Name a god - how many can we find

Names of god reflect qualities of god - since god has unlimted qualities he has unlimited names

Now that's convenient. Other cultures and beliefs be damned, yours are all just a version of mine. Bigotry at its finest. Fortunately, the reasoned mind understands that your statement here is poppycock. Each of the gods listed in this thread, including yours, are simply creations of the minds of men. There is no other evidence to suggest otherwise -quote all the obscure scripture written by men you want.


On topic: I'm surprised no one has mentioned any of the Sumerian pantheon. Marduk and Tiamat come to mind. In the Enum Elish, they battled each other with Marduk the victor who split Tiamat in two: one half becoming the Earth; the other the heavens. Two others are Enlil and Ea. Enlil orders the extermination of mankind, which is making too much of a racket on Earth. Ea warns Utnapistam, who builds a boat and saves his family.

Jewish authors later adopt this story as their own "fact" of how their "god" saved man from himself thru genocide. Of course, the Canaanites-turned-Jews have become monotheistic and ignore their other gods by this time -even Yahweh/El has to get a divorce from Ashera.

There's also no mention yet of Mesoamerican gods, of which there are many. Far too many for a single post or from the top of my head, but a few of note are:

Quetzalcoatl - the feathered serpent. A prominent god found in Olmec, Maya, and Aztec sites. Fertility was his main gig.

Chac - the Maya god of rain. A cool god to have on your side when the crops are dry; obviously pissed when hurricanes caused flooding and storm surge.

Chac-Xib-Chac - the god of sacrificial dance

God III (a.k.a. Water Lily Jaguar) - true name and purpose is largely unknown, but often scribed with some connection to sacrificial dance.

Moon Goddess (real name uknown) - was the wife of the sun and probably the most worshiped god of the Maya

Kinich Ahau - the Maya sun god

Coatlicue - Aztec earth goddess of life and death. Generally one ugly bitch when depicted in artifacts or script, sometimes with a skull or baby depicted on her belly -she gives life and takes it away.

Mixcoatl - husband of Coatlicue and father of 400 sons. These 400 sons tried to kill Coatlicue after discovering she was with child, but before they could do the dastardly deed, Coatlicue gave birth to a fully armed and ready Huitzilopochtli, who kicked their asses.

Huitzilopochtli - the patron god of Tenochtitlan (an Aztec city) and god of war and a sun god. One ass kicking god that was not part of the Aztec creation or migration myth, so his origin seems wholly Aztec.

Mesoamerican gods are fascinating, as are the early Near Eastern. For anyone to say they are all representations of the same "god," demonstrates that person's ignorance with regard to the cultural history of either. Each of these cultures had gods who were vastly different with different expectations of worship perceived by the followers. They were, of course, deluded by their own superstitious and magical thought processes, just as followers of the gods of christianity, islam, and Eastern traditions are today. At least, however, the cultures of antiquity didn't try to bullshit others into believing their gods were all one and that your gods were really versions of their own.
“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Names of god reflect qualities of god - since god has unlimted qualities he has unlimited names ”

Now that's convenient. Other cultures and beliefs be damned, yours are all just a version of mine. Bigotry at its finest. Fortunately, the reasoned mind understands that your statement here is poppycock. Each of the gods listed in this thread, including yours, are simply creations of the minds of men. There is no other evidence to suggest otherwise -quote all the obscure scripture written by men you want.

What sort of mod are you?
(apart from one that suffers from severe animosity towards theists)
Should moderators not have opinions? Should they not be opposed to nonsense when it's posted? My criticism was a fair and accurate one. I've no animosity towards theists. I do, however, have a bit of animosity towards assertions that are made by theists and other superstitious individuals that are simply poppycock.
Should moderators not have opinions? Should they not be opposed to nonsense when it's posted? My criticism was a fair and accurate one.

I would expect a mod to be able to avoid trolling and flinging bold opinions that are bereft of any intelligent contribution to discussion - seems that you are just out to agitate
Ahh.. so when someone has an opinion that differs from yours, or is critical of yours, that's trolling? Yet another convenient assertion that since this criticism comes from a moderator its somehow unfair. Pure poppycock. Religion is a fascinating affliction of the human species and deserves a critical look. If that criticism is offensive to you, don't read what I have to say. I often ignore large chunks of your posts simply because I'm not interested. Surely you can do the same. But I'm happy to post in spite of you.
Even though Cris and James disagree with me greatly i have never seen them take to a grade of dialouge like yours - anyway if you want to continue with character assasination better that you just PM me and avoid polluting the thread any further
I'm simply disagreeing with you and offering a fair criticism of your comments. If you find them unfair, refute them. This is, after all, a debate forum, eh?

Your assertion was that since there are so many names of so many different gods, that these are all versions of the one 'god.' I find this to be a bigoted statement, since gods are created by so many cultures with many diverse qualities. To say that this reflects your god is to ignore the cultural validity of others. My criticism is fair. If you don't like it, feel free to refute or ignore as you see fit.
thats the point - there is nothing to refute because all you assert are bold opinions without premises - in other words you try to reduce the discussion to a battle of wills
Inca Pantheon

I've not really delved into the Inca mythology, but the Inca are an ancient and complex society with a large pantheon:

Apocatequil - The god of lightning and main priest for the moon god Coniraya

Coniraya - the moon god; turned his sperm into fruit! He then fed it to Cavillaca (a.k.a. Cavillace)

Cavillaca - became pregnant and demanded that the father step forward; when Coniraya came forward after the birth of her son, she was disgusted (guess she didn't like him) and threw herself into the sea and mother and son became rocks.

Apo - god of the mountains

Cocomama - goddess of health and joy who was originally a very promiscuous woman who was cut in two by her lovers; her body became the first coca plant and men chewed her leaves (only after first giving a woman orgasm) to bring health and happiness.

Copacati - goddess of the lake

Illapa - a weather god that kept the Milky Way in a jar, which he used to create rain

Urcaguary - the god of metal and jewels or other items found underground that held high value

Inti - the sun god and protector of the Inca; he kept them warm and bathed them in light

Supay - god of the underworld and of death; the underworld was called Uku Pacha by the Inca and was symbolized by the snake; Supay also ruled over demons

Its interesting to look at the gods of various cultures and compare and contrast them. The snake, for instance, finds symbolic importance for the underworld in many cultures. Some cultures, however, don't necessarily consider the underworld an overall negative thing, but simply a necessary part of the universe. Some cultures see the snake as a positive thing, such as with the Greek cultures and the cult of Apollo (going on memory here), where the snake is a symbol of healing.
Now that's convenient. Other cultures and beliefs be damned, yours are all just a version of mine. Bigotry at its finest. Fortunately, the reasoned mind understands that your statement here is poppycock. Each of the gods listed in this thread, including yours, are simply creations of the minds of men. There is no other evidence to suggest otherwise -quote all the obscure scripture written by men you want.

God is the origin of existence, the absolute truth, the supreme witness, personal, yet impersonal, he is one and one only, as the absolute cannot be many...his qualities are unlimited it would be like describing infinity itself

As for if you were living in the 1600s and I told you about black holes, quarks, would say there is no evidence to suggest they exist because thats what the current science has come to...hahaha...

And we all know that science in a 1000 years will change vastly...meaning that things we currently believe are WRONG...FALSE...INCORRECT.....

In other words what I'm saying is...unless you are the knower of all, and have true knowledge of everything, how can you judge what is true and what is untrue?

In any case what type of evidence do you require? I'm sure you'll try your hardest to debunk any evidence and still refuse to believe in God either way.

Which god are you referencing? As you can see we have discovered thousands of them already. Why would your notion of a god be any better than any of the others?

heres the top ten

ELEGUA: Trickster God of Crossroads, Beginnings and Opportunity.
OBATALA: One of the ORISHAS, he's a Creator God who didn't get a chance to create.
BUMBA: From the Bushongo in the Congo comes BUMBA, the African Creator God of Vomit. Yes, vomit.
SHANGO: God of Thunder, Drums and Dance, having been elevated from being a famous warrior and the fourth King of the Yoruba.
ABASSI: Nigerian Creator God and Lord of the Sky.
OLORUN: Top Sky King of Yoruba mythology in Nigeria. He's God of Peace, Justice and the Yoruba way.
ANANSI: The Spider Trickster God.
YEMAYA: One of the ORISHAS, she is the Mother of Waters and Childbirth, and has stylish color preferences of blue and crystal.
ESHU: Very popular Trickster God. Particularly keen on Opportunity, Communication and Instant Messaging.
ORISHAS: Guardian spirits under the collective patronage of top God OLORUN.

and heres the completes set, there ain't that many

Abassi, Abiku, Abuk, Achimi, Adriambahomanana, Adro, Adroa, Adroanzi, Age, Aha Njoku, Aho Njoku, Aigamuxa, Ajok, Akongo, Ala, Ale, Alla, Alouroua, Amma, Ananse, Anansi, Andriamahilala, Andriambahomanani, Andumbulu, Ane, Anotchi, Asa, Atai, Ataokoloinona, Aunt Nancy, Azra'il, Azrail,
Ba Dimo, Babalu Aye, Babaluaye, Babayanmi, Badimo, Banga, Bayani, Bayanni, Bomazi, Buk, Buku, Bumba,
Cagn, Candit, Cghene, Chango, Chedi Bumba, Chiuta, Chonganda, Chuku,
Da, Deng, Ditaolane, Domfe, Dongo, Dubiaku, Dxui, Dyinyinga, Dziva,
Ebore, Edinkira, Egungun Oya, Ekurana, Elegua, En Kai, Enekpe, Engai, Enkai, Eseasar, Eshu, Esu, Evus,
Fa, Faro,
Ga Gorib, Gamab, Gaunab, Ghekre, Gu, Gunab,
Haitse Aibeb, Haitsi Aibeb, Haiuri, Hare, Heitsi, Heitsi Eibib, Huntin, Huveane, Hyel, Hyel Taku,
Iamanjie, Imana, Itherther, Iyakare,
Jakuta, Jok, Jok Odudu, Juok,
Kaang, Kabundungulu, Kaka Guie, Kalumba, Kammapa, Kamonou, Kamunu, Kanu, Katonda, Khakhabaisaywa, Khodumodurno, Khonvoum, Khuzwane, Kintu, Kumunu, Kwoth,
Le Eyo, Legba, Lela, Leza, Libanza, Lisa,
Maori, Massassi, Massim Biambe, Mawu, Mawu Lisa, Mbaba Mwanna Waresa, Mbere, Mbokomu, Mbombo, Mbongo, Mboya, Mebege, Mebeghe, Mebere, Minga Bengale, Minona, Mo Dimo, Mobokomu, Modimo, Morimi, Morongo, Moshanyana, Mugai, Mukunga M'bura, Mukunga Mbura, Mukuru, Muluku, Mulungu, Musso Koroni, Mwambu, Mwari, Mwuetsi,
Naiteru Kop, Nana Buluku, Nasilele, Natero Kop, Naz, Ndjambi, Ndrian, Ndriananahary, Ndriananhary, Neiterkob, Neiternkob, Neiterogob, Ngai, Ngewo Wa, Nialith, Nimba, Ninepone, Ninepone Mebeghe, Njambe, Njambi, Njambi Karunga, Nkwa, Nommo, None, None Mebeghe, Nummo, Nyaliep, Nyalitch, Nyambe, Nyambe(2), Nyame, Nyaminyami, Nyankopon, Nyikang, Nyiko, Nyingone Mebeghe, Nyokonan, Nyonye Ngana, Nzambi, Nzame, Nzame Mebeghe,
Obambo, Obambou, Obassi Osaw, Obatala, Ochosi, Odomankomo, Odua, Odudu, Odudua, Oduduwa, Ofo, Oghene, Ogo, Ogun, Olodumare, Olokun, Olorun, Olufon, Olurun, Omukuru, Omumborombanga, Omumborombonga, Onyame, Onyankopon, Orisa, Orisala, Orishala, Orishas, Orixa, Oromila, Orula, Orunmila, Osanyin, Oshe, Oshun, Oshunmare, Osun, Oya,
Pale Fox, Pemba,
Qamata, Qamta, Quamta,
Rada, Raluvumbha, Rugaba, Rugira, Ruhanga, Rurema, Ruwa,
Sagbata, Sakarabru, Sakpata, Shadipinyi, Shakpana, Shango, She, Soko, Somtup, Sopona, Sudika Mbambi,
Thixo, Tilo, Tore, Tsetse Bumba, Tsui, Tsui //goab, Tsui Goab,
Uhlanga, Umvelinqangi, Unkul, Unkulunkulu, Uthlanga,
Waaqa, Waaqa Tokkichaa, Wak, Waq, Wele, Were, Woyengi, Wulbari, Wuni, Wuona, Wuonji, Wuonkwere, Wuonoru,
Yansan, Yasigi, Yeban, Yemanja, Yemaya, Yemayah, Yemonja, Yurugu,

Which god are you referencing? As you can see we have discovered thousands of them already.

You could also uncover thousands of different names for water as well

Why would your notion of a god be any better than any of the others?

Thats an advanced theistic topic, practical only to be discussed amongst theists (ie which forms of god are more complete than others) - I think you would agree that it would be a waste of time discussing the primary and secondary details of anything amongst persons who doubt the existence of the said object

Which god are you referencing? As you can see we have discovered thousands of them already. Why would your notion of a god be any better than any of the others?

those 'gods' described I would not term 'God' because they are human-like, changing, material, etc...where as 'God' as I described is unchanging, immaterial, the origin of reality, absolute, the basis of reality, etc...

As I said the absolute cannot be many as it is the its impossible for there to be more than one real 'God'...
As I said the absolute cannot be many as it is the its impossible for there to be more than one real 'God'...
There are two "absolute" ONEs in the total of TWO, are there not?
Each ONE is unmoving, unchanging etc - but is merely a part of the TWO.

Likewise - if you had a pile of infinite bricks - and split it into two piles - how many bricks in each pile?


Anyhoo - isn't there a God of Rats, somewhere? Or just a Death of Rats?
You could also uncover thousands of different names for water as well

The flaw in your assumption is that everyone would agree on the description of water whereas no one would agree on the descriptions of their gods, hence would not agree with you on the description of your god with theirs. Simple, really.