. By a super mod I might add.
I suggest you comply.

Enmos, that is my signature line. It also helps people like Stateofmind who comment saying this thread is 20 some pages and quite daunting to keep up with the conversation. I would like a way to list all my posts in this thread from my very first posting but I cant continually edit it. If I could I might consider not posting my signature with every posting. Posting my link has also helped others who are new to the conversation since I’ve already had several personal emails sent to me asking questions. It is not merely to sell my book as I’ve also explained here, that it is not about the money its about spreading the Good Word. It has helped others to understand the conversation and not be bombarded by other ill-mannered people who defame the conversation.

Your comments to me seem like one more tool in squelching and hushing my conversations here. It may even be a tool in which to rid of the religious nature of my postings as you may remember was relegated by Dyw from the Religion forum to the pseudo thread followed by many innuendo racial comments. If my signature was such a concern why wasn’t it originally addressed when I first posted it?

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator