Neg Greys and Psychic Attack

Dark Knight

Registered Member
I am so sorry about this, but I am posting this on several forums because I am in desperate need of information

I’m an abductee and the experiences from what I can remember started back in 1993…but that’s not what I came here to talk about. What I wish to get more information on are experiences that started with me in 1998, experiences that amount to a form of psychic attack. The story is far too long and complicated so I’m going to skip a lot of details. The next two paragraphs are just descriptive arguments to give a metaphorical background of what has been happening to me, but please read it, even as simplistic as it may sound. It’s annoying but it was the only way I knew how to describe what was happening to me.

Besides the physical senses, thoughts and emotions are also senses of a sort that enable people to perceive reality. These mental and emotional senses are developed throughout your lifetime(s), and their use enables one to recognize that items in reality possess an assignable value. However, when things conflict in this perceptively linear existence, an individual cannot value everything at the same level of importance. Thus, valuable things are organized in an order of priority. Some things are considered low, petty, and inconsequential. This allows us to walk away from situations involving little things and allows us to place our attention on either medium level (normal life responsibilities) to high-level priorities (life and death emergencies requiring immediate attention).

Priorities are not assigned the same way each time because each situation is different depending on the context of the situation. I’ll use the old Philosophy example of being at a stop light with a No Turn on Red posting. It’s against the law to turn on red and during normal life when nothing else of equal or greater value is present to cause a conflict of interest, the law is given the highest priority. Let’s suppose an ambulance with lights flashing comes up behind you while you’re at the No Turn on Red stoplight. The context of the situation has changed with the introduction of a conflict of interest: the priority of the law versus the priority of a human life. Morality would dictate that you break the law and turn on red to get out of the way of the ambulance.

What has been happening to me is a kind of overwriting of the thoughts and senses. What you would normally associate with a situation is overwritten and a new thought or emotion is inserted, to a certain degree. What this successfully does is alter your sense of reality so the constantly changing context of reality is indiscernible (Imagine not being able to remember why it’s important to get out of the way of the ambulance…this is an extreme example, and the only way I can describe what has been happening to me. The only other example I can provide…imagine somebody taking over your sense of touch and every time you touched a hot radiator, they made it so you’re brain is saying the sensation is cold). Whoever is doing this seems to keep a person intact just enough so they can go about life, but attack on a level that deprives the target of an inability to interact correctly with life and cooperate and compromise appropriately with people. Suddenly, the people around you are treating you negatively because of how they perceive you, and you neither know why or how to change it. As people stop cooperating and compromising with you, your everyday life needs go unfulfilled and invalidated. Suddenly the little things become life and death and it causes the person to fall outside the protective social boundaries. The person becomes isolated and unable to function. This further puts them under the control of whoever is initiating the attack.

It's like you’re kidnapped off the street, removed from your support systems and locked away in the cell of a dungeon. The perp holding you walks through the cell door, brings in a dog, and asks you to identify the animal in front of you. You reply ”It's a dog.” The perp says, “No, it's a cat.” Well it sounds ridiculous, you know the animal in front of you is a dog and you begin to argue with the perp to prove your argument. But your thoughts and emotions aren't working correctly and you can't make the proper associations to support your argument. Instead you're feeling yourself flooded with thoughts and emotions that don't feel like yours and support your perp’s argument that the animal is a cat, not a dog. As this process continues you begin to feel your “sense of self” fragment (totally aware, no anesthesia). Suddenly, you find yourself in a situation where you know the animal is a dog, but you cannot remember the reasons why. Contradictions no longer exist or have meaning. At last you're so confused and broken you concede that the animal is a cat, just to make the pain of the self-disintegration stop. Then your perp says, “No it's not a cat, it's a duck.” By then there is a vague awareness of what is happening to you, but you can't remember why it was important to fight back, why your life had meaning, why you loved others or others loved you, why it was important to care, why it was important to cry. In the end, your emotions and thoughts possess neither value nor meaning, but your perp’s thoughts and emotions hold all the value and meaning, no compromise. Personal boundaries, contexts, all meaning, all value is whatever the perp defines.

I suffered like this for 5 years, barely staying alive, many times almost dying or taking my life. Finally, in 2003, somebody (positive greys and other higher help) got “tired of watching you suffer” (as the phrase was said to me repeatedly). I underwent what some in the UFO community refer to as a Data Download, a massive, uninterrupted, powerful channeling of information. Again, very long complicated story, I am only going to relate several key aspects that have me a tad concerned. Please understand that in fighting for my life for 5 years and thinking like I was going to die, I wasn’t really paying attention to current events, so treat me like someone who just got rescued from Gilligan’s Island and has absolutely no clue what is happening today.

It started out with me hearing the greys (I’m assuming positive energy greys) telling me a story about them…there were two main groups of greys, one positive and the other negative. The negative group came about in part as a result of some kind of negative entity (or “neg” for short as Robert Bruce would say). This neg acted as a virus and infected some of the greys (altering their moods and personality) by jumping from mind to mind. For whatever reason, it was hard for the positive greys to find out who was infected and who wasn’t. Meanwhile, the neg greys would go about unnoticed and assist in the further infection of the group mind (right terminology?). The positive greys, trying desperately to stop the spread of this neg, cut off the neg greys they had successfully identified from the group mind and quarantined them. However, the positive greys felt they could not just discard this group of infected greys (“they’re our people”). They took the quarantined greys and placed them in tubes (I was visually shown greys floating in these tubes). The infected grey was then removed from his body and placed into a new body and this freed the grey from the neg influence. But with problems identifying neg greys…the infection continued.

It was alluded to during the download that I was being attacked by these neg greys for whatever the reason. At one point during the download I was caught in the middle of an argument ensuing between the two polarized groups. I heard what sounded like some sort of threat made against contactees and then heard the positive greys insist, “We will never let you do to our contacts what you have done to us.”

Next thing I know, I’m being told (paraphrasing) “We’re going to take you several years into the future and show you what may happen.” I want to emphasize here that what was said to me is not set in stone. More likely I was presented with a set of absolute worst-case scenarios.

I was shown images of people I was told were contactees and they were suffering exactly what I had been through: sensory manipulation and channeling, sensory cloaking and deprivation, and self-fragmentation…it was ugly. There were “human helpers” assisting the neg greys and neg entity and they seemed hell bent on getting control over all the contactees. Contactees were followed, in some cases kidnapped, literally running for their lives. I listened in my head to three contactees being attacked in the manner I was. The first one was a male and reacted to the attacks in a belligerent, combative way, fighting as hard as he could. But I was shown as time passed how he got weaker and weaker until finally I could barely hear or feel him anymore. The second contactee was also male and this one tried desperately to get help for himself and others. But he was turned away repeatedly and shunned and that destroyed him faster than the attacks. He also over the passage of time grew lower and lower in energy until I could barely hear or feel him. The last contactee was a female and I tried talking to this spectre…all I could hear was this low, pathetic, dying whisper, “I can’t think anymore.”

The most bizarre thing that happened during the download was someone’s attempt to teach me how to channel. I should say here that not all the information I received during the download seemed to be from a positive source. Often there was clashing of positive and negative fighting to get through, and in this case, I think my attention was captured by something or someone negative. I felt an impression to sit down and close my eyes. Upon doing so, I was inundated with swirling 3D shapes and numerous background sounds, very confusing, very disorienting. I mentally reached out to touch one of the swirling 3D shapes and I heard a sharp, commanding reprimand, “NO!” This would happen time and time again to the point where I would finally give up. Some time later I was drawn back to do this again, so I sat down, shut my eyes, and back came the swirling 3D shapes and background sounds. Remembering what happened the last time I sat and did not attempt to try to reach out to one of the shapes. Suddenly, I felt a nudge to specifically touch one of the shapes. I reached out and touched it and (hard to remember or describe what happened next), it opened up and I heard a voice say, “Good that is what I wanted you to do.” After receiving the “praise” I was then presented with a question appearing in mid air and below were it floating flash cards with statements written on them. You know questions that ask things like, on a scale of one to ten, how would you rate this, I feel great, I feel fine, I feel awful. That’s what it was like, an incomplete floating question with multiple answers of varying degrees of intensity. I was nudged to circle the flash card that would be associated best with the question (I should add that as the questions were asked, I was “learning” through the questions that the appropriate answers were not based on my thoughts and feelings). I would mentally draw a circle around the flash card with the answer. When I did, the other flash cards would fall away and the one I chose would fall last….then rise back up again and shake up in down in a nodding yes fashion as if to confirm.

I am writing this particular episode because I am concerned about the way it was put across,…the movement, swirling shapes and noise, I couldn’t concentrate. Everything to overload your senses so you just shut down, but open enough to receive the nudge and feel the praise when selecting an option based on someone else’s thoughts and emotions (and boundaries). Like, good doggie, good obedient doggie. That’s how it came off. I eventually got tired of not being able to concentrate and left this unpleasant teacher behind.

Today I have hooked up with some people I am getting help from, but I am concerned because of what they have described encountering while providing assistance. They have encountered neg greys, tall (9-12ft) black robed entities, and human perps sitting in a chair and hooked up to a machine of some kind (the people helping me are individuals working alone and not part of a group. Each individual reported seeing the same odd thing). One of the people helping me has described the humans hooked up to the machines as acting as a sort of anchor for the negs involved to manifest their intentions in the physical. The human perps, with the assistance of the negs and the machine, form neg energy attachments in their targets which start in the spinal column and go as far as the will centers in the back of the neck (I was told I had such attachments when I was first getting help). There is also manipulation of the crown chakra, blocks of the third eye, and other forms of energy manipulation affecting flow (and in turn affecting thoughts and emotions). One individual giving assistance has expressed to me his shock at how far into the auric sheath my perps have gotten, basically, unwanted things coming and going through my aura as it pleases, unabated. Please note that the above is a very generalized interpretation of what has been seen by the people helping me.

Has anyone heard of anything similar to this, or heard/seen human attackers hooked up to some kind of machine (and where are they coming from). One more thing (also from the download), has anybody heard of the grey leadership passing on to 5D? more thing in relation to the above.

There was one abduction though that happened to me in June 2002 that I remember from start to finish, which for me is very unusual.

I was in bed, aware but not completely asleep. Next thing I knew, I was lying on gurney, on board a small craft (remember actually seeing something like a console with flashing lights, some beeps, etc). Then there is a jump and I can see myself (mind split?) being wheeled out of the craft and into a larger area. The people I see resemble people dressed in clothing from ancient Greece (something I should mention here, for whatever reason the greys often appear to me in human like form from the ancient Greco-Roman era...sometimes the ship has attributes resembling a Greek temple. I have no idea if this is deliberate or if this is how my brain interprets what I am seeing). As I was being wheeled out, I was wheeled past a pile of grey bodies stacked up like cordwood. I get the impression they wanted me to see it. Then there's another jump and I can no longer see myself, I just remember hearing myself grunting out loud because of a strong feeling of pressure and discomfort being applied to my left side by my ovaries (In the past and present, negs have often attacked my left side and my ovaries, and at the time of this abduction, I was having so much trouble with my ovaries...pain and discomfort, I was actually considering seeing a doctor for it). I think they were operating on me to fix whatever was wrong with my left side. I could only hear myself, couldn't see myself or the operation but what I could see (might have been encouraged to see) were three weak, frail, sickly looking older men sitting on the ground hunched over with their backs against the wall, as if in line waiting for treatment.

I'm going to stop here, I just want to know, has anyone else seen, experienced, or heard of stacks of grey bodies on board the ships?
I highly advise that you seek medical attention of a good neurologist soon and get an MRI done. This is probably the last thing you want to hear, but people that have disorders of the brain to the point that it controls their beliefs (Vilayanur S. Ramachandran, Reith Lectures 2003) have difficulty accepting that what they are experiencing may not be real.

Look at it this way, at least you can rule out mental defect if you go (assuming that you haven't done so already).

But what you're describing has no basis in fact and no evidence to support other than anecdotal evidence provided by others who are already "believers" in the UFO/ETI cult movement. Moreover, the likelihood of mental defect or chemical imbalance (often easily corrected with appropriate medication) far outweighs the likelihood of alien visitation/abduction. The former is something that has been tested and demonstrated time and again, the latter is the elusive belief system and metaphysical explanation to the unexplainable.

You will undoubtedly note that several of the UFO/ETI believers will post after me, as they seem to think that the "pseudoscience" forum of a "science" board isn't a place to discuss "fake-science" but rather a place to tout personal belief systems and alternative science as genuine.
Dark Night,

I have skimmed your post, and I will share more detailed responses later. For now I want to assure you, please do not be offended by SkinWalkers insensitive response, and do not feel obliged to respond to him either. SkinWalker is a known anti-UFO fanatic - do not expect any rationality from it.

I cannot say I completely understand what you have gone through, after all, I've not experieced what you have. But I assure you, as one human to another, I will not ridicule you, or denounce you as mentally instable and will treat your case as fairly as possible.

Stick around this forum, I would love to talk to you more.
What's insensitive and offensive is that someone would consider mental instability or illness as a denouncement.

On the contrary, mental issues are very common (far more common than alleged abductions) and often easily managed even cured. Mental illnesses, defects, and chemical imbalances need not imply an explanation that should be considered offensive. I was being very supportive and caring in my response to Dark Night and I even suggested that, at the very least, he could use the data obtained from a complete brain MRI/Cat Scan to rule out a medical condition.

Dark Night, as to my fanatism contrary to UFO/ETI explanations, it is true that I am quite skeptical of that which cannot be measured, directly observed, tested or produce predictive results from. I am ever hopeful that extraterretrials will choose, or have chosen, our fair planet to visit, but the evidence is simply not there to support the wild claims of the masses.

What there is evidence of, is the analgous correlation between UFO/ETI fanatics and historical/early modern religious stage belief systems.

I have read your post fully, and what instantly has come to my attention, is your articulate verbal skills,your undeniable intelligence, and insights into human nature and philosophies.
I for a second, do no doubt your rationality, or crediblity at all, you are obviously much more intelligent than the average person, and much more aware.

The Alien abduction phemonon is REAL, it happening to thousands of others, like yourself, and all share similar characteristics, and you have the described some of the quintessential attributions. So, the possibility, that your account is REAL is a viable hypothesis. Now, I understand, calling your trauma and experience, a possibility,is hogwash to you, as the reality you percieve, and emotions you undergo, are nothing but the truth to you. I am actually inclined to believe this is REAL, as you obviously do not exhibit any of the characteristics of a delusional. You clearly have well defined ideals and morals and think beyond the generality of others. Not withstanding though, it's not conclusive, as there is little evidence to support your claims.

You said you were seeking help, and I'm unsure what kind of help you are seeking, so please excuse my ignorance, if you have already done what Im going to suggest: There are professional UFO abduction researchers, who have dealt with hundreds of cases of abductions, who will be able to address your questions, and help you, upteem times more, than I could. Most importantly, they will understand you. Here are some of the best:

Budd Hopkins:

David Jacobs:

John Mack , M.D: You will have to find him.

These are three of the most prolific abduction investigators, and they would be of immense help to you. If you have not sought them already, I strongly recommend you do now.
I advise you to stay away from regular psychiatrists and doctors, they will most probably not understand your problem, and may label you insane, or put you on anti-psychotic medication, which may inoculate you with an actual mental illness, if you did not have one already.

I would like to address some particular points in your post:

The people I see resemble people dressed in clothing from ancient Greece (something I should mention here, for whatever reason the greys often appear to me in human like form from the ancient Greco-Roman era...sometimes the ship has attributes resembling a Greek temple. I have no idea if this is deliberate or if this is how my brain interprets what I am seeing).

This is quite common; not exactly the Greco-Roman theme, but the projection of a relatable scenorio(Do you have any connection to this theme?) It is called a screen memory. The Greys, have an ability to manipulate your thoughts, and project a false reality. This is usually to disguise their agenda. Often, abductees, are told of what seems like blatant lies, that they are "chosen" or of a pending calamity that will destroy life on Earth, or the Greys are from a dying planet - and their intentions are noble. It's secondary function, is to account for the possibility, that if you retain the memory of the encounter, you will dismiss it as an elaborate dream.

In fact I have a anecdote that could illustrate this - bear in mind, I'm near convinced, I've never been abducted: I have the memory of a dream I had - when I was 6-7 years old, of seeing a large, metallic ship, appear, and hover above me at only 10 feet in the backyard of a friends house, when I went over to his house. I have no idea, why I remember this dream. What's most peculiar, I apparently use to be afraid of the curtains at that age, and of people/creatures being behind them. I also have these line marks above my chest, and I have clue how they came about, but most probably strech marks or something.
In my case, I'm sure it was just a dream, but you do see, how Greys would deliberately show you something unbelievable like temples, Greco-Roman thematics etc, so that you dismiss it as a dream. Like I have :D

You say, you've been abducted multiple times and at times have lost control of yourself - have you had any x-rays done? The Greys are known to implant you with foreign objects, which are believed to serve as a tracking device or controlling device, henceforth why they can pinpoint your location or control you remotely, regardless of where you go. If such a device has been implanted in you, get it removed immediately, and move home, or even state, then your abductions may stop.

I wish to continue correspondence with you, and get to know you better and understand your experience. In fact, as distressing as abductions sound, I would willingly endure it, even if that meant cessation of life as I know it. I understand, that the universe far extends beyond my perception and needs, and conscious existence is only one layer of the innumerable layers of existence. However, for me, the interaction with another being, would be an affirmation of this complexity of the universe, and it's vastness, and perhaps present me with an opportunity to experience the universe in another light, as opposed to the myopic view our species sees it in - even if that is short-lived.

I hope I was of some help.
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Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar
and sometimes a dream IS just a dream
crazymikey said:
The Alien abduction phemonon is REAL,

The only thing that can be said is REAL is the belief system that surrounds alien abduction mythology. There is absolutely no conclusive or emprical evidence to support otherwise.

crazymikey said:
Not withstanding though, it's not conclusive, as there is little evidence to support your claims.

Why the sudden change of perspective? Lack of evidence has never slowed you down in your own claims.

crazymikey said:
The Greys are known to implant you with foreign objects, which are believed to serve as a tracking device or controlling device, henceforth why they can pinpoint your location or control you remotely, regardless of where you go.

How is it known to whom? Where's the physical evidence to support this claim? There isn't any, of course. This is because the implant/tracking device motif is a common claim within UFO lore. The amazing part is that it is accepted at face value without requiring anyone to provide the physical remains of any implant. Surely these artifacts exist among the UFO lorists since it is "common knowledge" that the implants "serve as a tracking device or controlling device."

crazymikey said:
If such a device has been implanted in you, get it removed immediately, and move home, or even state, then your abductions may stop.

You truly are nuts. You are seriously advising someone with an obvious mental issue to ignore medical treatment and to feed into the illness's delusions by moving to another state?

Somebody please close this thread and delete it before this guy gets hurt and sues SciForums.

crazymikey said:
I hope I was of some help.

You probably only helped someone with a genuine need for medical attention feed in to their delusions and put off the help.

Dark Knight, I'm not trying to offend you. The fact remains that it is possible that you were abducted by an alien life form. I just note that there are many other possibilities that are more probable that would explain what's happening to you. Avoid the so-called UFO researchers that this guy suggested, particularly Mack and Hopkins. These guys are already convinced of what they believe in and will only seek to reinforce their own beliefs and hypotheses in a twisted way of seeking self actualization.

Go to a neurologist and get a consult. Have the MRI/CAT scan done. At least use that as a way to rule out a possible mental defect such as temporal lobe epilepsy or gray matter heterotopia.

If these and other deleterious conditions can be ruled out, then by all means, seek help from whereever seems to work for you, even if it's Hopkins and Mack. They're charletons, but probably well-meaning. I've no doubt that Mack thinks he's doing the right thing.
Skinwalker. I am going to be as eloquent as possible - just shup up. No one is forcing you to believe, and you are not interested to explore the belief. What you are doing, is almost trollish. If you are convinced its a cult movement, then ignore it, better yet - make your point known, and then ignore it. But ranting in every topic about it, is only going to make you look like a troll. If that is what you want, then be my guest but consider your stay short.

Oh and this:

Why the sudden change of perspective? Lack of evidence has never slowed you down in your own claims.

Don't bullshit, you can review the entire topic, of how many arguments and proofs I have produced, and still producing. I'm working hard to research everyday so I can produce the proofs. What have you produced? Nothing. All you've done is constantly repeat like a parrot, UFO's, and their proponents, are cultist or fanatics.

Have you considered changing your name to skincrawler, it would be much apt.
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I wish there was more understanding people like crazymiley and less Skinwaker types around. At least he tries to help. I have seen and heard to much not to believe.
crazymikey said:
Skinwalker. I am going to be as eloquent as possible - just shup up.

I'm going to be as eloquent as possible - what the fuck is a "shup?"

crazymikey said:
No one is forcing you to believe, and you are not interested to explore the belief. What you are doing, is almost trollish.

Then, by all means, put me on your Ignore List! That way, all you'll see is something like this:

crazymikey said:
But ranting in every topic about it, is only going to make you look like a troll. If that is what you want, then be my guest but consider your stay short.

I don't believe I've posted in more than 3 threads where I've mentioned anything relating to UFO/ETI proponents having religious archetypes and motifs. Certainly not "every topic." But since you are on the subject of trolling... don't you think that by coming to a Science Board and posting a wild-ass claim in the pseudoscience section (where "fake" science is discussed) is considered "trolling?"

crazymikey said:
Don't bullshit, you can review the entire topic, of how many arguments and proofs I have produced, and still producing.

To date, you've produced absolutely NO PROOFS whatever. A bunch of believers (by your own admission in this last post) ranting about what they believe is occuring and what the "believe" they saw is not proof. That kind of "proof" doesn't hold up in court nor should it hold up in science.

crazymikey said:
What have you produced? Nothing.

I'm not making the wild claims.

crazymikey said:
Have you considered changing your name to skincrawler, it would be much apt.

Ahh.. the predictable argumentum ad hominem. The true mark of a pseudoscience proponant.
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I don't think the advice offered by Skinwalker was offensive or insensitive. Seeking some professional medical help would not hurt would it?
Shaman, if you have a problem in your sight, where do you go, to the gynecologist or the optician? (I suppose you could make the wrong choice, depends how bad the condition is ;) )
Sounds like you've been used the same way I have in the past, or though your conclusions currently drawn are still those that they wish you to perceive.

I know I would like to suggest to fight those that oppress through this type of Quantum Mechanics, however if they are playing that whole "Good doggy, Bad Doggy" routine, going against the grain is just going to cause pain.

(Although sometimes it's good to go against the grain, especially if it's the morality or legality of issues, and if the grain isn't that of the majority rule which is decided by a collective of countries such as the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights")

My thoughts are very simple on the subject, There are many tests done by psychological institutes that involve the usage of precognative abilities through the use of cards, Tied with the current usage of Quantum manipulation and the studies of how to generate "holographic projection" that can cross space (and to a degree can involve time, but thats just down to the usage of parallel physics to generate interaction at a subatomic level that doesn't cause the radioactive factors that are originally attributed to wavelength penetration of mass and reverberating solitons.)

Other area's of such studies were those done during the beginning of the second world war, during the pre-studies with the goal of Eugenics by the Nazi's. Admittedly the people used were that that were already inside mental hospitals due to the current world climate of a Depression at that time.

However I'm not suggesting that the people doing it are Nazi's, in certain respects such people that are racist should be removed from such systems because of the potential to entrap people into crime, or through causing the foundations for terrorist activities (i.e. like a person being ignored to the point of trying to generate something to draw attention to the issue.)

However, although most of my presumptions and theories direct attention to that of the medical research institutes that wouldn't want to payout the money for having people do tests that they could potentially sue about at a later date, there is the aspect of military usage.

The military would have people that have an undermined value of what Human Rights are based upon their potential to kill people in battle (and only true declared warefare/confrication I hope)

The usage that the military might use it for can go from the usage of people as agents that infiltrate groups/factions without knowing they are an agent (For instance if you didn't know, a Lie detector or truth serum isn't going to get the information about who your handler is).

Subversion, the usage of converting a person to what ever way of thinking you would prefer them to think either for the greater good of a country or currency (Buy this product) or for the usage of providing an opposite to create continued confliction and funding for a particular military entity)

Anti-Personnel, The creation of an incapacified public means a less demanding one. When you feel that standing up for your rights is getting you no where, you become complacent, complacency might be seen as a way of easing problems although such methods have a habit of drawing more incomplacency.

Such equipment in usage has been known to exist in at least 4 or 5 military budgets worldwide, with the potential of other countries catching up similar to those that are exploring nuclear weaponry.

all in all, you could attempt to get medical help and have those professionals telling you that it's a medical condition based on the medical knowledge that was aspired before the use of Radiological equipment, however if you do get such a checkup, don't tell them what you have been through unless you have the ability to Veto any of their suggestions.

As for stacks of greys and what you see, it's subversion and it's working if you believe it, some people would want you to believe because they could be building a religion (they might in turn be conmen utilising such equipment to pedal their wares, similar to the subjection of such projection that most of the governments know about that occured in the South of France at a cult, during the late 1970's, early 1980's.

Quote "Theres only Big fish in the pond, when the little fish don't have teeth"
"I highly advise that you seek medical attention of a good neurologist soon and get an MRI done. This is probably the last thing you want to hear, but people that have disorders of the brain to the point that it controls their beliefs (Vilayanur S. Ramachandran, Reith Lectures 2003) have difficulty accepting that what they are experiencing may not be real."

With all due respect, I have done the medical route, MRI et al,...nothing there!

I am a 31 year old Pharmaceutical Scientist and am quite familiar with the scientific method, thank you, I use it on a daily basis at work. And may I say, I accept your scepticism...and you may please permit me to be sceptical of some of the pseudo-science ideals, coming from the Pharmaceutical industry, I have a great many.

That and if I had the problems you are describing, one of the doctor's would have found it (yes I saw more than one). And I sincerely doubt I would be able to successfully work in a science regulated field.

So sorry that the UFO phenom isn't widely seen as acceptable here, this is where the CUFOS website lead me.

With all due respect, I wrote my dissertation on world peace in university for scholarship and won first place, thank you very much (and what the hell have you done in your spare time). I can formulate arguments quite well, in fact exceptionally well if I do say so myself. I couldn't do that if unable to interact with reality.

Back to my situation, I have had other things happen to me besides the mental and emotional stuff. There has been vandalism and crank phone calls. That and I have found injection marks on my upper thigh.

There are human perps involved, who they may be, I am still questioning.

Thank you for the help and the links, if anything else is heard on this topic I would like to know because I need answers. Please, someone keep me informed. I've left my email address in my profile.
I'll point this much....Whitley Strieber's website is one of the forums I posted on...and I got a very odd response from one of the participants.

Go here and click on the thread of the same name as this one: Neg greys and Psychic Attack. Look at the second posting made by someone called Aztec.

Although I disagree a great deal wtih some of what he said, his descriptions made my jaw drop to the floor, especially the painting depicting the attack I have described.
Dark Knight, I can't even pretend to understand what is happening to you,
I have no idea if any, part or all of what you perceive has a basis in fact.
I did read your post closely enough to realize you are a female though, unlike
some who are offering advice. I came across an interesting article a couple
of months ago by James Martellaro, another preceived abductee. Like you,
he is a scientist and holds a Ph.D. He had praise for Budd Hopkins, as many
other percieved abductees have had before him, claiming Mr. Hopkins is a
caring and compassionate human being. I will give you a link to his article
for you to decide if his experience may help you to consider if regression
may be of benefit for you, if you haven't tried it already.
Here is a link to Dr. Martellaro's BIO, in case anyone doubts he is whom he
claims to be in the article.
I appreciate it...but it won't work.

I cannot achieve a meditative state, cannot be hypnotized, and I haven't had normal dreaming during the night in 6 years (no dreaming at all, in fact, except in a few rare instances). We're not sure why, but I am speculating that whatever/however the cloaking of my senses is accomplished one of the side effects is inability to be hypnotized/obtain deep meditative state/dream.

You're trying to envision...OK...try this. When you stay perfectly still, you'll notice a flow to your thoughts. They drift to events past, present, what you may want to do in the future...usually the thoughts that pop up do so from some stimuli present around you (something reminding you of something, got it?). Part of what is happening to me is that there is no flow to the a block appears, and it's a very fake feeling. And I realize you can't know what I'm describing in terms of sensation because you would need some kind of reference standard to compare to, and you don't have any. All you can do is read my account here. My thoughts don't flow or drift to whatever the stimuli would normally have it associate to. Emotions work in a similar fashion and the same thing is happening. The emotions don't flow to whatever feeling it would normally go to. What IS happening is that emotions/thoughts that would NEVER be associated with whatever stimuli I am encountering flood me (sensation coming from the back). Like I said, putting a hand on the hot radiator (stimuli) and the message to the brain (thought) is "This is what cold feels like." You would never associate a cold sensation to an operating radiator. It's very artificial in feeling, but you don't understand for the life of you why this is happening and why you can't associate properly (that causes the most damage).

The greys are involved, but the ones giving the most grief are these human perps, whoever the hell they are.

I can't even believe I'm saying that. I had a life, had a passive interest in this topic on the side, but that's it. I've been dragged into this arena kicking and screaming and have had to force an adjustment to my own belief systems to accept things I would never have even considered before.
Dark Knight, I noticed you mentioned you did a dissertation on "World Peace", could I ask how tactful it was. Afterall any person that is seen as a potential "agent provocateur" is bound to be looked into, namely I guess your a US citizen and it's known that the old school crowd of yesteryear really didn't like people who were communisist (so much so they seemed to lose a description of what one was and tar anyone that spoke of world peace, Which is just an observation while looking at the records the FBI had on Albert Einstein)

Is there any potential that either what you might have written into the public domain or your current work could have implications on who might be utilising you?
I appreciate it...but it won't work.

I cannot achieve a meditative state, cannot be hypnotized, and I haven't had normal dreaming during the night in 6 years (no dreaming at all, in fact, except in a few rare instances). We're not sure why, but I am speculating that whatever/however the cloaking of my senses is accomplished one of the side effects is inability to be hypnotized/obtain deep meditative state/dream.

First and foremost, thank you for completly ignoring my post ;) Don't worry, I have not taken it personal.

Secondly, there is nothing to lose, if you try and consult one of these professionals. They may have dealt with cases like yours, and know exactly what is best for you.
"First and foremost, thank you for completly ignoring my post Don't worry, I have not taken it personal."

I didn't ignore you, old boy! I have sent emails containing this information to John Mack's people, Budd Hopkins, Ray Fowler and David Jacob's. By the way, Mack's people are found at for anyone interested. I did it anonymously and left an anonymous email address they could send info to. Haven't heard anything back.

Well all right I didn't answer your one far as can be determined, the only mysterious thing found upon examination is something behind one of my eyes. I did however, get rushed to the hospital for symptoms mimicking a miscarriage. This is important for a reason...I am 31, have never dated, and obviously never done the "other thing" (I've spent the last 6 years fighting to stay alive, kind of hard to date on the side when you don't think you'll be alive in the next 5min, and I was more into building my career as a Scientist than I was in dating before the attacks). I went through a period in 1995 where I exhibited symptions of being pregnant...tender breasts, you name it. But this was back during a time when I was still in denial over being an abductee. I was finishing up my Bachelor of Science degree and was under a great deal of stress. I felt something odd in my uterus, a terrific, dull pain. I waved it off, thought I was just sick. The next day, I got hit with a pain in my uterus that was so severe, I thought my insides were falling out. I ran to the bathroom and immediately threw up. My underwear felt wet and I checked them...there was a lot of blood and in the center of the blood was something resembling a frog's egg (what was odd at the time...though I had never had sex, a thought popped into my head, "Oh My God, I am losing my baby." A thought which I quickly dismissed because it wasn't rational.) I turned for a sec, looked back at my underwear and the frog's egg was gone. At that point I wasn't concerned with anything else other than my own condition. I had never felt pain like that before in my life and thought I was dying. I stumbled downstairs to my father and he was shocked at my condition (thought I was having an attack of appendicitis because I kept complaining that the pain moved around where ever I moved). He took me straight to the emergency room. The Doctor heard my symptoms and immediately asked, "Are you having a miscarriage." I said no. She pursued and asked, "Are you sure you are not pregnant." Well I was in serious pain and thought I was dying, finally lost my cool, and yelled back, "I'm a damn virgin, I'm damn sure I'm not pregnant." The Doctor was like OK and immediately said, "well I'm going to have to do an exam on you (gynocological)." She examined me, and it was blatantly obvious that I never had sex. She had a very puzzled expression on her face and said, "Well there's a lot of blood..." and trailed off. She finally looked a bit nervous and said, "I'm going to take a urine sample for testing." The diagnosis was ruled an unexplained abdomenal illness.

"Dark Knight, I noticed you mentioned you did a dissertation on "World Peace", could I ask how tactful it was. Afterall any person that is seen as a potential "agent provocateur" is bound to be looked into, namely I guess your a US citizen and it's known that the old school crowd of yesteryear really didn't like people who were communisist (so much so they seemed to lose a description of what one was and tar anyone that spoke of world peace, Which is just an observation while looking at the records the FBI had on Albert Einstein)

Is there any potential that either what you might have written into the public domain or your current work could have implications on who might be utilising you?"

I am not known for tact, at all. I am blunt, to the point, and occasionally perceived as insulting if not down right threatening. My Dissertation revolved around the topic of race relations, and their affect on world peace. I have published excerpts anonymously in newpapers, and without fail, they provoked strong, angry retorts. You'd think i killed their puppy in front of their face or something. My plan before 1993 and well before the attacks, was to write a book on Race Relations. I thought I had some unique insight and wanted to teach people how to communicate with each other. The main missing ingredient: empathy. When the greys began picking me up in 1993, alledgedly, their reasons were because they were interested in my thoughts and ideas on empathy (they thought I had ideas they had either lost or were missing). Now, still alledgedly, the Neg greys did not want me doing this and handed my name over to these "human helpers hooked up to the machines" whoever they are. That was when the attacks started. I hear a lot of, "You're dangerous, you've got to be stopped, you're going to work for us, not them...blah, blah, blah."

The comedy behind all this...these attacks caused me to fragment and my self to disentegrate in ways I could never have imagined. They wanted me destroyed so I couldn't function and do whatever it was they were afraid I would do. But in my recovery, I have learned how to "reintegrate" the fragmented portions of myself and discovered the intricacies of how consciousness and awareness of self evolves. Personal Boundary formation. I think this is one of the things the grey's are missing in their search to re-obtain emotion. These jerks attacked me to stop me from doing something...and it looks like I did it anyway as a result of the very attacks they put me through. I take every opportunity to laugh at their expense when I think about it.