New Book - The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

The Tetrahedron form is Pi (3.14)
What do you mean by "the form (a solid shape) is pi (a number)"?

and as I’ve shown it appears in all of the natural world such as in crystals (as shown in pictures above), and even down to the atom and its particles (also shown in the pictures above).
No you haven't.

Pi can also be mathematically calculated in Genesis 1:1 (as I’ve also revealed in a previous recent posting)
But not proven.

Now Pi (some say Phi) works around the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Mean Spiral.
One more time: pi is NOT Phi. They are different numbers.

These units of measure are different mathematical units of growth
No they aren't.

the numbers of the Fibonacci sequence also (regarded in conjunction with Phi/Pi)

Now when we take this Hebrew letter and spiral a wire around it (pictures are in my book) in such a way that exhibits a similar unit of growth (where it starts out with a small hoop and then gradually grows into a bigger hoop and than again a third hoop (which is a mathematical unit of growth similar to the ones mentioned in the paragraph above). When we remove this wire form and turn it around in different angles we can begin to see that all the other 22 Hebrew letters become visible depending on the angle one looks at it. For instance if we take this spiral form of the Hebrew letter B and turn it upside down we now have the Hebrew letter T. Another words this “one prototype form“, forms all the 22 Hebrew letters. No other writing in the world does this!
Total bunk.

Which to my understanding shows valuable evidence of an intelligence behind the design.
Which simply demonstrates how poor your "understanding" really is.

Another words QW, we have Divine Design thus authenticating every word of the Hebrew Bible.
More bunk.
The Tetrahedron form is Pi (3.14)
Wrong. Firstly, pi isn't 3.14, secondly Kings 7:23 says pi=3 (and if they were rounding off to the nearest cubit it should have been 31 cubits, not 30) and thirdly a tetrahedron is formed by the same vertices which are the opposite corners in a square.

Please explain precisely how pi comes into it.

and as I’ve shown it appears in all of the natural world such as in crystals (as shown in pictures above), and even down to the atom and its particles (also shown in the pictures above).
No, circles and tetrahedra appear in some places in the natural world, not all of them. Giving a few (dubious) examples doesn't prove your claim. You're logic is akin to "Paul is black. Paul is a man. Therefore all men are black".

Pi can also be mathematically calculated in Genesis 1:1
And yet Kings 7:23 says pi=3, which is wrong. You are simply extracting whatever you want from the Bible by using flawed methods. The results you claim are only worth listening to if they work only for the Bible. This was seen with the Bible code, which magically works with any sufficiently lengthy book.

Now Pi (some say Phi) works around the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Mean Spiral.
Well done, you just proved I was right to say 'Bullshit' about your 'burning out' on this stuff. Phi and Pi are NOT THE SAME NUMBER. Phi is the golden ratio. More technically, $$\tan \frac{\pi}{4} = 1$$ and $$\phi^{2} - \phi - 1 =0$$. If you'd bothered to do ANY reading you're know they are different.

One can see these sequences in nature that instructs all living things when deciding how many units to grow next such as in a trees branches and a plants leaves. This series (of adding some quantity) can be seen everywhere in nature
You keep talking about 'nature' yet you've made it clear you're not actually familiar with nature, as several scientists in this thread keep telling you. Appearing in some places in nature doesn't mean they appear everywhere.

Another words QW, we have Divine Design thus authenticating every word of the Hebrew Bible.
Do you believe that the Earth and everything else in the universe is less than 10,000 years old? After all, if you take the Bible literally it is. Do you believe humans can live to more than 900 years old? Why not now? Do you believe slavery is right? Do you believe everyone is descended from the people on the Ark? Do you believe we're made by an intelligent designer (who is all knowing and all powerful) in 'his own image'?

If so, do you believe God buried dinosaur bones to 'trick' us? Do you believe he set up radioactive elements in the Earth to appear exactly as if its billions of years old? Do you believe he set the DNA of all animals to show descent from a common ancestor? Do you believe he, an all knowing all powerful being, created our bodies in such a way to be easily broken and with poorly 'designed' mechanisms like our knees and, yes, eyes*. Why doesn't all human DNA show a common set of ancestors (ie those on the Ark) some time in the last 10,000 years, but instead more than 180,000 years ago.

*By which I mean we have a blind spot in each eye due to the retinal nerve and which can easily detach. Unlike say the octopus which doesn't have a blind spot and can't suffer from detached retinas due to having a better constructed eye ball.

You play numerology, are wilfully ignorant of basic science and delude yourself into drinking your own kool aid. Perhaps I've been watching too many Youtube videos on atheism vs creationism latelly but its people like you which make me glad I live in the UK. People here are, on average, a little more rational and a little less Bible thumping than in the US. Seeing people like Kent Hovind, Ray Comfort and any other wilfully ignorant loud mouth jackass talk BS and lie again and again, while being clapped by a bunch of ignorant mid-westers makes me despair for the US.
I'm trying to understand our world. I don't deal well with petty materialists like some of you here! I deal with people who value spiritual and intellectual things.

Here is a simple solution to this whole conversation… If we're built from Spirals while living in a giant Spiral, then its quite obvious that everything that is within including everything we put our hands on is also infused with the Spiral.


This Spiral pattern also pertains to forming the Hebrew letters (as I pointed out in my previous posting here). A written writing that was said to have been inscribed by the finger of G-d in Exodus 31:18 - When the LORD finished speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai, he gave him the two tablets of the Testimony, the tablets of stone inscribed by the finger of G-d.

It's fair to say I'm stepping out on a limb here while trying to explain this, but I am on the edge and that's where it happens. :)

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
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I'm trying to understand our world.
And failing. Making things up will not help you understand anything.

I don't deal well with petty materialists like some of you here! I deal with people who value spiritual and intellectual things.
And there is another another false assumption. We are intellectuals, you merely think you are. What "spiritual" things require dealing with?

Here is a simple solution to this whole conversion… If we're built from Spirals while living in a giant Spiral, then its quite obvious that everything that is within including everything we put our hands on is also infused with the Spiral.
How is that a "simple solution"?
We are no more "built from spirals" than we are built from cornflakes.

This Spiral pattern also pertains to forming the Hebrew letters (as I pointed out in my previous posting here).
As you incorrectly pointed out.

A written writing that was said to have been inscribed by the finger of G-d in Exodus 31:18 - When the LORD finished speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai, he gave him the two tablets of the Testimony, the tablets of stone inscribed by the finger of G-d.
So what?
Just because the bible says it does not make it true.

It's fair to say I'm stepping out on a limb here while trying to explain this, but I am on the edge and that's where it happens. :)
No, you're way over the edge and nearly out of sight. It's more drivel.
I'm trying to understand our world. I don't deal well with petty materialists like some of you here! I deal with people who value spiritual and intellectual things.

Here is a simple solution to this whole conversation… If we're built from Spirals while living in a giant Spiral, then its quite obvious that everything that is within including everything we put our hands on is also infused with the Spiral.


Are you sure?

Like, really sure?

Because I'm seeing a different pattern emerging involving spheres as being fundamental.
Maybe you could explain this spiral, in that case

I'm not interested in getting into trivial technicalities with you, you're just trying to complicate the issue and make it inaccessable to lay people. The truth is right there in front of you, you're just too closed minded to see it.


Besides which, a spiral is just the shape that's observed if you follow a point on the surface of a sphere as it grows and rotates (so the sphere is fundamental, because you need a sphere to decribe a sprial.
Um, I wasn't directing that at you, it was at Anita's post of a spiral galaxy. The idea there was her "we just have to look at an image of a spiral galaxy", compared with "we just have to look at a plot of a logarithmic function...

But not to worry, I'm sure Stefan has it well sorted.
Anita Meyer:

Here you can see below that the “atom” also has the tell tail signs of the Tetrahedron form ...

Three quarks make up each proton and each neutron. Protons and neutrons form the nucleus of an atom.

A tetrahedron has FOUR vertices and FOUR faces. How does that relate to THREE quarks? Please explain.

And again, yes the tetrahedron form (3-part nature) is also in the water molecule - and obviously also very visible in the fractal geometry of a snow flake.

Where does the tetrahedron appear in snowflakes?

The Tetrahedron form is Pi (3.14) and as I’ve shown it appears in all of the natural world such as in crystals (as shown in pictures above), and even down to the atom and its particles (also shown in the pictures above). Pi can also be mathematically calculated in Genesis 1:1 (as I’ve also revealed in a previous recent posting) Now Pi (some say Phi) works around the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Mean Spiral.

You seem to have a basic confusion over the DIFFERENT numbers that mathematicians call PI and PHI.

PI ($$\pi$$) and PHI ($$\phi$$) are two letters of the Greek alphabet. In science they denote two different numbers.

PI is approximately 3.14159265...
PHI is approximately 1.61803...

The Golden Mean and the Fibonacci spiral are both related to the number that mathematicians call PHI. They have nothing to do with PI.

All I can say is I'm glad I didn't waste my time reading the first 20 pages of your book. I won't be reading ANY of it, since you obviously have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to scientific matters. Chances are that your religious writings are no better.

Based on what you've posted here, I strongly advise ALL readers of sciforums NOT to buy or bother reading your book.

Let me know if you ever publish a revised edition that corrects your many errors. Hint: next time do some research before writing, or you'll end up making yourself look as uneducated and silly as you do here.

One other piece of advice: to continue to insist that your erroneous interpretation of things is correct when others have clearly and helpfully explained to you how you are in error is stupid dogmatism. I'd try to avoid that in future if I was you. It's a character trait that prevents you from learning anything.
Hi James, hope this helps...

In geometry, a tetrahedron (plural: tetrahedra) is a polyhedron (a geometric solid with flat faces and straight edges) composed of four triangular faces, three of which meet at each vertex.


One side of it looks like this, and it is the basic shape that the other four sides take on. In other words it is an emulation of "one" original face which has three points:


Thus anything that has 3 points in this manner can be called a Tetrahedron (otherwise known as a Triangle).

Where does the tetrahedron appear in snowflakes?

Look here and notice the triangle shapes within the snowflake (one can also see a Star of David shape). The reason the snowflake is shaped like this has to do with the water molecule itself, which as I’ve also shown in a previous posting here has three constituents to it.


You seem to have a basic confusion over the DIFFERENT numbers that mathematicians call PI and PHI.

PI () and PHI () are two letters of the Greek alphabet. In science they denote two different numbers.

PI is approximately 3.14159265...
PHI is approximately 1.61803...

The Golden Mean and the Fibonacci spiral are both related to the number that mathematicians call PHI. They have nothing to do with PI.

What I am merely saying (and please read very carefully here), I do not say that Pi, Phi, Golden Mean Spiral or Fibonacci sequence are the same (and there are also units of growth in nature as well with different names…) I am only saying that these numbers work synergistically with each other in nature (as I pointed out in an earlier post here:

All I can say is I'm glad I didn't waste my time reading the first 20 pages of your book. I won't be reading ANY of it, since you obviously have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to scientific matters. Chances are that your religious writings are no better.

I am truly sorry you feel that way James. Well if you don’t read it at least I corrected your blunders here. I am not trying to mislead anyone, I am merely trying to shed light. I wish you all the best James, I really do!

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
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I have to say I find it deeply offensive that Anita Meyer includes a link to a commercial website at the bottom of every post. That's spam in my book (which I'm not selling incidentally...)
I have to say I find it deeply offensive that Anita Meyer includes a link to a commercial website at the bottom of every post. That's spam in my book (which I'm not selling incidentally...)

I had had very similar thoughts actually - I see little difference between what she's doing, and what a commercial spam-bot does.

Hence deliberately removing that section any time I quote her.
In geometry, a tetrahedron (plural: tetrahedra) is a polyhedron (a geometric solid with flat faces and straight edges) composed of four triangular faces, three of which meet at each vertex.
Which doesn't get away from the fact that four points are required to define a tetrahedron.

Thus anything that has 3 points in this manner can be called a Tetrahedron (otherwise known as a Triangle).
Also incorrect. A tetrahedron is a 3 dimensional construct (defined by four points), a triangle is a 2 dimensional construct (defined by three points).

I do not say that Pi, Phi, Golden Mean Spiral or Fibonacci sequence are the same
Anita Meyer said:
Now Pi (some say Phi)
You have persistently conflated Pi and Phi.

I am truly sorry you feel that way James. Well if you don’t read it at least I corrected your blunders here.
No, you ignored James pointing out your blunders, and then compounded them.

I am not trying to mislead anyone
Either you are deliberately trying to mislead people or you truly are as uninformed as you appear to be.

I am merely trying to shed light.
No, to continue your metaphor: you have locked yourself in the basement during a power cut and you're claiming to be the only that can see the sun while the rest of us are outside actually looking at it.
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Anita, Dywyddyr has been too much of a gentleman, but I have to say a big 'FUCK YOU' for accusing him of being a racist, when he is simply correcting your bad science. That accusation really is the last bastion of the scoundrel, as is your constant spamming of this forum with links to the work of fiction you are hawking.

Now, please stop twisting facts to fit you pet theory. Accept you are wrong on many counts. Learn from your mistakes, and go and have a think.
I'm trying to understand our world. I don't deal well with petty materialists like some of you here! I deal with people who value spiritual and intellectual things.
I have a PhD in theoretical physics, a degree in mathematics and I've helped teach physics undergraduates. You're going to struggle to find someone else on the forum with more relevant knowledge to the issue of geometry and its application to physics. Hell, I have a published paper with 'Geometry' in the title. All you're spouting is bullshit.

Then there's someone like Trippy, who has both academic knowledge in chemistry and makes his living by applying his knowledge and understanding of chemicals. He too thinks you're talking bullshit.

Every single person here who in some way works with the natural world, whose job it is to look at nature and understand it, says you're full of shit.

You didn't answer my questions. Do you think God deliberately set the universe such that every single observation says its billions of years old and we evolved from earlier life via natural selection? If we're made in Gods image why is our body made so badly? Why is 99.9999999999999999999999999999% of the universe lethal to us? Why does nature seem to contradict the old testament/Torah? Why would God write 'the truth' down in the Torah yet make the universe seem like the Torah is false? It seems silly for God to make the universe 6000 years ago but in such a state as to appear 13.7 billion years old. Either the Torah is wrong or Gods a jackass.

You didn't answer my questions. Do you think God deliberately set the universe such that every single observation says its billions of years old and we evolved from earlier life via natural selection? If we're made in Gods image why is our body made so badly? Why is 99.9999999999999999999999999999% of the universe lethal to us? Why does nature seem to contradict the old testament/Torah? Why would God write 'the truth' down in the Torah yet make the universe seem like the Torah is false? It seems silly for God to make the universe 6000 years ago but in such a state as to appear 13.7 billion years old. Either the Torah is wrong or Gods a jackass.

If I try and tackle any of these questions, I’m sure to get chastised in the eyes of religious infidels here. Which by the way, I do have answers for, but in your technical mind set I doubt you would understand them.

How about we just start here talking about the four fundamental forces that come into play both in the vastness of the cosmos and in the infinite smallness of atomic structures. Yes, everything we see around us is involved and we can see intelligent design. These four elemental forces are: Gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force.

For instance… Elements vital for our life (particularly carbon, oxygen, and iron) could not exist were it not for the fine-tuning of the four forces evident in the universe. One force being gravity and another the electromagnetic force. If it were significantly weaker, electrons would not be held around the nucleus of an atom. That would be very serious since atoms could not combine to form molecules. Conversely, if this force were much stronger, electrons would be trapped on the nucleus of an atom. There could be no chemical reactions between atoms - meaning no life! Even from this standpoint, it is clear that our existence and life depend on the fine-tuning of the electromagnetic force.

BTW, I cite this from my book which is my thesis.

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator