Nanny Free for Thee and Me?

Predator = someone that creates a cure for cancer! Nonsensical, but okay, unless she denied the cancer cure to those who could not afford it and being greedy she probably would I would consider this predatory.. Again you are going to need oversight and regulations to make sure this does not happen. Unless it is more important that your vision of the free market come to fruition and to hell with the losers this may create.
I think you'll find most of the people doing medical research fall into the 'predator' category. They're extremely driven professionally and often come with big personalities. Many could probably be diagnosed with sociopathy TTYTT. I'd say this would make up most of the successful research labs. These are people willing to get up and at work from 5am and come home 12 midnight 7 days a week. Never spending any time with family and friends is a sacrifice they're more than willing to make for their obsession with work. AND, if you're not willing to do this - don't go into the business of research. It's not for you. I can easily spend 65-80+ hours a week at work depending on the time of year.

Secondly, why on earth would anyone want to make this sacrifice and actually create a cure and then not maximize their profit by selling it?!? This just makes ZERO sense. What their internal motivation is, really doesn't matter. The fact is, economically, they NEED to sell to as many people as fast as possible.

If they tried to restrict it's use to the 'rich', someone else will come along and make something similar (or just copy it) and sell it to the 'poor'. Off-label drugs as an example. If you look around at the richest families and most successful businesses: Ford, Toyota, Sony, Walmart, McDonald's, Starbucks, Kellogg - they made their success selling to the middle class and poor, not to the 'rich'. Are there people who make super yachts? Sure, but they're a very very small slice of corporate America.

Lastly, there's no need for regulations to perform medical research and develop drugs. Regulations more often than not, prevent drugs from being discovered. It's so bad in the USA now, many Americans are simply flying to Thailand and S. Korea and getting their treatment there.

Sex trade entrepreneurs, worthless for profit universities (snake-oil salespeople), doctors and counselors who defraud medicare, doctors that prescribe unneeded medications ( legal drug dealers), predatory lending, etc... I could go on and on and on
OK, you made a list of stuff that presently occurs because top-down regulation doesn't work.


The truth is we did and do live in the world where entrepreneurs were and are poisoning people with chemicals. So you would need lawyers and laws. Who would make these laws Michael?
People. When you enter a business, say a mall, you agree to obey THEIR rules. It's as simple as the mom and pop store with the no shirt, no shoes, no service sign.

How are people going to magically become virtuous, logical and have high IQ's with all this predation?
The STATE is the predator. Without a State, you'll find Predators will find it much more difficult to exploit other's in society. Civilization comes through trade.

Stop and think about this logically. It's IMPOSSIBLE to have a State BEFORE you have Civilization. Civilization (voluntaristic trade) comes first. The State, like a parasite, came second.
Lmao, who knows will doctors and researchers be next or are they too indispensable? What is your problem with the worker, ahh workers = unions. When is too much consumerism enough? When we are covered in waste? Are you proposing that machines will one day take over all professions and we can just create all the day long? Here can you buy my little doodliewonk because you really really want this, not that it has any value and in fact it may hurt you in the long term but you really really must have this!
Somehow you're not comprehending what I'm writing.

I just illustrated a couple scheme's whereby the "Worker" can become a "Producer" - right in their own home. How did you interpret this as anything other than freeing the worker!? In one sentence you complain about the person who 'owns the means of production', I illustrate how in the coming decades this will no longer be a concern - and you complain about this too? I also illustrated how 'white color' services (doctors and lawyers) will similarly be economized so that the 'worker' now has cheap access to what otherwise was a very expensive limited service and you interpret this as I don't like unions?!?

Where the hell are these "Unions" going to exist when "Workers" are now "Owners"?!?

Anyway, while I can't look into the future, I think 'researchers' may be a growth industry as the AI are limited by one thing: Information. Anyone who can generate and provide good 'data' will probably not be replaceable. Surgeons, likewise, will will be around for some time to come.

As for Unions. I have no problem with Private Unions. Public Unions are an abomination. As Private Unions bankrupt most industries in the productive part of our economy, Unions fled to the Public sector - where they're about to do the same to the entire nation.

Source: U.S. Department of Education, National Institute of Literacy
Research Date: 4.28.2013
Percent of U.S. adults who read below a 5th grade level 21 %
Percent of high school graduates who can’t read 19 %

I leaned to read and write at home, with my mom, before starting kindergarten - she mainly used some old hand-me down books, paper and crayons. Of course, this was back in the day when a parent, usually the mother, stayed at home with their child. Now-a-days, we need to drop our kids off at long-term day care from ages 6 weeks in order to get in to work and make our payment to the State for all our free roads and ObamayCare.
Michael, have you always been a laizze faire capitalist? If not, what convinced you? Who are your economic and philosophical heroes for lack of a better term?
Watching the State bail out the rich in 2008. Watching the State make up WMD to invade Iraq. This prompted me to think more deeply about our social structure.