My unanswered questions about Christ

My Dear Myles,

If any of that inflated dribble was true you would have responded to Bill Seper instead of myself who concured with the assesment. No, you made me your target. I have four theories as too why, only one of them is favorable.

I however will not indulge your dishonesty. Your tactics are a perverse menage a trois of denial, dishonesty and deflection. You engaged my post. You latched on to the only tenuous grip you could find in my statement: An expressed opinion. You then proceeded to do as per your modus operandi and questioned a statement useless to the point of the thread, useless to the topic of discussion, useless to everyone else

Why? You needed a distraction. Your post was the pinnicale of stupid. Dare I say few aspire to your nonchalant word vomit you offer as intelligent and intellectual discourse.

As to the unsolicited pm you sent me asking whether I needed help. I regarded it as an effort to proselytize behind the scenes

You obtuse piece of flotsam...:bugeye:
If you recall the progression of events i was ATTEMPTING to ignore you. Not liking that early tactic you then proceeded to SPAM up other threads in an attempt snag my attention. At first I thought it was cute... I, Finally, sick of your child like pursuit of attention, addressed you discretely in a Private Message...asking "can I help you?"

I am really begining to question not just your arguement but your intelligence and what appears to be a very, very tenuous grasp on reality.

It's best if you don't respond. It might show some shread of maturity on your part and allow the topic of the thead to continue.
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My Dear Myles,

If any of that inflated dribble was true you would have responded to Bill Seper instead of myself who concured with the assesment. No, you made me your target. I have four theories as too why, only one of them is favorable.

I however will not indulge your dishonesty. Your tactics are a perverse menage a trois of denial, dishonesty and deflection. You engaged my post. You latched on to the only tenuous grip you could find in my statement: An expressed opinion. You then proceeded to do as per your modus operandi and questioned a statement useless to the point of the thread, useless to the topic of discussion, useless to everyone else

Why? You needed a distraction. Your post was the pinnicale of stupid. Dare I say few aspire to your nonchalant word vomit you offer as intelligent and intellectual discourse.

As to the unsolicited pm you sent me asking whether I needed help. I regarded it as an effort to proselytize behind the scenes

You obtuse piece of flotsam...:bugeye:
If you recall the progression of events i was ATTEMPTING to ignore you. Not liking that early tactic you then proceeded to SPAM up other threads in an attempt snag my attention. At first I thought it was cute... I, Finally, sick of your child like pursuit of attention, addressed you discretely in a Private Message...asking "can I help you?"

I am really begining to question not just your arguement but your intelligence and what appears to be a very, very tenuous grasp on reality.

It's best if you don't respond. It might show some shread of maturity on your part and allow the topic of the thead to continue.

There speaks the voice of desperation. Insults for Jesus .com

You have answered the question at last. As the Germans say, "no answer is also an answer ", in other words you were talking through your hat and were caught out.

I note that you believe that a statement of yours is an expressed opinion when it cannot be supported. That's what is normally called bs. I suggest that your "wisdom" concernig the Bible is nothing more than a collection of expressed opinions. You could have saved us both some time had you said so earlier.

I will leave you with the last word, as I have written you off as being beyond reason
But that's for people who aren't bards and aren't taught meticulously every line of a work. Do you know nothing of oral tradition?

Were bards the authors of the NT ??

The point being made which you are missing/ignoring is that there is no way to tell what we read written in the NT as being an accurate account of what might have been said or done. We are all just taking the authors word for it.That's not good enough for this kid.

There are some theories as to just why the oral tradition was so strong versus the Chinese Whisper analogy.

Divine revelation is one, and the most obvious to Christians. But it's important to note that we don't know that all oral traditions were so bolstered.

Early Life Spans are another.
Because of the long life span of men of that period, the information could have been passed from Adam to Moses through just five human links, namely, Methuselah, Shem, Isaac, Levi, and Amram.

But there is another possibility. From what I can tell archaeologist have cut point from which writing was commonly employed going back into history. However it is possible that they had writing beyond this point.

As far back as the 18 century, the Dutch scholar Campegius Vitringa held this view, basing his conclusion upon the frequent occurrence in Genesis (10x) of the expression (in King James v) "these are the generations of," and once "this is the book of the genreations of."

In this expression the Hebrew word for "generations" is toh le dhohth', and it is better rendered "histories" or "origins."

For example "generations of the heavens and the earth" would hardly be fitting, whereas "history of the heavens and the earth" is meangingful.

In harmony with this German Elberfelder, the French Crampon, and the Spanish Bover-Cantera all use the term "history" as well as other modern translations.

So it is taken to mean there is a previous written history, that perhaps we don't know of. If there was a previous oral history beyond Mosses it was surely destroyed in the Global Deluge.
Wäinämöinen conquered the death and did bring the light (The Sampo/The Sun, was in uderworld/hell/tuonela 3 days :D) back to the world.
-So once again I ask you, why should I take a Jesus as God, and not Väinämöinen ?

Easy. Väinämöinen never actually lived. But, Jesus did.

-Easy ? Ok, then prove it !?! :D

-All praise the Wäinämöinen, Magus of Eternal Ages !
ps. No damnation included :cool:
Possibilities include illiteracy, eventual city dwelling, eventual establishment of permanent worship centers, availability of writing materials, et cetera.

So the possibilities are endles, which means there is no factual information and my guess is as good as yours. I find that unsatisfactory
The Rabbinic Method

A teaching method that was in fashion during the time of the writing of the Gospels. That method adhered closely to learning by rote—a memorizing process using routine or repetition. This favors the accurate and careful rendering of Jesus’ sayings and works as opposed to the creation of an embellished version.

Also note

Luke 4:16

"And he came to Naz'a reth where he had been reared; and, according to his CUSTOM on the sabbath day, he entered into the synagogue, and he stood up to read."

As the arguement was prsented previously he was a mere carpenter and yet he could read and write. That is either testimony to the Jewish educational system or illistrates that Jesus was beyond an average education of common folk.
There is also evidence of dictation to the bible writers.
There is a short account of Jesus at the age of twelve in Luke 2:49.
Due to the most acessible source of Jesus is there any real doubt that Jesus did not dictate to his apostle the events of his life including that which they'd experienced as well?
Good Question.
There are two occerences that I know of.
Mark 6:3

This is the Carpenter the son of Mary and brother of James and Joseph and Judas and Simon.

Matthew 13:55
Is this not the carpenter's son?

The point being that God does NOT want to make himself known to mankind. At least not directly. That would make the entire material existance fruitless. The whole point is to separate the sheep from the goats. If people knew there was a God, most would be on their best behavior. They would put on their best face. But it wouldn't be their true face. The last thing I would want to populate my city if I were God, would be people who only acted good, but only did so because they were afraid of punishment, of God watching them. I would want people who acted rightly because they truly chose to. That's the whole purpose of faith rather than knowledge. You don't find out what the kids are made of until the teacher leaves the room.

Well. I certainly know what you mean by this. God has tried the "reveal myself to the Earth" according to testimony. But he was rejected even then and even rejected his Son and Prophets. There was a clear pattern of rebelion rising and it seemed the eventual course would have been a permanent capture of the Jewish people, permanent captivity.

This way as it is at current is better. He guides his organization from the heavens using angels. But also that he as slated a period of time from Earth to decide for it's self and he stipulated the terms.

He gives authority to rule to the nations (for the sake of order)
According to prophecy he also gives 2520 or "seven times" to the is the number that symbolizes heavenly perfection which seems to mean that this is the most perfect length of time to determine if humanity can rule themselves.

And that's where faith comes in. The example and the testimony has been given. Now it's all about if you want take it to heart or not. If God's presence could not influence the Jews to do right then God was not the issue. We were.
Good Question.
There are two occerences that I know of.
Mark 6:3

This is the Carpenter the son of Mary and brother of James and Joseph and Judas and Simon.

Matthew 13:55
Is this not the carpenter's son?

Nice cite.