New Book - The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator


So, please specify the exact recursive procedure to pass from chemicals to life.

That's abiogenesis, not evolution.

So, let me get this right. You think the theory of relativity is wrong AND you don't believe in evolution.

How many other well-established scientific theories do you not believe in?
But, it is a claimed recursive procedure from "big bang" to life.

Big ol' strawman and not a new one at that. In all cases I have seen to date, a "believer" invents your position... that some nebuluous representative of science is issuing that claim. The theory of evolution only covers the adaptation of biological life. It does not cover the processes that resulted in initial life nor plantary formation, nor solar system formnation, nor galaxy formation, nor universe formation, ... etc.

That's abiogenesis, not evolution.

So, let me get this right. You think the theory of relativity is wrong AND you don't believe in evolution.

How many other well-established scientific theories do you not believe in?

I will train you on relativity.

On evolution, change is a fact.

But, that is not all of the theory of evolution.

So, for that part, why don't you give me a recursive function to develop life?
Big ol' strawman and not a new one at that. In all cases I have seen to date, a "believer" invents your position... that some nebuluous representative of science is issuing that claim. The theory of evolution only covers the adaptation of biological life. It does not cover the processes that resulted in initial life nor plantary formation, nor solar system formnation, nor galaxy formation, nor universe formation, ... etc.

OK, if you are willing to confess science does not believe that the BB occured and then galaxies and then life evolved from that, then fine.

State that.

Oh, once you state that, then you will need to explain instinct mathematically.
Big ol' strawman and not a new one at that. In all cases I have seen to date, a "believer" invents your position... that some nebuluous representative of science is issuing that claim. The theory of evolution only covers the adaptation of biological life. It does not cover the processes that resulted in initial life nor plantary formation, nor solar system formnation, nor galaxy formation, nor universe formation, ... etc.

Oh, I am not a believer, I only deal in logic.

Its people like you who tar the image of so many millions of Americans by being the extremely vocal minority of ignorant anti-science, anti-rationality right wing morons. America produces so much of the cutting edge scientific research in the world yet the stereotypical view of Americans, in the eyes of us Europeans, is all too often the Bible thumping gun toting Fox news watching idiots which Sarah Palin was (and, unfortunately, is) the poster girl for. You are an insult to your country (as well as your species).

Well for one thing Sarah Palin and Fox news is a lot more heard (and apparently more informed) than you. And why do you think that is Alphanumeric? Could it possibly be that they are the only ones worth listening to, the only ones making sense and the only ones who truly tell it like it is. This is telling you something… that your ideologies and idiosyncrasies are outnumbered and short lived. The world is looking for answers, and your kind are not delivering them.

By the way if you haven’t noticed the world revolves around religion! Every day on the news and in the newspaper Israel is the center of attention. Always was and always will be. Despite what you believe, the reason for this is because it has always been about G-d and always will be! It has never been about science or you or me personally. Everything that we will ever need to know about our planet and the universe has already been answered for us in the Bible (this includes the stars, the planets, where we came from and where we are going). Science discovers the origin of nothing… and true science will always illuminate G-d‘s word! In the end I firmly believe that science will conduct us, step by step, through the whole range of history until we finally arrive back at G-d. Here is a famous quote by King Solomon found in Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 - What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which one can say, Look! This is something new? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time.

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
By the way if you haven’t noticed the world revolves around religion! Every day on the news and in the newspaper Israel is the center of attention. Always was and always will be. Despite what you believe, the reason for this is because it has always been about G-d and always will be! It has never been about science or you or me personally. Everything that we will ever need to know about our planet and the universe has already been answered for us in the Bible (this includes the stars, the planets, where we came from and where we are going). Science discovers the origin of nothing… and true science will always illuminate G-d‘s word! In the end I firmly believe that science will conduct us, step by step, through the whole range of history until we finally arrive back at G-d. Here is a famous quote by King Solomon found in Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 - What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which one can say, Look! This is something new? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time.

Deluded much?

America ≠ The World.
I read it.

what is your point

For one thing, that you are ridiculously wrong.

Abiogenesis & Evolution

As if evolution and evolutionary theory were not already confusing enough, many creationists complicate matters even further by promulgating the mistaken idea that evolution is the same as abiogenesis. One common way this is done is to argue that evolution cannot explain how life began while creationism can and, therefore, creationism is superior to evolution.

Now, the origin of life is certainly an interesting topic, but it is not a part of evolutionary theory.

Abiogenesis—Origins of Life Research

Abiogenesis on Wiki
In the natural sciences, abiogenesis or biopoesis is the study of how life on Earth could have arisen from inanimate matter. It should not be confused with evolution, which is the study of how groups of already living things change over time.
Hello James,

Yes, its faces are triangles.

So, why does your book go on about the tetrahedron as the fundamental shape, when really you mean the triangle?

The important difference, by the way, is that a tetrahedron is a solid, 3-dimensional shape, while a triangle is a flat, 2-dimensional one. It will help you if you bear this difference in mind in future corrected editions of your book.

James, the problem is that I really did not explain myself here properly and I assumed you understood when I said 3 that it was a Tetrahedron instead of coining it as a Triangle. Big deal, its obvious you got the drift now and understand the premise that they share the same “face“.

This is also explained in my book properly so as one could see along with being illustrated by several pictures.

Evolution is given the scientific status of "theory" precisely because it has so much confirming evidence.

To date James and Alphanumeric if you want to twist and spin the word “theory” that is fine. But let me remind you that there is no “confirming” evidence of evolution taking place. When science cannot account for where new genes come from, this then is only speculation, which let me remind you rides on the wing of FAITH (like a religion itself), which is believing in something that cannot be verified. Or should I say, things not seen but believed.

Author Anita Meyer
The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator
But let me remind you that there is no “confirming” evidence of evolution taking place.
Yes there is.

You only need to look at the effect that El nino/La Nina has on the Galapagos Finches to see that.
Or the effect that Air Pollution has had on certain breeds of Moth.
Or Fruit flies.

I will train you on relativity.

No need. I'm already trained.

On evolution, change is a fact.

But, that is not all of the theory of evolution.

Yeah, I know. I'm trained in that too.

So, for that part, why don't you give me a recursive function to develop life?

Can you give me an example of a recursive function so I know what you're talking about?

TOE contends life evolves from chemicals.

No it doesn't. The start of life is not part of the theory of evolution.

Your "model" is not consistent logic.

Otherwise, you have the math and chemical operations to prove this.

I will train you from math.

The natural numbers are closed under the + and * operations.

That means if you have a NN and add a NN you get a NN.

Get it?

Chemistry is closed under chemical operators.

You take a chemical plus a chemical and you get a chemical.

But, life is proven more than can be expressed by chemistry.

So, your "theory" is inconsistent with nature.

James, the problem is that I really did not explain myself here properly and I assumed you understood when I said 3 that it was a Tetrahedron instead of coining it as a Triangle.

That's ok. I hope your book explains it clearly, like you say.

To date James and Alphanumeric if you want to twist and spin the word “theory” that is fine. But let me remind you that there is no “confirming” evidence of evolution taking place.

That's a silly statement, Anita.

I advise you to go out and buy a book by Richard Dawkins called The Greatest Show on Earth. It can be found in the Science section of any good bookstore. It covers the confirming evidence for evolution in detail but is written so that anybody can understand it.

When science cannot account for where new genes come from, this then is only speculation, which let me remind you rides on the wing of FAITH (like a religion itself), which is believing in something that cannot be verified. Or should I say, things not seen but believed.

Science can account for where new genes come from; the modern evolutionary synthesis does that quite adequately. No need for faith there.